diff --git a/coverage.xml b/coverage.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61d9be28bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/coverage.xml
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1 b/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1
index 2240946730..430f60d0ff 100644
--- a/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1
+++ b/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1
@@ -191,7 +191,14 @@ Describe "test all bolt command examples" {
It "bolt plan run canary --targets target1,target2 command=hostname" {
Write-Warning 'requires params to not be positionl...is that a problem'
$result = Invoke-BoltPlan -name 'canary' -targets 'target1,target2' -params @{ 'command' = 'hostname' }
- $result | Should -Be "bolt plan run canary --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"command`":`"hostname`"}'"
+ # Linux platforms and windows platforms will format the param strings differently:
+ # on windows the format is wrapped in single qoutes with no backslash, while linux
+ # variants require backslash escaped quotes and no single quote wrapping
+ if ($IsWindows) {
+ $result | Should -Be "bolt plan run canary --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"command`":`"hostname`"}'"
+ } else {
+ $result | Should -Be "bolt plan run canary --targets target1,target2 --params {\`"command\`":\`"hostname\`"}"
+ }
It "bolt plan new myproject::myplan" {
$result = New-BoltPlan -name 'myproject::myplan'
@@ -274,11 +281,20 @@ Describe "test all bolt command examples" {
$results | Should -Be "bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"name`":`"bash`",`"action`":`"status`"}'"
$results = Invoke-BoltTask -name 'package' -targets 'target1,target2' -params @{ 'name' = 'bash'; 'action' = 'status' }
- # We don't care about the order of JSON keys, and they might become out
- # of order due to ConvertToJson
- $results | Should -BeIn @("bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"name`":`"bash`",`"action`":`"status`"}'",
- "bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"action`":`"status`",`"name`":`"bash`"}'")
+ # Linux platforms and windows platforms will format the param strings differently:
+ # on windows the format is wrapped in single qoutes with no backslash, while linux
+ # variants require backslash escaped quotes and no single quote wrapping
+ if ($IsWindows) {
+ # We don't care about the order of JSON keys, and they might become out
+ # of order due to ConvertToJson
+ $results | Should -BeIn @("bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"name`":`"bash`",`"action`":`"status`"}'",
+ "bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"action`":`"status`",`"name`":`"bash`"}'")
+ } else {
+ # We don't care about the order of JSON keys, and they might become out
+ # of order due to ConvertToJson
+ $results | Should -BeIn @("bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params {\`"name\`":\`"bash\`",\`"action\`":\`"status\`"}",
+ "bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params {\`"action\`":\`"status\`",\`"name\`":\`"bash\`"}")
+ }
It "bolt task show" {
$results = Get-BoltTask
diff --git a/testResults.xml b/testResults.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b39e945ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testResults.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2172 @@
+ Expected strings to be the same, but they were different.
+Expected length: 80
+Actual length: 82
+Strings differ at index 56.
+Expected: '...rams '{"co...'
+But was: '...rams {\"co...'
+at $result | Should -Be "bolt plan run canary --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"command`":`"hostname`"}'", /home/mcdonaldseanp/Workspace/orchestration/bolt/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1:194
+ at <ScriptBlock>, /home/mcdonaldseanp/Workspace/orchestration/bolt/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1:194
+ Expected collection @('bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{"name":"bash","action":"status"}'', 'bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{"action":"status","name":"bash"}'') to contain 'bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params {\"action\":\"status\",\"name\":\"bash\"}', but it was not found.
+at $results | Should -BeIn @("bolt task run package --targets target1,target2 --params '{`"name`":`"bash`",`"action`":`"status`"}'",, /home/mcdonaldseanp/Workspace/orchestration/bolt/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1:279
+ at <ScriptBlock>, /home/mcdonaldseanp/Workspace/orchestration/bolt/pwsh_module/command.tests.ps1:279
\ No newline at end of file