The Vigenère provider only contains one algorithm, which is an adaptation of the well known Vigenère cipher, covering the whole range of byte values, not just alphabetic characters.
This cipher, as well as its history, is described in the Vigenère_cipher wikipedia page
The following names can be used with EVP_CIPHER_fetch(3)
- vigenere
The following property can be used to distinguish this particular implementation of the Vigenère cipher when fetching it with EVP_CIPHER_fetch(3):
These parameters can be retrieved using OSSL_PROVIDER_get_params(3):
"version" <UTF8 string>
The version number of the provider.
"buildinfo" <UTF8 string>
The build type as specified by cmake.
"author" <UTF8 string>
An identifier for the author of this provider.
These parameters can be retrieved using EVP_CIPHER_gettable_params(3) and EVP_CIPHER_get_params(3):
"blocksize" <unsigned integer>
The block size of this cipher (it will always be 1).
The OpenSSL call EVP_CIPHER_block_size(3) uses this parameter implicitly.
"keylen" <unsigned integer>
The standard key length for this cipher, expressed in number of bytes. It's usually 16 (i.e. 128 bits), but may be changed with the environment variable
, further described below.The OpenSSL call EVP_CIPHER_key_length(3) uses this parameter implicitly.
This parameters can be retrieved using EVP_CIPHER_CTX_gettable_params(3), EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_params(3), EVP_CIPHER_CTX_settable_params(3), and EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_params(3):
"keylen" <unsigned integer>
The key length used in the given cipher context, expressed in number of bytes. It defaults to the standard key length as described above, but may be changed to the user's preference.
The OpenSSL calls EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_key_length(3) and EVP_CIPHER_CTX_key_length(3) use this parameter implicitly.
This environment variable can be set to an arbitrary key length, expressed in bytes. The number syntax is implied by strtoul(3), which means that a number starting with "0x" will be understood as a hexadecimal number, and a number starting with "0" will be understood as an octal number.
This allows the user of
openssl enc
to specify the desired key length, which is otherwise not supported by that command.
These examples all assume that
/ vigenere.dll
is located in
the current directory.
Listing the provider itself:
$ openssl list -provider-path . -provider vigenere -providers Providers: vigenere version: 1.2
Listing the algorithm:
$ openssl list -provider-path . -provider vigenere \ -cipher-algorithms -verbose ... Provided: {, vigenere } @ vigenere description: undefined retrievable algorithm parameters: blocksize: unsigned integer (max 8 bytes large) keylen: unsigned integer (max 8 bytes large) retrievable operation parameters: keylen: unsigned integer (max 8 bytes large) settable operation parameters: keylen: unsigned integer (max 8 bytes large)
Encryption with the standard key length (128 bits, i.e. 16 bytes):
$ echo "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" \ | openssl enc -provider-path . -provider vigenere \ -e -vigenere \ -K 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF \ -a VHmHU7XKz9rzuQwtO1RcH2aAmlOuytPn+7kZMTFPDnNodkKfpc/fl+wIEcU=
Encryption with the non-standard key length (256 bits, i.e. 32 bytes):
$ echo "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" \ | VIGENERE_KEYLEN=32 openssl enc -provider-path . -provider vigenere \ -e -vigenere \ -K 00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF \ -a VHmHU7XKz9rzuQwtO1RcH2eSvYfzIDpfdEO03e4d7WNodkKfpc/fl+wIEcU=
This provider is a very small demonstration of fairly minimum requirements for a cipher in an OpenSSL 3.0 provider module.
The cipher that it provides is a toy and should not be used in a real situation.