- #1154 - Node exporter is not installed on logging vms
- #1183 - Task 'Check if /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf file exists' fails when kubernetes_master.count = 0
- #1350 - Cannot deploy a non-k8s cluster with load_balancer vm
- #986 - Add vim to Epicli container and devcontainer
- #987 - Add verbosity levels for Terraform and Ansible
- #656 - Add logrotation to kafka by size
- #1016 - Disable verify, backup and recovery as they are not fully implemented
- #1044 - Add ability to add subscriptionId to sp.yml on Azure
- #991 - During apply load only images that are required for current version
- #934 - Kubernetes HA - Test automation
- #933 - Integrate K8s HA to epicli
- #932 - Create/update role to install K8s HA - Dashboard
- #931 - Create/update role to install K8s HA - Node Role
- #930 - Create/update role to install K8s HA - Master Role
- #929 - Single Machine installation - update epicli
- #928 - Single Machine installation - update tests
- #927 - Single Machine installation - lightweight installation
- #973 - Refactoring of PostgreSQL and apply new data model for configuration
- #954 - Change template generation logic for additional components and extensions in postgres
- #921 - Implement log rotation for PGBouncer
- #876 - RepManager installation and configuration for Ubuntu
- #938 - RepManager installation and configuration for RedHat
- #912 - Implementation: PGBouncer or equivalent - K8s version
- #908 - Add configurable log rotation for PostgreSQL
- #888 - QA: Create automatic tests for RepManager
- #879 - QA: Create automatic tests for PGAudit
- #878 - QA: Create automatic tests for PGBouncer
- #877 - QA: Create automatic tests for PGPool
- #875 - PGPool installation and configuration
- #850 - Upgrade Kubernetes to latest
- #890 - Update upgrade role
- #891 - Update core-dns installation
- #892 - Update network plugins installation
- #893 - Update dashboard installation
- #894 - Update packages (requirements.txt)
- #895 - Update init/join configurations
- #397 - Update KeyCloak
- #955 - Update "applications" definitions to be compatible with K8s 1.17.4
- #624 - Don't run epicli as root in container
- #966 - Ubuntu builds get stuck on 'Create epirepo repository' task waiting for user input in offline mode
- #1043 - For vm template on Azure disk_size_gb is missing in storage_os_disk
- #1049 - Azure/RedHat specified disk size 30 GB is smaller than the size of the disk in the VM image
- #1054 - Application configurations are not included with epicli init -full
- #1063 - Issues with single_machine install
- #1108 - [Azure RedHat] Create epirepo: package httpd-2.4.6-93 requires httpd-tools = 2.4.6-93 but latest available is 2.4.6-90
- #1110 - Install fixed version of httpd when latest fails (RHEL)
- #1068 - K8s HA installation - failing in some cases on task "Get token from master"
- #1075 - K8s HA installation - timed out on task "Join master to ControlPlane"
- #1085 - K8s HA installation - etcdserver: request timed out
- #1086 - K8s HA installation - Error from server: etcdserver: leader changed
- #1072 - AWS RedHat - cluster networking issues/lags using canal and flannel plugins
- #1129 - AWS cluster networking issues using calico plugin - NodePort service not always responding