Project This repository is my log for working every day. Resource Table of Contents Angular(Updated) Installation CLI Create Project Create Component Brew(Updated) Solve Unbrewed Composer Install Memcached Nginx (Applied) Nginx (Full) Nginx Node PHP-FPM PHP Extension Python3 Vagrant Wget Composer Yii2 GCP 1.Install-SDK 2.Authentication 3.Deploy PHP Git Create Clone0 Laravel(Updated) Create Project Install Add Homestead Configure Homestead Lumen Installation Create Project Generate Controller Generate Model Memcached Usage Meteor(New) Installation GAE Create Project Deploy NPM Knex Sails Odoo V9 Installation V11 Installation Packagist(New) Hook with Github Python PIP Virtualenv Autoenv React Create Project Refactoring Route Semantic Setup React Native Fixed gitignore Install Create Project Silex(Updated) Create Project Create Log Using Dump Create Service Vue Install Wordpress Fixed update Yii(New) GAE Create Skeletion Deploy Create Models Create Controller Create Log Migration