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Larger Testing

第十四章 大型测试

Written by Written by Joseph Graves

Edited by Lisa Carey

In previous chapters, we have recounted how a testing culture was established at Google and how small unit tests became a fundamental part of the developer workflow. But what about other kinds of tests? It turns out that Google does indeed use many larger tests, and these comprise a significant part of the risk mitigation strategy necessary for healthy software engineering. But these tests present additional challenges to ensure that they are valuable assets and not resource sinks. In this chapter, we’ll discuss what we mean by “larger tests,” when we execute them, and best practices for keeping them effective.

在前几章中,我们已经讲述了测试文化是如何在Google建立的,以及小型单元测试是如何成为开发人员工作流程的基本组成部分。那么其他类型的测试呢?事实证明,Google确实使用了许多大型测试,这些测试构成了健康的软件工程所需的风险缓解策略的重要组成部分。但是想要确保它们是有价值的资产而不是资源黑洞,那么这些测试面临了更多的挑战。在这一章中,我们将讨论什么是 "大型测试",什么时候执行这些测试,以及保持其有效性的最佳做法。

What Are Larger Tests? 什么是大型测试?

As mentioned previously, Google has specific notions of test size. Small tests are restricted to one thread, one process, one machine. Larger tests do not have the same restrictions. But Google also has notions of test scope. A unit test necessarily is of smaller scope than an integration test. And the largest-scoped tests (sometimes called end-to-end or system tests) typically involve several real dependencies and fewer test doubles.

如前所述,谷歌对测试规模有特定的概念。小型测试仅限于单线程、单进程、单服务器。较大的测试没有相同的限制。但谷歌同样定义了测试的范围。单元测试的范围必然比集成测试的范围小。而最大范围的测试(有时被称为端到端或系统测试)通常涉及多个实际依赖项和较少的测试替身。(Test Double是在Martin Fowler的文章Test Double中,Gerard Meszaros提出了这个概念。虽然是06年的文章了,但里面的概念并不过时。这篇文章提到Test Double只是一个通用的词,代表为了达到测试目的并且减少被测试对象的依赖,使用“替身”代替一个真实的依赖对象,从而保证了测试的速度和稳定性。统一翻译为测试替代)

Larger tests are many things that small tests are not. They are not bound by the same constraints; thus, they can exhibit the following characteristics:

  • They may be slow. Our large tests have a default timeout of 15 minutes or 1 hour, but we also have tests that run for multiple hours or even days.
  • They may be nonhermetic. Large tests may share resources with other tests and traffic.
  • They may be nondeterministic. If a large test is nonhermetic, it is almost impossible to guarantee determinism: other tests or user state may interfere with it.


  • 它们可能很慢。我们的大型测试的默认时长时间为15分钟或1小时,但我们也有运行数小时甚至数天的测试。
  • 它们可能是不具备封闭性。大型测试可能与其他测试和流量共享资源。
  • 它们可能是不确定的。如果大型测试是非密封的,则几乎不可能保证确定性:其他测试或用户状态可能会干扰它。

So why have larger tests? Reflect back on your coding process. How do you confirm that the programs you write actually work? You might be writing and running unit tests as you go, but do you find yourself running the actual binary and trying it out yourself? And when you share this code with others, how do they test it? By running your unit tests, or by trying it out themselves?


Also, how do you know that your code continues to work during upgrades? Suppose that you have a site that uses the Google Maps API and there’s a new API version. Your unit tests likely won’t help you to know whether there are any compatibility issues. You’d probably run it and try it out to see whether anything broke.


Unit tests can give you confidence about individual functions, objects, and modules, but large tests provide more confidence that the overall system works as intended. And having actual automated tests scales in ways that manual testing does not.


Fidelity 仿真度

The primary reason larger tests exist is to address fidelity. Fidelity is the property by which a test is reflective of the real behavior of the system under test (SUT).


One way of envisioning fidelity is in terms of the environment. As Figure 14-1 illustrates, unit tests bundle a test and a small portion of code together as a runnable unit, which ensures the code is tested but is very different from how production code runs. Production itself is, naturally, the environment of highest fidelity in testing. There is also a spectrum of interim options. A key for larger tests is to find the proper fit, because increasing fidelity also comes with increasing costs and (in the case of production) increasing risk of failure.


Figure 14-1

Figure 14-1. Scale of increasing fidelity 图14-1 环境仿真度递增的尺度

Tests can also be measured in terms of how faithful the test content is to reality. Many handcrafted, large tests are dismissed by engineers if the test data itself looks unrealistic. Test data copied from production is much more faithful to reality (having been captured that way), but a big challenge is how to create realistic test traffic before launching the new code. This is particularly a problem in artificial intelligence (AI), for which the “seed” data often suffers from intrinsic bias. And, because most data for unit tests is handcrafted, it covers a narrow range of cases and tends to conform to the biases of the author. The uncovered scenarios missed by the data represent a fidelity gap in the tests.

测试也可以用测试内容对现实的仿真度程度来衡量。如果测试数据本身看起来不真实,许多手工配置的大型测试就会被工程师摒弃。从生产中复制的测试数据仿真度更高(以这种方式捕获),但一个很大的挑战是如何在启动新代码之前创建真实的测试流量。这在人工智能(AI)中尤其是一个问题,因为 "种子 "数据经常受到内在偏见的影响。而且,由于大多数单元测试的数据是手工配置的,它涵盖的案例范围很窄,并倾向于符合作者的偏见。数据所遗漏的场景代表了测试中的仿真度差距。

Common Gaps in Unit Tests 单元测试中常见的问题

Larger tests might also be necessary where smaller tests fail. The subsections that follow present some particular areas where unit tests do not provide good risk mitigation coverage.


Unfaithful doubles 仿真度不足的测试替代

A single unit test typically covers one class or module. Test doubles (as discussed in Chapter 13) are frequently used to eliminate heavyweight or hard-to-test dependencies. But when those dependencies are replaced, it becomes possible that the replacement and the doubled thing do not agree.


Almost all unit tests at Google are written by the same engineer who is writing the unit under test. When those unit tests need doubles and when the doubles used are mocks, it is the engineer writing the unit test defining the mock and its intended behavior. But that engineer usually did not write the thing being mocked and can be misinformed about its actual behavior. The relationship between the unit under test and a given peer is a behavioral contract, and if the engineer is mistaken about the actual behavior, the understanding of the contract is invalid.


Moreover, mocks become stale. If this mock-based unit test is not visible to the author of the real implementation and the real implementation changes, there is no signal that the test (and the code being tested) should be updated to keep up with the changes.


Note that, as mentioned in [Chapter 13], if teams provide fakes for their own services, this concern is mostly alleviated.


Configuration issues 配置问题

Unit tests cover code within a given binary. But that binary is typically not completely self-sufficient in terms of how it is executed. Usually a binary has some kind of deployment configuration or starter script. Additionally, real end-user-serving production instances have their own configuration files or configuration databases.


If there are issues with these files or the compatibility between the state defined by these stores and the binary in question, these can lead to major user issues. Unit tests alone cannot verify this compatibility.1 Incidentally, this is a good reason to ensure that your configuration is in version control as well as your code, because then, changes to configuration can be identified as the source of bugs as opposed to introducing random external flakiness and can be built in to large tests.


At Google, configuration changes are the number one reason for our major outages. This is an area in which we have underperformed and has led to some of our most embarrassing bugs. For example, there was a global Google outage back in 2013 due to a bad network configuration push that was never tested. Configurations tend to be written in configuration languages, not production code languages. They also often have faster production rollout cycles than binaries, and they can be more difficult to test. All of these lead to a higher likelihood of failure. But at least in this case (and others), configuration was version controlled, and we could quickly identify the culprit and mitigate the issue.


1 有关更多信息,请参见第483页和第25章的“连续交付”。

Issues that arise under load 高负载导致的问题

At Google, unit tests are intended to be small and fast because they need to fit into our standard test execution infrastructure and also be run many times as part of a frictionless developer workflow. But performance, load, and stress testing often require sending large volumes of traffic to a given binary. These volumes become difficult to test in the model of a typical unit test. And our large volumes are big, often thousands or millions of queries per second (in the case of ads, real-time bidding)!


Unanticipated behaviors, inputs, and side effects 非预期的行为、投入和副作用

Unit tests are limited by the imagination of the engineer writing them. That is, they can only test for anticipated behaviors and inputs. However, issues that users find with a product are mostly unanticipated (otherwise it would be unlikely that they would make it to end users as issues). This fact suggests that different test techniques are needed to test for unanticipated behaviors.


Hyrum’s Lawis an important consideration here: even if we could test 100% for conformance to a strict, specified contract, the effective user contract applies to all visible behaviors, not just a stated contract. It is unlikely that unit tests alone test for all visible behaviors that are not specified in the public API.


Emergent behaviors and the “vacuum effect” 突发行为和 "真空效应"

Unit tests are limited to the scope that they cover (especially with the widespread use of test doubles), so if behavior changes in areas outside of this scope, it cannot be detected. And because unit tests are designed to be fast and reliable, they deliberately eliminate the chaos of real dependencies, network, and data. A unit test is like a problem in theoretical physics: ensconced in a vacuum, neatly hidden from the mess of the real world, which is great for speed and reliability but misses certain defect categories.


Why Not Have Larger Tests? 为什么不进行大型测试?

In earlier chapters, we discussed many of the properties of a developer-friendly test. In particular, it needs to be as follows:

  • Reliable
    It must not be flaky and it must provide a useful pass/fail signal.
  • Fast
    It needs to be fast enough to not interrupt the developer workflow.
  • Scalable
    Google needs to be able to run all such useful affected tests efficiently for presubmits and for post-submits.


  • 可靠的
  • 快速
  • 可扩展性

Good unit tests exhibit all of these properties. Larger tests often violate all of these constraints. For example, larger tests are often flakier because they use more infrastructure than does a small unit test. They are also often much slower, both to set up as well as to run. And they have trouble scaling because of the resource and time requirements, but often also because they are not isolated—these tests can collide with one another.


Additionally, larger tests present two other challenges. First, there is a challenge of ownership. A unit test is clearly owned by the engineer (and team) who owns the unit. A larger test spans multiple units and thus can span multiple owners. This presents a long-term ownership challenge: who is responsible for maintaining the test and who is responsible for diagnosing issues when the test breaks? Without clear ownership, a test rots.


The second challenge for larger tests is one of standardization (or the lack thereof). Unlike unit tests, larger tests suffer a lack of standardization in terms of the infrastructure and process by which they are written, run, and debugged. The approach to larger tests is a product of a system’s architectural decisions, thus introducing variance in the type of tests required. For example, the way we build and run A-B diff regression tests in Google Ads is completely different from the way such tests are built and run in Search backends, which is different again from Drive. They use different platforms, different languages, different infrastructures, different libraries, and competing testing frameworks.


This lack of standardization has a significant impact. Because larger tests have so many ways of being run, they often are skipped during large-scale changes. (See Chapter 22.) The infrastructure does not have a standard way to run those tests, and asking the people executing LSCs to know the local particulars for testing on every team doesn’t scale. Because larger tests differ in implementation from team to team, tests that actually test the integration between those teams require unifying incompatible infrastructures. And because of this lack of standardization, we cannot teach a single approach to Nooglers (new Googlers) or even more experienced engineers, which both perpetuates the situation and also leads to a lack of understanding about the motivations of such tests.

这种缺乏标准化的情况有很大的影响。因为大型测试有许多运行方式,在大规模的变更中,它们经常被忽略。(见第22章) 基础设施没有一个标准的方式来运行这些测试,要求执行LSC的人员了解每个团队测试的本地细节是不可行的。因为更大的测试在各个团队的实施中是不同的,因此实际测试这些团队之间集成的测试需要统一不兼容的基础架构。而且由于缺乏标准化,我们无法向Nooglers(新的Googlers)甚至更有经验的工程师传授统一的方法,这既使情况长期存在,也导致人们对这种测试的动机缺乏了解。

Larger Tests at Google 谷歌的大型测试

When we discussed the history of testing at Google earlier (see Chapter 11), we mentioned how Google Web Server (GWS) mandated automated tests in 2003 and how this was a watershed moment. However, we actually had automated tests in use before this point, but a common practice was using automated large and enormous tests. For example, AdWords created an end-to-end test back in 2001 to validate product scenarios. Similarly, in 2002, Search wrote a similar “regression test” for its indexing code, and AdSense (which had not even publicly launched yet) created its variation on the AdWords test.

当我们在前面讨论Google的测试历史时(见第11章),我们讨论了Google Web Server(GWS)如何在2003年强制执行自动化测试,以及这是一个分水岭时刻。然而,在这之前,我们实际上已经有了自动化测试的使用,但一个普遍的做法是使用自动化的大型测试。例如,AdWords早在2001年就创建了一个端到端的测试来验证产品方案。同样,在2002年,搜索部门为其索引代码写了一个类似的 "回归测试",而AdSense(当时甚至还没有公开推出)在AdWords的测试上创造了它的变种。

Other “larger” testing patterns also existed circa 2002. The Google search frontend relied heavily on manual QA—manual versions of end-to-end test scenarios. And Gmail got its version of a “local demo” environment—a script to bring up an end-to- end Gmail environment locally with some generated test users and mail data for local manual testing.

其他 "较大"的测试模式也开始于2002年左右。谷歌搜索前端在很大程度上依赖于手动质量检查——端到端的测试场景的手动版本。Gmail得到了它的 "本地演示 "环境的版本——一个脚本,在本地建立一个端到端的Gmail环境,其中有一些生成的测试用户和邮件数据,用于本地手动测试。

When C/J Build (our first continuous build framework) launched, it did not distinguish between unit tests and other tests, but there were two critical developments that led to a split. First, Google focused on unit tests because we wanted to encourage the testing pyramid and to ensure the vast majority of written tests were unit tests. Second, when TAP replaced C/J Build as our formal continuous build system, it was only able to do so for tests that met TAP’s eligibility requirements: hermetic tests buildable at a single change that could run on our build/test cluster within a maximum time limit. Although most unit tests satisfied this requirement, larger tests mostly did not. However, this did not stop the need for other kinds of tests, and they have continued to fill the coverage gaps. C/J Build even stuck around for years specifically to handle these kinds of tests until newer systems replaced it.

当C/J Build(我们的第一个持续构建框架)推出时,它并没有区分单元测试和其他测试,但有两个关键的进展导致了区分两者。首先,Google专注于单元测试,因为我们想鼓励金字塔式测试,并确保绝大部分的测试是单元测试。第二,当TAP取代C/J Build成为我们正式的持续构建系统时,它只能为符合TAP资格要求的测试服务:可在一次修改中构建的密封测试,可在最大时间限制内运行在我们的构建/测试集群上。尽管大多数单元测试满足了这一要求,但大型测试大多不满足。然而,这并没有阻止对其他类型的测试的需求,而且它们一直在填补覆盖率的空白。C/J Build甚至坚持了多年,专门处理这些类型的测试,直到更新的系统取代它。

Larger Tests and Time 大型测试与时间

Throughout this book, we have looked at the influence of time on software engineering, because Google has built software running for more than 20 years. How are larger tests influenced by the time dimension? We know that certain activities make more sense the longer the expected lifespan of code, and testing of various forms is an activity that makes sense at all levels, but the test types that are appropriate change over the expected lifetime of code.


As we pointed out before, unit tests begin to make sense for software with an expected lifespan from hours on up. At the minutes level (for small scripts), manual testing is most common, and the SUT usually runs locally, but the local demo likely is production, especially for one-off scripts, demos, or experiments. At longer lifespans, manual testing continues to exist, but the SUTs usually diverge because the production instance is often cloud hosted instead of locally hosted.


The remaining larger tests all provide value for longer-lived software, but the main concern becomes the maintainability of such tests as time increases.


Incidentally, this time impact might be one reason for the development of the “ice cream cone” testing antipattern, as mentioned in the Chapter 11 and shown again in Figure 14-2.


Figure 14-2

Figure 14-2. The ice cream cone testing antipattern

When development starts with manual testing (when engineers think that code is meant to last only for minutes), those manual tests accumulate and dominate the initial overall testing portfolio. For example, it’s pretty typical to hack on a script or an app and test it out by running it, and then to continue to add features to it but continue to test it out by running it manually. This prototype eventually becomes functional and is shared with others, but no automated tests actually exist for it.


Even worse, if the code is difficult to unit test (because of the way it was implemented in the first place), the only automated tests that can be written are end-to-end ones, and we have inadvertently created “legacy code” within days.


It is critical for longer-term health to move toward the test pyramid within the first few days of development by building out unit tests, and then to top it off after that point by introducing automated integration tests and moving away from manual end- to-end tests. We succeeded by making unit tests a requirement for submission, but covering the gap between unit tests and manual tests is necessary for long-term health.


Larger Tests at Google Scale 谷歌规模的大型测试

It would seem that larger tests should be more necessary and more appropriate at larger scales of software, but even though this is so, the complexity of authoring, running, maintaining, and debugging these tests increases with the growth in scale, even more so than with unit tests.


In a system composed of microservices or separate servers, the pattern of interconnections looks like a graph: let the number of nodes in that graph be our N. Every time a new node is added to this graph, there is a multiplicative effect on the number of distinct execution paths through it.


Figure 14-3 depicts an imagined SUT: this system consists of a social network with users, a social graph, a stream of posts, and some ads mixed in. The ads are created by advertisers and served in the context of the social stream. This SUT alone consists of two groups of users, two UIs, three databases, an indexing pipeline, and six servers. There are 14 edges enumerated in the graph. Testing all of the end-to-end possibilities is already difficult. Imagine if we add more services, pipelines, and databases to this mix: photos and images, machine learning photo analysis, and so on?


Figure 14-3

Figure 14-3. Example of a fairly small SUT: a social network with advertising

The rate of distinct scenarios to test in an end-to-end way can grow exponentially or combinatorially depending on the structure of the system under test, and that growth does not scale. Therefore, as the system grows, we must find alternative larger testing strategies to keep things manageable.


However, the value of such tests also increases because of the decisions that were necessary to achieve this scale. This is an impact of fidelity: as we move toward larger-N layers of software, if the service doubles are lower fidelity (1-epsilon), the chance of bugs when putting it all together is exponential in N. Looking at this example SUT again, if we replace the user server and ad server with doubles and those doubles are low fidelity (e.g., 10% accurate), the likelihood of a bug is 99% (1 – (0.1 ∗ 0.1)). And that’s just with two low-fidelity doubles.

然而,由于实现这一规模所需的决策,此类测试的价值也增加了。这是仿真度的一个影响:随着我们向更大的N层软件发展,如果服务的仿真度加倍(1ε),那么当把所有的服务放在一起时,出现错误的几率是N的指数。再看看这个例子SUT,如果我们用测试替代来取代用户服务器和广告服务器,并且这些测试替代的仿真度较低(例如,10%的不准确度),出现错误的可能性为99%(1–(0.1 ∗ 0.1)). 这只是两个低仿真度的替代。

Therefore, it becomes critical to implement larger tests in ways that work well at this scale but maintain reasonably high fidelity.


Tip:"The Smallest Possible Test" 提示:"尽可能小的测试" Even for integration tests,smaller is better-a handful of large tests is preferable to anenormous one.And,because the scope of a test is often coupled to the scope of theSUT,finding ways to make the SUT smaller help make the test smaller.


One way to achieve this test ratio when presented with a user journey that can requirecontributions from many internal systems is to "chain"tests,as illustrated inFigure 14-4,not specifically in their execution,but to create multiple smaller pairwiseintegration tests that represent the overall scenario.This is done by ensuring that theoutput of one test is used as the input to another test by persisting this output to adata repository.

当出现一个需要许多内部系统服务的用户请求时,实现这种测试比率的一种方法是 "串联"测试,如图14-4所示,不是具体执行,而是创建多个较小的成对集成测试,代表整个场景。

Figure 14-4

Figure 14-4. Chained tests

Structure of a Large Test 大型测试组成

Although large tests are not bound by small test constraints and could conceivably consist of anything, most large tests exhibit common patterns. Large tests usually consist of a workflow with the following phases:

  • Obtain a system under test
  • Seed necessary test data
  • Perform actions using the system under test
  • Verify behaviors


  • 获得被测试的系统
  • 必要的测试数据
  • 使用被测系统执行操作
  • 验证行为

The System Under Test 被测试的系统

One key component of large tests is the aforementioned SUT (see Figure 14-5). A typical unit test focuses its attention on one class or module. Moreover, the test code runs in the same process (or Java Virtual Machine [JVM], in the Java case) as the code being tested. For larger tests, the SUT is often very different; one or more separate processes with test code often (but not always) in its own process.


Figure 14-5

Figure 14-5. An example system under test (SUT)

At Google, we use many different forms of SUTs, and the scope of the SUT is one of the primary drivers of the scope of the large test itself (the larger the SUT, the larger the test). Each SUT form can be judged based on two primary factors:

  • Hermeticity
    This is the SUT’s isolation from usages and interactions from other components than the test in question. An SUT with high hermeticity will have the least exposure to sources of concurrency and infrastructure flakiness.
  • Fidelity
    The SUT’s accuracy in reflecting the production system being tested. An SUT with high fidelity will consist of binaries that resemble the production versions (rely on similar configurations, use similar infrastructures, and have a similar overall topology).


  • 封闭性
  • 仿真度

Often these two factors are in direct conflict. Following are some examples of SUTs:

  • Single-process SUT
    The entire system under test is packaged into a single binary (even if in production these are multiple separate binaries). Additionally, the test code can be packaged into the same binary as the SUT. Such a test-SUT combination can be a “small” test if everything is single-threaded, but it is the least faithful to the production topology and configuration.
  • Single-machine SUT
    The system under test consists of one or more separate binaries (same as production) and the test is its own binary. But everything runs on one machine. This is used for “medium” tests. Ideally, we use the production launch configuration of each binary when running those binaries locally for increased fidelity.
  • Multimachine SUT
    The system under test is distributed across multiple machines (much like a production cloud deployment). This is even higher fidelity than the single-machine SUT, but its use makes tests “large” size and the combination is susceptible to increased network and machine flakiness.
  • Shared environments (staging and production)
    Instead of running a standalone SUT, the test just uses a shared environment. This has the lowest cost because these shared environments usually already exist, but the test might conflict with other simultaneous uses and one must wait for the code to be pushed to those environments. Production also increases the risk of end-user impact.
  • Hybrids
    Some SUTs represent a mix: it might be possible to run some of the SUT but have it interact with a shared environment. Usually the thing being tested is explicitly run but its backends are shared. For a company as expansive as Google, it is practically impossible to run multiple copies of all of Google’s interconnected services, so some hybridization is required.


  • 单进程SUT
  • 单机SUT
    被测系统由一个或多个独立的二进制文件组成(与生产相同),测试有其独立的二进制文件。但一切都在一台机器上运行。这用于 "中等 "测试。理想情况下,在本地运行这些二进制文件时,我们使用每个二进制文件的生产启动配置,以提高仿真度。
  • 多机SUT
    被测系统分布在多台机器上(很像生产云部署)。这比单机SUT的仿真度还要高,但它的使用使得测试的规模 "很大",而且这种组合很容易受到网络和机器脆弱程度的影响。
  • 共享环境(预发和生产)
  • 混合模式

The benefits of hermetic SUTs 封闭式SUT的好处

The SUT in a large test can be a major source of both unreliability and long turnaround time. For example, an in-production test uses the actual production system deployment. As mentioned earlier, this is popular because there is no extra overhead cost for the environment, but production tests cannot be run until the code reaches that environment, which means those tests cannot themselves block the release of the code to that environment—the SUT is too late, essentially.


The most common first alternative is to create a giant shared staging environment and to run tests there. This is usually done as part of some release promotion process, but it again limits test execution to only when the code is available. As an alternative, some teams will allow engineers to “reserve” time in the staging environment and to use that time window to deploy pending code and to run tests, but this does not scale with a growing number of engineers or a growing number of services, because the environment, its number of users, and the likelihood of user conflicts all quickly grow.

最常见的第一种选择是创建一个巨大的共享预发环境并在那里运行测试。这通常是作为某些发布升级过程的一部分来完成的,但它再次将测试执行限制为仅当代码可用时。作为一个替代方案,一些团队允许工程师在预发环境中"保留 "时间,并使用该时间窗口来部署待定的代码和运行测试,但这并不能随着工程师数量的增加或服务数量的增加而扩展,因为环境、用户数量和用户冲突的可能性都会迅速增加。

The next step is to support cloud-isolated or machine-hermetic SUTs. Such an environment improves the situation by avoiding the conflicts and reservation requirements for code release.


Case Study:Risks of testing in production and Webdriver Torso
案例研究:生产中的测试风险和Webdriver Torso

We mentioned that testing in production can be risky.One humorous episode resulting from testing in production was known as the Webdriver Torso incident.Weneeded a way to verify that video rendering in You Tube production was workingproperly and so created automated scripts to generate test videos,upload them,andverify the quality of the upload.This was done in a Google-owned YouTube channelcalled Webdriver Torso.But this channel was public,as were most of the videos.

我们提到,在生产中进行测试是有风险的。我们需要一种方法来验证YouTube生产中的视频渲染是否正常,因此创建了自动脚本来生成测试视频,上传它们,并验证上传质量,这是在谷歌拥有的名为Webdriver Torso的YouTube中进行的。

Subsequently,this channel was publicized in an article at Wired,which led to itsspread throughout the media and subsequent efforts to solve the mystery.Finally,ablogger tied everything back to Google.Eventually,we came clean by having a bit offun with it,including a Rickroll and an Easter Egg,so everything worked out well.Butwe do need to think about the possibility of end-user discovery of any test data weinclude in production and be prepared for it.


Reducing the size of your SUT at problem boundaries 减少问题边界内SUT的范围

There are particularly painful testing boundaries that might be worth avoiding. Tests that involve both frontends and backends become painful because user interface (UI) tests are notoriously unreliable and costly:

  • UIs often change in look-and-feel ways that make UI tests brittle but do not actually impact the underlying behavior.
  • UIs often have asynchronous behaviors that are difficult to test.


  • UI的外观和感觉方式经常发生变化,使UI测试变得脆弱,但实际上不会影响底层行为。
  • UI通常具有难以测试的异步行为。

Although it is useful to have end-to-end tests of a UI of a service all the way to its backend, these tests have a multiplicative maintenance cost for both the UI and the backends. Instead, if the backend provides a public API, it is often easier to split the tests into connected tests at the UI/API boundary and to use the public API to drive the end-to-end tests. This is true whether the UI is a browser, command-line interface (CLI), desktop app, or mobile app.


Another special boundary is for third-party dependencies. Third-party systems might not have a public shared environment for testing, and in some cases, there is a cost with sending traffic to a third party. Therefore, it is not recommended to have automated tests use a real third-party API, and that dependency is an important seam at which to split tests.


To address this issue of size, we have made this SUT smaller by replacing its databases with in-memory databases and removing one of the servers outside the scope of the SUT that we actually care about, as shown in Figure 14-6. This SUT is more likely to fit on a single machine.


Figure 14-6

Figure 14-6. A reduced-size SUT

The key is to identify trade-offs between fidelity and cost/reliability, and to identify reasonable boundaries. If we can run a handful of binaries and a test and pack it all into the same machines that do our regular compiles, links, and unit test executions, we have the easiest and most stable “integration” tests for our engineers.

关键是要确定仿真度和成本/可靠性之间的权衡,并确定合理的边界。如果我们能够运行少量的二进制文件和一个测试,并将其全部打包到进行常规编译、链接和单元测试执行的同一台机器上,我们就能为我们的工程师提供最简单、最稳定的 "集成 "测试。

Record/replay proxies 录制/重放代理

In the previous chapter, we discussed test doubles and approaches that can be used to decouple the class under test from its difficult-to-test dependencies. We can also double entire servers and processes by using a mock, stub, or fake server or process with the equivalent API. However, there is no guarantee that the test double used actually conforms to the contract of the real thing that it is replacing.


One way of dealing with an SUT’s dependent but subsidiary services is to use a test double, but how does one know that the double reflects the dependency’s actual behavior? A growing approach outside of Google is to use a framework for consumer-driven contracttests. These are tests that define a contract for both the client and the provider of the service, and this contract can drive automated tests. That is, a client defines a mock of the service saying that, for these input arguments, I get a particular output. Then, the real service uses this input/output pair in a real test to ensure that it produces that output given those inputs. Two public tools for consumer-driven contract testing are Pact Contract Testingand Spring Cloud Contracts. Google’s heavy dependency on protocol buffers means that we don’t use these internally.

处理SUT的依赖关系和附属服务的一种方法是使用测试替代,但如何知道替代反映了依赖的实际行为?在谷歌之外,一种正在发展的方法是使用一个框架进行消费者驱动的合同测试。这些测试为客户和服务的提供者定义了一个契约,这个契约可以驱动自动测试。也就是说,一个客户定义了一个服务的模拟,说对于这些输入参数,我得到一个特定的输出。然后,真正的服务在真正的测试中使用这个输入/输出对,以确保它在这些输入的情况下产生那个输出。消费者驱动的合同测试的两个公共工具是Pact Contract TestingSpring Cloud Contracts。谷歌对protocol buffers的严重依赖意味着我们内部不使用这些工具。

At Google, we do something a little bit different. Our most popular approach(for which there is a public API) is to use a larger test to generate a smaller one by recording the traffic to those external services when running the larger test and replaying it when running smaller tests. The larger, or “Record Mode” test runs continuously on post-submit, but its primary purpose is to generate these traffic logs (it must pass, however, for the logs to be generated). The smaller, or “Replay Mode” test is used during development and presubmit testing.


One of the interesting aspects of how record/replay works is that, because of nondeterminism, requests must be matched via a matcher to determine which response to replay. This makes them very similar to stubs and mocks in that argument matching is used to determine the resulting behavior.


What happens for new tests or tests where the client behavior changes significantly? In these cases, a request might no longer match what is in the recorded traffic file, so the test cannot pass in Replay mode. In that circumstance, the engineer must run the test in Record mode to generate new traffic, so it is important to make running Record tests easy, fast, and stable.


Test Data 测试数据

A test needs data, and a large test needs two different kinds of data:

  • Seeded data
    Data preinitialized into the system under test reflecting the state of the SUT at the inception of the test
  • Test traffic
    Data sent to the system under test by the test itself during its execution


  • 种子数据
  • 测试流量

Because of the notion of the separate and larger SUT, the work to seed the SUT state is often orders of magnitude more complex than the setup work done in a unit test. For example:

  • Domain data
    Some databases contain data prepopulated into tables and used as configuration for the environment. Actual service binaries using such a database may fail on startup if domain data is not provided.
  • Realistic baseline
    For an SUT to be perceived as realistic, it might require a realistic set of base data at startup, both in terms of quality and quantity. For example, large tests of a social network likely need a realistic social graph as the base state for tests: enough test users with realistic profiles as well as enough interconnections between those users must exist for the testing to be accepted.
  • Seeding APIs
    The APIs by which data is seeded may be complex. It might be possible to directly write to a datastore, but doing so might bypass triggers and checks performed by the actual binaries that perform the writes.


  • 领域数据
  • 现实的基线
  • 种子APIs

Data can be generated in different ways, such as the following:

  • Handcrafted data
    Like for smaller tests, we can create test data for larger tests by hand. But it might require more work to set up data for multiple services in a large SUT, and we might need to create a lot of data for larger tests.
  • Copied data
    We can copy data, typically from production. For example, we might test a map of Earth by starting with a copy of our production map data to provide a baseline and then test our changes to it.
  • Sampled data
    Copying data can provide too much data to reasonably work with. Sampling data can reduce the volume, thus reducing test time and making it easier to reason about. “Smart sampling” consists of techniques to copy the minimum data necessary to achieve maximum coverage.


  • 手工制作数据
  • 复制的数据
  • 抽样数据
    复制数据可能产生过多,难以有效处理的数据。采样数据可以减少数量,从而减少测试时间,使其更容易推理。"智能抽样 "包括复制最小的数据以达到最大覆盖率的技术。

Verification 验证

After an SUT is running and traffic is sent to it, we must still verify the behavior. There are a few different ways to do this:

  • Manual
    Much like when you try out your binary locally, manual verification uses humans to interact with an SUT to determine whether it functions correctly. This verification can consist of testing for regressions by performing actions as defined on a consistent test plan or it can be exploratory, working a way through different interaction paths to identify possible new failures. Note that manual regression testing does not scale sublinearly: the larger a system grows and the more journeys through it there are, the more human time is needed to manually test.
  • Assertions
    Much like with unit tests, these are explicit checks about the intended behavior of the system. For example, for an integration test of Google search of xyzzy, an assertion might be as follows:
assertThat(response.Contains("Colossal Cave"))
  • A/B comparison (differential)
    Instead of defining explicit assertions, A/B testing involves running two copies of the SUT, sending the same data, and comparing the output. The intended behavior is not explicitly defined: a human must manually go through the differences to ensure any changes are intended.


  • 手动
    就像你在本地尝试你的二进制文件一样,手动验证使用人工与SUT互动以确定它的功能是否正确。这种验证可以包括通过执行一致的测试计划中定义的操作来测试回归,也可以是探索性的,通过不同的交互路径来识别可能的新故障。 需要注意的是,人工回归测试的规模化不是线性的:系统越大,通过它的操作越多,需要的人力测试时间就越多就越更多。
  • 断言
assertThat(response.Contains("Colossal Cave"))
  • A/B测试(差异)

Types of Larger Tests 大型测试的类型

We can now combine these different approaches to the SUT, data, and assertions to create different kinds of large tests. Each test then has different properties as to which risks it mitigates; how much toil is required to write, maintain, and debug it; and how much it costs in terms of resources to run.


What follows is a list of different kinds of large tests that we use at Google, how they are composed, what purpose they serve, and what their limitations are:

  • Functional testing of one or more binaries
  • Browser and device testing
  • Performance, load, and stress testing
  • Deployment configuration testing
  • Exploratory testing
  • A/B diff (regression) testing
  • User acceptance testing (UAT)
  • Probers and canary analysis
  • Disaster recovery and chaos engineering
  • User evaluation


  • 一个或多个二进制文件的功能测试
  • 浏览器和设备测试
  • 性能、负载和压力测试
  • 部署配置测试
  • 探索性测试
  • A/B对比(回归)测试
  • 用户验收测试(UAT)
  • 探针和金丝雀分析
  • 故障恢复和混沌工程
  • 用户评价

Given such a wide number of combinations and thus a wide range of tests, how do we manage what to do and when? Part of designing software is drafting the test plan, and a key part of the test plan is a strategic outline of what types of testing are needed and how much of each. This test strategy identifies the primary risk vectors and the necessary testing approaches to mitigate those risk vectors.


At Google, we have a specialized engineering role of “Test Engineer,” and one of the things we look for in a good test engineer is the ability to outline a test strategy for our products.


Functional Testing of One or More Interacting Binaries 一个或多个二进制文件的功能测试

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: single-machine hermetic or cloud-deployed isolated
  • Data: handcrafted
  • Verification: assertions


  • SUT:单机密封或云部署隔离
  • 数据:手工制作
  • 核查:断言

As we have seen so far, unit tests are not capable of testing a complex system with true fidelity, simply because they are packaged in a different way than the real code is packaged. Many functional testing scenarios interact with a given binary differently than with classes inside that binary, and these functional tests require separate SUTs and thus are canonical, larger tests.


Testing the interactions of multiple binaries is, unsurprisingly, even more complicated than testing a single binary. A common use case is within microservices environments when services are deployed as many separate binaries. In this case, a functional test can cover the real interactions between the binaries by bringing up an SUT composed of all the relevant binaries and by interacting with it through a published API.


Browser and Device Testing 浏览器和设备测试

Testing web UIs and mobile applications is a special case of functional testing of one or more interacting binaries. It is possible to unit test the underlying code, but for the end users, the public API is the application itself. Having tests that interact with the application as a third party through its frontend provides an extra layer of coverage.

测试web UI和移动应用程序是对一个或多个相互协作二进制文件进行功能测试的特例。可以对底层代码进行单元测试,但对于最终用户来说,公共API是应用程序本身。将测试作为第三方通过其前端与应用程序交互提供了额外的覆盖层。

Performance, Load, and Stress testing 性能、负载和压力测试

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: cloud-deployed isolated
  • Data: handcrafted or multiplexed from production
  • Verification: diff (performance metrics)


  • SUT:云部署隔离
  • 数据:手工生成或从生产中多路传输
  • 验证:差异(性能指标)

Although it is possible to test a small unit in terms of performance, load, and stress, often such tests require sending simultaneous traffic to an external API. That definition implies that such tests are multithreaded tests that usually test at the scope of a binary under test. However, these tests are critical for ensuring that there is no degradation in performance between versions and that the system can handle expected spikes in traffic.


As the scale of the load test grows, the scope of the input data also grows, and it eventually becomes difficult to generate the scale of load required to trigger bugs under load. Load and stress handling are “highly emergent” properties of a system; that is, these complex behaviors belong to the overall system but not the individual members. Therefore, it is important to make these tests look as close to production as possible. Each SUT requires resources akin to what production requires, and it becomes difficult to mitigate noise from the production topology.

随着负载测试规模的增长,输入数据的范围也在增长,甚至很难在负载下生成触发bug所需的负载规模。负载和压力处理是系统的 "高度涌现"属性;也就是说,这些复杂的行为属于整个系统,而不是个别组成。因此,重要的是使这些测试看起来尽可能地接近生产。每个SUT所需的资源与生产所需的资源类似,因此很难缓解生产拓扑中的噪音。

One area of research for eliminating noise in performance tests is in modifying the deployment topology—how the various binaries are distributed across a network of machines. The machine running a binary can affect the performance characteristics; thus, if in a performance diff test, the base version runs on a fast machine (or one with a fast network) and the new version on a slow one, it can appear like a performance regression. This characteristic implies that the optimal deployment is to run both versions on the same machine. If a single machine cannot fit both versions of the binary, an alternative is to calibrate by performing multiple runs and removing peaks and valleys.


Deployment Configuration Testing 部署配置测试

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: single-machine hermetic or cloud-deployed isolated
  • Data: none
  • Verification: assertions (doesn’t crash)


  • SUT:单机封闭或云部署隔离
  • 数据:无
  • 验证:断言(不会崩溃)

Many times, it is not the code that is the source of defects but instead configuration: data files, databases, option definitions, and so on. Larger tests can test the integration of the SUT with its configuration files because these configuration files are read during the launch of the given binary.


Such a test is really a smoke test of the SUT without needing much in the way of additional data or verification. If the SUT starts successfully, the test passes. If not, the test fails.


Exploratory Testing 探索性测试

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: production or shared staging
  • Data: production or a known test universe
  • Verification: manual


  • SUT:生产或共享预发
  • 数据:生产或已知测试范围
  • 核查:手动

Exploratory testing2 is a form of manual testing that focuses not on looking for behavioral regressions by repeating known test flows, but on looking for questionable behavior by trying out new user scenarios. Trained users/testers interact with a product through its public APIs, looking for new paths through the system and for which behavior deviates from either expected or intuitive behavior, or if there are security vulnerabilities.


Exploratory testing is useful for both new and launched systems to uncover unanticipated behaviors and side effects. By having testers follow different reachable paths through the system, we can increase the system coverage and, when these testers identify bugs, capture new automated functional tests. In a sense, this is a bit like a manual “fuzz testing” version of functional integration testing.


2 詹姆斯·惠塔克,探索性软件测试: 提示, 诡计, 旅行,和技巧到指导测验设计(纽约:Addison-Wesley Professional,2009年)。

Limitations 局限性

Manual testing does not scale sublinearly; that is, it requires human time to perform the manual tests. Any defects found by exploratory tests should be replicated with an automated test that can run much more frequently.


Bug bashes 扫除bug

One common approach we use for manual exploratory testing is the bug bash. A team of engineers and related personnel (managers, product managers, test engineers, anyone with familiarity with the product) schedules a “meeting,” but at this session, everyone involved manually tests the product. There can be some published guidelines as to particular focus areas for the bug bash and/or starting points for using the system, but the goal is to provide enough interaction variety to document questionable product behaviors and outright bugs.

我们用于手动探索性测试的一种常见方法是bug大扫除。一组工程师和相关人员(经理、产品经理、测试工程师、熟悉产品的任何人)安排了一次“会议”,但在此情况下,所有相关人员都会手动测试产品。对于bug 大扫除的特定关注领域和/或使用系统的起点,可能会有一些已发布的指南,但目标是提供足够的交互多样性,以记录有问题的产品行为和底层的bug。

A/B Diff Regression Testing A/B对比测试

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: two cloud-deployed isolated environments
  • Data: usually multiplexed from production or sampled
  • Verification: A/B diff comparison


  • SUT:两个云部署的隔离环境
  • 数据:通常从生产或取样中多路传输
  • 验证:A/B差异比较

Unit tests cover expected behavior paths for a small section of code. But it is impossible to predict many of the possible failure modes for a given publicly facing product. Additionally, as Hyrum’s Law states, the actual public API is not the declared one but all user-visible aspects of a product. Given those two properties, it is no surprise that A/B diff tests are possibly the most common form of larger testing at Google. This approach conceptually dates back to 1998. At Google, we have been running tests based on this model since 2001 for most of our products, starting with Ads, Search, and Maps.


A/B diff tests operate by sending traffic to a public API and comparing the responses between old and new versions (especially during migrations). Any deviations in behavior must be reconciled as either anticipated or unanticipated (regressions). In this case, the SUT is composed of two sets of real binaries: one running at the candidate version and the other running at the base version. A third binary sends traffic and compares the results.


There are other variants. We use A-A testing (comparing a system to itself) to identify nondeterministic behavior, noise, and flakiness, and to help remove those from A-B diffs. We also occasionally use A-B-C testing, comparing the last production version, the baseline build, and a pending change, to make it easy at one glance to see not only the impact of an immediate change, but also the accumulated impacts of what would be the next-to-release version.


A/B diff tests are a cheap but automatable way to detect unanticipated side effects for any launched system.


Limitations 局限性

Diff testing does introduce a few challenges to solve:

  • Approval
    Someone must understand the results enough to know whether any differences are expected. Unlike a typical test, it is not clear whether diffs are a good or bad thing (or whether the baseline version is actually even valid), and so there is often a manual step in the process.
  • Noise
    For a diff test, anything that introduces unanticipated noise into the results leads to more manual investigation of the results. It becomes necessary to remediate noise, and this is a large source of complexity in building a good diff test.
  • Coverage
    Generating enough useful traffic for a diff test can be a challenging problem. The test data must cover enough scenarios to identify corner-case differences, but it is difficult to manually curate such data.
  • Setup
    Configuring and maintaining one SUT is fairly challenging. Creating two at a time can double the complexity, especially if these share interdependencies.


  • 批准
  • 噪音
  • 覆盖率
  • 配置


Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: machine-hermetic or cloud-deployed isolated
  • Data: handcrafted
  • Verification: assertions


  • SUT:机器密封或云部署隔离
  • 数据:手工制作
  • 核查:断言

A key aspect of unit tests is that they are written by the developer writing the code under test. But that makes it quite likely that misunderstandings about the intended behavior of a product are reflected not only in the code, but also the unit tests. Such unit tests verify that code is “Working as implemented” instead of “Working as intended.”

单元测试的一个关键方面是,它们是由编写被测代码的开发人员编写的。但是,这使得对产品的预期行为的误解很可能不仅反映在代码中,而且也反映在单元测试中。这样的单元测试验证了代码是 "按实现工作 "而不是 "按预期工作"。

For cases in which there is either a specific end customer or a customer proxy (a customer committee or even a product manager), UATs are automated tests that exercise the product through public APIs to ensure the overall behavior for specific user jour‐ neys is as intended. Multiple public frameworks exist (e.g., Cucumber and RSpec) to make such tests writable/readable in a user-friendly language, often in the context of “runnable specifications.”

对于有特定终端客户或客户代理(客户委员会甚至产品经理)的情况,UAT是通过公共API执行产品的自动化测试,以确保特定用户旅程的总体行为符合预期。存在多个公共框架(例如,Cucumber和RSpec),使这种测试可以用用户友好的语言写/读,通常是在 "可运行规范"的背景下。

Google does not actually do a lot of automated UAT and does not use specification languages very much. Many of Google’s products historically have been created by the software engineers themselves. There has been little need for runnable specification languages because those defining the intended product behavior are often fluent in the actual coding languages themselves.


Probers and Canary Analysis 探针和金丝雀分析

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: production
  • Data: production
  • Verification: assertions and A/B diff (of metrics)


  • SUT:生产
  • 数据:生产
  • 验证:断言和A/B差异(度量)

Probers and canary analysis are ways to ensure that the production environment itself is healthy. In these respects, they are a form of production monitoring, but they are structurally very similar to other large tests.


Probers are functional tests that run encoded assertions against the production environment. Usually these tests perform well-known and deterministic read-only actions so that the assertions hold even though the production data changes over time. For example, a prober might perform a Google search at and verify that a result is returned, but not actually verify the contents of the result. In that respect, they are “smoke tests” of the production system, but they provide early detection of major issues.

Probers是功能测试,针对生产环境运行编码的断言。通常,这些测试执行众所周知的和确定的只读动作,这样即使生产数据随时间变化,断言也能成立。例如,探针可能在 执行谷歌搜索,并验证返回的结果,但实际上并不验证结果的内容。在这方面,它们是生产系统的 "冒烟测试",但可以及早发现重大问题。

Canary analysis is similar, except that it focuses on when a release is being pushed to the production environment. If the release is staged over time, we can run both prober assertions targeting the upgraded (canary) services as well as compare health metrics of both the canary and baseline parts of production and make sure that they are not out of line.


Probers should be used in any live system. If the production rollout process includes a phase in which the binary is deployed to a limited subset of the production machines (a canary phase), canary analysis should be used during that procedure.


Limitations 局限性

Any issues caught at this point in time (in production) are already affecting end users.


If a prober performs a mutable (write) action, it will modify the state of production. This could lead to one of three outcomes: nondeterminism and failure of the assertions, failure of the ability to write in the future, or user-visible side effects.


Disaster Recovery and Chaos Engineering 故障恢复与混沌工程

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: production
  • Data: production and user-crafted (fault injection)
  • Verification: manual and A/B diff (metrics)


  • SUT:生产
  • 数据:生产和用户定制(故障注入)
  • 验证:手动和A/B对比(指标)

These test how well your systems will react to unexpected changes or failures.


For years, Google has run an annual war game called DiRT (Disaster Recovery Testing) during which faults are injected into our infrastructure at a nearly planetary scale. We simulate everything from datacenter fires to malicious attacks. In one memorable case, we simulated an earthquake that completely isolated our headquarters in Mountain View, California, from the rest of the company. Doing so exposed not only technical shortcomings but also revealed the challenge of running a company when all the key decision makers were unreachable.3

多年来,谷歌每年都会举办一场名为“灾难恢复测试”DiRT(Disaster Recovery Testing)的演练,在这场演练中,故障几乎以全球规模注入我们的基础设施。我们模拟了从数据中心火灾到恶意攻击的一切。在一个令人难忘的案例中,我们模拟了一场地震,将我们位于加州山景城的总部与公司其他部门完全隔离。这样做不仅暴露了技术上的缺陷,也揭示了在所有关键决策者都无法联系到的情况下,管理公司的挑战。

The impacts of DiRT tests require a lot of coordination across the company; by contrast, chaos engineering is more of a “continuous testing” for your technical infrastructure. Made popular by Netflix, chaos engineering involves writing programs that continuously introduce a background level of faults into your systems and seeing what happens. Some of the faults can be quite large, but in most cases, chaos testing tools are designed to restore functionality before things get out of hand. The goal of chaos engineering is to help teams break assumptions of stability and reliability and help them grapple with the challenges of building resiliency in. Today, teams at Google perform thousands of chaos tests each week using our own home-grown system called Catzilla.

DiRT测试的影响需要整个公司的大量协调;相比之下,混沌工程更像是对你的技术基础设施的 "持续测试"。由Netflix推广,混沌工程包括编写程序,在你的系统中不断引入背景水平的故障,并观察会发生什么。有些故障可能相当大,但在大多数情况下,混沌测试工具旨在在事情失控之前恢复功能。混沌工程的目标是帮助团队打破稳定性和可靠性的假设,帮助他们应对建立弹性的挑战。今天,谷歌的团队每周都会使用我们自己开发的名为Catzilla的系统进行数千次混沌测试。

These kinds of fault and negative tests make sense for live production systems that have enough theoretical fault tolerance to support them and for which the costs and risks of the tests themselves are affordable.


3 在这次测试中,几乎没有人能完成任何事情,所以很多人放弃了工作,去了我们众多咖啡馆中的一家,在这样做的过程中,我们最终对我们的咖啡馆团队发起了DDoS攻击!

Limitations 局限性

Any issues caught at this point in time (in production) are already affecting end users.


DiRT is quite expensive to run, and therefore we run a coordinated exercise on an infrequent scale. When we create this level of outage, we actually cause pain and negatively impact employee performance.


If a prober performs a mutable (write) action, it will modify the state of production. This could lead to either nondeterminism and failure of the assertions, failure of the ability to write in the future, or user-visible side effects.


User Evaluation 用户评价

Tests of these type have the following characteristics:

  • SUT: production
  • Data: production
  • Verification: manual and A/B diffs (of metrics)


  • SUT:生产
  • 数据:生产
  • 验证:手动和A/B对比(度量)

Production-based testing makes it possible to collect a lot of data about user behavior. We have a few different ways to collect metrics about the popularity of and issues with upcoming features, which provides us with an alternative to UAT:

  • Dogfooding
    It’s possible using limited rollouts and experiments to make features in production available to a subset of users. We do this with our own staff sometimes (eat our own dogfood), and they give us valuable feedback in the real deployment environment.
  • Experimentation
    A new behavior is made available as an experiment to a subset of users without their knowing. Then, the experiment group is compared to the control group at an aggregate level in terms of some desired metric. For example, in YouTube, we had a limited experiment changing the way video upvotes worked (eliminating the downvote), and only a portion of the user base saw this change. This is a massively important approach for Google. One of the first stories a Noogler hears upon joining the company is about the time Google launched an experiment changing the background shading color for AdWords ads in Google Search and noticed a significant increase in ad clicks for users in the experimental group versus the control group.
  • Rater evaluation
    Human raters are presented with results for a given operation and choose which one is “better” and why. This feedback is then used to determine whether a given change is positive, neutral, or negative. For example, Google has historically used rater evaluation for search queries (we have published the guidelines we give our raters). In some cases, the feedback from this ratings data can help determine launch go/no-go for algorithm changes. Rater evaluation is critical for nondeterministic systems like machine learning systems for which there is no clear correct answer, only a notion of better or worse.


  • 吃自己的狗粮
  • 实验
    在用户不知情的情况下,将一个新的行为作为一个实验提供给一部分用户。然后,将实验组与控制组在某种期望的指标方面进行综合比较。例如,在YouTube,我们做了一个有限的实验,改变了视频加分的方式(取消了降分),只有一部分用户看到了这个变化。 这是一个对谷歌来说非常重要的方法。Noogler在加入公司后听到的第一个故事是关于谷歌推出了一个实验,改变了谷歌搜索中AdWords广告的背景阴影颜色,并注意到实验组的用户与对照组相比,广告点击量明显增加。
  • 评分员评价
    评分员会被告知某一特定操作的结果,并选择哪一个 "更好"以及原因。然后,这种反馈被用来确定一个特定的变更是正面、中性还是负面的。例如,谷歌在历史上一直使用评分员对搜索查询进行评估(我们已经公布了我们给评员者的指导方针)。在某些情况下,来自该评级数据的反馈有助于确定算法更改的启动通过/不通过。评价员的评价对于像机器学习系统这样的非确定性系统至关重要,因为这些系统没有明确的正确答案,只有一个更好或更差的概念。

Large Tests and the Developer Workflow 大型测试和开发人员工作流程

We’ve talked about what large tests are, why to have them, when to have them, and how much to have, but we have not said much about the who. Who writes the tests? Who runs the tests and investigates the failures? Who owns the tests? And how do we make this tolerable?


Although standard unit test infrastructure might not apply, it is still critical to integrate larger tests into the developer workflow. One way of doing this is to ensure that automated mechanisms for presubmit and post-submit execution exist, even if these are different mechanisms than the unit test ones. At Google, many of these large tests do not belong in TAP. They are nonhermetic, too flaky, and/or too resource intensive. But we still need to keep them from breaking or else they provide no signal and become too difficult to triage. What we do, then, is to have a separate post-submit continuous build for these. We also encourage running these tests presubmit, because that provides feedback directly to the author.


A/B diff tests that require manual blessing of diffs can also be incorporated into such a workflow. For presubmit, it can be a code-review requirement to approve any diffs in the UI before approving the change. One such test we have files release-blocking bugs automatically if code is submitted with unresolved diffs.


In some cases, tests are so large or painful that presubmit execution adds too much developer friction. These tests still run post-submit and are also run as part of the release process. The drawback to not running these presubmit is that the taint makes it into the monorepo and we need to identify the culprit change to roll it back. But we need to make the trade-off between developer pain and the incurred change latency and the reliability of the continuous build.


Authoring Large Tests 编写大型测试

Although the structure of large tests is fairly standard, there is still a challenge with creating such a test, especially if it is the first time someone on the team has done so.


The best way to make it possible to write such tests is to have clear libraries, documentation, and examples. Unit tests are easy to write because of native language support (JUnit was once esoteric but is now mainstream). We reuse these assertion libraries for functional integration tests, but we also have created over time libraries for interacting with SUTs, for running A/B diffs, for seeding test data, and for orchestrating test workflows.


Larger tests are more expensive to maintain, in both resources and human time, but not all large tests are created equal. One reason that A/B diff tests are popular is that they have less human cost in maintaining the verification step. Similarly, production SUTs have less maintenance cost than isolated hermetic SUTs. And because all of this authored infrastructure and code must be maintained, the cost savings can compound.


However, this cost must be looked at holistically. If the cost of manually reconciling diffs or of supporting and safeguarding production testing outweighs the savings, it becomes ineffective.


Running Large Tests 进行大型测试

We mentioned above how our larger tests don’t fit in TAP and so we have alternate continuous builds and presubmits for them. One of the initial challenges for our engineers is how to even run nonstandard tests and how to iterate on them.


As much as possible, we have tried to make our larger tests run in ways familiar for our engineers. Our presubmit infrastructure puts a common API in front of running both these tests and running TAP tests, and our code review infrastructure shows both sets of results. But many large tests are bespoke and thus need specific documentation for how to run them on demand. This can be a source of frustration for unfamiliar engineers.


Speeding up tests 加快测试进度

Engineers don’t wait for slow tests. The slower a test is, the less frequently an engineer will run it, and the longer the wait after a failure until it is passing again.


The best way to speed up a test is often to reduce its scope or to split a large test into two smaller tests that can run in parallel. But there are some other tricks that you can do to speed up larger tests.


Some naive tests will use time-based sleeps to wait for nondeterministic action to occur, and this is quite common in larger tests. However, these tests do not have thread limitations, and real production users want to wait as little as possible, so it is best for tests to react the way real production users would. Approaches include the following:

  • Polling for a state transition repeatedly over a time window for an event to complete with a frequency closer to microseconds. You can combine this with a timeout value in case a test fails to reach a stable state.
  • Implementing an event handler.
  • Subscribing to a notification system for an event completion.


  • 在时间窗口内重复轮询状态转换,以使事件以接近微秒的频率完成。如果测试无法达到稳定状态,你可以将其与超时值结合起来。
  • 实现一个事件处理程序。
  • 订阅事件完成通知系统。

Note that tests that rely on sleeps and timeouts will all start failing when the fleet running those tests becomes overloaded, which spirals because those tests need to be rerun more often, increasing the load further.


Lower internal system timeouts and delays
A production system is usually configured assuming a distributed deployment topology, but an SUT might be deployed on a single machine (or at least a cluster of colocated machines). If there are hardcoded timeouts or (especially) sleep statements in the production code to account for production system delay, these should be made tunable and reduced when running tests.

Optimize test build time
One downside of our monorepo is that all of the dependencies for a large test are built and provided as inputs, but this might not be necessary for some larger tests. If the SUT is composed of a core part that is truly the focus of the test and some other necessary peer binary dependencies, it might be possible to use prebuilt versions of those other binaries at a known good version. Our build system (based on the monorepo) does not support this model easily, but the approach is actually more reflective of production in which different services release at different versions.



Driving out flakiness 驱除松散性

Flakiness is bad enough for unit tests, but for larger tests, it can make them unusable. A team should view eliminating flakiness of such tests as a high priority. But how can flakiness be removed from such tests?


Minimizing flakiness starts with reducing the scope of the test—a hermetic SUT will not be at risk of the kinds of multiuser and real-world flakiness of production or a shared staging environment, and a single-machine hermetic SUT will not have the network and deployment flakiness issues of a distributed SUT. But you can mitigate other flakiness issues through test design and implementation and other techniques. In some cases, you will need to balance these with test speed.


Just as making tests reactive or event driven can speed them up, it can also remove flakiness. Timed sleeps require timeout maintenance, and these timeouts can be embedded in the test code. Increasing internal system timeouts can reduce flakiness, whereas reducing internal timeouts can lead to flakiness if the system behaves in a nondeterministic way. The key here is to identify a trade-off that defines both a tolerable system behavior for end users (e.g., our maximum allowable timeout is n seconds) but handles flaky test execution behaviors well.


A bigger problem with internal system timeouts is that exceeding them can lead to difficult errors to triage. A production system will often try to limit end-user exposure to catastrophic failure by handling possible internal system issues gracefully. For example, if Google cannot serve an ad in a given time limit, we don’t return a 500, we just don’t serve an ad. But this looks to a test runner as if the ad-serving code might be broken when there is just a flaky timeout issue. It’s important to make the failure mode obvious in this case and to make it easy to tune such internal timeouts for test scenarios.


Making tests understandable 让测试变得易懂

A specific case for which it can be difficult to integrate tests into the developer workflow is when those tests produce results that are unintelligible to the engineer running the tests. Even unit tests can produce some confusion—if my change breaks your test, it can be difficult to understand why if I am generally unfamiliar with your code—but for larger tests, such confusion can be insurmountable. Tests that are assertive must provide a clear pass/fail signal and must provide meaningful error output to help triage the source of failure. Tests that require human investigation, like A/B diff tests, require special handling to be meaningful or else risk being skipped during presubmit.


How does this work in practice? A good large test that fails should do the following:

  • Have a message that clearly identifies what the failure is
    The worst-case scenario is to have an error that just says “Assertion failed” and a stack trace. A good error anticipates the test runner’s unfamiliarity with the code and provides a message that gives context: “In test_ReturnsOneFullPageOfSearchResultsForAPopularQuery, expected 10 search results but got 1.” For a performance or A/B diff test that fails, there should be a clear explanation in the output of what is being measured and why the behavior is considered suspect.
  • Minimize the effort necessary to identify the root cause of the discrepancy
    A stack trace is not useful for larger tests because the call chain can span multiple process boundaries. Instead, it’s necessary to produce a trace across the call chain or to invest in automation that can narrow down the culprit. The test should produce some kind of artifact to this effect. For example, Dapper is a framework used by Google to associate a single request ID with all the requests in an RPC call chain, and all of the associated logs for that request can be correlated by that ID to facilitate tracing.
  • Provide support and contact information.
    It should be easy for the test runner to get help by making the owners and supporters of the test easy to contact.


  • 有一个明确指出失败原因的信息
    最坏的情况是有一个错误,只是说 "断言失败 "和一个堆栈跟踪。一个好的错误能预见到测试运行者对代码的不熟悉,并提供一个信息来说明背景。”in test_ReturnsOneFullPageOfSearchResultsForAPopularQuery中,预期有10个搜索结果,但得到了1个。" 对于失败的性能或A/B对比测试,在输出中应该有一个明确的解释,说明什么是被测量的,为什么该行为被认为是可疑的。
  • 尽量减少识别差异的根本原因所需的努力
    堆栈跟踪对较大的测试没有用,因为调用链可能跨越多个进程边界。相反,有必要在整个调用链中产生一个跟踪,或者投资于能够缩小罪魁祸首的自动化。测试应该产生某种工具来达到这个效果。例如,Dapper 是谷歌使用的一个框架,将一个单一的请求ID与RPC调用链中的所有请求相关联,该请求的所有相关日志都可以通过该ID进行关联,以方便追踪。
  • 提供支持和联系信息

Owning Large Tests 大型测试所有权

Larger tests must have documented owners—engineers who can adequately review changes to the test and who can be counted on to provide support in the case of test failures. Without proper ownership, a test can fall victim to the following:

  • It becomes more difficult for contributors to modify and update the test
  • It takes longer to resolve test failures


  • 参与者修改和更新测试变得更加困难
  • 解决测试失败需要更长的时间

And the test rots.


Integration tests of components within a particular project should be owned by the project lead. Feature-focused tests (tests that cover a particular business feature across a set of services) should be owned by a “feature owner”; in some cases, this owner might be a software engineer responsible for the feature implementation end to end; in other cases it might be a product manager or a “test engineer” who owns the description of the business scenario. Whoever owns the test must be empowered to ensure its overall health and must have both the ability to support its maintenance and the incentives to do so.


It is possible to build automation around test owners if this information is recorded in a structured way. Some approaches that we use include the following:

  • Regular code ownership
    In many cases, a larger test is a standalone code artifact that lives in a particular location in our codebase. In that case, we can use the OWNERS (Chapter 9) information already present in the monorepo to hint to automation that the owner(s) of a particular test are the owners of the test code.
  • Per-test annotations
    In some cases, multiple test methods can be added to a single test class or module, and each of these test methods can have a different feature owner. We use per-language structured annotations to document the test owner in each of these cases so that if a particular test method fails, we can identify the owner to contact.


  • 常规代码所有权

  • 每个测试注释

Conclusion 总结

A comprehensive test suite requires larger tests, both to ensure that tests match the fidelity of the system under test and to address issues that unit tests cannot adequately cover. Because such tests are necessarily more complex and slower to run, care must be taken to ensure such larger tests are properly owned, well maintained, and run when necessary (such as before deployments to production). Overall, such larger tests must still be made as small as possible (while still retaining fidelity) to avoid developer friction. A comprehensive test strategy that identifies the risks of a system, and the larger tests that address them, is necessary for most software projects.


TL;DRs 内容提要

  • Larger tests cover things unit tests cannot.

  • Large tests are composed of a System Under Test, Data, Action, and Verification.

  • A good design includes a test strategy that identifies risks and larger tests that mitigate them.

  • Extra effort must be made with larger tests to keep them from creating friction in the developer workflow.

  • 大型测试涵盖了单元测试不能涵盖的内容。

  • 大型测试是由被测系统、数据、操作和验证组成。

  • 良好的设计包括识别风险的测试策略和缓解风险的大型测试。

  • 必须对大型测试做出额外的努力,以防止它们在开发者的工作流程中产生阻力。


  1. See “Continuous Delivery” on page 483 and Chapter 25 for more information.

  2. James A. Whittaker, Exploratory Software Testing: Tips, Tricks, Tours, and Techniques to Guide Test Design(New York: Addison-Wesley Professional, 2009).

  3. During this test, almost no one could get anything done, so many people gave up on work and went to one of our many cafes, and in doing so, we ended up creating a DDoS attack on our cafe teams!