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+# 🏗 PHP Auto Autoloader
+With this autoloader, you do not need any more, no matter where you have a master in your root, the autoloader of MB tnado Ai will find it. The classes found can be indexed to retry without searching.
+# Usage
+Instantiate your classes, interfaces, traits or even abstract classes, no matter where.
+The only thing you have to do is to integrate.
+## Packagist with Composer
+This solution extends the vendor autoloader because it calls the files with certain criteria. The extension allows you to call classes wherever the Autoloader is involved.
+Download [Composer](https://getcomposer.org/) local or global. Check for more [Tutorial - NetBeans with Composer and Packagist](https://www.tnado.com/blog/netbeans-with-composer-and-packagist-the-php-package-manager/) for this one.
+You found the Autoloader package on [Packagist - PHP Auto Autoloader](https://packagist.org/packages/prod3v3loper/php-auto-autoloader).
+Add the Autoloader dependencie to the **composer.json** and set the autoload.
+ ...
+ "autoload": {
+ "psr-4": { "Aautoloder\\": "autoload/src" }
+ },
+ "require": {
+ "prod3v3loper/php-auto-autoloader": ">=1.0"
+ }
+ ...
+Now run the composer install command with php
+php composer.phar install
+composer install
+This is the vendor autoloader invites our autoloader and now we do not need to specify any more class and can load all our classes.
+ Prod3v3loper - Autoload
+ method_from_first_class();
+ // METHOD 2: The slower way, namespace is equal to folder structure but the classname is differnt to the filename
+ $class_two = new testclasses\classes\second_class();
+ $class_two->method_from_second_class();
+ // METHOD 3: The slowest way, here ist nothing euqal
+ $three_class = new name_space\namespace2\third_class();
+ $three_class->method_from_third_class();
+ ?>
+## Git clone
+Get per [Git](https://git-scm.com/) or [download](https://github.com/prod3v3loper/php-auto-autoloader/archive/master.zip) and use it.
+git clone https://github.com/prod3v3loper/php-auto-autoloader.git /projects/
+So we use it without a vendor and can start a direct call.
+ Prod3v3loper - Autoload
+ method_from_first_class();
+ // METHOD 2: The slower way, namespace is equal to folder structure but the classname is differnt to the filename
+ $class_two = new testclasses\classes\second_class();
+ $class_two->method_from_second_class();
+ // METHOD 3: The slowest way, here ist nothing euqal
+ $three_class = new name_space\namespace2\third_class();
+ $three_class->method_from_third_class();
+ ?>
+# Core Settings & Debug
+Indexing of the found classes, default is `true`.
+define('MBT_CORE_AUTOLOAD_INDEX', true);
+Maximum number of lines to read in a file, default is `49`.
+Set this to false so that you no longer see the debugging, default is `true`.
+Look at which classes where were found, default is `true`.
+# Root
+The complete path is the directory path, that the autoloader get by self.
+The autoloader define get the web root by self after set `MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT`
+define('MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT', __DIR__);
+define('MBT_SERVER_ROOT', str_replace(MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT, '', str_replace(filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'DOCUMENT_ROOT'), '', str_replace("\\", "/", MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT))));
+define('MBT_HTTP_ROOT', get_protocol() . get_host() . MBT_SERVER_ROOT);
+# Loader methods
+The autoloader finds everything yourself you do not have to do anything except write your class and instance and use.
+Method | Namespace (with class) | Path | Load Time
+------------ | ------------ | ------------- | -------------
+1 | testclasses\first_class | php-auto-autoloader/testclasses/first_class.php | 0.0 sec.
+2 | testclasses\classes\second_class | php-auto-autoloader/testclasses/classes/second.php | 0.002 sec.
+3 | name_space\namespace2\third_class | php-auto-autoloader/testclasses/classThree.php | 0.011 sec.
+## METHOD 1:
+> This is the fastest way
+That means we take the website root path and namespace as a folder path and the classname we put together with these.
+### Example
+**The instance:**
+`new testclasses\first_class();`
+Type | Sample | Description
+---- | ------ | ------
+PATH | `/project/sites/mywebsite/` | MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT
+NAMESPACE | `testclasses` | Like the folder name
+CLASS | `first_class` | Like the file name without extension
+Then the result example | `/project/sites/mywebsite/testclasses/first_class.php` |
+## METHOD 2:
+> This method is slightly slower than the first, so 0.03 - 0.05 seconds
+This function namespace as folder path and force only this path for class `second_class` (Example) file.
+However, this only occurs when the file does not match the specified class name.
+This means every file found in this folder is opened and searched for the classname.
+As soon as the used class exists in a file, this is integrated and can use it.
+### Example
+**The instance:**
+`new testclasses\classes\second_class();`
+Type | Sample | Description
+---- | ------ | ------
+PATH | `/project/sites/website/` | MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT
+NAMESPACE | `testclasses\classes` | Like the folder name
+Then the result example | `/project/sites/mywebsite/testclasses/classes/second_class.php` |
+## METHOD 3:
+> This method is the slowest, but found class anything where
+This method is the slowest, because it scans all your folders.
+No matter how much files you have, all are opened, read and searched for the classname.
+This method intervenes only when none of the other methods was successful. So if the namespace was not just a folder name and the class name was not filename.
+### Example
+**The instance:**
+`new testclasses\classes\third_class();`
+Type | Sample | Description
+---- | ------ | ------
+PATH | `/project/sites/mywebsite/` | MBT_DOCUMENT_ROOT
+Then the result example | `/project/sites/mywebsite/testclasses/classThree.php` |
+# Authors
+**prod3v3loper** - *All works*
+# License
+MIT - prod3v3loper
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