diff --git a/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/configurationstores/index.md b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/configurationstores/index.md
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+++ b/docs/content/reference/resources/applications/applications.dapr/2023-10-01-preview/configurationstores/index.md
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+type: docs
+title: "Reference: applications.dapr/configurationstores@2023-10-01-preview"
+linkTitle: "configurationstores"
+description: "Detailed reference documentation for applications.dapr/configurationstores@2023-10-01-preview"
+{{< schemaExample >}}
+## Schema
+### Top-Level Resource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **apiVersion** | '2023-10-01-preview' | The resource api version
_(ReadOnly, DeployTimeConstant)_ |
+| **id** | string | The resource id
_(ReadOnly, DeployTimeConstant)_ |
+| **location** | string | The geo-location where the resource lives |
+| **name** | string | The resource name
_(Required, DeployTimeConstant, Identifier)_ |
+| **properties** | [DaprConfigurationStoreProperties](#daprconfigurationstoreproperties) | Dapr configuration store portable resource properties
_(Required)_ |
+| **systemData** | [SystemData](#systemdata) | Metadata pertaining to creation and last modification of the resource.
_(ReadOnly)_ |
+| **tags** | [TrackedResourceTags](#trackedresourcetags) | Resource tags. |
+| **type** | 'Applications.Dapr/configurationStores' | The resource type
_(ReadOnly, DeployTimeConstant)_ |
+### DaprConfigurationStoreProperties
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **application** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the application that the portable resource is consumed by (if applicable) |
+| **auth** | [DaprResourceAuth](#daprresourceauth) | Authentication properties for a Dapr component object |
+| **componentName** | string | The name of the Dapr component object. Use this value in your code when interacting with the Dapr client to use the Dapr component.
_(ReadOnly)_ |
+| **environment** | string | Fully qualified resource ID for the environment that the portable resource is linked to
_(Required)_ |
+| **metadata** | [DaprConfigurationStorePropertiesMetadata](#daprconfigurationstorepropertiesmetadata) | The metadata for Dapr resource which must match the values specified in Dapr component spec |
+| **provisioningState** | 'Accepted' | 'Canceled' | 'Deleting' | 'Failed' | 'Provisioning' | 'Succeeded' | 'Updating' | Provisioning state of the resource at the time the operation was called
_(ReadOnly)_ |
+| **recipe** | [Recipe](#recipe) | The recipe used to automatically deploy underlying infrastructure for a portable resource |
+| **resourceProvisioning** | 'manual' | 'recipe' | Specifies how the underlying service/resource is provisioned and managed. Available values are 'recipe', where Radius manages the lifecycle of the resource through a Recipe, and 'manual', where a user manages the resource and provides the values. |
+| **resources** | [ResourceReference](#resourcereference)[] | A collection of references to resources associated with the configuration store |
+| **status** | [ResourceStatus](#resourcestatus) | Status of a resource.
_(ReadOnly)_ |
+| **type** | string | Dapr component type which must matches the format used by Dapr Kubernetes configuration format |
+| **version** | string | Dapr component version |
+### DaprResourceAuth
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **secretStore** | string | Secret store to fetch secrets from |
+### DaprConfigurationStorePropertiesMetadata
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: [MetadataValue](#metadatavalue)
+### MetadataValue
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **secretKeyRef** | [MetadataValueFromSecret](#metadatavaluefromsecret) | A reference of a value in a secret store component. |
+| **value** | string | The plain text value of the metadata |
+### MetadataValueFromSecret
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **key** | string | The field to select in the secret value. If the secret value is a string, it should be equal to the secret name
_(Required)_ |
+| **name** | string | Secret name in the secret store component
_(Required)_ |
+### Recipe
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **name** | string | The name of the recipe within the environment to use
_(Required)_ |
+| **parameters** | any | Any object |
+### ResourceReference
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | Resource id of an existing resource
_(Required)_ |
+### ResourceStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **compute** | [EnvironmentCompute](#environmentcompute) | Represents backing compute resource |
+| **outputResources** | [OutputResource](#outputresource)[] | Properties of an output resource |
+| **recipe** | [RecipeStatus](#recipestatus) | Recipe status at deployment time for a resource.
_(ReadOnly)_ |
+### EnvironmentCompute
+* **Discriminator**: kind
+#### Base Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **identity** | [IdentitySettings](#identitysettings) | IdentitySettings is the external identity setting. |
+| **resourceId** | string | The resource id of the compute resource for application environment. |
+#### KubernetesCompute
+##### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'kubernetes' | Discriminator property for EnvironmentCompute.
_(Required)_ |
+| **namespace** | string | The namespace to use for the environment.
_(Required)_ |
+### IdentitySettings
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **kind** | 'azure.com.workload' | 'undefined' | IdentitySettingKind is the kind of supported external identity setting
_(Required)_ |
+| **oidcIssuer** | string | The URI for your compute platform's OIDC issuer |
+| **resource** | string | The resource ID of the provisioned identity |
+### OutputResource
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **id** | string | The UCP resource ID of the underlying resource. |
+| **localId** | string | The logical identifier scoped to the owning Radius resource. This is only needed or used when a resource has a dependency relationship. LocalIDs do not have any particular format or meaning beyond being compared to determine dependency relationships. |
+| **radiusManaged** | bool | Determines whether Radius manages the lifecycle of the underlying resource. |
+### RecipeStatus
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **templateKind** | string | TemplateKind is the kind of the recipe template used by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(Required)_ |
+| **templatePath** | string | TemplatePath is the path of the recipe consumed by the portable resource upon deployment.
_(Required)_ |
+| **templateVersion** | string | TemplateVersion is the version number of the template. |
+### SystemData
+#### Properties
+| Property | Type | Description |
+| **createdAt** | string | The timestamp of resource creation (UTC). |
+| **createdBy** | string | The identity that created the resource. |
+| **createdByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedAt** | string | The timestamp of resource last modification (UTC) |
+| **lastModifiedBy** | string | The identity that last modified the resource. |
+| **lastModifiedByType** | 'Application' | 'Key' | 'ManagedIdentity' | 'User' | The type of identity that created the resource. |
+### TrackedResourceTags
+#### Properties
+* **none**
+#### Additional Properties
+* **Additional Properties Type**: string