This directory contains a set of scripts to help you quickly set up a local ZetaChain network for development and testing purposes. The scripts are based on the Docker and Docker Compose.
As a smoke test (sanity integration tests), the setup aims at fully automatic, only requiring a few image building steps and docker compose launch.
As a development testing environment, the setup aims to be flexible, close to real world, and with fast turnaround between edit code -> compile -> test results.
This is primarily tested on a recent Linux distribution such as Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, though macOS should also work (not tested).
The docker-compose.yml file defines a network with:
- 2 zetacore nodes
- 2 zetaclient nodes
- 1 go-ethereum private net node (act as GOERLI testnet, with chainid 1337)
- 1 bitcoin core private node (planned; not yet done)
- 1 orchestrator node which coordinates smoke tests.
$ make zetanode
This Makefile rule builds the zetanode image. Rebuild if zetacored/zetaclientd code is updated.
# in zeta-node/
$ docker build -t zetanode .
The smoke test is in the directory /contrib/localnet/orchestrator/smoketest. It's a Go program that performs various operations on the localnet.
The above make zetanode
should already produced the orchestrator image.
Now we have built all the docker images; we can run the smoke test with make command:
# in zeta-node/
make start-smoketest
which does the following docker compose command:
# in zeta-node/contrib/localnet/orchestrator
$ docker compose up -d
The most straightforward log to observe is the orchestrator log. If everything works fine, it should finish without panic, and with a message "smoketest done".
To stop the tests,
# in zeta-node/
make stop-smoketest
which does the following docker compose command:
# in zeta-node/contrib/localnet/orchestrator
$ docker compose down --remove-orphans
Before starting the monitoring setup, make sure the Zetacore API is up at http://localhost:1317. You can also add any additional ETH addresses to monitor in zeta-node/contrib/localnet/grafana/addresses.txt file
# in zeta-node/
make start-monitoring
which does the following docker compose command:
# in zeta-node/contrib/localnet/
$ docker compose -f docker-compose-monitoring.yml up -d
The Grafana default credentials are admin:admin. The dashboards are located at http://localhost:3000.
# in zeta-node/
make stop-monitoring
which does the following docker compose command:
# in zeta-node/contrib/localnet/
$ docker compose -f docker-compose-monitoring.yml down --remove-orphans
On GOERLI (private ETH net), the deployer account is pre-funded with Ether. Deployer Address and Private Key
TSS Address (on ETH): 0xF421292cb0d3c97b90EEEADfcD660B893592c6A2
The smoke test (integration tests) are located in the orchestrator/smoketest directory. The orchestrator is a Go program.
Localnet can be used for testing the creation and execution of governance propoosals.
Exec into the zetacored0 docker container and run the script to automatically generate proposals in a variety of states and then extends the voting window to one hour, allowing you time to view a proposal in a pending state.
docker exec -it zetacore0 bash