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RabbitMQ HTTP Authn/Authz Backend Examples


This directory provides a number of community contributed example applications that target different platforms and frameworks:

  • Python and Django
  • Java and Spring Boot
  • Kotlin and Spring Boot
  • C# and ASP.NET Web API
  • C# and ASP.NET Core 2.1
  • PHP

Python Example

rabbitmq_auth_backend_django is a very minimalistic Django application that rabbitmq-auth-backend-http can authenticate against. It's really not designed to be anything other than an example.

Running the Example


to launch it after installing Django. You may need to hack if you are not running Debian or Ubuntu.

The app will use a local SQLite database. It uses the standard Django authentication database. All users get access to all vhosts and resources.

The app recognises two users (to make the setup easier): admin and someuser. Passwords for those users do not matter. user admin as tagged as administrator.

HTTP Endpoint Examples and auth/ are the main modules that describe HTTP routes and views (endpoints).

Spring Boot Example

rabbitmq_auth_backend_spring_boot is a simple Spring Boot application that rabbitmq-auth-backend-http can authenticate against. It's really not designed to be anything other than an example.

Running the Example

Import the example as a Maven project in your favorite IDE or run it directly from the command line:

mvn spring-boot:run

The application listens on the 8080 port.

HTTP Endpoint Examples

Have a look at the AuthBackendHttpController. There's only one user: guest, with the guest password. This implementation also checks the routing key starts with an a when publishing to a topic exchange or consuming from a topic. (an example of topic authorisation).

rabbitmq.config Example

Below is a RabbitMQ config file example to go with this example:

auth_backends.1 = http

auth_http.http_method   = post
auth_http.user_path     = http://localhost:8080/auth/user
auth_http.vhost_path    = http://localhost:8080/auth/vhost
auth_http.resource_path = http://localhost:8080/auth/resource
auth_http.topic_path    = http://localhost:8080/auth/topic

Spring Boot Kotlin Example

rabbitmq_auth_backend_spring_boot_kotlin is a simple Spring Boot application written in Kotlin that rabbitmq-auth-backend-http can authenticate against. It's really not designed to be anything other than an example. It contains examples with recommended POST methods and example RabbitMQ configuration. It can be run the same way as the above example.

ASP.NET Web API Example

rabbitmq_auth_backend_webapi_dotnet is a very minimalistic ASP.NET Web API application the plugin can authenticate against. It's really not designed to be anything other than an example.

Running the Example

Open the WebApiHttpAuthService.csproj in Visual Studio 2017, More details about prerequisites can be found below.

As with other examples, RabbitMQ authentication and authorization backends must be configured to use this plugin and the endpoints provided by this example app.

Then Build the solution and run it from Visual Studio. Controllers/AuthController.cs contains the authentication and authorization logic. By default All users get access to all vhosts and resources. User "authuser" will be denied access.

HTTP Endpoint Examples

Have a look at AuthController.

Development Environment

This example was developed using

  • .NET Framework 4.5
  • Visual Studio 2017
  • Windows 10 and IIS v10.0

It is possible to build and run service from Visual Studio browse the endpoint without using IIS. Port number may vary but will likely be 62190.

When the example is hosted on IIS, port 80 will be used by default.

ASP.NET Core 2.1 Example

rabbitmq_auth_backend_webapi_dotnetcore is a modification of the rabbitmq_auth_backend_webapi_dotnet example designed for ASP.NET Core 2.1. It's very similar to the original version but it also adds some static typing for requests and responses.

Running the Example

Open the solution file, WebApiHttpAuthService.sln` in Visual Studio 2017 or later.

As with other examples, RabbitMQ authentication and authorization backends must be configured to use this plugin and the endpoints provided by this example app.

Then build the solution and run it from Visual Studio. Controllers/AuthController.cs contains the authentication and authorization logic. By default All users get access to all vhosts and resources. User "authuser" will be denied access.

HTTP Endpoint Examples

Have a look at AuthController.

Development Environment

This example was developed using

  • ASP.NET Core 2.1
  • Visual Studio 2017 (Visual Studio Code)
  • Windows 10

It is possible to build and run service from Visual Studio using IIS or from Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code using cross-platform server Kestrel.

PHP Example

rabbitmq_auth_backend_php is a minimalistic PHP application that this plugin can authenticate against. It's really not designed to be anything other than an example.

Running the Example

The example requires PHP >= 5.4 and Composer.

The rabbitmq-auth-backend-http-php library depend on symfony/security and symfony/http-foundation components. Go to the rabbitmq_auth_backend_php folder and run composer install.

cd rabbitmq_auth_backend_php/
composer install

Now you can run the PHP 5.4 server (server at

composer start

Ensure the log file is writable rabbitmq-auth-backend-http/examples/rabbitmq_auth_backend_php/var/log.log.

Go to http://localhost:8080/user.php?username=Anthony&password=anthony-password, all work properly if you see Allow administrator

HTTP Endpoint Examples

Have a look at the bootstrap.php. By default this example implement the same authorization rules than RabbitMQ.

Users list:

User password is admin Vhost Configure regex Write regex Read regex tags
Anthony anthony-password ✔️ All All All All administrator
James bond / .* .* .* management
Roger rabbit monitoring
bunny bugs policymaker

rabbitmq.config Example

Below is a RabbitMQ config file example to go with this example:

auth_backends.1 = internal
auth_backends.2 = http

auth_http.user_path     = http://localhost:62190/auth/user.php
auth_http.vhost_path    = http://localhost:62190/auth/vhost.php
auth_http.resource_path = http://localhost:62190/auth/resource.php
auth_http.topic_path    = http://localhost:62190/auth/topic.php

See RabbitMQ Access Control guide for more information.

Running with Docker Compose

An example node can be started using a provided docker-compose.yml file that sets up RabbitMQ. There's also a file that sets up the Django example above:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f rabbitmq_auth_backend_django/docker-compose.yml up --build

Another file, docker/nodered/docker-compose.yml, will run nodered on port 1880 with a configured MQTT client that will connect to RabbitMQ and perform basic operations that will trigger requests to the example service:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f rabbitmq_auth_backend_django/docker-compose.yml -f docker/nodered/docker-compose.yml up --build

Edit the provided config file and enable caching and logging settings.