This will eventually be a packer configuration to generate build instances (images) on different cloud platforms for MIRC-CTP. I am just in the process of testing!
packer build builder.json
googlecompute output will be in this color.
==> googlecompute: Checking image does not exist...
==> googlecompute: Creating temporary SSH key for instance...
==> googlecompute: Creating instance...
googlecompute: Loading zone: us-west1-a
googlecompute: Loading machine type: n1-standard-1
googlecompute: Loading network: default
googlecompute: Requesting instance creation...
googlecompute: Waiting for creation operation to complete...
googlecompute: Instance has been created!
==> googlecompute: Waiting for the instance to become running...
googlecompute: IP:
==> googlecompute: Waiting for SSH to become available...
==> googlecompute: Connected to SSH!
==> googlecompute: Waiting for any running startup script to finish...
==> googlecompute: Startup script not finished yet. Waiting...
==> googlecompute: Startup script not finished yet. Waiting...
==> googlecompute: Startup script, if any, has finished running.
==> googlecompute: Deleting instance...
googlecompute: Instance has been deleted!
==> googlecompute: Creating image...
==> googlecompute: Deleting disk...
googlecompute: Disk has been deleted!
Build 'googlecompute' finished.
==> Builds finished. The artifacts of successful builds are:
--> googlecompute: A disk image was created: mirc-ctp-test-58151473-5671-eed2-1511-c8afdb680a36