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Setup and Installation Guide

quaso edited this page Jan 8, 2016 · 6 revisions

Before we start, please read the warning below.

WARNING: The installation of this application requires modifications to your Mazda Connect system. If you don't feel comfortable performing these changes, please do not attempt to install this. You might be ending up with an unusuable system that requires reset by your Dealer. You were warned!

Go slow and read the instructions first before you starting to mess around.

I carefully crafted these instructions to the best of my knowledge but I don't take any responsibility if your Infotainment system becomes unusable because of corrupted system files, boot loops or other severe functionality issues.

These instructions have been tested with Mazda Connect Version 51.0


You should be familar with the process of connecting to your Mazda Connect System via ssh. If not, please go to or the Infotainment thread at to understand this process.

Here is the good news, you only have to do this one time and everytime you upgrade to a new system software version. The Enhanced Compass App is updated through the SD Card once these modifications are completed.

Get the latest release

Download and unzip the latest release. The release package includes the following folder structure:

jci/ : Contains the bootloader

jcipatch/ : Contains the patches for the existing Navigation application

sdcard/ : Contains the skeleton of the application including the application

Download the latest release here:

Distribution package will be available in few days Temporarily use original one and replace with files in src folder

Direct download

Prepare the Mazda Connect Infotainment System


Note: All changes can be done while the system is running

Make sure you are connected to the Infotainment system via ssh and unlocked the hard drive for writing.

Compass Replacement (Bootloader)

If not done yet, backup the existing emnavi application by executing the following commands in the ssh shell:

cd /jci/gui/apps
cp -r emnavi emnavi.bak

Upload the entire jci/ folder of the release package to the folder /tmp on your Infotainment system.

Replace the folder /jci/gui/apps/emnavi/controls/Compass with the folder jci/controls/Compass from the release package.

Replace the folder /jci/gui/apps/emnavi/templates/Compass with the folder jci/templates/Compass from the release package.

Patch clock

If you do not want to use navigation, you can freely skip this step. UNIX System time in Mazda is reset with each restart (e.g. when the car is turned on), however the hardware clock are always accurate. Graphhopper service, which is used to calculate routes, need Https connection. This cannot be established, when system time is invalid. So a command to synchronize system time with hwclock must be executed while/after system boot.

Place this command into /jci/scripts/ start method sample code will be added soon

hwclock -s

Patch emnaviApp.js

Next we need to do some modifications to /jci/gui/apps/emnavi/js/emnaviApp.js.

Open this file in vim, e.g. vi /jci/gui/apps/emnavi/js/emnaviApp.js.

Open the file jcipatch/emnaviApp.patch.js on your local computer.

WARNING: Basic JavaScript knowledge is required from this point

Find the method emnaviApp.prototype._populateCompass in the first opened file and replace it entirely with the function found with the same name in the second file.

Repeat this for the method emnaviApp.prototype._CurrentLocationInfoMsgHandler.

emnaviApp.prototype._populateCompass is found at line #637 (Version 51.x). emnaviApp.prototype._CurrentLocationInfoMsgHandler is found at line #580 (Version 51.x).

Prepare Symlinks

The final step is to connect the Compass application to it's resources on the SD Card (which will we setup in the next step).

Execute the following command on the Infotainment system which will create the required symlink:

ln -s /tmp/mnt/sd_nav /jci/gui/apps/emnavi/controls/Compass/resources

Test the installation

Once this is completed, you can reboot the system or turn off and on your car. Once loaded you can go to the Navigation menu item and you will see a screen which asks for an "SD Card", e.g.


Make sure that you have removed the original sd card since they aren't compatible. If you leave them in, you won't see the Enhanced Compass Application.

Setting up the SD Card

The Enhanced Compass App requires it's own SD Card in a certain format. The SD Card contains the actual application, tiles and extensions, like the POI database.

Prepare the SD Card

I recommend to use a 16GB or 32GB Class 10 SD Card. Make sure the SD Card is formatted for FAT32 (most of them are).

Copy the files

If you are creating a new SD Card, copy the entire contents of the folder sdcard/ from the release package onto your SD Card.

If you are updating to a new release, copy the folder sdcard/system/ from the release package and replace it with the one found on your SD Card.

Create settings files

Create settings.js file in system/js directory and routesCacheFile.js in root of the sd card. Use/rename existing example files.

Editor for routesCacheFile.js will be added

Installing Tiles

The final step is to actual install the tiles. The base release just comes with the outline of the world. In order to have a full working map you need to download the tiles or render them yourselve.

Tiles need to be copy and paste to tiles/ on your SD Card. Make sure to extend or replace existing files since the tiles are sharing all the same folder naming.

A couple community members have offered to pre-render tiles for different regions. As of writing this wait a couple days before these tiles come available.

Instructions how to render the tiles can be found here:

Click here to see all available tiles

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