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-# Quick Start: Run a Node
-A Provenance Blockchain [node](/docs/pb/blockchain/introduction/major-components#provenance-blockchain-node)
-:::info Do You Really Need to Run a Node?
-**A quick check:** If you just need to query the chain or submit a few tx, it's not necessary to run your own
-full node. Read more about options for [Querying] the chain or
-Provenance Blockchain maintains two public networks: [**testnet**](https://github.com/provenance-io/testnet)
-and [**mainnet**](https://github.com/provenance-io/mainnet)
-**To get a node running quickly:**
-- [Install provenanced](/docs/pb/blockchain/running-a-node) and follow the [Quick Start instructions](/docs/pb/blockchain/running-a-node/running-a-node-1/join-provenance-testnet/#quick-start) for running a node
-**Use a QuickSync node image:**
-To avoid having to replay transaction history when spinning up a node, use a QuickSync node image that includes transactions up to the most recent publish date.
-[Instructions](/docs/pb/blockchain/running-a-node/running-a-node-1/join-provenance-testnet/running-a-testnet-node-from-quicksync) for running a node from QuickSync.