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RFM 17.1 | Sharing Provider Records with Multiaddresses

DRI/Team: Mikel Cortes-Goicoechea & Leonardo Bautista-Gomez (Barcelona Supercomputing Center)

Date: 11/11/2022

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Findings
  3. Methodology
  4. Discussion
  5. Contributions
  6. Conclusion
  7. References


Context: Slack Discussion & GitHub Issue

Content routing through DHT lookups in IPFS involves two different steps:

  1. Routing the desired CID to the nodes that host the content - find the Provider's Records (PR) in the public Provider Records DHT
  2. Mapping the peer ID of the nodes hosting the content to their public multiaddress - find the multiaddress of a peer in the Public Address DHT

In this context, we understand the PR as the link between a CID and a Peer ID of the content provider, which is how the PRs are stored in the public DHT. However, in the networking layer, when a host requests or looks for the Providers of a given CID, the method dht.FindProviders() returns two arrays of peer.AddrInfo:

  • The first array relates to the []AddrInfo of content providers that the remote host is aware of.
  • The second array relates to peers closer to the CID from the remote peer's perspective (from its routing table).

Given that the structure of the peer.AddrInfo is:

type AddrInfo struct {
	ID    ID
	Addrs []Multiaddr

One could think: Why do we split the retrieval process into two different steps or lookups when we could simply return the ID and []Multiaddr of the peer in the same response?

  • The simple answer is: it already happens (sometimes).

Each node in the network keeps locally a peerstore with the information of each currently and previously connected peer. In this local peerstore, nodes generally keep items like the UserAgent, Latency, Multiaddresses, and so on from the remote peer. But most importantly, hosts keep locally an expiration time or Time To Live (TTL) for those Multiaddresses associated with that peer. This TTL gets updated or extended each time the local hosts interact with that remote peer, which generally happens when the local host refreshes its routing table or when a Provider publishes or republishes the PR.

In the current IPFS network, the TTL of those Multiaddresses is between 10 and 30 mins (depending on the go-libp2p version), while the TTL for the PR is ~24 hours (still pending to be re-adjusted to 48 hours after the submission of RFM17).

So, when some node requests the PR of a given CID, the node that stores the PR will only reply with the []Multiaddr together with the PeerID of the content provider if the TTL for the Multiaddr hasn't expired yet. This prevents sharing non-updated records for any peer in the network. Effectively, it avoids sending the client to the wrong multiaddress.

However, since the PRs have a TTL of 24 hours, and we intend to extend it up to 48h, is it worth shortening the current process that performs two lookups to a single one? In other words:

  • Should we extend the TTL of the ID - Multiaddr mapping? (30-10 mins VS 24 hours matching the PR TTL)
  • Should we always share the Multiaddr with the ID if any peer asks for a PR that we know?

This extension of RFM17 aims to prove that the mapping between ProviderID and []Multiaddr is actually shared for those 10 to 30 mins after connecting with a PR Holder to store the records. Ultimately, and perhaps as an item of future work, proving that extending that TTL to match the PR expiration time would remove the need to make a second DHT lookup to map the provider's ID and its Multiaddress. This will bring a significant performance increase to the DHT Lookup process, as it will reduce the latency by half, i.e., clients will need to "walk" the DHT once instead of twice, as is the case today.


  • As we were expecting, peers no longer share the provider’s ID + Multiaddress after 30 mins (some of them still share them after the expected 10 mins depending on the IPFS client that they are using. The TTL increase was included in [email protected] August 18th, 2022)
  • Even though the lookup process can find the Multaddress for the provider over those 10-30 mins, the lookup process sometimes returns an empty Multaddress field in the peer.AddrInfo. The problem? The dht.FindProviders() method only reports once each content provider, so if the first peer that reports the PR only includes the content provider's PeerID, later coming PeerID + Multiaddress mapping will no longer be notified.


The study uses as a basis the CID-Hoarder from RFM17. It includes some complementary modifications that trace down the retrieval process of the DHT lookup.

The tool uses two hosts, one for publishing the content (gets closed after the publication process), and the second for pinging the PR Holders individually, asking for the PRs, and performing a public DHT lookup for the content.

The result of each ping for the PR holders and the result of the lookup for the PRs are written in the stdout as logs. The logs contain both the peer reporting the PR and the content of the received AddrInfo response. These logs are then parsed in Python to produce the plots analyzed in section 4.

Notes: Holder: Peers elected to store the PR in the publication process for the CIDs.


As previously introduced, this RFM aims to measure how PRs are shared when someone tries to find the content provider for a given CID. To do so, we will divide this section into four different chapters, i) the outcome of a request for a PR to the PR holders (successful, failed), ii) the reply from those peers that share the PR during the lookup process, iii) the final result of the dht.FindProviders() method form the go-libp2p-kad-dht implementation (same as the kubo one), and iv) an overview of the measured IP churn of the DHT servers in IPFS.

The experiment was done for a total of 100 CIDs for over 50 minutes on January 17th, 2023.

4.1-PR holder's direct reply

Looking closely at the ratio of PR holders that reply with the PR from Figure [1], we see that 6 to 10 PR holders are continuously sharing them over the entire study. Please keep in mind that there is a delay of 3 mins between ping rounds and that the network is currently experiencing some difficulties because half of the network is apparently unreachable.


Figure 1: Number of PR holders replying with the PR.

However, suppose we check the actual content of the AddrInfo that we receive back from the remote peers, as displayed in Figure [2]. In that case, we can observe that those 6 to 10 stable PR holders only share both PeerID + Multiaddress for around three ping rounds or 9 to 12 minutes. Afterward, the median drops to 4-5 stable peers sharing the combo until ping round 10, i.e., 30 mins, which is then followed by a period of only PeerID replies.


Figure 2: Number of PR Holders replying with the PeerID + Multiaddress combo.

4.2-Reply of peers reporting the PR during the DHT lookup

Results are similar when we analyze the replies of the peers that report back the PR from the DHT lookup process. We set to 20 (same as K) the number of content providers we were looking for to track the multiple remote peers, adding a timeout of two minutes for the LookupForProviders() operation (same as FindProviders() but without checking the PRs locally at the ProviderStore). Figure [3] represents the number of remote peers reporting the PR for the CIDs we were looking for, where we can see seven stable peers by median over the entire study.


Figure 3: Number of remote peers replying with the PR during the DHT lookup.

We spotted no difference with the individual when comparing the number of content provider's Multiaddress shared among PRs. Figure [4] also shows the same drop of peers sharing the combo after ~9-12 mins, with a sudden decline after round 10 (~30 mins). It is clear from these results that the network is quite segmented in terms of client versions, where the TTL of the Multiaddress records varies from 10 to 30 mins.


Figure 4: Number or remote peers replying with the PeerID + Multiaddress combo during the DHT lookup process.

4.3-Result from the DHT lookup

It is essential to notice that despite being able to show empirically what we already knew, the combo of PeerID + Multiaddress gets shared only over the TTL of the Multiaddress records, the result that we got from the DHT lookup process don't fully match the results previously showed.

Figure [5] displays the final result of the LookupForProviders() method, distinguishing the content of the received PR. In the figure, we can appreciate that for rounds one, two, and three (first 10 minutes) the Provider Records always come along the Multiaddress of the provider.


Figure 5: Result of the dht.FindProviders method, together with the filtered content of the received provider's AddrInfo.

We expect to retrieve the combo over the current TTL of the multiaddress records. However, the fragmentation between IPFS nodes in the network, with different TTLs for the multiaddress, makes some inconsistent replies when asking for the PRs. In the current libp2p/go-libp2p-kad-dht implementation, the return value of the lookup gets defined by the first AddrInfo response we get for each provider in the network (code here). This means that if after 15 minutes of publishing a content some client wants to retrieve it through a DHT lookup if the first peer that we connect from the closest ones replies with only the PeerID, that requester client will have to perform a second DHT lookup to map the PeerID with the providers Multiaddress. This phenomenon will still happen even though a second reply might arrive with the entire combo 20ms later.

4.4 IP Churn of PR Holders

The possible improvement we want to measure with the RFM by increasing the TTL of the provider's Multiaddress would only be beneficial for the network if peers keep their IP at least for the same time that the PRs are alive in the network. To measure the IP churn among nodes in the IPFS network, Figure [6] refers to an experiment done in RFM-17 where the hoarder was pinging PR Holders of 10k CIDs for over 80 hours.


Figure 6: Distribution of online PR Holders over 80 hours.

In the figure, we can appreciate how the online-ness of the PR Holders barely variates, keeping a median of 13 to 15 online PR Holders online. Considering that the hoarder only attempts to connect the PR Holders to the initial Multiaddress that we tracked when storing the PRs, we can conclude that the IP churn is not that perceptible among DHT servers.


To improve the impact that increasing the provider multiaddres's TTL (@dennis-tra) would have in the retrieval of content, we have suggested to adjust the PeerSet logic in the DHT lookup process (@cortze) to notify those Multiaddress of providers that previously were only reported with the PeerID of the provider. Figure [7] shows the result of the DHT lookup method when applying the proposed changes, where we observe that the lookup process always reports the combo PeerID + Multiaddress as soon as someone has a valid TTL for the Multiaddress.


Figure 7: Result of the dht.FindProviders method applying code suggestions.

To minimize the impact of increasing the TTL of the provider's address, kubo maintainers suggested adding a backup DHT lookup for a possible updated provider's multiaddress libp2p/go-libp2p#1835 (@dennis-tra) in the libp2p.RoutedHost in case the multiaddress shared with the PRs ended into a connection failure.


With this study, we have demonstrated empirically that the combo of PeerID + Multiaddress are, in fact, shared for as long as the TTL of the Multiaddress records don't expire. This means that if we increase this TTL to match the PR expiration time, we could reduce to a single DHT lookup the process of retrieving a CID's content using the public DHT. This would significantly improve the overall DHT lookup time, as it would decrease latency by half.

On the other hand, we have identified some code limitations that could affect the impact of such improvements as the network keeps fragmented based on client versions and mismatches between configurations. Thus, the final intention of removing that extra second lookup might only achieve the expected result if the majority of the network accepts and upgrades the TTL of provider's multiaddresses. For that reason, we suggest merging both increasing the provider Multiaddress TTL and the new PeerSet logic together to maximize the results.
