Generate elixir typedstructs from AVRO schemas.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding avrogen
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:avrogen, "~> 0.2.1"}
While there exists a handful of libraries to encode and decode AVRO messages in Elixir, all of them consume schemas at runtime, which has the advantage of flexibilty e.g. this approach can be used with a schema registry, but you lose the any compile time type safety for your types.
Avrogen generates Elixir code from AVRO schemas, turning each record into module containing a typedstruct
and a bunch of helper functions to encode and decode the struct to and from AVRO binary format.
For example, the following schema...
"type": "record",
"namespace": "foo",
"name": "Bar",
"fields": [
{"name": "baz", "type": ["null", "string"]},
{"name": "qux", "type": "int"}
... generates an elxir module which looks like this:
defmodule Foo.Bar do
@moduledoc """
`baz`: baz
`qux`: qux
# This module was automatically generated from an AVRO schema.
# On occasion, the generated code exceeds Credo's complexity limits.
# credo:disable-for-this-file
@dialyzer :no_opaque
use TypedStruct
use Accessible
# This line tells the Jason library how to encode the typedstruct below
# With no arguments, this tells Jason to encode everything except the `:__struct__` field
# See
@derive Jason.Encoder
typedstruct do
field :baz, nil | String.t()
field :qux, integer(), enforce: true
@behaviour Avrogen.AvroModule
@impl true
def avro_fqn(), do: "foo.Bar"
@impl true
def avro_schema_name(), do: "foo"
@impl true
def to_avro_map(%__MODULE__{} = r) do
"baz" => r.baz,
"qux" => r.qux
@impl true
def from_avro_map(%{
"baz" => baz,
"qux" => qux
}) do
baz: baz,
qux: qux
@expected_keys["baz", "qux"])
def from_avro_map(%{} = invalid) do
actual = Map.keys(invalid) |>
missing = MapSet.difference(@expected_keys, actual) |> Enum.join(", ")
{:error, "Missing keys: " <> missing}
def from_avro_map(_) do
{:error, "Expected a map."}
def pii_fields(), do: @pii_fields
def drop_pii(%__MODULE__{} = r) do
m = Map.from_struct(r)
Kernel.struct(__MODULE__, m)
alias Avrogen.Util.Random
alias Avrogen.Util.Random.Constructors
@spec random_instance(Random.rand_state()) :: {Random.rand_state(), struct()}
def random_instance(rand_state) do
Constructors.instantiate(rand_state, __MODULE__,
baz: [Avrogen.Util.Random.Constructors.nothing(), Avrogen.Util.Random.Constructors.string()],
qux: Avrogen.Util.Random.Constructors.integer()
The easiest way to use avrogen is to add :avro_code_generator
to your list of compilers in your mix.exs
file, making sure to place it before the other compilers so all Elixir code is in place before the Elixir compiler runs.
compilers: [:avro_code_generator | Mix.compilers()]
You'll also need to tell the elixir compiler to build the generated code, which can be acheived by adding the generated
dir (the default destination directory) to your elixirc_paths
elixirc_paths: ["lib", "generated"]
Now, you can create a new directory called schemas
at the root of your project and put some .avsc
files in there. They will be built and compiled whenever things need to get recompiled, so just run your mix commands as usual.
While the defaults might be OK for some folks, you can configure the generator task from your mix.exs file, using the avro_code_generator_opts
avro_code_generator_opts: [
paths: ["schemas/*.avsc"],
dest: "generated",
schema_root: "schema",
module_prefix: "Avro"
The options are:
- an array of file paths or wildcards to locate schema files. Defaults to"schemas/*.avsc"
- A directory of where to put the generated elixir code. Defaults to"generated"
- The root of the schema directory, this is the root dir that will be used to resolve schemas located in other files. Defaults to"schemas"
- Optional string to place at the front of generated elixir modules. Defaults to"Avro"
Firstly, you'll need to start the Schema Registry process by adding the following entry to your Application file:
@impl true
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
# Start a schema registry
{Avro.Schema.SchemaRegistry, Application.get_application(__MODULE__)},
Now you can create new records in code using the full module name, which is comprised of your prefix + the namespace + name of the record.
E.g. the record:
"namespace": "foo",
"name": "Bar",
"fields": [
{"name": "quz", "type": ...}
... will result in a module called Avro.Foo.Bar
, which can be used like any other normal struct:
message = %Avro.Foo.Bar{quz: ...}
Encode this module to a binary using the Avrogen.encode_schemaless/1
{:ok, bytes} = Avrogen.encode_schemaless(message)
You can decode it back into a struct using the Avrogen.decode_schemaless/2
function, mind that you'll need to pass in the module name as avro binaries don't encode their type.
{:ok, message} = Avrogen.decode_schemaless(Avro.Foo.Bar, bytes)
Schemas commonly depend on other schemas, which can be located in a differnt file. Consider the following two schema files:
"type": "record",
"name": "Developer",
"namespace": "hr",
"fields": [
{"name": "age", "type": "int"},
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "level", "type": "hr.Level"}
"type": "enum",
"name": "Level",
"namespace": "hr",
"symbols": [
The Developer
record refernces the Level
enum using its fully qualified schema name: hr.Level
. The filename must have the form hr.Level.avsc
for it to be discovered correctly, otherwise you'll likely result in an error from the generator.
The schema_root
option passed to the generator tells it where to search for such files.
Bump the version number in mix.exs using semver semantics and run:
mix hex.publish
You might need to sign into the primauk organization first, which is done like so:
mix hex.organization auth primauk
When prompted, use the credentials in the LastPass entry “Hex UK Shared Account”.
The username should be [email protected]
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
We should be able to do away with the schema registry and simply add to_binary()
and from_binary()
function calls into the generated code to go to and from binary. The avro spec is not too complex so this could be done fairly easily.
This would mean we don't have to run the schema registry as a seperate application, and the performance should be decent.