Stuart Sierra's "reloaded" workflow has become very popular in the clojure world of late; and for good reason, it's an awesome and super-productive way to do interactive development in the REPL, and it also helps encourage code modularity and minimizing mutable state. He has some example code that shows some utility functions to use in the REPL to interact with your application.
Trapperkeeper was designed with this pattern in mind as a goal. Thus, it's entirely possible to write some very similar code that allows you to start/stop/reload your app in a REPL:
(:require [
:refer [jetty9-service]]
:refer [count-service foo-service baz-service]]
[puppetlabs.trapperkeeper.core :as tk]
[ :as tka]
[ :refer (refresh)]))
;; a var to hold the main `TrapperkeeperApp` instance.
(def system nil)
(defn init []
(alter-var-root #'system
(fn [_] (tk/build-app
{:logging-config "examples/my_app/logback.xml"}
:webserver {:port 8080}
:example {:my-app-config-value "FOO"}})))
(alter-var-root #'system tka/init)
(tka/check-for-errors! system))
(defn start []
(alter-var-root #'system
(fn [s] (if s (tka/start s))))
(tka/check-for-errors! system))
(defn stop []
(alter-var-root #'system
(fn [s] (when s (tka/stop s)))))
(defn go []
(defn context []
@(tka/app-context system))
;; pretty print the entire application context
(defn print-context []
(clojure.pprint/pprint (context)))
(defn reset []
(refresh :after '
For a working example, see the repl
namespace in the jetty9 example app.