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Web application for creating and managing multiple DAOs. Live in production at


yarn dev
# or
npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


You can choose which environment you want to connect to. The default development environment is Juno Testnet.


Note: you can get Juno Testnet tokens ($JUNOX) from the #faucet channel in the main Juno Discord. Testnet environment variables are in .env.development and available by default when running the yarn dev command.

yarn dev # starts nextjs dev server

Advanced: Other environments

By default yarn dev connects to the testnet. For developing against localhost or mainnet, copy the appropriate .env file to .env.local. Having a .env.local file will override the default .env.development file when running yarn dev.


NOTE: this will be using the real Juno network and real $JUNO tokens. Use with caution. We highly recommend using the Juno Testnet .env config for local development.

cp .env.mainnet .env.local


This will be using a local development instance in Docker. See the dao-contracts repo for instructions on running a local development environment.

cp .env.localhost .env.local


Please ensure you have the Keplr wallet extension installed in your Chrome-based browser (Chrome, Brave, etc).

Main Libraries

We use a handful of powerful libraries to build this dApp.

To learn more about Next.js, CosmJS, Keplr, and Tailwind CSS, take a look at the following resources:


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DAO DAO TOOLING IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. No developer or entity involved in creating the DAO DAO UI or smart contracts will be liable for any claims or damages whatsoever associated with your use, inability to use, or your interaction with other users of DAO DAO tooling, including any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, or loss of profits, cryptocurrencies, tokens, or anything else of value.