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380 lines (301 loc) · 8.48 KB

File metadata and controls

380 lines (301 loc) · 8.48 KB



  1. acala/karura plugin update.



  1. evm account import/delete fix.



  1. polkadot/kusama staking reward display fix.



  1. bridge module update.
  2. acala/karura NFT display fix.
  3. DOT transfer history fix.



  1. acala EVM address binding page fix.



  1. acala EVM address binding fix.



  1. statemint tx submit fix.



  1. bridge update.
  2. polkadot/kusama plugin update.



  1. bridge update.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.



  1. update DApp browser.
  2. bridge add statemint support.



  1. update acala/karura plugin to fix ios crash.



  1. support bridging to acala EVM address.



  1. bump sdk 0.5.6.
  2. rebuild dapp browser to support both substrate&EVM.



  1. ios crash fix.



  1. bump sdk 0.5.5+2.
  2. acala/karura plugin update - ACA/KAR staking.



  1. bump sdk 0.5.5+1.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.



  1. bump sdk 0.5.5.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.
  3. add webview.isMessageChannelAlive check for reconnect.



  1. bump sdk 0.5.4+7.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.

[3.5.0-beta] - 20230711

  1. bump sdk 0.5.4+5.
  2. rename statemine/statemint -> asset hub.
  3. acala/karura plugin update.

[3.4.9-beta] - 20230620

  1. bump sdk 0.5.4+3.

[3.4.8-beta] - 20230607

  1. bridge module update.
  2. bump sdk/ui 0.5.4.

[3.4.7-beta] - 20230523

  1. kusama/polkadot plugin update: no-controller for staking.

[3.4.6-beta] - 20230518

  1. add polkawallet_plugin_evm support.
  2. EVM account support + Goerli testnet support.

[3.4.5-beta] - 20230428

  1. karura/acala plugin update.
  2. bridge module update.

[3.4.3-beta] - 20230317

  1. kusama/polkadot remote node list update.
  2. bridge page update.
  3. karura/acala plugin update.

[3.4.2-beta] - 20230220

  1. kusama/polkadot staking page issue fix.

[3.4.1-beta] - 20230214

  1. kusama plugin update.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.
  3. bump sdk/ui 0.5.2.
  4. upgrade flutter 3.7.1.

[3.4.0-beta] - 20230128

  1. Fix karura remote node issue.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.

[3.3.9-beta] - 20230120

  1. Fix known bugs.
  2. acala/karura plugin update.

[3.3.8-beta] - 20221220

  1. Fix known bugs.
  2. UX enhancement.
  3. bump sdk/ui v0.5.1.

[3.3.6-beta] - 20220926

  1. Fix known bugs.
  2. UX enhancement.
  3. bump sdk/ui v0.5.0.

[3.3.5-beta] - 20220817

  1. Multiple fiat display #125
  2. 发送交易失败错误信息解析修复 #341
  3. Astar 跨链 #353
  4. polkadot-js update 8.x -> 9.x #361
  5. Swap预估收到显示优化 #359
  6. Bridge-点击头像直接进入select account页面(且UI默认选中当前账号) #347
  7. Optimize the LP assets page #242
  8. Price trend chart UI adjust #366
  9. homa taiga apy 展示调整

[3.3.4-beta] - 20220804

  1. Replace history api #267
  2. Optimize Vault display #180
  3. 其他插件中非原生token具体资产页面暗色版适配 #297
  4. 修复部分已知bug #271 #306 #297 #307 #320 #321
  5. 历史记录增加按事件筛选功能 #298
  6. Swap模块taiga token兑换记录标记。 #305
  7. 支持 Statemint 插件,以便在后续支持 WBTC,WETH 跨链 #221
  8. ACA 质押挖矿奖励 ACA-aUSD LP 的 APR 修复
  9. 新增 bridge 模块 #182
  10. DApp 签名账户判断优化,支持任何地址格式。

[3.3.3-beta] - 20220720

  1. taiga LP 页面图标更新.
  2. Night mode #165

[3.3.2-beta] - 20220713

  1. aUSD/lcDOT/LDOT icon 更新 #248
  2. 3USD 加入资产统计 + 从 acala js sdk 获取市场价格 #248
  3. collateral staking 显示优化 #246
  4. LKSM/LDOT apy 更新,使用接口查询获取
  5. swap 聚合交易
  6. karura/acala 支持taiga #218

[3.3.1-beta] - 20220630

  1. Avatar (account info) on each module #183
  2. kusama/statemine xcm params update #211
  3. Multiply vault history page& detail page #193
  4. LDOT/LKSM fast redeem fix #213
  5. acala/karura loyalty end time fix #216
  6. Pop-up dialog UI update #157
  7. Built-in browser【more】enhancement #181
  8. Avatar customization #130
  9. acala lcDOT/tDOT prices update #222 #233

[3.3.0-beta] - 20220620

  1. flutter upgrade 3.0.1
  2. karura - crab/turing xcm #160 #184
  3. karura/acala runtime 2070 #173
  4. karura/acala node list update - removed patract & added dwellir
  5. ui 优化(斜切角、car背景圆角统一、中文字号字体) #189 #190 #191
  6. claim rewards amount under ED #178
  7. Pop up for update #129
  8. acala plugin defi tx history #174
  9. LKSM/LDOT APY update & banner update
  10. Search token symbol to navigate the LP pool #149

[3.2.9-beta] - 20220606

  1. 修复 DOT/KSM Staking 发送交易问题 #154
  2. 切换网络操作增加确认弹窗 #131
  3. tDOT 名称修复 #155
  4. assets 列表管理页面 native token 显示 symbol #156
  5. DOT/KSM Staking cross-chain 选择 #158 + destED 修复

[3.2.8-beta] - 20220602

  • karura new xcm #122
  • acala new xcm #121 #143
  • polkadot/kusama/statemine sdk polkadot.js upgrade ^8.5.1 #128
  • UI details tweaking #132
  • Optimized opening dAPP history refresh logic #139
  • Dot staking 全部解绑提示英文需换行,并限制 #141
  • Tx error message parsing #142
  • Vault adjust tx upgrade #146
  • Restake on STAKING stats panel #135
  • Filter(staked/all)earn-LP staking #81
  • EARN-Sort function #147

[3.2.7-beta] - 20220525

  • add dapps
  • karura/acala plugin:add cdp multiply

[3.2.6-beta] - 20220513

  • token refactoring
  • erc20 support
  • Ldot composite earnings mining guidance
  • Asset optimization

[3.2.5-beta] - 20220509

  • Support polkadot xcm cross-chain
  • add liquid staking.

[3.2.4-beta] - 20210428

  • karura/acala plugin: add incentive end time
  • add message module
  • bump polkawallet_sdk: 0.4.5

[3.1.0-beta] - 20210209

  • update acala plugin: lcDOT support
  • update statemine plugin: RMRK xcm

[3.0.7-beta] - 20210111

  • update karura plugin
  • update statemine plugin: RMRK xcm

[3.0.0-beta] - 20211224

  • v3 ui
  • add acala plugin

[2.4.0-beta] - 20211019

  • update Karura plugin.

[2.3.9-beta] - 20211018

  • update config from walletApi.

[2.3.8-beta] - 20211014

  • KSM xcm transfer compatible update.

[2.3.7-beta] - 20210930

  • fix null address bug.

[2.3.3-beta - 2.3.6-beta] - 20210928

  • update Karura plugin.

[2.3.2-beta] - 20210903

  • add notification push service.

[2.3.0-beta] - 20210901

  • update NFT pages.

[2.2.9-beta] - 20210829

  • update xcm tx params.

[2.2.8-beta] - 20210828

  • fix acala-tc6 NFT page.

[2.2.6-beta] - 20210826

  • update Karura plugin.
  • update crowdloan page.
  • add Bifrost plugin.

[2.2.5-beta] - 20210824

  • update Karura plugin.


  • update Karura plugin.


  • update Karura plugin.
  • add Statemine plugin.

[2.2.2-beta] - 20210817

  • add assets management.
  • update Karura plugin.


  • update uos flow.
  • add apk download notes.


  • add tokens market prices.
  • update Karura plugin.


  • Add address format limit for transfer.
  • update Karura plugin.


  • Update karura plugin.


  • Update karura plugin.


  • Add google analytics
  • Add karura vesting redeem page.
  • Add claim KAR dApp entrance.


  • Add auction & crowdloans support.
  • bump polkawallet_sdk: v0.2.3.


  • Add Karura network support.


  • App test with polkawallet_plugin_kusama


  • First release


  • Add staking rebond action for unlocking Tokens.
  • Add staking yearly return display and ranking for validators.


  • add sign and verify page.
  • fix change network loading issue.
  • rebuild staking bond&nominate process.
  • fix import account derive path issue.
  • update tx confirm page estimate fee display.


  • Brand new UI.
  • AcalaMandala-TC6 support.
  • Add existential deposit tips.


  • Add karura parachain auction pre-support link.
  • Add Staking operations limit while in election.
  • Fix known Bugs.


  • Add ChainX network support.
  • Hide tips by default in tx confirm page.
  • Fix known Bugs.


  • Add Edgeware network support.
  • Update ChainX plugin.
  • Update Laminar plugin to TC3.
  • Fix known Bugs.


  • Update Acala swap & loan UI.
  • Remove Kusama council module.
  • Update Edgeware Update.
  • Update ChainX plugin.
  • Fix known Bugs.


  • Update kar crowd loan flow.


  • Add Acala loan incentives.
  • Update Kusama/Polkadot plugin.
  • Edgeware plugin update.
  • Update kar crowdloan flow.
  • Fix known Bugs.


  • Add Universal links support.