Corset, a method that hierarchically clusters contigs using shared reads and expression, then summarizes read counts to clusters, ready for statistical testing.
Corset performs the clustering and counting (dashed box) in a single step
该软件将组装出来的转录本序列根据reads的比对情况进行聚类,然后再计算per gene reads counts。
ATP5J 和 GABPA 两个基因的UTR有一段重叠的部分,当使用无参拼接时,会得到8条转录本,其中3条最长的转录本为拼接引起的假阳性转录本(Cluster b中的转录本)。若使用unigene的方法,根据unigene最长转录本原则,会选取假阳性转录本进行后续分析,这并不准确。而使用Corset聚合“Gene”的方法,可以将这些真实的转录本分离出来(Cluster a 和 Cluster d)。
conda install -c bioconda corset
corset (version 1.07):
Usage: corset [options] <input bam files>
Input bam files:
The input files should be multi-mapped bam files. They can be single, paired-end or mixed
and do not need to be indexed. A space separated list should be given.
e.g. corset sample1.bam sample2.bam sample3.bam
or just: corset sample*.bam
If you want to combine the results from different transcriptomes. i.e. the same reads have
been mapped twice or more, you can used a comma separated list like below:
corset sample1_Trinity.bam,sample1_Oases.bam sample2_Trinity.bam,sample2_Oases.bam ...
Options are:
-d <double list> A comma separated list of distance thresholds. The range must be
between 0 and 1. e.g -d 0.4,0.5. If more than one distance threshold
is supplied, the output filenames will be of the form:
counts-<threshold>.txt and clusters-<threshold>.txt
Default: 0.3
-D <double> The value used for thresholding the log likelihood ratio. The default
value will depend on the number of degrees of freedom (which is the
number of groups -1). By default D = 17.5 + 2.5 * ndf, which corresponds
approximately to a p-value threshold of 10^-5, when there are fewer than
10 groups.
-m <int> Filter out any transcripts with fewer than this many reads aligning.
Default: 10
-g <list> Specifies the grouping. i.e. which samples belong to which experimental
groups. The parameter must be a comma separated list (no spaces), with the
groupings given in the same order as the bam filename. For example:
-g Group1,Group1,Group2,Group2 etc. If this option is not used, each sample
is treated as an independent experimental group.
-p <string> Prefix for the output filenames. The output files will be of the form
<prefix>-counts.txt and <prefix>-clusters.txt. Default filenames are:
counts.txt and clusters.txt
-f <true/false> Specifies whether the output files should be overwritten if they already exist.
Default: false
-n <string list> Specifies the sample names to be used in the header of the output count file.
This should be a comma separated list without spaces.
e.g. -n Group1-ReplicateA,Group1-ReplicateB,Group2-ReplicateA etc.
Default: the input filenames will be used.
-r <true/true-stop/false>
Output a file summarising the read alignments. This may be used if you
would like to read the bam files and run the clustering in seperate runs
of corset. e.g. to read input bam files in parallel. The output will be the
bam filename appended with .corset-reads.
Default: false
-i <bam/corset/salmon_eq_classes> The input file type. Use -i corset, if you previously ran
corset with the -r option and would like to restart using those
read summary files. Use salmon_eq_classes, if you aligned with salmon with
the flag --dumpEq and are passing corset the equivalent class files.
Running with either -i corset or salmon_eq_classes will switch off the -r option.
Default: bam
-l <int> If running with -i corset or salmon_eq_classes, this will filter out a link between contigs
if the link is supported by less than this many reads. Default: 1 (no filtering)
-x <int> If running with -i corset or salmon_eq_classes, this option will filter out reads that
align to more than x contigs. Default: no filtering
Citation: Nadia M. Davidson and Alicia Oshlack, Corset: enabling differential gene expression
analysis for de novo assembled transcriptomes, Genome Biology 2014, 15:410
SRR453566 to SRR453571。推荐使用这个网站下载sra数据Sra-Explorer,并用ascp下载。
ascp -QT -l 300m -P33001 -i $HOME/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh [email protected]:vol1/fastq/SRR453/SRR453568/SRR453568_1.fastq.gz . && mv SRR453568_1.fastq.gz SRR453568_Batch_rep1_1.fastq.gz
推荐使用trimmomatic进行数据质控 P means paired and U means unpaired
for filename in *_1.fastq.gz
trimmomatic PE -threads 8 -trimlog logfile \
${base}_1.fastq.gz ${base}_2.fastq.gz \
${base}_P1.fastq.gz ${base}_U1.fastq.gz \
${base}_P2.fastq.gz ${base}_U2.fastq.gz \
ILLUMINACLIP:/pub/anaconda3/share/trimmomatic-0.39-1/adapters/TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 \
fixes the read IDs for Trinity by adding a \1 to the end of the first end's name and a \2 to the end of the 2nd ends name.
zcat *_P1.fastq.gz | sed 's/ HWI/\/1 HWI/g' > all_1.fastq.gz
zcat *_P2.fastq.gz | sed 's/ HWI/\/2 HWI/g' > all_2.fastq.gz
Trinity --max_memory 10G --seqType fq --left all_1.fastq.gz --right all_2.fastq.gz --full_cleanup --CPU 10
The result should be a fasta file of transcripts called Trinity.fasta
现在需要将clean reads比对回参考转录组上,可以使用salmon或bowtie2
To run salmon for corset, start by indexing the assembled transcriptome
salmon index --index Trinity --transcripts Trinity.fasta
Then quantify the reads (it's very important to specify the --dumpEq flag, so the equivalence classes are output)
FILES=`ls SRR*_P1.fastq.gz | sed 's/_P1.fastq.gz//g'`
for F in $FILES
salmon quant --index Trinity --libType IU --dumpEq -1 $R1 -2 $R2 --output ${F}.out
we can use one of salmon's outputs called equivalence classes to cluster transcripts and provide gene-level abundances
Build the bowtie index:
bowtie2-build trinity_out_dir.Trinity.fasta Trinity_bowtie2
Map each file to the transcriptome. Here is a short bash script for doing that:
FILES=`ls SRR*_P1.fastq.gz | sed 's/_P1.fastq.gz//g'`
for F in $FILES ; do
bowtie2 --all -S Trinity_bowtie2 -1 $R1 -2 $R2 > ${F}.sam
samtools view -S -b ${F}.sam > ${F}.bam
The first three sample files (in numeric order) belong to one experimental group in our example while the final three belong to another
corset -g 1,1,1,2,2,2 -n A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 *.bam
or, if we aligned using salmon:
corset -g 1,1,1,2,2,2 -n A1,A2,A3,B1,B2,B3 -i salmon_eq_classes SRR*/aux_info/eq_classes.txt
is a tab delimited table with one line for each transcript. The first column contains the transcript ids and the second column is the cluster id it has been assigned to.
is also a tab delimited table. It lists the number of reads assigned to each cluster, one per row. There is one columns for each sample.
egdeR is a bioconductor package in R which will be used to test the count data for significant differential expression.
#Optional: Exclude rows with fewer than 1 read per million in at least 3 samples
#and re-populate dge with filtered records + update library sizes:
keep <- rowSums(cpm(dge)>1) >= 3
dge <- dge[keep,,keep.lib.sizes=FALSE]
output all the differentially expressed clustered found using edgeR
allTags <- topTags(results,n=dim(results$table)[1])[[1]]
deClusters = rownames(allTags)[allTags$FDR<0.05]
Extract the contig sequences
It will take the output from corset (clusters.txt), the assembly fasta file, and a file containing a list of clusters of interest, and generate a new fasta file containing only the contigs of interest (with their cluster ID appended to the contig ID)
./fetchClusterSeqs.py -i Trinity.fasta -t clusters_of_interest.txt -o contigs_of_interest.fasta -c clusters.txt
The cluster naming is of the form Clusters-X.Y
. The X
is the super-cluster ID. Any transcript which shares even a single read with another transcript will have the same super-cluster ID. The Y
indicates the cluster number within the super-cluster