Add a generator for db migrations
Release gems via rake-gemcutter instead of rubyforge
By default, sort messages newest first [Alexander Lang]
Add dependency on Rails 2.3
Add dependency on plugin_test_helper 0.3.0
Add dependency on state_machine 0.7.0
Use a state machine for the hidden_at field on Message/MessageRecipient
Add dependency on state_machine 0.5.0
Remove the PluginAWeek namespace
Rename Message#hide!/unhide! to Message#hide/unhide and MessageRecipient#hide!/unhide! to MessageRecipient#hide/unhide
Add mass-assignment protection in the Message/MessageRecipient models
Change how the base module is included to prevent namespacing conflicts
Add dependency on state_machine 0.3.0
Add compatibility with state_machine 0.2.0
Remove log files from gems
Remove dependency on acts_as_list
Update to reflect changes from has_states to state_machine
Introduce an ActionMailer-type api for adding the various types of recipients
Update migrations to support Rails 2.0 syntax
Replace has_finder dependency with named_scope
Remove has_messages helper
Update documentation
Add state_changes fixtures for tests
Use has_finder for tracking the deletion status of Messages/MessageRecipients
Message#forward and Message#reply should create new instances of the current class, not always Message
Add type field to MessageRecipient table
Allow message senders to not be model recipients in third-party plugins
Remove old references to Message::StateExtension
Update with dependency on custom_callbacks
Add documentation
Convert dos newlines to unix newlines
Move ReceiverMessage state into the MessageRecipient class
Moved Build extensions out of the MessageRecipient class
Fix determining whether classes exist in has_messages