Welcome contribution from everyone in the community.
All communications in this repo will be by English.
Every contributor to eslint-plugin-component library should adhere to our Code of Conduct.
Please read the full text to understand what actions will and will not be tolerated.
You can contribute to eslint-plugin-component library via:
You can raise your own PR. The title of your PR should match the following format:
<type>[folder scope]: <description>
Do not care about the number, or style of commits in your history, because I squash merge every PR into main.
Feel free to commit in whatever style you feel comfortable with.
Type must be one of those
if you changed shipped code :
- feat - for any new functionality additions
- fix - for any fixes that don't add new functionality
if you haven't changed shipped code :
- docs - if you only change documentation
- test - if you only change tests
other :
- chore - anything else
The name of root-folder that you made changes. (ex: root, docs, lib, tests)
If you made changes across multiple folders, writing folder scope is optional.
A clear and concise description of what the pr is about.