diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/_index.md
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index 000000000..133f42c0e
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+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications"
+linkTitle: "applications"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: 2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "2023-10-01-preview"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for 2023-10-01-preview"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/applications/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/applications/index.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/applications@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "applications"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/applications@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [ApplicationProperties](#applicationproperties) | Application properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/applications' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### ApplicationProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **extensions** | [Extension](#extension)[] | The application extension. |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### Extension
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+* **none**
+#### DaprSidecarExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **appId** | string | The Dapr appId. Specifies the identifier used by Dapr for service invocation.
_(required)_ |
+| **appPort** | int | The Dapr appPort. Specifies the internal listening port for the application to handle requests from the Dapr sidecar. |
+| **config** | string | Specifies the Dapr configuration to use for the resource. |
+| **kind** | 'daprSidecar' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **protocol** | 'grpc' | 'http' | The Dapr sidecar extension protocol |
+#### KubernetesMetadataExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **annotations** | [KubernetesMetadataExtensionAnnotations](#kubernetesmetadataextensionannotations) | Annotations to be applied to the Kubernetes resources output by the resource |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetesMetadata' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **labels** | [KubernetesMetadataExtensionLabels](#kubernetesmetadataextensionlabels) | Labels to be applied to the Kubernetes resources output by the resource |
+#### KubernetesNamespaceExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetesNamespace' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace of the application environment.
_(required)_ |
+#### ManualScalingExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'manualScaling' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **replicas** | int | Replica count.
_(required)_ |
+### KubernetesMetadataExtensionAnnotations
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### KubernetesMetadataExtensionLabels
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..985781953
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/containers/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/containers@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "containers"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/containers@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [ContainerProperties](#containerproperties) | Container properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/containers' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### ContainerProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **connections** | [ContainerPropertiesConnections](#containerpropertiesconnections) | Specifies a connection to another resource. |
+| **container** | [Container](#container) | Definition of a container
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **extensions** | [Extension](#extension)[] | Extensions spec of the resource |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'internal' | 'manual' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'internal', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource internally, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the container |
+| **restartPolicy** | 'Always' | 'Never' | 'OnFailure' | Restart policy for the container |
+| **runtimes** | [RuntimesProperties](#runtimesproperties) | The properties for runtime configuration |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### ContainerPropertiesConnections
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [ConnectionProperties](#connectionproperties)
+### ConnectionProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **disableDefaultEnvVars** | bool | default environment variable override |
+| **iam** | [IamProperties](#iamproperties) | IAM properties |
+| **source** | string | The source of the connection
_(required)_ |
+### IamProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure' | The kind of IAM provider to configure
_(required)_ |
+| **roles** | string[] | RBAC permissions to be assigned on the source resource |
+### Container
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **args** | string[] | Arguments to the entrypoint. Overrides the container image's CMD |
+| **command** | string[] | Entrypoint array. Overrides the container image's ENTRYPOINT |
+| **env** | [ContainerEnv](#containerenv) | environment |
+| **image** | string | The registry and image to download and run in your container
_(required)_ |
+| **imagePullPolicy** | 'Always' | 'IfNotPresent' | 'Never' | The image pull policy for the container |
+| **livenessProbe** | [HealthProbeProperties](#healthprobeproperties) | Properties for readiness/liveness probe |
+| **ports** | [ContainerPorts](#containerports) | container ports |
+| **readinessProbe** | [HealthProbeProperties](#healthprobeproperties) | Properties for readiness/liveness probe |
+| **volumes** | [ContainerVolumes](#containervolumes) | container volumes |
+| **workingDir** | string | Working directory for the container |
+### ContainerEnv
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### HealthProbeProperties
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **failureThreshold** | int | Threshold number of times the probe fails after which a failure would be reported |
+| **initialDelaySeconds** | int | Initial delay in seconds before probing for readiness/liveness |
+| **periodSeconds** | int | Interval for the readiness/liveness probe in seconds |
+| **timeoutSeconds** | int | Number of seconds after which the readiness/liveness probe times out. Defaults to 5 seconds |
+#### ExecHealthProbeProperties
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **command** | string | Command to execute to probe readiness/liveness
_(required)_ |
+| **kind** | 'exec' | Discriminator property for HealthProbeProperties.
_(required)_ |
+#### HttpGetHealthProbeProperties
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **containerPort** | int | The listening port number
_(required)_ |
+| **headers** | [HttpGetHealthProbePropertiesHeaders](#httpgethealthprobepropertiesheaders) | Custom HTTP headers to add to the get request |
+| **kind** | 'httpGet' | Discriminator property for HealthProbeProperties.
_(required)_ |
+| **path** | string | The route to make the HTTP request on
_(required)_ |
+#### TcpHealthProbeProperties
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **containerPort** | int | The listening port number
_(required)_ |
+| **kind** | 'tcp' | Discriminator property for HealthProbeProperties.
_(required)_ |
+### HttpGetHealthProbePropertiesHeaders
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### ContainerPorts
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [ContainerPortProperties](#containerportproperties)
+### ContainerPortProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **containerPort** | int | The listening port number
_(required)_ |
+| **port** | int | Specifies the port that will be exposed by this container. Must be set when value different from containerPort is desired |
+| **protocol** | 'TCP' | 'UDP' | The protocol in use by the port |
+| **provides** | string | Specifies a route provided by this port |
+| **scheme** | string | Specifies the URL scheme of the communication protocol. Consumers can use the scheme to construct a URL. The value defaults to 'http' or 'https' depending on the port value |
+### ContainerVolumes
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [Volume](#volume)
+### Volume
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **mountPath** | string | The path where the volume is mounted |
+#### EphemeralVolume
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'ephemeral' | Discriminator property for Volume.
_(required)_ |
+| **managedStore** | 'disk' | 'memory' | The managed store for the ephemeral volume
_(required)_ |
+#### PersistentVolume
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'persistent' | Discriminator property for Volume.
_(required)_ |
+| **permission** | 'read' | 'write' | The persistent volume permission |
+| **source** | string | The source of the volume
_(required)_ |
+### Extension
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+* **none**
+#### DaprSidecarExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **appId** | string | The Dapr appId. Specifies the identifier used by Dapr for service invocation.
_(required)_ |
+| **appPort** | int | The Dapr appPort. Specifies the internal listening port for the application to handle requests from the Dapr sidecar. |
+| **config** | string | Specifies the Dapr configuration to use for the resource. |
+| **kind** | 'daprSidecar' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **protocol** | 'grpc' | 'http' | The Dapr sidecar extension protocol |
+#### KubernetesMetadataExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **annotations** | [KubernetesMetadataExtensionAnnotations](#kubernetesmetadataextensionannotations) | Annotations to be applied to the Kubernetes resources output by the resource |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetesMetadata' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **labels** | [KubernetesMetadataExtensionLabels](#kubernetesmetadataextensionlabels) | Labels to be applied to the Kubernetes resources output by the resource |
+#### KubernetesNamespaceExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetesNamespace' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace of the application environment.
_(required)_ |
+#### ManualScalingExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'manualScaling' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **replicas** | int | Replica count.
_(required)_ |
+### KubernetesMetadataExtensionAnnotations
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### KubernetesMetadataExtensionLabels
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### RuntimesProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kubernetes** | [KubernetesRuntimeProperties](#kubernetesruntimeproperties) | The runtime configuration properties for Kubernetes |
+### KubernetesRuntimeProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **base** | string | The serialized YAML manifest which represents the base Kubernetes resources to deploy, such as Deployment, Service, ServiceAccount, Secrets, and ConfigMaps. |
+| **pod** | [KubernetesPodSpec](#kubernetespodspec) | A strategic merge patch that will be applied to the PodSpec object when this container is being deployed. |
+### KubernetesPodSpec
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: any
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac3e8d4ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/environments/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/environments@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "environments"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/environments@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [EnvironmentProperties](#environmentproperties) | Environment properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/environments' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### EnvironmentProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource
_(required)_ |
+| **extensions** | [Extension](#extension)[] | The environment extension. |
+| **providers** | [Providers](#providers) | The Cloud providers configuration |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipes** | [EnvironmentPropertiesRecipes](#environmentpropertiesrecipes) | Specifies Recipes linked to the Environment. |
+| **simulated** | bool | Simulated environment. |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### Extension
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+* **none**
+#### DaprSidecarExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **appId** | string | The Dapr appId. Specifies the identifier used by Dapr for service invocation.
_(required)_ |
+| **appPort** | int | The Dapr appPort. Specifies the internal listening port for the application to handle requests from the Dapr sidecar. |
+| **config** | string | Specifies the Dapr configuration to use for the resource. |
+| **kind** | 'daprSidecar' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **protocol** | 'grpc' | 'http' | The Dapr sidecar extension protocol |
+#### KubernetesMetadataExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **annotations** | [KubernetesMetadataExtensionAnnotations](#kubernetesmetadataextensionannotations) | Annotations to be applied to the Kubernetes resources output by the resource |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetesMetadata' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **labels** | [KubernetesMetadataExtensionLabels](#kubernetesmetadataextensionlabels) | Labels to be applied to the Kubernetes resources output by the resource |
+#### KubernetesNamespaceExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetesNamespace' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace of the application environment.
_(required)_ |
+#### ManualScalingExtension
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'manualScaling' | Discriminator property for Extension.
_(required)_ |
+| **replicas** | int | Replica count.
_(required)_ |
+### KubernetesMetadataExtensionAnnotations
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### KubernetesMetadataExtensionLabels
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### Providers
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **aws** | [ProvidersAws](#providersaws) | The AWS cloud provider definition |
+| **azure** | [ProvidersAzure](#providersazure) | The Azure cloud provider definition |
+### ProvidersAws
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **scope** | string | Target scope for AWS resources to be deployed into. For example: '/planes/aws/aws/accounts/000000000000/regions/us-west-2'
_(required)_ |
+### ProvidersAzure
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **scope** | string | Target scope for Azure resources to be deployed into. For example: '/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/testGroup'
_(required)_ |
+### EnvironmentPropertiesRecipes
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [DictionaryOfRecipeProperties](#dictionaryofrecipeproperties)
+### DictionaryOfRecipeProperties
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [RecipeProperties](#recipeproperties)
+### RecipeProperties
+* **Discriminator**: templateKind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+| **templatePath** | string | Path to the template provided by the recipe. Currently only link to Azure Container Registry is supported.
_(required)_ |
+#### BicepRecipeProperties
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | 'bicep' | Discriminator property for RecipeProperties.
_(required)_ |
+#### TerraformRecipeProperties
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | 'terraform' | Discriminator property for RecipeProperties.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | Version of the template to deploy. For Terraform recipes using a module registry this is required, but must be omitted for other module sources. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md
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+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/extenders/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/extenders@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "extenders"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/extenders@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [ExtenderProperties](#extenderproperties) | ExtenderResource portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/extenders' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### Function listSecrets (Applications.Core/extenders@2023-10-01-preview)
+* **Resource**: Applications.Core/extenders
+* **ApiVersion**: 2023-10-01-preview
+* **Input**: any
+* **Output**: any
+### ExtenderProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **secrets** | any | Any object |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: any
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/gateways/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/gateways@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "gateways"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/gateways@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [GatewayProperties](#gatewayproperties) | Gateway properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/gateways' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### GatewayProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **hostname** | [GatewayHostname](#gatewayhostname) | Declare hostname information for the Gateway. Leaving the hostname empty auto-assigns one: mygateway.myapp.PUBLICHOSTNAMEORIP.nip.io. |
+| **internal** | bool | Sets Gateway to not be exposed externally (no public IP address associated). Defaults to false (exposed to internet). |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **routes** | [GatewayRoute](#gatewayroute)[] | Routes attached to this Gateway
_(required)_ |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tls** | [GatewayTls](#gatewaytls) | TLS configuration definition for Gateway resource. |
+| **url** | string | URL of the gateway resource. Readonly
_(read-only)_ |
+### GatewayHostname
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **fullyQualifiedHostname** | string | Specify a fully-qualified domain name: myapp.mydomain.com. Mutually exclusive with 'prefix' and will take priority if both are defined. |
+| **prefix** | string | Specify a prefix for the hostname: myhostname.myapp.PUBLICHOSTNAMEORIP.nip.io. Mutually exclusive with 'fullyQualifiedHostname' and will be overridden if both are defined. |
+### GatewayRoute
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **destination** | string | The HttpRoute to route to. Ex - myserviceroute.id. |
+| **path** | string | The path to match the incoming request path on. Ex - /myservice. |
+| **replacePrefix** | string | Optionally update the prefix when sending the request to the service. Ex - replacePrefix: '/' and path: '/myservice' will transform '/myservice/myroute' to '/myroute' |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### GatewayTls
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **certificateFrom** | string | The resource id for the secret containing the TLS certificate and key for the gateway. |
+| **minimumProtocolVersion** | '1.2' | '1.3' | Tls Minimum versions for Gateway resource. |
+| **sslPassthrough** | bool | If true, gateway lets the https traffic sslPassthrough to the backend servers for decryption. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..86d93a969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/httproutes/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/httproutes@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "httproutes"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/httproutes@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [HttpRouteProperties](#httprouteproperties) | HTTPRoute properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/httpRoutes' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### HttpRouteProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **hostname** | string | The internal hostname accepting traffic for the HTTP Route. Readonly. |
+| **port** | int | The port number for the HTTP Route. Defaults to 80. Readonly. |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **scheme** | string | The scheme used for traffic. Readonly.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **url** | string | A stable URL that that can be used to route traffic to a resource. Readonly.
_(read-only)_ |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/secretstores@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "secretstores"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/secretstores@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [SecretStoreProperties](#secretstoreproperties) | The properties of SecretStore |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/secretStores' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### Function listSecrets (Applications.Core/secretStores@2023-10-01-preview)
+* **Resource**: Applications.Core/secretStores
+* **ApiVersion**: 2023-10-01-preview
+* **Input**: any
+* **Output**: [SecretStoreListSecretsResult](#secretstorelistsecretsresult)
+### SecretStoreProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **data** | [SecretStorePropertiesData](#secretstorepropertiesdata) | An object to represent key-value type secrets
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **resource** | string | The resource id of external secret store. |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **type** | 'certificate' | 'generic' | The type of SecretStore data |
+### SecretStorePropertiesData
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [SecretValueProperties](#secretvalueproperties)
+### SecretValueProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **encoding** | 'base64' | 'raw' | The type of SecretValue Encoding |
+| **value** | string | The value of secret. |
+| **valueFrom** | [ValueFromProperties](#valuefromproperties) | The Secret value source properties |
+### ValueFromProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the referenced secret.
_(required)_ |
+| **version** | string | The version of the referenced secret. |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### SecretStoreListSecretsResult
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **data** | [SecretStoreListSecretsResultData](#secretstorelistsecretsresultdata) | An object to represent key-value type secrets
_(read-only)_ |
+| **type** | 'certificate' | 'generic' | The type of SecretStore data
_(read-only)_ |
+### SecretStoreListSecretsResultData
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [SecretValueProperties](#secretvalueproperties)
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/2023-10-01-preview/volumes/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core/volumes@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "volumes"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core/volumes@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [VolumeProperties](#volumeproperties) | Volume properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Core/volumes' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### VolumeProperties
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by
_(required)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to (if applicable) |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+#### AzureKeyVaultVolumeProperties
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **certificates** | [AzureKeyVaultVolumePropertiesCertificates](#azurekeyvaultvolumepropertiescertificates) | The KeyVault certificates that this volume exposes |
+| **keys** | [AzureKeyVaultVolumePropertiesKeys](#azurekeyvaultvolumepropertieskeys) | The KeyVault keys that this volume exposes |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.keyvault' | Discriminator property for VolumeProperties.
_(required)_ |
+| **resource** | string | The ID of the keyvault to use for this volume resource
_(required)_ |
+| **secrets** | [AzureKeyVaultVolumePropertiesSecrets](#azurekeyvaultvolumepropertiessecrets) | The KeyVault secrets that this volume exposes |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### AzureKeyVaultVolumePropertiesCertificates
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [CertificateObjectProperties](#certificateobjectproperties)
+### CertificateObjectProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **alias** | string | File name when written to disk |
+| **certType** | 'certificate' | 'privatekey' | 'publickey' | Represents certificate types |
+| **encoding** | 'base64' | 'hex' | 'utf-8' | Represents secret encodings |
+| **format** | 'pem' | 'pfx' | Represents certificate formats |
+| **name** | string | The name of the certificate
_(required)_ |
+| **version** | string | Certificate version |
+### AzureKeyVaultVolumePropertiesKeys
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [KeyObjectProperties](#keyobjectproperties)
+### KeyObjectProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **alias** | string | File name when written to disk |
+| **name** | string | The name of the key
_(required)_ |
+| **version** | string | Key version |
+### AzureKeyVaultVolumePropertiesSecrets
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [SecretObjectProperties](#secretobjectproperties)
+### SecretObjectProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **alias** | string | File name when written to disk |
+| **encoding** | 'base64' | 'hex' | 'utf-8' | Represents secret encodings |
+| **name** | string | The name of the secret
_(required)_ |
+| **version** | string | secret version |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc08314e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.core/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.core"
+linkTitle: "applications.core"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.core"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: 2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "2023-10-01-preview"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for 2023-10-01-preview"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..edf1ca26f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/pubsubbrokers/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.dapr/pubsubbrokers@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "pubsubbrokers"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/pubsubbrokers@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [DaprPubSubBrokerProperties](#daprpubsubbrokerproperties) | Dapr PubSubBroker portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Dapr/pubSubBrokers' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### DaprPubSubBrokerProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **metadata** | any | Any object |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the pubSubBroker |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **type** | string | Dapr component type which must matches the format used by Dapr Kubernetes configuration format |
+| **version** | string | Dapr component version |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca3aa2c6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/secretstores/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.dapr/secretstores@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "secretstores"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/secretstores@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [DaprSecretStoreProperties](#daprsecretstoreproperties) | Dapr SecretStore portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Dapr/secretStores' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### DaprSecretStoreProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **metadata** | any | Any object |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **type** | string | Dapr component type which must matches the format used by Dapr Kubernetes configuration format |
+| **version** | string | Dapr component version |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/statestores/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.dapr/statestores@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "statestores"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/statestores@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [DaprStateStoreProperties](#daprstatestoreproperties) | Dapr StateStore portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Dapr/stateStores' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### DaprStateStoreProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **metadata** | any | Any object |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the state store |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **type** | string | Dapr component type which must matches the format used by Dapr Kubernetes configuration format |
+| **version** | string | Dapr component version |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..113521f71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.dapr"
+linkTitle: "applications.dapr"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: 2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "2023-10-01-preview"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for 2023-10-01-preview"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9e8aeba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/mongodatabases/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.datastores/mongodatabases@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "mongodatabases"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores/mongodatabases@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [MongoDatabaseProperties](#mongodatabaseproperties) | MongoDatabase portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Datastores/mongoDatabases' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### Function listSecrets (Applications.Datastores/mongoDatabases@2023-10-01-preview)
+* **Resource**: Applications.Datastores/mongoDatabases
+* **ApiVersion**: 2023-10-01-preview
+* **Input**: any
+* **Output**: [MongoDatabaseListSecretsResult](#mongodatabaselistsecretsresult)
+### MongoDatabaseProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **database** | string | Database name of the target Mongo database |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **host** | string | Host name of the target Mongo database |
+| **port** | int | Port value of the target Mongo database |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the MongoDB resource |
+| **secrets** | [MongoDatabaseSecrets](#mongodatabasesecrets) | The secret values for the given MongoDatabase resource |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **username** | string | Username to use when connecting to the target Mongo database |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### MongoDatabaseSecrets
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **connectionString** | string | Connection string used to connect to the target Mongo database |
+| **password** | string | Password to use when connecting to the target Mongo database |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### MongoDatabaseListSecretsResult
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **connectionString** | string | Connection string used to connect to the target Mongo database
_(read-only)_ |
+| **password** | string | Password to use when connecting to the target Mongo database
_(read-only)_ |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/rediscaches/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.datastores/rediscaches@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "rediscaches"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores/rediscaches@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [RedisCacheProperties](#rediscacheproperties) | RedisCache portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Datastores/redisCaches' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### Function listSecrets (Applications.Datastores/redisCaches@2023-10-01-preview)
+* **Resource**: Applications.Datastores/redisCaches
+* **ApiVersion**: 2023-10-01-preview
+* **Input**: any
+* **Output**: [RedisCacheListSecretsResult](#rediscachelistsecretsresult)
+### RedisCacheProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **host** | string | The host name of the target Redis cache |
+| **port** | int | The port value of the target Redis cache |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the Redis resource |
+| **secrets** | [RedisCacheSecrets](#rediscachesecrets) | The secret values for the given RedisCache resource |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tls** | bool | Specifies whether to enable SSL connections to the Redis cache |
+| **username** | string | The username for Redis cache |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### RedisCacheSecrets
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **connectionString** | string | The connection string used to connect to the Redis cache |
+| **password** | string | The password for this Redis cache instance |
+| **url** | string | The URL used to connect to the Redis cache |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### RedisCacheListSecretsResult
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **connectionString** | string | The connection string used to connect to the Redis cache
_(read-only)_ |
+| **password** | string | The password for this Redis cache instance
_(read-only)_ |
+| **url** | string | The URL used to connect to the Redis cache
_(read-only)_ |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..469ae0de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/2023-10-01-preview/sqldatabases/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.datastores/sqldatabases@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "sqldatabases"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores/sqldatabases@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [SqlDatabaseProperties](#sqldatabaseproperties) | SqlDatabase properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Datastores/sqlDatabases' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### Function listSecrets (Applications.Datastores/sqlDatabases@2023-10-01-preview)
+* **Resource**: Applications.Datastores/sqlDatabases
+* **ApiVersion**: 2023-10-01-preview
+* **Input**: any
+* **Output**: [SqlDatabaseListSecretsResult](#sqldatabaselistsecretsresult)
+### SqlDatabaseProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **database** | string | The name of the Sql database. |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **port** | int | Port value of the target Sql database |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the SqlDatabase resource |
+| **secrets** | [SqlDatabaseSecrets](#sqldatabasesecrets) | The secret values for the given SqlDatabase resource |
+| **server** | string | The fully qualified domain name of the Sql database. |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **username** | string | Username to use when connecting to the target Sql database |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### SqlDatabaseSecrets
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **connectionString** | string | Connection string used to connect to the target Sql database |
+| **password** | string | Password to use when connecting to the target Sql database |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### SqlDatabaseListSecretsResult
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **connectionString** | string | Connection string used to connect to the target Sql database
_(read-only)_ |
+| **password** | string | Password to use when connecting to the target Sql database
_(read-only)_ |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/_index.md
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index 000000000..f4d89c7c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.datastores/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.datastores"
+linkTitle: "applications.datastores"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.datastores"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af94c70a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: 2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "2023-10-01-preview"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for 2023-10-01-preview"
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7ae7f492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/2023-10-01-preview/rabbitmqqueues/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.messaging/rabbitmqqueues@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "rabbitmqqueues"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.messaging/rabbitmqqueues@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives
_(required)_ |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(required, deploy-time constant)_ |
+| **properties** | [RabbitMQQueueProperties](#rabbitmqqueueproperties) | RabbitMQQueue portable resource properties |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Messaging/rabbitMQQueues' | The resource type
_(read-only, deploy-time constant)_ |
+### Function listSecrets (Applications.Messaging/rabbitMQQueues@2023-10-01-preview)
+* **Resource**: Applications.Messaging/rabbitMQQueues
+* **ApiVersion**: 2023-10-01-preview
+* **Input**: any
+* **Output**: [RabbitMQListSecretsResult](#rabbitmqlistsecretsresult)
+### RabbitMQQueueProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(required)_ |
+| **host** | string | The hostname of the RabbitMQ instance |
+| **port** | int | The port of the RabbitMQ instance. Defaults to 5672 |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the portable resource at the time the operation was called
_(read-only)_ |
+| **queue** | string | The name of the queue |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | List of the resource IDs that support the rabbitMQ resource |
+| **secrets** | [RabbitMQSecrets](#rabbitmqsecrets) | The connection secrets properties to the RabbitMQ instance |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+| **tls** | bool | Specifies whether to use SSL when connecting to the RabbitMQ instance |
+| **username** | string | The username to use when connecting to the RabbitMQ instance |
+| **vHost** | string | The RabbitMQ virtual host (vHost) the client will connect to. Defaults to no vHost. |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(required)_ |
+### RabbitMQSecrets
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **password** | string | The password used to connect to the RabbitMQ instance |
+| **uri** | string | The connection URI of the RabbitMQ instance. Generated automatically from host, port, SSL, username, password, and vhost. Can be overridden with a custom value |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(read-only)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string
+### RabbitMQListSecretsResult
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **password** | string | The password used to connect to the RabbitMQ instance
_(read-only)_ |
+| **uri** | string | The connection URI of the RabbitMQ instance. Generated automatically from host, port, SSL, username, password, and vhost. Can be overridden with a custom value
_(read-only)_ |
diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/_index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/_index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..913461173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.messaging/_index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.messaging"
+linkTitle: "applications.messaging"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.messaging"