Faker PHP integration with Behat Gherkin language
- Require this extension using Composer:
composer require --dev plozmun/behat-faker-extension
- Enable it within your Behat configuration:
# behat.yaml.dist / behat.yaml
locale: 'es_es' # Optional to enable locale functions
Add your PHP Faker function between braces:
Ej: {{firsName}}
or complex functions {{dateTimeBetween('-5 years', '-1 years').format('Y-m-d')}}
Feature: Create a Book
In order to create a new book
As a admin user
I need to be able to create a book
Scenario: Send post to create a new book
When I add "Content-Type" header equal to "application/json"
When I send a "POST" request to "/api/v1/book/{{ean13}}" with body:
"author": {
"firsName": "{{firstName}}",
"lastName": "{{lastName}}"
"title": "{{sentence}}",
"createdAt": "{{dateTimeInInterval('-5 years', '-1 years').format('Y-m-d')}}
And the response status code should be 200
Scenario: Show published books
Given the following products exist:
| ean | title |
| {{ean}} | {{sentence}} |
| {{ean}} | {{sentence}} |
When I go to "/admin/books"
Pablo Lozano - plozmun [lead developer]