Release gems via rake-gemcutter instead of rubyforge
Add support for customizing how the SHA value gets built
Allow methods or procs to be defined for dynamically generating SHA salts
Add support for customizing the SHA encryption algorithm
Use Array#pack/String#unpack instead of Base64 to be compatible with Ruby 1.9+
Fix symmetric ciphers not working on Ruby 1.8.6 and below
Remove the PluginAWeek namespace
Fix class-level defaults not working when inherited
Remove AsymmetricEncryptor.default_algorithm, instead relying on SymmetricEncryptor.default_algorithm
Rename NoKeyError to NoPasswordError
Rename Encryptors to Ciphers
Remove deprecated SymmetricEncryptor#key option
Require that symmetric encryption be PKCS #5 compliant
Fix non-compliant PKCS #5 algorithm being used for symmetric encryption. Use :pkcs5_compliant => true for better security.
Rename SymmetricEncryptor#key to #password
Fix deprecation messages for Cipher#encrypt/decrypt
Remove dependency on active_support
Add automatic stringification of salts for SHA encryption
Fix not resetting the encryptor after calling decrypt!
Updated documentation
Remove gem dependency on activesupport
Fix not allowing the decryption mode to be overriden if the string already has an encryptor
Convert dos newlines to unix newlines
Official public release
Add api documentation
Refactor unit test names