Play here An Incremental based on super-imposed cursors. As you progress the game's layout will also. You must manage your cursors carefully as the layout changes.
- following cursors cost [currency0]
- 1st cursor is free
- list all buttons as vertical columns by type. (cursor col, currency col, upgrade col)
- clicking on a bought cursor button destroys it, shifts everything up.
- Once [currency1] is unlocked, create tab bar at the top, shifting everything down.
- Add buttons horizontally to tab bar for each [currencyN].
- If a row/column reaches beyond the edge of the screen, shift everything adding an adjacent col/row.
- If entire window is full, scale everything down by x% and redraw. probably down so that there are no repeat columns/rows
- cursor should be numbered with corresponding button
- cursor should start red, have yellow during recording, then go to green during playback