- Apache v.2.3 or above. The minimum working version of Apache on which the Lua module can be enabled.
- Lua v.5.1. Using a Lua module with a version number higher than this (ex. v.5.3) will not work.
- Lua module enabled for Apache.
The default implementation of this connector makes use of the ready-made example ApacheHandlerUsingConfigFromFile which uses the Apache httpd handler. It ships with the SDK and allows for an easy setup without having to implement a custom Lua handler. All the configuration can be done in the Apache httpd configuration (for example in httpd.conf
or apache2.conf
A good practice is to store the Queue-it connector library in the /usr/local/lib/
folder. Go to this folder, download the latest release from this repository and extract it:
cd /usr/local/lib
curl https://github.com/queueit/KnownUser.V3.Lua/archive/refs/tags/3.7.tar.gz -Lo lua.tar.gz
tar -xf lua.tar.gz
rm lua.tar.gz
This way the library is now extracted to /usr/local/lib/KnownUser.V3.Lua-3.7
. So, in the below configuration where you see {LIB_FOLDER}
you will need to replace it with the above path to the library.
A good practice is to store this file in the /usr/local/etc/
folder. You can download the latest integration configuration file from the Queue-it API. To do so, you will need to:
- copy your API key from the GO plaform,
- copy your Customer ID from the Company Profile section of the GO platform,
- and replace both values in the below command before executing it.
curl --request GET https://[your-customer-id].queue-it.net/status/integrationconfig/secure/[your-customer-id] --header "api-key: [your-API-key]" --header "Host: queue-it.net" > /usr/local/etc/qit_integration_configuration.json
The configuration file is now stored as /usr/local/etc/qit_integration_configuration.json
. So, in the below configuration where you see {CFG_FILE}
you will need to replace it with this file path.
Note that whenever you change and publish a new configuration on the GO platform, this file needs to be updated. You can just re-issue the above curl command to pull the configuration again. For more advanced/automated metods please refer to the Downloading the Integration Configuration guide.
The following code snippet needs to be added to the relevant section of the Apache configuration file.
LuaMapHandler "{URI_PATTERN}" "{LIB_FOLDER}/Examples/Apache/ApacheHandlerUsingConfigFromFile.lua"
LuaPackagePath "{LIB_FOLDER}/SDK/?.lua"
LuaPackagePath "{LIB_FOLDER}/Helpers/?/?.lua"
LuaPackagePath "{LIB_FOLDER}/Handlers/?.lua"
All the placeholders in the above configuration snippet need to be replaced with the correct values:
- {CUSTOMER_ID} = Your Customer ID can be found on the Company Profile section of the GO platform.
- {SECRET_KEY} = Your KnownUser secret key can be found on the Integration tab of the Account Settings section of the GO platform.
- {LIB_FOLDER} = The path to the connector library folder downloaded in step 1.
- {CFG_FILE} = The path to the integration configuration file downloaded in Step 2.
- {URI_PATTERN} = Pattern used to match which requests should go through the handler. The default configuration is
(forward slash) which will trigger the handler on all requests. The trigger will then use the integration configuration to decide what wil be redirected or ignored. For fine tuning this configuration please refer to the LuaMapHandler documentation.
Note that setting a custom error response code using QUEUEIT_ERROR_CODE
is optional.
If no error code is set, the handler declines to act if an error occurs and the request is let through.
With the modified configuration in place you need to reload the Apache service (tipically with systemctl reload apache2
or /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
). Now, you can test by requesting a protected URL.
There might be specific circumstances in which you need to review and change the default behaviour of the handler file or the included functions.
One of these circumstances is when the getAbsoluteUri
located in ApacheHandlerUsingConfigFromFile needs be be adjusted because the r.is_https
and/or r.hostname
variables are unavailable on your specific infrastructure. In these cases you need to hardcode the correct values (or settings read from environment variables) to mach that of your environment. For example:
iHelpers.request.getAbsoluteUri = function()
local fullUrl = string.format("https://%s%s",
r:debug(string.format("[%s] Rebuilt request URL as: %s", DEBUG_TAG, fullUrl))
return fullUrl
The example above (and default implementation) also contains r:debug
so you can see what URLs are being built. It's important to note that these URLs should be public ones (e.g. use real domain, no internal IPs). You can test this by opening up a browser and visiting that generated URL.
As an alternative to the above, you can specify the configuration in code without using the Trigger/Action paradigm and therefore without using the integration configuratin json file. In this case it is important only to queue-up page requests and not requests for other resources (assets).
This can be done by adding custom filtering logic before calling the kuHandler.handleByLocalConfig()
The following is an example of how the handle function would look if the configuration is specified in code (using ApacheHandler):
function handle(request_rec)
local success, result = pcall
local models = require("Models")
eventconfig = models.QueueEventConfig.create()
eventconfig.eventId = ""; -- ID of the queue to use
eventconfig.queueDomain = "xxx.queue-it.net"; -- Domain name of the queue.
-- eventconfig.cookieDomain = ".my-shop.com"; -- Optional, domain name where the Queue-it session cookie should be saved
eventconfig.cookieValidityMinute = 15; -- validity of the Queue-it session cookie should be positive number.
eventconfig.extendCookieValidity = true; -- Should the Queue-it session cookie validity time be extended each time the validation runs?
-- eventconfig.culture = "en-US"; -- Optional, culture of the queue layout in the format specified here: https:-- msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee825488(v=cs.20).aspx. If unspecified then settings from Event will be used.
-- eventconfig.layoutName = "NameOfYourCustomLayout"; -- Optional, name of the queue layout. If unspecified then settings from Event will be used.
kuHandler = require("KnownUserApacheHandler")
return kuHandler.handleByLocalConfig(
if (success) then
return result
-- There was an error validating the request
-- Use your own logging framework to log the error
-- This was a configuration error, so we let the user continue
return apache2.DECLINED