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Set Up Your Mac for apache and enginx

Qutaiba Rawashdeh edited this page Jan 19, 2015 · 1 revision

Set Up Your Mac

  1. Git (if you type Git on the terminal it will ask you to install Developer Tools, press "Yes")

iraklis [3:45 PM] 2. PHP/MySQL (for our WordPress blogs), | Neil Gee Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin on OSX 10.10 Yosemite for Local Development how to get a local web server development environment up and running in OS X 10.10 Yosemite natively running Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin Oct 17th, 2014 at 12:57 AM

iraklis [3:47 PM] 3. Node.js,, download the Universal package

iraklis [3:49 PM] 4. MongoDB,, go for brew, just brew install mongodb, not the other options. Also, you will need to follow the steps in "Run MongoDB" section (create the /data/db directory, change permissions or owner to your user)

iraklis [3:58 PM] 5. Redis,

iraklis [4:03 PM] 6. Nginx, Installing and configuring nginx in Mac OS X Mountain Lion with homebrew.

iraklis [4:05 PM] 7. You will need to update the Nginx config file, you can use my Nginx config file,, make sure you back up the origin nginx.conf file at /usr/local/etc/nginx/nginx.conf, and then copy paste the gist content. Also, make sure you replace any occurrence of "herc" in the config, with your user name's directory iraklis [4:05 PM] Shared a snippet: worker_processes 4;

Error log file

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log notice; pid /run/; events { worker_connections 4096;

  • 421 more lines... 14KB Shell • New window • View raw • Add comment

iraklis [4:06 PM] 8. Create the Nginx process file, sudo sudo mkdir -p /run; sudo vim /run/ ; sudo chmod 777 -R /run/

iraklis [4:06 PM] 9. ElasticSearch, Intercity Blog Installing ElasticSearch on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks for... Today I tried to get ElasticSearch running on OS X via homebrew. I thought it was easy but I still ran into a problem that had to do with my Java installation. I noticed that more people ran into... July 22nd, 2014 at 1:27 AM

iraklis [4:07 PM] 10. Set up Virtual hosts (, | Neil Gee Set up Virtual Hosts in Apache on Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite how to set up virtual hosts in Apache in Mac OSX 10.10 Yosemite and change the the default Apache web user to be the local account Aug 1st, 2014 at 10:46 PM

iraklis [4:08 PM] 11. Gulp (install globally with -g option),

GitHub gulpjs/gulp gulp - The streaming build system

iraklis [4:08 PM] 12. Grunt (install globally with -g option),

iraklis [4:09 PM] Tools you will need:

iraklis [4:09 PM] 13. SequelPro (MySQL client),

iraklis [4:09 PM] 14. Robomongo,

iraklis [4:10 PM] 15. WebStorm, (make sure you remove the license from your existing installation, and copy it to the new one) The most intelligent JavaScript IDE: JavaScript + CSS + HTML Editor with refactorings, code completion and on-the-fly code analysis

iraklis [4:10 PM] 16. PHPStorm (same as above with the WebStorm license), Smart PHP IDE with refactorings, code completion, on-the-fly code analysis and coding productivity orientation

iraklis [4:11 PM] 17. Sublime, Sublime Text is a sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. You'll love the slick user interface, extraordinary features and amazing performance.

iraklis [4:11 PM] 18. GitHub for Mac,

iraklis [4:12 PM] 19. Slack, Mac App Store Slack Get Slack on the Mac App Store. See screenshots and ratings, and read customer reviews.

iraklis [4:13 PM] After you set up everything, you can go to the /Users//WebstormProjects/ directory, and clone the souqalmal-2.0 project. After it's done, run gulp dev

iraklis [4:13 PM] For the blogs, I have created a souqalmal directory under /Library/WebServer/Documents/

iraklis [4:14 PM] and in that, I have a blog and in that, an arabic directory, where I have cloned the blog projects

iraklis [4:14 PM] not sure if you will have to update the permissions on these two repos

iraklis [4:14 PM] obviously, you would need to migrate the blogs and 2.0 DB's as well, if you want to run the app or the blogs

iraklis [4:17 PM] other useful things you might want to set up: Google Drive (, DropBox ( Install Drive on your smartphone, tablet and computer so you can keep files safe and easy to reach from anywhere. Start with 15GB of free Google storage.

Dropbox Install Dropbox on your Mac Download Dropbox for free. Join the 300 million users and 4 million businesses who already love Dropbox's file backup, sync and sharing solution

iraklis [4:17 PM] Skype obviously, (edited)

iraklis [4:19 PM] that's all I can think of for now

christianmcadam [4:19 PM]

Mozilla Download Firefox — Free Web Browser Download Mozilla Firefox, a free Web browser. Firefox is created by a global non-profit dedicated to putting individuals in control online. Get Firefox today!

iraklis [4:20 PM] or, if you don't want to clear the cache every time,

iraklis [4:20 PM] just saying...

iraklis [4:20 PM] or

nikil [1:12 PM]1:12 Gabriel Rinaldi How to install JDK 7 on Yosemite (10.10) To install it follow these steps: Download JDK 7 Open the DMG Run pkgutil --expand "/Volumes/JDK 7 Update 60/JDK 7 Update 60.pkg" "/tmp/JDK 7 Update 60.unpkg" Go to /tmp/JDK 7 Update 60.unpkg Open... June 4th, 2014 at 6:42 AM

nikil [1:18 PM] go to Applications (after you install WebStorm and PHPStorm), right click, "View package content", edit the file, change JVM to 1.7

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected] DocumentRoot "/Library/WebServer/Documents/souqalmal" ServerName ErrorLog "/private/var/log/apache2/" CustomLog "/private/var/log/apache2/" common

the 3 things you need to start every time you start up your Mac are:

iraklis [3:08 PM]

  1. Mongo

iraklis [3:08 PM] 2. Nginx

iraklis [3:08 PM]3:08 3. Redis

iraklis [3:09 PM] if you wish to auto start them

iraklis [3:09 PM]

  1. (edited)

iraklis [3:09 PM] 2.