diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 77c14bb..ad16e50 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 # react-basic-hooks [![CircleCI](https://circleci.com/gh/spicydonuts/purescript-react-basic-hooks.svg?style=svg)](https://circleci.com/gh/spicydonuts/purescript-react-basic-hooks)
-This is library adds React hooks to [react-basic](https://github.com/lumihq/purescript-react-basic).
+`react-basic-hooks` adds React hook support to [react-basic](https://github.com/lumihq/purescript-react-basic)!
-_Warning:_ This API relies on recent React versions (>= 16.8.0).
+_Note:_ This API relies on recent React versions (>= 16.8.0).
 For more info on hooks, see [React's documentation](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-intro.html).
-I recommend using PureScript's new "qualified do" syntax while using this library (it's used in the examples, the `React.do` bits).
+I recommend using PureScript's "qualified do" syntax while using this library (it's used in the examples, the `React.do` bits).
 It became available in the `0.12.2` compiler release.
 This library provides the `React.Basic.Hooks` module, which can completely replace the `React.Basic` module.
@@ -20,10 +20,13 @@ mkCounter = do
   component "Counter" \props -> React.do
     counter /\ setCounter <- useState 0
-    React.pure $ R.button
-      { onClick: handler_ $ setCounter (_ + 1)
-      , children: [ R.text $ "Increment: " <> show counter ]
-      }
+    pure
+      $ R.button
+        { onClick: handler_ do
+            setCounter (_ + 1)
+        , children:
+            [ R.text $ "Increment: " <> show counter ]
+        }
 More examples:
@@ -36,7 +39,3 @@ More examples:
 - [A Todo App](./examples/todo-app/src/TodoApp.purs) (components, inputs, state)
 - [Context](./examples/context/src/Context.purs) (creating and consuming React context)
 - [Aff helper](./examples/aff/src/AffEx.purs) (async state management)
-_A note on Refs:_ The `Ref` type is useful for all kinds of state (anything which shouldn't trigger a render when changed), particularly references to DOM nodes as in the example.
-Unfortunately, while this module remains a small extension to the existing react-basic library it won't be possible to pass a `ref` prop to the native DOM components from `React.Basic.DOM`.
-In the meantime, use `element (unsafeCreateDOMComponent "div") { ref: elementRef }`.
diff --git a/bower.json b/bower.json
index 5f37f5f..dfe5ef2 100644
--- a/bower.json
+++ b/bower.json
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     "purescript-prelude": "^4.1.0",
     "purescript-console": "^4.2.0",
     "purescript-effect": "^2.0.0",
-    "purescript-react-basic": "^8.0.0 || ^9.0.0",
+    "purescript-react-basic": "^10.0.0",
     "purescript-indexed-monad": "^1.0.0",
     "purescript-unsafe-reference": "^3.0.1",
     "purescript-aff": "^5.1.1"
diff --git a/examples/aff/src/AffEx.purs b/examples/aff/src/AffEx.purs
index f9d56b4..445ad28 100644
--- a/examples/aff/src/AffEx.purs
+++ b/examples/aff/src/AffEx.purs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 module AffEx where
 import Prelude
 import Data.Either (either)
 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..), maybe)
 import Effect.Aff (Aff, Milliseconds(..), delay, error, message, throwError)
@@ -15,19 +14,18 @@ mkAffEx :: CreateComponent {}
 mkAffEx = do
   -- A component for fetching and rendering a Cat entity.
   catDetails <- mkCatDetails
   component "AffEx" \props -> React.do
     catKey /\ catChooser <- useCatKeyChooser
-    pure $ R.div
-        { style: R.css { display: "flex", flexFlow: "column" }
-        , children:
+    pure
+      $ R.div
+          { style: R.css { display: "flex", flexFlow: "column" }
+          , children:
             [ R.h2_ [ R.text "Cat chooser" ]
             , R.p_
-                [ R.text $
-                    "Select a key to fetch! If you get bored (how would you even!?) " <>
-                    "try holding your arrow keys to select really fast! The result " <>
-                    "always matches the chosen key."
+                [ R.text
+                    $ "Select a key to fetch! If you get bored (how would you even!?) "
+                    <> "try holding your arrow keys to select really fast! The result "
+                    <> "always matches the chosen key."
             , catChooser
             , R.p_
@@ -36,60 +34,63 @@ mkAffEx = do
                     Just k -> element catDetails { catKey: k }
-        }
+          }
-    -- This hook packages up some interactive UI and the current
-    -- selection the user has made via that UI.
-    useCatKeyChooser :: Hook _ ((Maybe (Key Cat)) /\ JSX)
-    useCatKeyChooser = React.do
-      catKey /\ setCatKey <- useState Nothing
-      let
-        catChoice key =
-          R.label_
-            [ R.input
-                { type: "radio"
-                , name: "cat-key"
-                , checked: Just key == catKey
-                , onChange: handler_ do
-                    setCatKey \_ -> Just key
-                }
-            , R.text $ showCatKey key
-            ]
-        showCatKey :: Key Cat -> String
-        showCatKey (Key key) = "Cat " <> key
+  -- This hook packages up some interactive UI and the current
+  -- selection the user has made via that UI.
+  useCatKeyChooser :: Hook _ ((Maybe (Key Cat)) /\ JSX)
+  useCatKeyChooser = React.do
+    catKey /\ setCatKey <- useState Nothing
+    let
+      catChoice key =
+        R.label_
+          [ R.input
+              { type: "radio"
+              , name: "cat-key"
+              , checked: Just key == catKey
+              , onChange:
+                handler_ do
+                  setCatKey \_ -> Just key
+              }
+          , R.text $ showCatKey key
+          ]
-      pure $ catKey /\ fragment
-        [ catChoice $ Key "abc"
-        , catChoice $ Key "def"
-        , catChoice $ Key "xyz"
-        ]
-    -- Hooks can't be used conditionally but components can!
-    -- Not needing to deal with a `Maybe` key simplifies this
-    -- compoennt a bit.
-    mkCatDetails :: CreateComponent { catKey :: Key Cat }
-    mkCatDetails = do
-      component "CatDetails" \{ catKey } -> React.do
-        cat <- useAff catKey $ fetch catKey
-        pure $ R.text $
-          maybe "Loading..." (either message showCat) cat
-      where
-        showCat (Cat { name }) = "A cat named " <> name
+      showCatKey :: Key Cat -> String
+      showCatKey (Key key) = "Cat " <> key
+    pure $ catKey
+      /\ fragment
+          [ catChoice $ Key "abc"
+          , catChoice $ Key "def"
+          , catChoice $ Key "ghi"
+          , catChoice $ Key "xyz"
+          ]
+  -- Hooks can't be used conditionally but components can!
+  -- Not needing to deal with a `Maybe` key simplifies this
+  -- compoennt a bit.
+  mkCatDetails :: CreateComponent { catKey :: Key Cat }
+  mkCatDetails = do
+    component "CatDetails" \{ catKey } -> React.do
+      cat <- useAff catKey $ fetch catKey
+      pure $ R.text
+        $ maybe "Loading..." (either message showCat) cat
+    where
+    showCat (Cat { name }) = "A cat named " <> name
 -- Typed keys are a great way to tie entity-specific behavior
 -- to an ID. We can use this phantom type to write a class
 -- for generic, type-safe data fetching.
-newtype Key entity = Key String
+newtype Key entity
+  = Key String
 derive instance eqKey :: Eq (Key entity)
 class Fetch entity where
   fetch :: Key entity -> Aff entity
 -- An example entity
-newtype Cat = Cat { name :: String }
+newtype Cat
+  = Cat { name :: String }
 instance fetchCat :: Fetch Cat where
   fetch = case _ of
@@ -99,6 +100,9 @@ instance fetchCat :: Fetch Cat where
     Key "def" -> do
       delay $ Milliseconds 600.0
       pure $ Cat { name: "Maxi" }
+    Key "ghi" -> do
+      delay $ Milliseconds 900.0
+      pure $ Cat { name: "Chloe" }
     _ -> do
       delay $ Milliseconds 900.0
       throwError $ error "Cat not found (intended example behavior 😅)"
diff --git a/examples/context/src/Context.purs b/examples/context/src/Context.purs
index 3b073b7..954afc5 100644
--- a/examples/context/src/Context.purs
+++ b/examples/context/src/Context.purs
@@ -1,56 +1,48 @@
 module Context where
 import Prelude
-import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
 import Effect (Effect)
 import React.Basic.DOM as R
 import React.Basic.Events (handler_)
-import React.Basic.Hooks (Context, CreateComponent, JSX, type (/\), component, contextProvider, createContext, element, fragment, useContext, useState, (/\))
+import React.Basic.Hooks (type (/\), CreateComponent, JSX, ReactContext, component, createContext, element, provider, useContext, useState, (/\))
 import React.Basic.Hooks as React
 mkContext :: CreateComponent {}
 mkContext = do
-  counterContext <- createContext
+  counterContext <- createContext (0 /\ pure unit)
   store <- mkStore counterContext
   counter <- mkCounter counterContext
   component "Context" \props -> React.do
-    pure $ element store
-      { children:
-          [ element counter {}
-          , element counter {}
-          , element counter {}
-          ]
-      }
-  :: Context (Int /\ (Effect Unit))
-  -> CreateComponent { children :: Array JSX }
+    pure
+      $ element store
+          { children:
+            [ element counter {}
+            , element counter {}
+            , element counter {}
+            ]
+          }
+mkStore ::
+  ReactContext (Int /\ (Effect Unit)) ->
+  CreateComponent { children :: Array JSX }
 mkStore context = do
   component "Store" \{ children } -> React.do
     counter /\ setCounter <- useState 0
-    let increment = setCounter (_ + 1)
-    pure $
-      contextProvider context
-        (counter /\ increment)
-        (fragment children)
-  :: Context (Int /\ (Effect Unit))
-  -> CreateComponent {}
+    let
+      increment = setCounter (_ + 1)
+    pure
+      $ provider context
+          (counter /\ increment)
+          children
+mkCounter ::
+  ReactContext (Int /\ (Effect Unit)) ->
+  CreateComponent {}
 mkCounter counterContext = do
   component "Counter" \props -> React.do
-    mCounter <- useContext counterContext
-    case mCounter of
-      Nothing -> do
-        pure $ R.text "no counter value found"
-      Just (counter /\ increment) -> do
-        pure $
-          R.button
-            { onClick: handler_ increment
-            , children: [ R.text $ "Increment: " <> show counter ]
-            }
+    counter /\ increment <- useContext counterContext
+    pure
+      $ R.button
+          { onClick: handler_ increment
+          , children: [ R.text $ "Increment: " <> show counter ]
+          }
diff --git a/examples/todo-app/src/TodoApp.purs b/examples/todo-app/src/TodoApp.purs
index 07e869e..cff333b 100644
--- a/examples/todo-app/src/TodoApp.purs
+++ b/examples/todo-app/src/TodoApp.purs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 module TodoApp where
 import Prelude
 import Data.Array as Array
 import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
 import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
@@ -24,140 +23,143 @@ data TodoFilter
   = All
   | Complete
   | Incomplete
 derive instance eqTodoFilter :: Eq TodoFilter
-type Todo =
-  { task :: String
-  , isComplete :: Boolean
-  }
+type Todo
+  = { task :: String
+    , isComplete :: Boolean
+    }
-type State =
-  { todos :: Array Todo
-  , filter :: TodoFilter
-  }
+type State
+  = { todos :: Array Todo
+    , filter :: TodoFilter
+    }
 reducer :: State -> Action -> State
 reducer state = case _ of
-  CreateTodo task ->
-    state { todos = Array.cons { task, isComplete: false } state.todos }
-  ToggleTodo index ->
-    case Array.modifyAt index (\todo -> todo { isComplete = not todo.isComplete }) state.todos of
-      Just todos ->
-        state { todos = todos }
-      Nothing ->
-        state
-  DeleteTodo index ->
-    case Array.deleteAt index state.todos of
-      Just todos ->
-        state { todos = todos }
-      Nothing ->
-        state
-  SetFilter filter ->
-    state { filter = filter }
+  CreateTodo task -> state { todos = Array.cons { task, isComplete: false } state.todos }
+  ToggleTodo index -> case Array.modifyAt index (\todo -> todo { isComplete = not todo.isComplete }) state.todos of
+    Just todos -> state { todos = todos }
+    Nothing -> state
+  DeleteTodo index -> case Array.deleteAt index state.todos of
+    Just todos -> state { todos = todos }
+    Nothing -> state
+  SetFilter filter -> state { filter = filter }
 mkTodoApp :: CreateComponent {}
 mkTodoApp = do
-  let initialState = { todos: [], filter: All }
+  let
+    initialState = { todos: [], filter: All }
   todoInput <- memo mkTodoInput
   todoRow <- memo mkTodoRow
   todoFilters <- memo mkTodoFilters
   component "TodoApp" \props -> React.do
-      state /\ dispatch <- useReducer initialState reducer
-      pure $ R.div
-        { children:
+    state /\ dispatch <- useReducer initialState reducer
+    pure
+      $ R.div
+          { children:
             [ element todoInput { dispatch }
-            , R.div_ $ flip Array.mapWithIndex state.todos \id todo ->
-                if state.filter == All ||
-                  (todo.isComplete && state.filter == Complete) ||
-                  (not todo.isComplete && state.filter == Incomplete)
-                  then elementKeyed todoRow { key: show id, id, todo, dispatch }
-                  else empty
+            , R.div_
+                $ flip Array.mapWithIndex state.todos \id todo ->
+                    if state.filter == All
+                      || (todo.isComplete && state.filter == Complete)
+                      || (not todo.isComplete && state.filter == Incomplete) then
+                      elementKeyed todoRow { key: show id, id, todo, dispatch }
+                    else
+                      empty
             , element todoFilters { filter: state.filter, dispatch }
-        , style: R.css
-            { maxWidth: "600px"
-            , margin: "auto"
-            , padding: "16px"
-            , fontFamily: "sans-serif"
-            , fontSize: "16px"
-            }
-        }
+          , style:
+            R.css
+              { maxWidth: "600px"
+              , margin: "auto"
+              , padding: "16px"
+              , fontFamily: "sans-serif"
+              , fontSize: "16px"
+              }
+          }
-    todoAppEl = RB.element $ R.unsafeCreateDOMComponent "todo-app"
+  todoAppEl = RB.element $ R.unsafeCreateDOMComponent "todo-app"
 mkTodoInput :: CreateComponent { dispatch :: Action -> Effect Unit }
 mkTodoInput = do
   component "TodoInput" \props -> React.do
     value /\ setValue <- useState ""
-    pure $ R.form
-      { onSubmit: handler (preventDefault >>> stopPropagation) \_ -> do
-          props.dispatch $ CreateTodo value
-          setValue $ const ""
-      , children:
-          [ R.input
-              { value
-              , onChange:
-                  handler (preventDefault >>> stopPropagation >>> targetValue) $
-                    traverse_ (setValue <<< const)
-              , style: R.css { lineHeight: "32px", width: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box" }
-              , placeholder: "Enter a task"
-              }
-          ]
-      , style: R.css { marginBottom: "16px", width: "100%" }
-      }
+    pure
+      $ R.form
+          { onSubmit:
+            handler (preventDefault >>> stopPropagation) \_ -> do
+              props.dispatch $ CreateTodo value
+              setValue $ const ""
+          , children:
+            [ R.input
+                { value
+                , onChange:
+                  handler (preventDefault >>> stopPropagation >>> targetValue)
+                    $ traverse_ (setValue <<< const)
+                , style: R.css { lineHeight: "32px", width: "100%", boxSizing: "border-box" }
+                , placeholder: "Enter a task"
+                }
+            ]
+          , style: R.css { marginBottom: "16px", width: "100%" }
+          }
 mkTodoRow :: CreateComponent { id :: Int, todo :: Todo, dispatch :: Action -> Effect Unit }
-mkTodoRow = component "Todo" \props -> React.do
-  pure $ R.div
-    { children:
-        [ R.label
-            { children:
-                [ R.input
-                    { type: "checkbox"
-                    , checked: props.todo.isComplete
-                    , onChange: Events.handler_ $ props.dispatch $ ToggleTodo props.id
-                    , tabIndex: "0"
-                    }
-                , R.text props.todo.task
-                ]
-            , style: R.css { lineHeight: "32px", fontSize: "24px", flex: "1 0 auto" }
-            }
-        , R.a
-            { children: [ R.text "❌" ]
-            , onClick: handler_ $ props.dispatch $ DeleteTodo props.id
-            , style: R.css { cursor: "pointer" }
-            }
-        ]
-    , style: R.css
-        { display: "flex"
-        , flexFlow: "row"
-        , alignItems: "center"
-        }
-    }
+mkTodoRow =
+  component "Todo" \props -> React.do
+    pure
+      $ R.div
+          { children:
+            [ R.label
+                { children:
+                  [ R.input
+                      { type: "checkbox"
+                      , checked: props.todo.isComplete
+                      , onChange: Events.handler_ $ props.dispatch $ ToggleTodo props.id
+                      , tabIndex: 0
+                      }
+                  , R.text props.todo.task
+                  ]
+                , style: R.css { lineHeight: "32px", fontSize: "24px", flex: "1 0 auto" }
+                }
+            , R.a
+                { children: [ R.text "❌" ]
+                , onClick: handler_ $ props.dispatch $ DeleteTodo props.id
+                , style: R.css { cursor: "pointer" }
+                }
+            ]
+          , style:
+            R.css
+              { display: "flex"
+              , flexFlow: "row"
+              , alignItems: "center"
+              }
+          }
 mkTodoFilters :: CreateComponent { filter :: TodoFilter, dispatch :: Action -> Effect Unit }
-mkTodoFilters = component "TodoFilters" \props -> React.do
-  let
-    filterLink f label = R.a
-      { children: [ R.text label ]
-      , onClick: handler_ $ props.dispatch $ SetFilter f
-      , style: if props.filter == f
-          then R.css { cursor: "pointer", fontWeight: "bold" }
-          else R.css { cursor: "pointer" }
-      }
-  pure $ R.div
-    { children:
-        [ R.hr { style: R.css { color: "lightgrey" } }
-        , filterLink All "All"
-        , R.text " / "
-        , filterLink Complete "Complete"
-        , R.text " / "
-        , filterLink Incomplete "Incomplete"
-        ]
-    , style: R.css { marginTop: "16px" }
-    }
+mkTodoFilters =
+  component "TodoFilters" \props -> React.do
+    let
+      filterLink f label =
+        R.a
+          { children: [ R.text label ]
+          , onClick: handler_ $ props.dispatch $ SetFilter f
+          , style:
+            if props.filter == f then
+              R.css { cursor: "pointer", fontWeight: "bold" }
+            else
+              R.css { cursor: "pointer" }
+          }
+    pure
+      $ R.div
+          { children:
+            [ R.hr { style: R.css { color: "lightgrey" } }
+            , filterLink All "All"
+            , R.text " / "
+            , filterLink Complete "Complete"
+            , R.text " / "
+            , filterLink Incomplete "Incomplete"
+            ]
+          , style: R.css { marginTop: "16px" }
+          }
diff --git a/src/React/Basic/Hooks.js b/src/React/Basic/Hooks.js
index 734f149..0826850 100644
--- a/src/React/Basic/Hooks.js
+++ b/src/React/Basic/Hooks.js
@@ -54,12 +54,6 @@ exports.writeRef_ = function(ref, a) {
 exports.useContext_ = React.useContext;
-exports.createContext = React.createContext;
-exports.contextProvider_ = function(context) {
-  return context.Provider;
 exports.useMemo_ = function(eq, key, computeA) {
   var memoizedKey = exports.useEqCache_(eq, key);
   return React.useMemo(computeA, [memoizedKey]);
diff --git a/src/React/Basic/Hooks.purs b/src/React/Basic/Hooks.purs
index eba4b0a..3621f3a 100644
--- a/src/React/Basic/Hooks.purs
+++ b/src/React/Basic/Hooks.purs
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ module React.Basic.Hooks
   , UseReducer
   , useReducer
   , UseRef
-  , Ref
   , readRef
   , readRefMaybe
   , writeRef
@@ -32,10 +31,7 @@ module React.Basic.Hooks
   , renderRefMaybe
   , useRef
   , UseContext
-  , Context
   , useContext
-  , createContext
-  , contextProvider
   , UseMemo
   , useMemo
   , UseCallback
@@ -53,8 +49,7 @@ module React.Basic.Hooks
   , module Data.Tuple.Nested
   ) where
-import Prelude hiding (bind,discard)
+import Prelude hiding (bind, discard)
 import Control.Applicative.Indexed (class IxApplicative)
 import Control.Apply.Indexed (class IxApply)
 import Control.Bind.Indexed (class IxBind, ibind)
@@ -69,90 +64,94 @@ import Effect (Effect)
 import Effect.Uncurried (EffectFn1, EffectFn2, EffectFn3, mkEffectFn1, runEffectFn1, runEffectFn2, runEffectFn3)
 import Prelude (bind) as Prelude
 import Prim.Row (class Lacks)
-import React.Basic (JSX, ReactComponent, empty, keyed, fragment, element, elementKeyed)
+import React.Basic (JSX, ReactComponent, ReactContext, Ref, consumer, contextConsumer, contextProvider, createContext, element, elementKeyed, empty, keyed, fragment, provider)
 import Type.Equality (class TypeEquals)
 import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
 import Unsafe.Reference (unsafeRefEq)
 -- | Alias for convenience.
-type CreateComponent props = Effect (ReactComponent props)
+type CreateComponent props
+  = Effect (ReactComponent props)
 -- | Create a React component given a display name and render function.
 -- | Creating components is effectful because React uses the function
 -- | instance as the component's "identity" or "type". Components should
 -- | be created during a bootstrap phase and not within component
 -- | lifecycles or render functions.
-  :: forall hooks props
-   . Lacks "key" props
-  => Lacks "ref" props
-  => String
-  -> ({ | props } -> Render Unit hooks JSX)
-  -> CreateComponent { | props }
+component ::
+  forall hooks props.
+  Lacks "key" props =>
+  Lacks "ref" props =>
+  String ->
+  ({ | props } -> Render Unit hooks JSX) ->
+  CreateComponent { | props }
 component name renderFn =
-  let c = unsafeReactFunctionComponent (mkEffectFn1 (\props -> case renderFn props of Render a -> a))
-   in runEffectFn2 unsafeSetDisplayName name c
+  let
+    c = unsafeReactFunctionComponent (mkEffectFn1 (\props -> case renderFn props of Render a -> a))
+  in
+    runEffectFn2 unsafeSetDisplayName name c
 unsafeReactFunctionComponent :: forall props. EffectFn1 props JSX -> ReactComponent props
 unsafeReactFunctionComponent = unsafeCoerce
-  :: forall props
-   . CreateComponent props
-  -> CreateComponent props
+memo ::
+  forall props.
+  CreateComponent props ->
+  CreateComponent props
 memo = flip Prelude.bind (runEffectFn1 memo_)
 foreign import data UseState :: Type -> Type -> Type
-  :: forall state
-   . state
-  -> Hook (UseState state) (state /\ ((state -> state) -> Effect Unit))
-useState initialState = Render do
-  runEffectFn2 useState_ (mkFn2 Tuple) initialState
+useState ::
+  forall state.
+  state ->
+  Hook (UseState state) (state /\ ((state -> state) -> Effect Unit))
+useState initialState =
+  Render do
+    runEffectFn2 useState_ (mkFn2 Tuple) initialState
 foreign import data UseEffect :: Type -> Type -> Type
 -- | The effect will be run when the component is mounted, and the effect
 -- | returned from the function will be run on cleanup
-  :: forall key
-   . Eq key
-  => key
-  -> Effect (Effect Unit)
-  -> Hook (UseEffect key) Unit
+useEffect ::
+  forall key.
+  Eq key =>
+  key ->
+  Effect (Effect Unit) ->
+  Hook (UseEffect key) Unit
 useEffect key effect = Render (runEffectFn3 useEffect_ (mkFn2 eq) key effect)
 foreign import data UseLayoutEffect :: Type -> Type -> Type
-  :: forall key
-   . Eq key
-  => key
-  -> Effect (Effect Unit)
-  -> Hook (UseLayoutEffect key) Unit
+useLayoutEffect ::
+  forall key.
+  Eq key =>
+  key ->
+  Effect (Effect Unit) ->
+  Hook (UseLayoutEffect key) Unit
 useLayoutEffect keys effect = Render (runEffectFn3 useLayoutEffect_ (mkFn2 eq) keys effect)
 foreign import data UseReducer :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
-  :: forall state action
-   . state
-  -> (state -> action -> state)
-  -> Hook (UseReducer state action) (state /\ (action -> Effect Unit))
-useReducer initialState reducer = Render do
-  runEffectFn3 useReducer_
-    (mkFn2 Tuple)
-    (mkFn2 reducer)
-    initialState
+useReducer ::
+  forall state action.
+  state ->
+  (state -> action -> state) ->
+  Hook (UseReducer state action) (state /\ (action -> Effect Unit))
+useReducer initialState reducer =
+  Render do
+    runEffectFn3 useReducer_
+      (mkFn2 Tuple)
+      (mkFn2 reducer)
+      initialState
 foreign import data UseRef :: Type -> Type -> Type
-foreign import data Ref :: Type -> Type
-useRef :: forall a . a -> Hook (UseRef a) (Ref a)
-useRef initialValue = Render do
-  runEffectFn1 useRef_ initialValue
+useRef :: forall a. a -> Hook (UseRef a) (Ref a)
+useRef initialValue =
+  Render do
+    runEffectFn1 useRef_ initialValue
 readRef :: forall a. Ref a -> Effect a
 readRef = runEffectFn1 readRef_
@@ -171,47 +170,43 @@ renderRefMaybe a = Render (readRefMaybe a)
 foreign import data UseContext :: Type -> Type -> Type
-foreign import data Context :: Type -> Type
-useContext :: forall a . Context a -> Hook (UseContext a) (Maybe a)
-useContext context = Render (map toMaybe (runEffectFn1 useContext_ context))
-foreign import createContext :: forall a. Effect (Context a)
-contextProvider :: forall a. Context a -> a -> JSX -> JSX
-contextProvider context a child = element (contextProvider_ context) { value: a, children: child }
+useContext :: forall a. ReactContext a -> Hook (UseContext a) a
+useContext context = Render (runEffectFn1 useContext_ context)
 foreign import data UseMemo :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
-  :: forall key a
-   . Eq key
-  => key
-  -> (Unit -> a)
-  -> Hook (UseMemo key a) a
+useMemo ::
+  forall key a.
+  Eq key =>
+  key ->
+  (Unit -> a) ->
+  Hook (UseMemo key a) a
 useMemo key computeA = Render (runEffectFn3 useMemo_ (mkFn2 eq) key computeA)
 foreign import data UseCallback :: Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
-  :: forall key a
-   . Eq key
-  => key
-  -> a
-  -> Hook (UseCallback key a) a
+useCallback ::
+  forall key a.
+  Eq key =>
+  key ->
+  a ->
+  Hook (UseCallback key a) a
 useCallback key computeA = Render (runEffectFn3 useCallback_ (mkFn2 eq) key computeA)
 foreign import data UseEqCache :: Type -> Type -> Type
-  :: forall a
-   . Eq a
-  => a
-  -> Hook (UseCallback a a) a
+useEqCache ::
+  forall a.
+  Eq a =>
+  a ->
+  Hook (UseCallback a a) a
 useEqCache a = Render (runEffectFn2 useEqCache_ (mkFn2 eq) a)
-newtype UnsafeReference a = UnsafeReference a
+newtype UnsafeReference a
+  = UnsafeReference a
 derive instance newtypeUnsafeReference :: Newtype (UnsafeReference a) _
 instance eqUnsafeReference :: Eq (UnsafeReference a) where
   eq = unsafeRefEq
@@ -219,11 +214,14 @@ instance eqUnsafeReference :: Eq (UnsafeReference a) where
 -- | body, i.e. during "render". This includes hooks and ends with
 -- | returning JSX (see `pure`), but does not allow arbitrary side
 -- | effects.
-newtype Render x y a = Render (Effect a)
+newtype Render x y a
+  = Render (Effect a)
-type Pure a = forall hooks. Render hooks hooks a
+type Pure a
+  = forall hooks. Render hooks hooks a
-type Hook (newHook :: Type -> Type) a = forall hooks. Render hooks (newHook hooks) a
+type Hook (newHook :: Type -> Type) a
+  = forall hooks. Render hooks (newHook hooks) a
 instance ixFunctorRender :: IxFunctor Render where
   imap f (Render a) = Render (map f a)
@@ -267,106 +265,99 @@ instance monoidRender :: (TypeEquals x y, Monoid a) => Monoid (Render x y a) whe
 -- | error messages in logs.
 -- |
 -- | __*See also:* `component`__
-foreign import displayName
-  :: forall props
-   . ReactComponent props
-  -> String
+foreign import displayName ::
+  forall props.
+  ReactComponent props ->
+  String
 -- |
 -- | Internal utility or FFI functions
 -- |
-foreign import memo_
-  :: forall props
-   . EffectFn1
-       (ReactComponent props)
-       (ReactComponent props)
-foreign import unsafeSetDisplayName
-  :: forall props
-   . EffectFn2 String (ReactComponent props) (ReactComponent props)
-foreign import useState_
-  :: forall state
-   . EffectFn2
-       (forall a b. Fn2 a b (a /\ b))
-       state
-       (state /\ ((state -> state) -> Effect Unit))
-foreign import useEffect_
-  :: forall key
-   . EffectFn3
-       (Fn2 key key Boolean)
-       key
-       (Effect (Effect Unit))
-       Unit
-foreign import useLayoutEffect_
-  :: forall key
-   . EffectFn3
-       (Fn2 key key Boolean)
-       key
-       (Effect (Effect Unit))
-       Unit
-foreign import useReducer_
-  :: forall state action
-   . EffectFn3
-       (forall a b. Fn2 a b (a /\ b))
-       (Fn2 state action state)
-       state
-       (state /\ (action -> Effect Unit))
-foreign import readRef_
-  :: forall a
-   . EffectFn1
-       (Ref a)
-       a
-foreign import writeRef_
-  :: forall a
-   . EffectFn2
-       (Ref a)
-       a
-       Unit
-foreign import useRef_
-  :: forall a
-   . EffectFn1
-       a
-       (Ref a)
-foreign import useContext_
-  :: forall a
-   . EffectFn1
-       (Context a)
-       (Nullable a)
-foreign import contextProvider_
-  :: forall a
-   . Context a
-  -> ReactComponent { value :: a, children :: JSX }
-foreign import useMemo_
-  :: forall key a
-   . EffectFn3
-       (Fn2 key key Boolean)
-       key
-       (Unit -> a)
-       a
-foreign import useCallback_
-  :: forall key a
-   . EffectFn3
-       (Fn2 key key Boolean)
-       key
-       a
-       a
-foreign import useEqCache_
-  :: forall a
-   . EffectFn2
-       (Fn2 a a Boolean)
-       a
-       a
+foreign import memo_ ::
+  forall props.
+  EffectFn1
+    (ReactComponent props)
+    (ReactComponent props)
+foreign import unsafeSetDisplayName ::
+  forall props.
+  EffectFn2 String (ReactComponent props) (ReactComponent props)
+foreign import useState_ ::
+  forall state.
+  EffectFn2
+    (forall a b. Fn2 a b (a /\ b))
+    state
+    (state /\ ((state -> state) -> Effect Unit))
+foreign import useEffect_ ::
+  forall key.
+  EffectFn3
+    (Fn2 key key Boolean)
+    key
+    (Effect (Effect Unit))
+    Unit
+foreign import useLayoutEffect_ ::
+  forall key.
+  EffectFn3
+    (Fn2 key key Boolean)
+    key
+    (Effect (Effect Unit))
+    Unit
+foreign import useReducer_ ::
+  forall state action.
+  EffectFn3
+    (forall a b. Fn2 a b (a /\ b))
+    (Fn2 state action state)
+    state
+    (state /\ (action -> Effect Unit))
+foreign import readRef_ ::
+  forall a.
+  EffectFn1
+    (Ref a)
+    a
+foreign import writeRef_ ::
+  forall a.
+  EffectFn2
+    (Ref a)
+    a
+    Unit
+foreign import useRef_ ::
+  forall a.
+  EffectFn1
+    a
+    (Ref a)
+foreign import useContext_ ::
+  forall a.
+  EffectFn1
+    (ReactContext a)
+    a
+foreign import useMemo_ ::
+  forall key a.
+  EffectFn3
+    (Fn2 key key Boolean)
+    key
+    (Unit -> a)
+    a
+foreign import useCallback_ ::
+  forall key a.
+  EffectFn3
+    (Fn2 key key Boolean)
+    key
+    a
+    a
+foreign import useEqCache_ ::
+  forall a.
+  EffectFn2
+    (Fn2 a a Boolean)
+    a
+    a