- acala/karura plugin update.
- evm account import/delete fix.
- polkadot/kusama staking reward display fix.
- bridge module update.
- acala/karura NFT display fix.
- DOT transfer history fix.
- acala EVM address binding page fix.
- acala EVM address binding fix.
- statemint tx submit fix.
- bridge update.
- polkadot/kusama plugin update.
- bridge update.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- update DApp browser.
- bridge add statemint support.
- update acala/karura plugin to fix ios crash.
- support bridging to acala EVM address.
- bump sdk 0.5.6.
- rebuild dapp browser to support both substrate&EVM.
- ios crash fix.
- bump sdk 0.5.5+2.
- acala/karura plugin update - ACA/KAR staking.
- bump sdk 0.5.5+1.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- bump sdk 0.5.5.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- add webview.isMessageChannelAlive check for reconnect.
- bump sdk 0.5.4+7.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- bump sdk 0.5.4+5.
- rename statemine/statemint -> asset hub.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- bump sdk 0.5.4+3.
- bridge module update.
- bump sdk/ui 0.5.4.
- kusama/polkadot plugin update: no-controller for staking.
- add polkawallet_plugin_evm support.
- EVM account support + Goerli testnet support.
- karura/acala plugin update.
- bridge module update.
- kusama/polkadot remote node list update.
- bridge page update.
- karura/acala plugin update.
- kusama/polkadot staking page issue fix.
- kusama plugin update.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- bump sdk/ui 0.5.2.
- upgrade flutter 3.7.1.
- Fix karura remote node issue.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- Fix known bugs.
- acala/karura plugin update.
- Fix known bugs.
- UX enhancement.
- bump sdk/ui v0.5.1.
- Fix known bugs.
- UX enhancement.
- bump sdk/ui v0.5.0.
- Multiple fiat display #125
- 发送交易失败错误信息解析修复 #341
- Astar 跨链 #353
- polkadot-js update 8.x -> 9.x #361
- Swap预估收到显示优化 #359
- Bridge-点击头像直接进入select account页面(且UI默认选中当前账号) #347
- Optimize the LP assets page #242
- Price trend chart UI adjust #366
- homa taiga apy 展示调整
- Replace history api #267
- Optimize Vault display #180
- 其他插件中非原生token具体资产页面暗色版适配 #297
- 修复部分已知bug #271 #306 #297 #307 #320 #321
- 历史记录增加按事件筛选功能 #298
- Swap模块taiga token兑换记录标记。 #305
- 支持 Statemint 插件,以便在后续支持 WBTC,WETH 跨链 #221
- ACA 质押挖矿奖励 ACA-aUSD LP 的 APR 修复
- 新增 bridge 模块 #182
- DApp 签名账户判断优化,支持任何地址格式。
- taiga LP 页面图标更新.
- Night mode #165
- aUSD/lcDOT/LDOT icon 更新 #248
- 3USD 加入资产统计 + 从 acala js sdk 获取市场价格 #248
- collateral staking 显示优化 #246
- LKSM/LDOT apy 更新,使用接口查询获取
- swap 聚合交易
- karura/acala 支持taiga #218
- Avatar (account info) on each module #183
- kusama/statemine xcm params update #211
- Multiply vault history page& detail page #193
- LDOT/LKSM fast redeem fix #213
- acala/karura loyalty end time fix #216
- Pop-up dialog UI update #157
- Built-in browser【more】enhancement #181
- Avatar customization #130
- acala lcDOT/tDOT prices update #222 #233
- flutter upgrade 3.0.1
- karura - crab/turing xcm #160 #184
- karura/acala runtime 2070 #173
- karura/acala node list update - removed patract & added dwellir
- ui 优化(斜切角、car背景圆角统一、中文字号字体) #189 #190 #191
- claim rewards amount under ED #178
- Pop up for update #129
- acala plugin defi tx history #174
- LKSM/LDOT APY update & banner update
- Search token symbol to navigate the LP pool #149
- 修复 DOT/KSM Staking 发送交易问题 #154
- 切换网络操作增加确认弹窗 #131
- tDOT 名称修复 #155
- assets 列表管理页面 native token 显示 symbol #156
- DOT/KSM Staking cross-chain 选择 #158 + destED 修复
- karura new xcm #122
- acala new xcm #121 #143
- polkadot/kusama/statemine sdk polkadot.js upgrade ^8.5.1 #128
- UI details tweaking #132
- Optimized opening dAPP history refresh logic #139
- Dot staking 全部解绑提示英文需换行,并限制 #141
- Tx error message parsing #142
- Vault adjust tx upgrade #146
- Restake on STAKING stats panel #135
- Filter(staked/all)earn-LP staking #81
- EARN-Sort function #147
- add dapps
- karura/acala plugin:add cdp multiply
- token refactoring
- erc20 support
- Ldot composite earnings mining guidance
- Asset optimization
- Support polkadot xcm cross-chain
- add liquid staking.
- karura/acala plugin: add incentive end time
- add message module
- bump polkawallet_sdk: 0.4.5
- update acala plugin: lcDOT support
- update statemine plugin: RMRK xcm
- update karura plugin
- update statemine plugin: RMRK xcm
- v3 ui
- add acala plugin
- update Karura plugin.
- update config from walletApi.
- KSM xcm transfer compatible update.
- fix null address bug.
- update Karura plugin.
- add notification push service.
- update NFT pages.
- update xcm tx params.
- fix acala-tc6 NFT page.
- update Karura plugin.
- update crowdloan page.
- add Bifrost plugin.
- update Karura plugin.
- update Karura plugin.
- update Karura plugin.
- add Statemine plugin.
- add assets management.
- update Karura plugin.
- update uos flow.
- add apk download notes.
- add tokens market prices.
- update Karura plugin.
- Add address format limit for transfer.
- update Karura plugin.
- Update karura plugin.
- Update karura plugin.
- Add google analytics
- Add karura vesting redeem page.
- Add claim KAR dApp entrance.
- Add auction & crowdloans support.
- bump polkawallet_sdk: v0.2.3.
- Add Karura network support.
- App test with polkawallet_plugin_kusama
- First release
- Add staking rebond action for unlocking Tokens.
- Add staking yearly return display and ranking for validators.
- add sign and verify page.
- fix change network loading issue.
- rebuild staking bond&nominate process.
- fix import account derive path issue.
- update tx confirm page estimate fee display.
- Brand new UI.
- AcalaMandala-TC6 support.
- Add existential deposit tips.
- Add karura parachain auction pre-support link.
- Add Staking operations limit while in election.
- Fix known Bugs.
- Add ChainX network support.
- Hide tips by default in tx confirm page.
- Fix known Bugs.
- Add Edgeware network support.
- Update ChainX plugin.
- Update Laminar plugin to TC3.
- Fix known Bugs.
- Update Acala swap & loan UI.
- Remove Kusama council module.
- Update Edgeware Update.
- Update ChainX plugin.
- Fix known Bugs.
- Update kar crowd loan flow.
- Add Acala loan incentives.
- Update Kusama/Polkadot plugin.
- Edgeware plugin update.
- Update kar crowdloan flow.
- Fix known Bugs.
- Add Universal links support.