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File metadata and controls

250 lines (168 loc) · 9.33 KB

A roadmap of things to do

  • Whitespace pruning, before and after opening tag and closing tag (for outerprune), use tagmodifiers like -, % ! etc... Document it.

  • Write an article on converting left-recursive AST to right recursive.

  • Upload the latest vim-plugin. Write an article in on using the plugin.

  • @from directive to be supported.

  • Rename ITayra* interface names to I* names. Remove the Tayra prefix to names, now that interface names are canonical.

  • Example ttl files demonstrating the tokens and shortcuts implemented by tayra.tags.html plugin and tayra.tags.forms plugin.

  • Create hyper link to vim-plugin in README.rst.

  • Allow wiki markup as template tag contents. List of wiki markups,

    markdown, reStructuredText, Org-mode, Textile, Asciidoc

  • Create hyper link reference for PLY project where ever it is mentioned in the document text.

  • lexer rules in pygments to support TTL text. Submit ttl lexer to pygment project.

  • There is an issue with tayra script file. It cannot be used from paenv environment, still need to use Issue is related to importing tayra module before importing pluggdapps module.

  • Create integration points to write JavaScript snippets inside the template. Integration points should be extensible to other languages like CoffeScript.

  • Implement tayra.decorator functions as plugins and populate the plugin instances in template context.

  • Do not allow prolog directives after the template script has started. Add the condition check in

  • Generate compact HTML (ugly-html) pruning of all redundant whitespaces.

  • This whole utf-8-sig business is very patchy. Review the code aand fix it properly.

  • Bug fix. Parser should pass for empty ttl files. files containing just directives or tags.

  • Bug fix. The following line creates problem.

    <td.brace1 rowspan="3" {font-size : xx-large;} > {

  • Bug fix. The following expression fails, that is when using dictionary. ${ conf.render( {}, config ) } Once fixed, change template code in config.ttl of etsite, couchpysite, tyrsite.

  • charset directive should be read and based on the character-set encoding the whole text must be re-read. This character set encoding specified in TTL text must override the encoding config-param passed by the caller program. Intermediate python file should also adhere to this encoding.

  • What is BOM in syntax grammar ? Should this part of string encoding or lexer ?
    BOM (EF, BB, BF) syntax is not allowed in utf-8 encoding, so where ever is used stip them off.

  • Looks like ':' prefix is used for XML namespace. This is in direct conflict with tag name specifier ':', so change it to '::' specifier syntax and translate as is, ':' specifier prefix XML namespace.

  • Once stripping is made available (or inline tags), http://localhost:5000/bootstrap/config config value must not introduce whitespace.

  • Check paper.js (Javascript+canvas) and see how one can write plugins in tayra using that.

  • Propose a mail to various community list explaining the exiting future and oppurtunities in HTML5, SVG (and associated standards) and how Tayra can play an important role in that.

  • Document the scope of escape () character.

  • Document the special characters that are not allowed in tag-specifiers.

  • Document the special characters that are not allowed in content.

  • parser.restart() and lex.restart() does not seem to be sufficient, for now avoiding reuse of parser and lexer objects. Find a long term solution.

  • Remove ITestInterface and replace it with a valid plugin.

  • Test cases / profiling / code-coverage.

  • with filter block, something like

    with:foo = 42 ${ foo } ... foo is 42 here
    with:... foo is not visible here any longer
  • Same template might cater to different geography and hence different language. Provide a framework so that parts of template are translatable based on the language modifier (which mostly comes from HTTP request).

    There are three ways in which this framework be made accessible to template authors - decorators, expression substitution, filterblocks.

  • default(value, default_value=u'', boolean=False) context function,

    If the value is undefined in the context it will return the passed default value, otherwise the value of the variable

  • Check out Angular JS. Can tayra learn anything from them ?

  • Flag error if @function is used in-place of @interface, and vice-versa.

  • Flag error if an interfaced is being declared as implemented but some of the methods are not implemented using @interface.

  • ITTLPlugin under tayra/ is to be removed.

  • Flag errors when circular inheritance or circular import/include are detected.

  • Make tutorial.etx and getStarted.etx and updated reference.etx first paragraph.

  • SVG support, Kendo-UI and Component Art.

  • Context-based compilation, context-less compilation.

  • Code generation optimization.

  • Global statements in ttl file should not by body local. They must be global.

  • How are context functions (from helper file imported) into template context ?

  • In ttl_cmdline, don't mix command line options with ttlconfig.

  • Refactor based on safedesc() logic defined in Tayra styles, TSS.

  • Add expression filter 'dq' and 'sq' to quote the output as string.

  • White space preservation.

  • Enable wiki text as content selectable using the tag's specifier. like,

    <div etx> hello world

  • Decorator for generating HTML based on client-agent.

  • Ruby's code-block style syntax to write event-handlers for tag-elements.

  • Automatically detect the user-agent compatibility level with html and generate elements in confirmance to it. This must play safe with the following knobs,

    • doctype specification in ttl file
    • encoding specification in ttl file
    • language specification in ttl file
    • config params passed to compile the ttl file
    • HTTP headers (or any other real-time info available from user agent) denoting the user agent capabilities.
  • Just saw Adobe Egdge ... Can tayra be the keyboard version for addressing the same market place as Adobe's ?

  • Micro-templating similar to mako. This will demonstrate the true power of StackMachine based design. This requires a change in the filter-block syntax and symantics. It would be better if it is possible to parse the filter-block as signature + siblings.

  • Implement them using parser grammar. Once mature the core implementation can be ported to C and bolted with many other general pupose languages like Java, Ruby, PHP etc ...

  • Pure sandboxing in python is not entirely possible. Nevertheless pypy is providing the sandboxing feature, which can be used if required. Some ideas for sandboxing,

    • try __builtins__ = {}
    • Avoid passing any objects via which a module object is accessible.
    • Parse the python code found in control blocks, function params, and exression substitution and kick out the compromising parts.
  • Template authors are responsible for the code that they are writing, along with the plugins that they are going to use. The way in which the security can be breached beyond the control of the application developer is when anonymous code gets evaluated in the templates context.

  • Tayra does not use eval anywhere during the compilation process and the expression text in expression substitution ${ ... } is directly placed as python code.

  • So as long as the developers do not use eval() anywhere in their template text, I guess things should be fairly safe.

  • May be I am wrong and I would love to stand corrected.

  • From stackoverflow, a self-closing div will not validate. This is because a div is a normal element, not a void element. According to the spec, tags that cannot have any contents (known as void elements) can be self-closing*. This includes the following tags:

    area, base, br, col, command, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr

    The "/" is completely optional on the above tags, however, so <img/> is not different from <img>, but <img></img> is invalid.

    So tayra automatically removes any self-closing tags from TAGBEGIN token and subsequently tag-handlers under tayra.tags package will generate <hr/> format for void-elements.

Release check-list

  • Sphinx doc quick-start, one time activity.
    sphinx-quickstart # And follow the prompts. sphinx-apidoc -f -d 2 -T -o docs/ tayra $(APIDOC_EXCLUDE_PATH)
  • Change the release version in ./CHANGELOG.rst, ./tayra/
  • Update TODO.rst if any, because both CHANGELOG.rst and TODO.rst are referred by README.rst.
  • Check whether release changelogs in CHANGELOG.rst have their release-timeline logged, atleast uptill the previous release.
  • Update and for release
  • Make sure that sphinxdoc/modules/ has all the modules that need to be documented.
  • Enter virtual environment and upload the source into pypi.
    make upload
  • Upload documentation zip.
  • If ttl vim-plugin was updated, package and upload to vim script repository
  • After making the release, taging the branch, increment the version number.
  • Create a tag and push the tagged branch to