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nise is a command line tool:

    nise ( report | yaml )
    nise report ( aws | azure | gcp | ocp | oci ) [options]
    nise yaml ( aws | azure | ocp | ocp-on-cloud | oci ) [options]

Report Options:
    -s, --start-date YYYY-MM-DD             required if not using --static-report-file FILE_NAME
                                            (static file dates overwrite this start date)
    -e, --end-date YYYY-MM-DD               optional, defaults:
                                                AWS/GCP/OCP: today at 23:59
                                                Azure: now() + 24 hours
    -w, --write-monthly                     optional, keep the generated report files in the local dir.
    --file-row-limit ROW_LIMIT              optional, default is 100,000. AWS and OCP only. Multiple reports
                                            will be generated with line counts not exceeding the ROW_LIMIT.
    --static-report-file YAML_NAME          optional, static report generation based on specified yaml file.
                                            See example_[provider]_static_data.yml for examples.

AWS Report Options:
    --aws-s3-bucket-name BUCKET_NAME        optional, must include --aws-s3-report-name.
                                            Use local directory path to populate a "local S3 bucket".
    --aws-s3-report-name REPORT_NAME        optional, must include --aws-s3-bucket-name.
    --aws-s3-report-prefix PREFIX_NAME      optional
    --aws-finalize ( copy | overwrite )     optional, finalize choice

Azure Report Options:

GCP Report Options:
    --gcp-report-prefix PREFIX_NAME
    --gcp-bucket-name BUCKET_NAME

OCP Report Options:
    --ocp-cluster-id CLUSTER_ID             REQUIRED
    --insights-upload UPLOAD_URL            optional, Use local directory path to populate a
                                            "local upload directory".
OCI Report Options:
    --oci-bucket-name BUCKET_NAME           REQUIRED, if uploading to an OCI storage bucket

AWS reports

Generated reports will be generated in monthly .csv files with the file format <Month>-<Year>-<Report Name>.csv.

To generate completely random data and save the report files in the local directory, simply supply a --start-date YYYY-MM-DD and --write-monthly:

nise report aws --start-date 2020-05-03 --write-monthly

To generate a finalized report, the following will make a copy of the monthly report and append -finalized to the file name:

nise report aws -s 2020-05-03 --aws-finalize copy

To upload data to an AWS bucket:

nise report aws -s 2020-05-03 --aws-s3-bucket-name testbucket --aws-s3-report-name cur

To move the generated data into a specific local directory, supply --aws-s3-bucket-name with a /path/to/local/dir:

nise report aws -s 2020-05-03 --aws-s3-bucket-name /local/path/testbucket --aws-s3-report-name cur

To generate less randomized data, supply a --static-report-file YAML_NAME. AWS example:

nise report aws --static-report-file example_aws_static_data.yml

Azure reports

Note: To upload to Azure, you must have AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT and AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING set in your environment.

Below are example usages of nise for Azure data:

nise report azure --start-date 2019-08-01

nise report azure --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure-container-name container --azure-report-name cur

nise report azure --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure-container-name /local/path/container --azure-report-name cur

nise report azure --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure-container-name /local/path/container --azure-report-name cur --azure-report-prefix my-prefix

nise report azure --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure-container-name /local/path/container --azure-report-name cur --azure-report-prefix my-prefix --static-report-file example_azure_static_data.yml

nise report azure --static-report-file azure_static_data.yml

Example upload to Azure:

AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT='my_storage_account' \
AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING='DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=my_storage_account;AccountKey=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;' \
nise --start-date 2019-08-01 --azure --azure-container-name container --azure-report-prefix this_is_prefix  --azure-report-name this_is_report --static-report-file example_azure_static_data.yml

This will put the generated reports in the container container with the following structure:


GCP reports

--gcp-bucket-name could be an local file name or a bucket. When --gcp-bucket-name matches a file on disk, the generated reports will be written to that file. If --gcp-bucket-name does not match a file on disk, nise will attempt to upload the generated report to a bucket with that name. When this is the case the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable must be set, and the given bucket-name must match and existing bucket that is accessable by the service account indicated in GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

For more information about GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS see the Google Authentication Docs.

Below are example usages of nise for GCP data:

nise report gcp --start-date 2018-06-03 --end-date 2018-06-08

nise report gcp --start-date 2018-06-03 --end-date 2018-06-08 --gcp-report-prefix my-gcp-data

nise report gcp --start-date 2018-06-03 --end-date 2018-06-08 --gcp-report-prefix my-gcp-data --gcp-bucket-name my-gcp-bucket

nise report gcp --static-report-file gcp_static_data.yml

Generated reports will be generated in daily .csv files with the file format <Report-Prefix>-<Year>-<Month>-<Day>.csv.

OCP reports

Generated reports will be produced in monthly .csv files with the file format <Month>-<Year>-<Cluster-ID>-<Report-type>.csv. Three report types are generated for each month: ocp_node_label, ocp_pod_usage, and ocp_storage_usage.

Below are example usages of nise for OCP data:

To generate completely random data and save the report files in the local directory:

nise report ocp -s 2020-06-03 -w --ocp-cluster-id test-001

To upload report files to ingress service:

nise report ocp -s 2020-06-03 --ocp-cluster-id test-001 --insights-upload  <url to ingress>

To move the generated data into a specific local directory:

nise report ocp  -s 2020-06-03 --ocp-cluster-id test-001 --insights-upload  /local/path/dir

To use a static yaml to generate data:

nise report ocp --ocp-cluster-id my-cluster-id --static-report-file ocp_static_data.yml

To generate completely random data and save the report files in the local directory along with ROS-OCP metrix data:

nise report ocp -s 2020-06-03 -w --ocp-cluster-id test-001 --ros-ocp-info

OCP-on-Cloud reports

Below is an example usage of nise for OCP running on AWS data using the example ocp-on-aws YAML. This example will save the files to the local directory:

# First ensure that the resource_id and dates in both AWS and OCP static report files match

nise report aws -w --static-report-file examples/ocp_on_aws/aws_static_data.yml

nise report ocp -w --ocp-cluster-id my-cluster-id --static-report-file examples/ocp_on_aws/ocp_static_data.yml

Below is an example usage of nise for OCP running on AZURE data using the example ocp-on-azure YAML. This example will save the files to the local directory:

# First ensure that the dates in both AWS and OCP static report files match. Then specify an instance_id for Azure VMs in the Azure format where the string after the final '/' matches the OpenShift node_name.
    e.g. instance_id: '/subscriptions/99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999/resourceGroups/koku-99hqd-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/master'
         node_name: master

nise report azure -w --static-report-file examples/ocp_on_azure/azure_static_data.yml

nise report ocp -w --ocp-cluster-id my-cluster-id --static-report-file examples/ocp_on_azure/ocp_static_data.yml

OCI reports

Cost and usage reports will be generated in monthly .csv files with the file format <reports>_<Report Type>-<csv>_<File Number>_<Year>-<Month>.csv.

To generate completely random data and save the report files in the local directory, simply supply a --start-date YYYY-MM-DD and --write-monthly:

nise report oci --start-date 2022-04-01 --write-monthly

To move the generated data into a specific local directory, supply --oci-local-bucket with a /path/to/local/dir. If the directory does not exist in the path provided, it will be created:

nise report oci -s 2022-04-01 --oci-local-bucket /local/path/testbucket

To upload data to an OCI bucket, supply --oci-bucket-name.

Note: To upload to OCI storage bucket, you must have these variables below set in your environment:


The bucket must already exist in your OCI storage.

nise report oci -s 2022-04-01 --oci-bucket-name testbucket

To generate less randomized data, supply a --static-report-file YAML_NAME. Example OCI YAML.

nise report oci --static-report-file example_oci_static_data.yml