diff --git a/dist/pixi-spine-pixi.mjs b/dist/pixi-spine-pixi.mjs new file mode 100644 index 0000000..16a01c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/pixi-spine-pixi.mjs @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +/*! + * @pixi/spine-pixi - v2.0.2 + * Compiled Thu, 01 Aug 2024 14:23:12 UTC + * + * @pixi/spine-pixi is licensed under the MIT License. + * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license + * + * Copyright 2024, PixiJS Team, All Rights Reserved + */import{Texture as ee,ExtensionType as O,LoaderParserPriority as te,checkExtension as R,DOMAdapter as ne,path as E,TextureSource as se,extensions as G,collectAllRenderables as ge,Container as X,Bounds as be,Ticker as Y,DEG_TO_RAD as me,Cache as q,Assets as ie,Graphics as P,Text as we}from"pixi.js";import{Texture as fe,TextureFilter as D,TextureWrap as J,BlendMode as V,TextureAtlas as xe,SkeletonClipping as oe,RegionAttachment as j,MeshAttachment as $,Vector2 as Ce,Color as I,Skeleton as re,SkeletonData as ae,AnimationState as ve,AnimationStateData as ye,Physics as Se,ClippingAttachment as le,SkeletonBounds as de,AtlasAttachmentLoader as De,SkeletonBinary as Pe,SkeletonJson as Te,PathAttachment as ke}from"@esotericsoftware/spine-core";export*from"@esotericsoftware/spine-core";if(typeof window!="undefined"&&window.PIXI){const o=window.require;window.require=e=>{if(o)return o(e);if(e.startsWith("@pixi/")||e.startsWith("pixi.js"))return window.PIXI}}var Ae=Object.defineProperty,Be=(o,e,t)=>e in o?Ae(o,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):o[e]=t,ce=(o,e,t)=>(Be(o,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,t),t);const he=class A extends fe{constructor(e){super(e.resource),ce(this,"texture"),this.texture=ee.from(e)}static from(e){return A.textureMap.has(e)?A.textureMap.get(e):new A(e)}setFilters(e,t){const n=this.texture.source.style;n.minFilter=A.toPixiTextureFilter(e),n.magFilter=A.toPixiTextureFilter(t),this.texture.source.autoGenerateMipmaps=A.toPixiMipMap(e),this.texture.source.updateMipmaps()}setWraps(e,t){const n=this.texture.source.style;n.addressModeU=A.toPixiTextureWrap(e),n.addressModeV=A.toPixiTextureWrap(t)}dispose(){this.texture.destroy()}static toPixiMipMap(e){switch(e){case D.Nearest:case D.Linear:return!1;case D.MipMapNearestLinear:case D.MipMapNearestNearest:case D.MipMapLinearLinear:case D.MipMapLinearNearest:return!0;default:throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(e)}`)}}static toPixiTextureFilter(e){switch(e){case D.Nearest:case D.MipMapNearestLinear:case D.MipMapNearestNearest:return"nearest";case D.Linear:case D.MipMapLinearLinear:case D.MipMapLinearNearest:return"linear";default:throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(e)}`)}}static toPixiTextureWrap(e){switch(e){case J.ClampToEdge:return"clamp-to-edge";case J.MirroredRepeat:return"mirror-repeat";case J.Repeat:return"repeat";default:throw new Error(`Unknown texture wrap: ${String(e)}`)}}static toPixiBlending(e){switch(e){case V.Normal:return"normal";case V.Additive:return"add";case V.Multiply:return"multiply";case V.Screen:return"screen";default:throw new Error(`Unknown blendMode: ${String(e)}`)}}};ce(he,"textureMap",new Map);let K=he;var Me=Object.defineProperty,_e=Object.defineProperties,Le=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors,ue=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols,Oe=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,je=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,pe=(o,e,t)=>e in o?Me(o,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):o[e]=t,Fe=(o,e)=>{for(var t in e||(e={}))Oe.call(e,t)&&pe(o,t,e[t]);if(ue)for(var t of ue(e))je.call(e,t)&&pe(o,t,e[t]);return o},Ue=(o,e)=>_e(o,Le(e));const We={extension:O.Asset,loader:{extension:{type:O.LoadParser,priority:te.Normal,name:"spineTextureAtlasLoader"},test(o){return R(o,".atlas")},async load(o){return await(await ne.get().fetch(o)).text()},testParse(o,e){const t=R(e.src,".atlas"),n=typeof o=="string";return Promise.resolve(t&&n)},unload(o){o.dispose()},async parse(o,e,t){const n=e.data||{};let s=E.dirname(e.src);s&&s.lastIndexOf("/")!==s.length-1&&(s+="/");const i=new xe(o);if(n.images instanceof se||typeof n.images=="string"){const a=n.images;n.images={},n.images[i.pages[0].name]=a}const r=[];for(const a of i.pages){const d=a.name,c=n!=null&&n.images?n.images[d]:void 0;if(c instanceof se)a.setTexture(K.from(c));else{const l={src:c!=null?c:E.normalize([...s.split(E.sep),d].join(E.sep)),data:Ue(Fe({},n.imageMetadata),{alphaMode:a.pma?"premultiplied-alpha":"premultiply-alpha-on-upload"})},p=t.load(l).then(h=>{a.setTexture(K.from(h.source))});r.push(p)}}return await Promise.all(r),i}}};G.add(We);function Re(o){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,"bones")}function Xe(o){return o instanceof Uint8Array}const $e={extension:O.Asset,loader:{extension:{type:O.LoadParser,priority:te.Normal,name:"spineSkeletonLoader"},test(o){return R(o,".skel")},async load(o){const e=await ne.get().fetch(o);return new Uint8Array(await e.arrayBuffer())},testParse(o,e){const t=R(e.src,".json")&&Re(o),n=R(e.src,".skel")&&Xe(o);return Promise.resolve(t||n)}}};G.add($e);var Ee=Object.defineProperty,Ye=(o,e,t)=>e in o?Ee(o,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):o[e]=t,v=(o,e,t)=>(Ye(o,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,t),t);class Ve{constructor(){v(this,"indexStart"),v(this,"textureId"),v(this,"texture"),v(this,"location"),v(this,"batcher"),v(this,"batch"),v(this,"renderable"),v(this,"vertices"),v(this,"indices"),v(this,"uvs"),v(this,"indexSize"),v(this,"vertexSize"),v(this,"roundPixels"),v(this,"data"),v(this,"blendMode")}setData(e,t,n,s,i){if(this.renderable=e,this.data=t,t.clipped){const r=t.clippedData;this.indexSize=r.indicesCount,this.vertexSize=r.vertexCount,this.vertices=r.vertices,this.indices=r.indices,this.uvs=r.uvs}else this.indexSize=t.indices.length,this.vertexSize=t.vertices.length/2,this.vertices=t.vertices,this.indices=t.indices,this.uvs=t.uvs;this.texture=n,this.roundPixels=i,this.blendMode=s}packIndex(e,t,n){const s=this.indices;for(let i=0;i>16&255,M=c>>8&255,y=c&255,H=d.r*y,_=d.g*M,F=d.b*T;p=h<<24|F<<16|_<<8|H}else p=h<<24|d.b*255<<16|d.g*255<<8|d.r*255;const m=this.renderable.groupTransform,g=m.a,u=m.b,b=m.c,w=m.d,x=m.tx,S=m.ty,B=s<<16|this.roundPixels&65535;for(let T=0;Te in o?Ie(o,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):o[e]=t,Q=(o,e,t)=>(ze(o,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,t),t);const Ne=new oe,He={0:"normal",1:"add",2:"multiply",3:"screen"};class Z{constructor(e){Q(this,"renderer"),Q(this,"gpuSpineData",{}),this.renderer=e}validateRenderable(e){return e._applyState(),e.spineAttachmentsDirty}addRenderable(e,t){var n,s,i,r,a;const d=(n=this.gpuSpineData)[s=e.uid]||(n[s]={slotBatches:{}}),c=this.renderer.renderPipes.batch,l=e.skeleton.drawOrder,p=this.renderer._roundPixels|e._roundPixels;e._applyState();for(let h=0,m=l.length;h0)&&(S.setData(e,x,((a=u.region)==null?void 0:a.texture.texture)||ee.EMPTY,b,p),c.addToBatch(S))}const w=e._slotsObject[g.data.name];if(w){const x=w.container;x.includeInBuild=!0,ge(x,t,this.renderer.renderPipes),x.includeInBuild=!1}}Ne.clipEnd()}updateRenderable(e){var t;const n=this.gpuSpineData[e.uid];e._applyState();const s=e.skeleton.drawOrder;for(let i=0,r=s.length;ie in o?Ge(o,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):o[e]=t,C=(o,e,t)=>(qe(o,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,t),t);const z=new Ce,Je=new I,Ke=new I;re.yDown=!0;const W=new oe;class N extends X{constructor(e){var t;e instanceof ae&&(e={skeletonData:e}),super(),C(this,"batched",!0),C(this,"buildId",0),C(this,"renderPipeId","spine"),C(this,"_didSpineUpdate",!1),C(this,"_boundsDirty",!0),C(this,"_roundPixels"),C(this,"_bounds",new be),C(this,"beforeUpdateWorldTransforms",()=>{}),C(this,"afterUpdateWorldTransforms",()=>{}),C(this,"skeleton"),C(this,"state"),C(this,"skeletonBounds"),C(this,"_debug"),C(this,"_slotsObject",Object.create(null)),C(this,"spineAttachmentsDirty"),C(this,"_lastAttachments"),C(this,"_stateChanged"),C(this,"attachmentCacheData",[]),C(this,"autoUpdateWarned",!1),C(this,"_autoUpdate",!0);const n=e instanceof ae?e:e.skeletonData;this.skeleton=new re(n),this.state=new ve(new ye(n)),this.autoUpdate=(t=e==null?void 0:e.autoUpdate)!=null?t:!0;const s=this.skeleton.slots;for(let i=0;i=t.minX&&e.x<=t.maxX&&e.y>=t.minY&&e.y<=t.maxY}destroy(e=!1){super.destroy(e),Y.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate,this),this.state.clearListeners(),this.debug=void 0,this.skeleton=null,this.state=null,this._slotsObject=null,this._lastAttachments=null,this.attachmentCacheData=null}get roundPixels(){return!!this._roundPixels}set roundPixels(e){this._roundPixels=e?1:0}skeletonToPixiWorldCoordinates(e){this.worldTransform.apply(e,e)}pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(e){this.worldTransform.applyInverse(e,e)}pixiWorldCoordinatesToBone(e,t){this.pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(e),t.parent?t.parent.worldToLocal(e):t.worldToLocal(e)}static from({skeleton:e,atlas:t,scale:n=1}){const s=`${e}-${t}`;if(q.has(s))return new N(q.get(s));const i=ie.get(e),r=ie.get(t),a=new De(r),d=i instanceof Uint8Array?new Pe(a):new Te(a);d.scale=n;const c=d.readSkeletonData(i);return q.set(s,c),new N({skeletonData:c})}}var Qe=Object.defineProperty,Ze=(o,e,t)=>e in o?Qe(o,e,{enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:t}):o[e]=t,f=(o,e,t)=>(Ze(o,typeof e!="symbol"?e+"":e,t),t);class et{constructor(){f(this,"registeredSpines",new Map),f(this,"drawMeshHull",!0),f(this,"drawMeshTriangles",!0),f(this,"drawBones",!0),f(this,"drawPaths",!0),f(this,"drawBoundingBoxes",!0),f(this,"drawClipping",!0),f(this,"drawRegionAttachments",!0),f(this,"drawEvents",!0),f(this,"lineWidth",1),f(this,"regionAttachmentsColor",30975),f(this,"meshHullColor",30975),f(this,"meshTrianglesColor",16763904),f(this,"clippingPolygonColor",16711935),f(this,"boundingBoxesRectColor",65280),f(this,"boundingBoxesPolygonColor",65280),f(this,"boundingBoxesCircleColor",65280),f(this,"pathsCurveColor",16711680),f(this,"pathsLineColor",16711935),f(this,"skeletonXYColor",16711680),f(this,"bonesColor",61132),f(this,"eventFontSize",24),f(this,"eventFontColor",0)}registerSpine(e){if(this.registeredSpines.has(e)){console.warn("SpineDebugRenderer.registerSpine() - this spine is already registered!",e);return}const t={parentDebugContainer:new X,bones:new X,skeletonXY:new P,regionAttachmentsShape:new P,meshTrianglesLine:new P,meshHullLine:new P,clippingPolygon:new P,boundingBoxesRect:new P,boundingBoxesCircle:new P,boundingBoxesPolygon:new P,pathsCurve:new P,pathsLine:new P,eventText:new X,eventCallback:{event:(n,s)=>{if(this.drawEvents){const i=Math.abs(e.scale.x||e.scale.y||1),r=new we({text:s.data.name,style:{fontSize:this.eventFontSize/i,fill:this.eventFontColor,fontFamily:"monospace"}});r.scale.x=Math.sign(e.scale.x),r.anchor.set(.5),t.eventText.addChild(r),setTimeout(()=>{r.destroyed||r.destroy()},250)}}}};t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.bones),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.skeletonXY),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.regionAttachmentsShape),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.meshTrianglesLine),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.meshHullLine),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.clippingPolygon),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.boundingBoxesRect),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.boundingBoxesCircle),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.boundingBoxesPolygon),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.pathsCurve),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.pathsLine),t.parentDebugContainer.addChild(t.eventText),t.parentDebugContainer.zIndex=9999999,t.parentDebugContainer.accessibleChildren=!1,t.parentDebugContainer.eventMode="none",t.parentDebugContainer.interactiveChildren=!1,e.addChild(t.parentDebugContainer),e.state.addListener(t.eventCallback),this.registeredSpines.set(e,t)}renderDebug(e){this.registeredSpines.has(e)||this.registerSpine(e);const t=this.registeredSpines.get(e);if(!t)return;e.addChild(t.parentDebugContainer),t.skeletonXY.clear(),t.regionAttachmentsShape.clear(),t.meshTrianglesLine.clear(),t.meshHullLine.clear(),t.clippingPolygon.clear(),t.boundingBoxesRect.clear(),t.boundingBoxesCircle.clear(),t.boundingBoxesPolygon.clear(),t.pathsCurve.clear(),t.pathsLine.clear();for(let i=t.bones.children.length;i>0;i--)t.bones.children[i-1].destroy({children:!0,texture:!0,textureSource:!0});const n=Math.abs(e.scale.x||e.scale.y||1),s=this.lineWidth/n;if(this.drawBones&&this.drawBonesFunc(e,t,s,n),this.drawPaths&&this.drawPathsFunc(e,t,s),this.drawBoundingBoxes&&this.drawBoundingBoxesFunc(e,t,s),this.drawClipping&&this.drawClippingFunc(e,t,s),(this.drawMeshHull||this.drawMeshTriangles)&&this.drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(e,t,s),this.drawRegionAttachments&&this.drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(e,t,s),this.drawEvents)for(const i of t.eventText.children)i.alpha-=.05,i.y-=2}drawBonesFunc(e,t,n,s){const i=e.skeleton,r=i.x,a=i.y,d=i.bones;t.skeletonXY.strokeStyle={width:n,color:this.skeletonXYColor};for(let l=0,p=d.length;lb&&ub&&u>w?k=-F:gw?k=F:u===w&&gb?k=-90*_:g===b&&uw&&(k=0),L.rotation=k,L.circle(0,y,U*1.2).fill({color:0,alpha:.6}).stroke({width:n,color:this.skeletonXYColor})}const c=n*3;t.skeletonXY.context.moveTo(r-c,a-c).lineTo(r+c,a+c).moveTo(r+c,a-c).lineTo(r-c,a+c).stroke()}drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(e,t,n){const s=e.skeleton.slots;for(let i=0,r=s.length;i0){h=(h>>1)*2;let m=l[h-2],g=l[h-1];for(let u=0,b=h;u{if(c<3)throw new Error("Polygon must contain at least 3 vertices");const l=[],p=n*2;for(let h=0,m=a.length;h\n {\n if (prevRequire) return prevRequire(x);\n else if (x.startsWith('@pixi/') || x.startsWith('pixi.js')) return window.PIXI;\n };\n}\n\nexport { };\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport { Texture as PixiTexture } from 'pixi.js';\nimport { BlendMode, Texture, TextureFilter, TextureWrap } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nimport type { BLEND_MODES, SCALE_MODE, TextureSource, WRAP_MODE } from 'pixi.js';\n\nexport class SpineTexture extends Texture\n{\n private static readonly textureMap: Map = new Map();\n\n public static from(texture: TextureSource): SpineTexture\n {\n if (SpineTexture.textureMap.has(texture))\n {\n return SpineTexture.textureMap.get(texture) as SpineTexture;\n }\n\n return new SpineTexture(texture);\n }\n\n public readonly texture: PixiTexture;\n\n private constructor(image: TextureSource)\n {\n // Todo: maybe add error handling if you feed a video texture to spine?\n super(image.resource);\n this.texture = PixiTexture.from(image);\n }\n\n public setFilters(minFilter: TextureFilter, magFilter: TextureFilter): void\n {\n const style = this.texture.source.style;\n\n style.minFilter = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureFilter(minFilter);\n style.magFilter = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureFilter(magFilter);\n this.texture.source.autoGenerateMipmaps = SpineTexture.toPixiMipMap(minFilter);\n this.texture.source.updateMipmaps();\n }\n\n public setWraps(uWrap: TextureWrap, vWrap: TextureWrap): void\n {\n const style = this.texture.source.style;\n\n style.addressModeU = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureWrap(uWrap);\n style.addressModeV = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureWrap(vWrap);\n }\n\n public dispose(): void\n {\n // I am not entirely sure about this...\n this.texture.destroy();\n }\n\n private static toPixiMipMap(filter: TextureFilter): boolean\n {\n switch (filter)\n {\n case TextureFilter.Nearest:\n case TextureFilter.Linear:\n return false;\n\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestLinear:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestNearest:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear: // TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear == TextureFilter.MipMap\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest:\n return true;\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(filter)}`);\n }\n }\n\n private static toPixiTextureFilter(filter: TextureFilter): SCALE_MODE\n {\n switch (filter)\n {\n case TextureFilter.Nearest:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestLinear:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestNearest:\n return 'nearest';\n\n case TextureFilter.Linear:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear: // TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear == TextureFilter.MipMap\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest:\n return 'linear';\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(filter)}`);\n }\n }\n\n private static toPixiTextureWrap(wrap: TextureWrap): WRAP_MODE\n {\n switch (wrap)\n {\n case TextureWrap.ClampToEdge:\n return 'clamp-to-edge';\n\n case TextureWrap.MirroredRepeat:\n return 'mirror-repeat';\n\n case TextureWrap.Repeat:\n return 'repeat';\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown texture wrap: ${String(wrap)}`);\n }\n }\n\n public static toPixiBlending(blend: BlendMode): BLEND_MODES\n {\n switch (blend)\n {\n case BlendMode.Normal:\n return 'normal';\n\n case BlendMode.Additive:\n return 'add';\n\n case BlendMode.Multiply:\n return 'multiply';\n\n case BlendMode.Screen:\n return 'screen';\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown blendMode: ${String(blend)}`);\n }\n }\n}\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n checkExtension,\n DOMAdapter,\n extensions,\n ExtensionType,\n LoaderParserPriority,\n path,\n TextureSource\n} from 'pixi.js';\nimport { SpineTexture } from '../SpineTexture';\nimport { TextureAtlas } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nimport type { AssetExtension, Loader, ResolvedAsset, Texture } from 'pixi.js';\n\ntype RawAtlas = string;\n\nconst spineTextureAtlasLoader: AssetExtension = {\n extension: ExtensionType.Asset,\n\n loader: {\n extension: {\n type: ExtensionType.LoadParser,\n priority: LoaderParserPriority.Normal,\n name: 'spineTextureAtlasLoader',\n },\n\n test(url: string): boolean\n {\n return checkExtension(url, '.atlas');\n },\n\n async load(url: string): Promise\n {\n const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url);\n\n const txt = await response.text();\n\n return txt;\n },\n\n testParse(asset: unknown, options: ResolvedAsset): Promise\n {\n const isExtensionRight = checkExtension(options.src as string, '.atlas');\n const isString = typeof asset === 'string';\n\n return Promise.resolve(isExtensionRight && isString);\n },\n\n unload(atlas: TextureAtlas)\n {\n atlas.dispose();\n },\n\n async parse(asset: RawAtlas, options: ResolvedAsset, loader: Loader): Promise\n {\n const metadata: ISpineAtlasMetadata = options.data || {};\n let basePath = path.dirname(options.src as string);\n\n if (basePath && basePath.lastIndexOf('/') !== basePath.length - 1)\n {\n basePath += '/';\n }\n\n // Retval is going to be a texture atlas. However we need to wait for it's callback to resolve this promise.\n const retval = new TextureAtlas(asset);\n\n // If the user gave me only one texture, that one is assumed to be the \"first\" texture in the atlas\n if (metadata.images instanceof TextureSource || typeof metadata.images === 'string')\n {\n const pixiTexture = metadata.images;\n\n metadata.images = {} as Record;\n metadata.images[retval.pages[0].name] = pixiTexture;\n }\n\n // we will wait for all promises for the textures at the same time at the end.\n const textureLoadingPromises:Promise[] = [];\n\n // fill the pages\n for (const page of retval.pages)\n {\n const pageName = page.name;\n const providedPage = metadata?.images ? metadata.images[pageName] : undefined;\n\n if (providedPage instanceof TextureSource)\n {\n page.setTexture(SpineTexture.from(providedPage));\n }\n else\n {\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n const url: string = providedPage ?? path.normalize([...basePath.split(path.sep), pageName].join(path.sep));\n\n const assetsToLoadIn = {\n src: url,\n data: {\n ...metadata.imageMetadata,\n alphaMode: page.pma ? 'premultiplied-alpha' : 'premultiply-alpha-on-upload'\n }\n };\n\n const pixiPromise = loader.load(assetsToLoadIn).then((texture) =>\n {\n page.setTexture(SpineTexture.from(texture.source));\n });\n\n textureLoadingPromises.push(pixiPromise);\n }\n }\n\n await Promise.all(textureLoadingPromises);\n\n return retval;\n },\n },\n} as AssetExtension;\n\nextensions.add(spineTextureAtlasLoader);\n\nexport interface ISpineAtlasMetadata\n{\n // If you are downloading an .atlas file, this metadata will go to the Texture loader\n imageMetadata?: any;\n // If you already have atlas pages loaded as pixi textures\n // and want to use that to create the atlas, you can pass them here\n images?: TextureSource | string | Record;\n}\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n type AssetExtension,\n checkExtension,\n DOMAdapter,\n extensions,\n ExtensionType,\n LoaderParserPriority,\n ResolvedAsset\n} from 'pixi.js';\n\ntype SkeletonJsonAsset = any;\ntype SkeletonBinaryAsset = Uint8Array;\n\nfunction isJson(resource: any): resource is SkeletonJsonAsset\n{\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(resource, 'bones');\n}\n\nfunction isBuffer(resource: any): resource is SkeletonBinaryAsset\n{\n return resource instanceof Uint8Array;\n}\n\nconst spineLoaderExtension: AssetExtension = {\n extension: ExtensionType.Asset,\n\n loader: {\n extension: {\n type: ExtensionType.LoadParser,\n priority: LoaderParserPriority.Normal,\n name: 'spineSkeletonLoader',\n },\n\n test(url)\n {\n return checkExtension(url, '.skel');\n },\n\n async load(url: string): Promise\n {\n const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url);\n\n const buffer = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer());\n\n return buffer;\n },\n testParse(asset: unknown, options: ResolvedAsset): Promise\n {\n const isJsonSpineModel = checkExtension(options.src, '.json') && isJson(asset);\n const isBinarySpineModel = checkExtension(options.src, '.skel') && isBuffer(asset);\n\n return Promise.resolve(isJsonSpineModel || isBinarySpineModel);\n },\n },\n} as AssetExtension;\n\nextensions.add(spineLoaderExtension);\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport { AttachmentCacheData, Spine } from './Spine';\n\nimport type { Batch, BatchableObject, Batcher, BLEND_MODES, IndexBufferArray, Texture } from 'pixi.js';\n\nexport class BatchableSpineSlot implements BatchableObject\n{\n indexStart: number;\n textureId: number;\n texture: Texture;\n location: number;\n batcher: Batcher;\n batch: Batch;\n renderable: Spine;\n\n vertices: Float32Array;\n indices: number[] | Uint16Array;\n uvs: Float32Array;\n\n indexSize: number;\n vertexSize: number;\n\n roundPixels: 0 | 1;\n data: AttachmentCacheData;\n blendMode: BLEND_MODES;\n\n setData(\n renderable:Spine,\n data:AttachmentCacheData,\n texture:Texture,\n blendMode:BLEND_MODES,\n roundPixels: 0 | 1)\n {\n this.renderable = renderable;\n this.data = data;\n\n if (data.clipped)\n {\n const clippedData = data.clippedData;\n\n this.indexSize = clippedData.indicesCount;\n this.vertexSize = clippedData.vertexCount;\n this.vertices = clippedData.vertices;\n this.indices = clippedData.indices;\n this.uvs = clippedData.uvs;\n }\n else\n {\n this.indexSize = data.indices.length;\n this.vertexSize = data.vertices.length / 2;\n this.vertices = data.vertices;\n this.indices = data.indices;\n this.uvs = data.uvs;\n }\n\n this.texture = texture;\n this.roundPixels = roundPixels;\n\n this.blendMode = blendMode;\n }\n\n packIndex(indexBuffer: IndexBufferArray, index: number, indicesOffset: number)\n {\n const indices = this.indices;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)\n {\n indexBuffer[index++] = indices[i] + indicesOffset;\n }\n }\n\n packAttributes(\n float32View: Float32Array,\n uint32View: Uint32Array,\n index: number,\n textureId: number\n )\n {\n const { uvs, vertices, vertexSize } = this;\n\n const slotColor = this.data.color;\n\n const parentColor:number = this.renderable.groupColor;\n const parentAlpha:number = this.renderable.groupAlpha;\n let abgr:number;\n\n const mixedA = (slotColor.a * parentAlpha) * 255;\n\n if (parentColor !== 0xFFFFFF)\n {\n const parentB = (parentColor >> 16) & 0xFF;\n const parentG = (parentColor >> 8) & 0xFF;\n const parentR = parentColor & 0xFF;\n\n const mixedR = (slotColor.r * parentR);\n const mixedG = (slotColor.g * parentG);\n const mixedB = (slotColor.b * parentB);\n\n abgr = ((mixedA) << 24) | (mixedB << 16) | (mixedG << 8) | mixedR;\n }\n else\n {\n abgr = ((mixedA) << 24) | ((slotColor.b * 255) << 16) | ((slotColor.g * 255) << 8) | (slotColor.r * 255);\n }\n\n const matrix = this.renderable.groupTransform;\n\n const a = matrix.a;\n const b = matrix.b;\n const c = matrix.c;\n const d = matrix.d;\n const tx = matrix.tx;\n const ty = matrix.ty;\n\n const textureIdAndRound = (textureId << 16) | (this.roundPixels & 0xFFFF);\n\n for (let i = 0; i < vertexSize; i++)\n {\n const x = vertices[i * 2];\n const y = vertices[(i * 2) + 1];\n\n float32View[index++] = (a * x) + (c * y) + tx;\n float32View[index++] = (b * x) + (d * y) + ty;\n\n // uv\n float32View[index++] = uvs[i * 2];\n float32View[index++] = uvs[(i * 2) + 1];\n\n // color\n uint32View[index++] = abgr;\n\n // texture id\n uint32View[index++] = textureIdAndRound;\n }\n }\n}\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n collectAllRenderables,\n extensions, ExtensionType,\n InstructionSet,\n type Renderer,\n type RenderPipe,\n Texture\n} from 'pixi.js';\nimport { BatchableSpineSlot } from './BatchableSpineSlot';\nimport { Spine } from './Spine';\nimport { MeshAttachment, RegionAttachment, SkeletonClipping } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nconst clipper = new SkeletonClipping();\n\nconst spineBlendModeMap = {\n 0: 'normal',\n 1: 'add',\n 2: 'multiply',\n 3: 'screen'\n};\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-len\nexport class SpinePipe implements RenderPipe\n{\n /** @ignore */\n static extension = {\n type: [\n ExtensionType.WebGLPipes,\n ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes,\n ExtensionType.CanvasPipes,\n ],\n name: 'spine',\n } as const;\n\n renderer: Renderer;\n\n private gpuSpineData:Record = {};\n\n constructor(renderer: Renderer)\n {\n this.renderer = renderer;\n }\n\n validateRenderable(spine: Spine): boolean\n {\n spine._applyState();\n // loop through and see if the mesh lengths have changed..\n\n return spine.spineAttachmentsDirty;\n }\n\n addRenderable(spine: Spine, instructionSet:InstructionSet)\n {\n const gpuSpine = this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid] ||= { slotBatches: {} };\n\n const batcher = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch;\n\n const drawOrder = spine.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n const roundPixels = (this.renderer._roundPixels | spine._roundPixels) as 0 | 1;\n\n spine._applyState();\n\n for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++)\n {\n const slot = drawOrder[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n const blendMode = spineBlendModeMap[slot.data.blendMode];\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)\n {\n const cacheData = spine._getCachedData(slot, attachment);\n const batchableSpineSlot = gpuSpine.slotBatches[cacheData.id] ||= new BatchableSpineSlot();\n\n if (!cacheData.clipped || (cacheData.clipped && cacheData.clippedData.vertices.length > 0))\n {\n batchableSpineSlot.setData(\n spine,\n cacheData,\n (attachment.region?.texture.texture) || Texture.EMPTY,\n blendMode,\n roundPixels\n );\n\n batcher.addToBatch(batchableSpineSlot);\n }\n }\n\n const containerAttachment = spine._slotsObject[slot.data.name];\n\n if (containerAttachment)\n {\n const container = containerAttachment.container;\n\n container.includeInBuild = true;\n collectAllRenderables(container, instructionSet, this.renderer.renderPipes);\n container.includeInBuild = false;\n }\n }\n\n clipper.clipEnd();\n }\n\n updateRenderable(spine: Spine)\n {\n // we assume that spine will always change its verts size..\n const gpuSpine = this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid];\n\n spine._applyState();\n\n const drawOrder = spine.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++)\n {\n const slot = drawOrder[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)\n {\n const batchableSpineSlot = gpuSpine.slotBatches[spine._getCachedData(slot, attachment).id];\n\n batchableSpineSlot.batcher?.updateElement(batchableSpineSlot);\n }\n }\n }\n\n destroyRenderable(spine: Spine)\n {\n // TODO remove the renderable from the batcher\n this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid] = null as any;\n }\n\n destroy()\n {\n this.gpuSpineData = null as any;\n this.renderer = null as any;\n }\n}\n\nextensions.add(SpinePipe);\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n Assets,\n Bounds,\n Cache,\n Container,\n ContainerOptions,\n DEG_TO_RAD,\n DestroyOptions,\n PointData,\n Ticker,\n View,\n} from 'pixi.js';\nimport { ISpineDebugRenderer } from './SpineDebugRenderer';\nimport {\n AnimationState,\n AnimationStateData,\n AtlasAttachmentLoader,\n Attachment,\n Bone,\n ClippingAttachment,\n Color,\n MeshAttachment,\n Physics,\n RegionAttachment,\n Skeleton,\n SkeletonBinary,\n SkeletonBounds,\n SkeletonClipping,\n SkeletonData,\n SkeletonJson,\n Slot,\n type TextureAtlas,\n TrackEntry,\n Vector2,\n} from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nexport type SpineFromOptions = {\n skeleton: string;\n atlas: string;\n scale?: number;\n};\n\nconst vectorAux = new Vector2();\nconst lightColor = new Color();\nconst darkColor = new Color();\n\nSkeleton.yDown = true;\n\nconst clipper = new SkeletonClipping();\n\nexport interface SpineOptions extends ContainerOptions\n{\n skeletonData: SkeletonData;\n autoUpdate?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface SpineEvents\n{\n complete: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n dispose: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n end: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n event: [trackEntry: TrackEntry, event: Event];\n interrupt: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n start: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n}\n\nexport interface AttachmentCacheData\n{\n id: string;\n clipped: boolean;\n vertices: Float32Array;\n uvs: Float32Array;\n indices: number[];\n color: Color;\n clippedData?: {\n vertices: Float32Array;\n uvs: Float32Array;\n indices: Uint16Array;\n vertexCount: number;\n indicesCount: number;\n };\n}\n\nexport class Spine extends Container implements View\n{\n // Pixi properties\n public batched = true;\n public buildId = 0;\n public override readonly renderPipeId = 'spine';\n public _didSpineUpdate = false;\n public _boundsDirty = true;\n public _roundPixels: 0 | 1;\n private _bounds: Bounds = new Bounds();\n\n public beforeUpdateWorldTransforms: (object: Spine) => void = () => { /** */ };\n public afterUpdateWorldTransforms: (object: Spine) => void = () => { /** */ };\n\n // Spine properties\n public skeleton: Skeleton;\n public state: AnimationState;\n public skeletonBounds: SkeletonBounds;\n private _debug?: ISpineDebugRenderer | undefined = undefined;\n\n readonly _slotsObject: Record = Object.create(null);\n\n private getSlotFromRef(slotRef: number | string | Slot): Slot\n {\n let slot: Slot | null;\n\n if (typeof slotRef === 'number') slot = this.skeleton.slots[slotRef];\n else if (typeof slotRef === 'string') slot = this.skeleton.findSlot(slotRef);\n else slot = slotRef;\n\n if (!slot) throw new Error(`No slot found with the given slot reference: ${slotRef}`);\n\n return slot;\n }\n\n public spineAttachmentsDirty: boolean;\n private _lastAttachments: Attachment[];\n\n private _stateChanged: boolean;\n private attachmentCacheData: Record[] = [];\n\n public get debug(): ISpineDebugRenderer | undefined\n {\n return this._debug;\n }\n\n public set debug(value: ISpineDebugRenderer | undefined)\n {\n if (this._debug)\n {\n this._debug.unregisterSpine(this);\n }\n if (value)\n {\n value.registerSpine(this);\n }\n this._debug = value;\n }\n\n private autoUpdateWarned = false;\n private _autoUpdate = true;\n\n public get autoUpdate(): boolean\n {\n return this._autoUpdate;\n }\n\n public set autoUpdate(value: boolean)\n {\n if (value)\n {\n Ticker.shared.add(this.internalUpdate, this);\n this.autoUpdateWarned = false;\n }\n else\n {\n Ticker.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate, this);\n }\n\n this._autoUpdate = value;\n }\n\n constructor(options: SpineOptions | SkeletonData)\n {\n if (options instanceof SkeletonData)\n {\n options = {\n skeletonData: options,\n };\n }\n\n super();\n\n const skeletonData = options instanceof SkeletonData ? options : options.skeletonData;\n\n this.skeleton = new Skeleton(skeletonData);\n this.state = new AnimationState(new AnimationStateData(skeletonData));\n this.autoUpdate = options?.autoUpdate ?? true;\n\n const slots = this.skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; i++)\n {\n this.attachmentCacheData[i] = Object.create(null);\n }\n\n this._updateState(0);\n }\n\n public update(dt: number): void\n {\n if (this.autoUpdate && !this.autoUpdateWarned)\n {\n console.warn(\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n 'You are calling update on a Spine instance that has autoUpdate set to true. This is probably not what you want.',\n );\n this.autoUpdateWarned = true;\n }\n\n this.internalUpdate(0, dt);\n }\n\n protected internalUpdate(_deltaFrame: any, deltaSeconds?: number): void\n {\n // Because reasons, pixi uses deltaFrames at 60fps.\n // We ignore the default deltaFrames and use the deltaSeconds from pixi ticker.\n this._updateState(deltaSeconds ?? Ticker.shared.deltaMS / 1000);\n }\n\n get bounds()\n {\n if (this._boundsDirty)\n {\n this.updateBounds();\n }\n\n return this._bounds;\n }\n\n public setBonePosition(bone: string | Bone, position: PointData): void\n {\n const boneAux = bone;\n\n if (typeof bone === 'string')\n {\n bone = this.skeleton.findBone(bone) as Bone;\n }\n\n if (!bone) throw Error(`Cant set bone position, bone ${String(boneAux)} not found`);\n vectorAux.set(position.x, position.y);\n\n if (bone.parent)\n {\n const aux = bone.parent.worldToLocal(vectorAux);\n\n bone.x = aux.x;\n bone.y = -aux.y;\n }\n else\n {\n bone.x = vectorAux.x;\n bone.y = vectorAux.y;\n }\n }\n\n public getBonePosition(bone: string | Bone, outPos?: PointData): PointData | undefined\n {\n const boneAux = bone;\n\n if (typeof bone === 'string')\n {\n bone = this.skeleton.findBone(bone) as Bone;\n }\n\n if (!bone)\n {\n console.error(`Cant set bone position! Bone ${String(boneAux)} not found`);\n\n return outPos;\n }\n\n if (!outPos)\n {\n outPos = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n }\n\n outPos.x = bone.worldX;\n outPos.y = bone.worldY;\n\n return outPos;\n }\n\n /**\n * Will update the state based on the specified time, this will not apply the state to the skeleton\n * as this is differed until the `applyState` method is called.\n *\n * @param time the time at which to set the state\n * @internal\n */\n _updateState(time: number)\n {\n this.state.update(time);\n this.skeleton.update(time);\n\n this._stateChanged = true;\n\n this._boundsDirty = true;\n\n this.onViewUpdate();\n }\n\n /**\n * Applies the state to this spine instance.\n * - updates the state to the skeleton\n * - updates its world transform (spine world transform)\n * - validates the attachments - to flag if the attachments have changed this state\n * - transforms the attachments - to update the vertices of the attachments based on the new positions\n * - update the slot attachments - to update the position, rotation, scale, and visibility of the attached containers\n * @internal\n */\n _applyState()\n {\n if (!this._stateChanged) return;\n this._stateChanged = false;\n\n const { skeleton } = this;\n\n this.state.apply(skeleton);\n\n this.beforeUpdateWorldTransforms(this);\n skeleton.updateWorldTransform(Physics.update);\n this.afterUpdateWorldTransforms(this);\n\n this.validateAttachments();\n\n this.transformAttachments();\n\n this.updateSlotObjects();\n }\n\n private validateAttachments()\n {\n const currentDrawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n const lastAttachments = (this._lastAttachments ||= []);\n\n let index = 0;\n\n let spineAttachmentsDirty = false;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < currentDrawOrder.length; i++)\n {\n const slot = currentDrawOrder[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment)\n {\n if (attachment !== lastAttachments[index])\n {\n spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n lastAttachments[index] = attachment;\n }\n\n index++;\n }\n }\n\n if (index !== lastAttachments.length)\n {\n spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n lastAttachments.length = index;\n }\n\n this.spineAttachmentsDirty = spineAttachmentsDirty;\n }\n\n private transformAttachments()\n {\n const currentDrawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < currentDrawOrder.length; i++)\n {\n const slot = currentDrawOrder[i];\n\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment)\n {\n if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment || attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)\n {\n const cacheData = this._getCachedData(slot, attachment);\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)\n {\n attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, cacheData.vertices, 0, 2);\n }\n else\n {\n attachment.computeWorldVertices(\n slot,\n 0,\n attachment.worldVerticesLength,\n cacheData.vertices,\n 0,\n 2,\n );\n }\n\n const skeleton = slot.bone.skeleton;\n const skeletonColor = skeleton.color;\n const slotColor = slot.color;\n const attachmentColor = attachment.color;\n\n cacheData.color.set(\n skeletonColor.r * slotColor.r * attachmentColor.r,\n skeletonColor.g * slotColor.g * attachmentColor.g,\n skeletonColor.b * slotColor.b * attachmentColor.b,\n skeletonColor.a * slotColor.a * attachmentColor.a,\n );\n\n cacheData.clipped = false;\n\n if (clipper.isClipping())\n {\n this.updateClippingData(cacheData);\n }\n }\n else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment)\n {\n clipper.clipStart(slot, attachment);\n }\n else\n {\n clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot);\n }\n }\n }\n\n clipper.clipEnd();\n }\n\n private updateClippingData(cacheData: AttachmentCacheData)\n {\n cacheData.clipped = true;\n\n clipper.clipTriangles(\n cacheData.vertices,\n cacheData.vertices.length,\n cacheData.indices,\n cacheData.indices.length,\n cacheData.uvs,\n lightColor,\n darkColor,\n false,\n );\n\n const { clippedVertices, clippedTriangles } = clipper;\n\n const verticesCount = clippedVertices.length / 8;\n const indicesCount = clippedTriangles.length;\n\n if (!cacheData.clippedData)\n {\n cacheData.clippedData = {\n vertices: new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2),\n uvs: new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2),\n vertexCount: verticesCount,\n indices: new Uint16Array(indicesCount),\n indicesCount,\n };\n\n this.spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n }\n\n const clippedData = cacheData.clippedData;\n\n const sizeChange = clippedData.vertexCount !== verticesCount || indicesCount !== clippedData.indicesCount;\n\n if (sizeChange)\n {\n this.spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n\n if (clippedData.vertexCount < verticesCount)\n {\n // buffer reuse!\n clippedData.vertices = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2);\n clippedData.uvs = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2);\n }\n\n if (clippedData.indices.length < indicesCount)\n {\n clippedData.indices = new Uint16Array(indicesCount);\n }\n }\n\n const { vertices, uvs, indices } = clippedData;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++)\n {\n vertices[i * 2] = clippedVertices[i * 8];\n vertices[(i * 2) + 1] = clippedVertices[(i * 8) + 1];\n\n uvs[i * 2] = clippedVertices[(i * 8) + 6];\n uvs[(i * 2) + 1] = clippedVertices[(i * 8) + 7];\n }\n\n clippedData.vertexCount = verticesCount;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)\n {\n indices[i] = clippedTriangles[i];\n }\n\n clippedData.indicesCount = indicesCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * ensure that attached containers map correctly to their slots\n * along with their position, rotation, scale, and visibility.\n */\n private updateSlotObjects()\n {\n for (const i in this._slotsObject)\n {\n const slotAttachment = this._slotsObject[i];\n\n if (!slotAttachment) continue;\n\n this.updateSlotObject(slotAttachment);\n }\n }\n\n private updateSlotObject(slotAttachment: {slot:Slot, container:Container})\n {\n const { slot, container } = slotAttachment;\n\n container.visible = this.skeleton.drawOrder.includes(slot);\n\n if (container.visible)\n {\n const bone = slot.bone;\n\n container.position.set(bone.worldX, bone.worldY);\n\n container.scale.x = bone.getWorldScaleX();\n container.scale.y = bone.getWorldScaleY();\n\n container.rotation = bone.getWorldRotationX() * DEG_TO_RAD;\n }\n }\n\n /** @internal */\n _getCachedData(slot: Slot, attachment: RegionAttachment | MeshAttachment): AttachmentCacheData\n {\n return this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] || this.initCachedData(slot, attachment);\n }\n\n private initCachedData(slot: Slot, attachment: RegionAttachment | MeshAttachment): AttachmentCacheData\n {\n let vertices: Float32Array;\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)\n {\n vertices = new Float32Array(8);\n\n this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] = {\n id: `${slot.data.index}-${attachment.name}`,\n vertices,\n clipped: false,\n indices: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3],\n uvs: attachment.uvs as Float32Array,\n color: new Color(1, 1, 1, 1),\n };\n }\n else\n {\n vertices = new Float32Array(attachment.worldVerticesLength);\n\n this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] = {\n id: `${slot.data.index}-${attachment.name}`,\n vertices,\n clipped: false,\n indices: attachment.triangles,\n uvs: attachment.uvs as Float32Array,\n color: new Color(1, 1, 1, 1),\n };\n }\n\n return this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name];\n }\n\n protected onViewUpdate()\n {\n // increment from the 12th bit!\n this._didChangeId += 1 << 12;\n\n this._boundsDirty = true;\n\n if (this.didViewUpdate) return;\n this.didViewUpdate = true;\n\n const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup;\n\n if (renderGroup)\n {\n renderGroup.onChildViewUpdate(this);\n }\n\n this.debug?.renderDebug(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Attaches a PixiJS container to a specified slot. This will map the world transform of the slots bone\n * to the attached container. A container can only be attached to one slot at a time.\n *\n * @param container - The container to attach to the slot\n * @param slotRef - The slot id or slot to attach to\n */\n public addSlotObject(slot: number | string | Slot, container: Container)\n {\n slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slot);\n\n // need to check in on the container too...\n for (const i in this._slotsObject)\n {\n if (this._slotsObject[i]?.container === container)\n {\n this.removeSlotObject(this._slotsObject[i].slot);\n }\n }\n\n this.removeSlotObject(slot);\n\n container.includeInBuild = false;\n\n // TODO only add once??\n this.addChild(container);\n\n this._slotsObject[slot.data.name] = {\n container,\n slot\n };\n\n this.updateSlotObject(this._slotsObject[slot.data.name]);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes a PixiJS container from the slot it is attached to.\n *\n * @param container - The container to detach from the slot\n * @param slotOrContainer - The container, slot id or slot to detach from\n */\n public removeSlotObject(slotOrContainer: number | string | Slot | Container)\n {\n let containerToRemove: Container | undefined;\n\n if (slotOrContainer instanceof Container)\n {\n for (const i in this._slotsObject)\n {\n if (this._slotsObject[i]?.container === slotOrContainer)\n {\n this._slotsObject[i] = null;\n\n containerToRemove = slotOrContainer;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n else\n {\n const slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slotOrContainer);\n\n containerToRemove = this._slotsObject[slot.data.name]?.container;\n this._slotsObject[slot.data.name] = null;\n }\n\n if (containerToRemove)\n {\n this.removeChild(containerToRemove);\n\n containerToRemove.includeInBuild = true;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a container attached to a slot, or undefined if no container is attached.\n *\n * @param slotRef - The slot id or slot to get the attachment from\n * @returns - The container attached to the slot\n */\n public getSlotObject(slot: number | string | Slot)\n {\n slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slot);\n\n return this._slotsObject[slot.data.name].container;\n }\n\n private updateBounds()\n {\n this._boundsDirty = false;\n\n this.skeletonBounds ||= new SkeletonBounds();\n\n const skeletonBounds = this.skeletonBounds;\n\n skeletonBounds.update(this.skeleton, true);\n\n if (skeletonBounds.minX === Infinity)\n {\n this._applyState();\n\n const drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder;\n const bounds = this._bounds;\n\n bounds.clear();\n\n for (let i = 0; i < drawOrder.length; i++)\n {\n const slot = drawOrder[i];\n\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment && (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment))\n {\n const cacheData = this._getCachedData(slot, attachment);\n\n bounds.addVertexData(cacheData.vertices, 0, cacheData.vertices.length);\n }\n }\n }\n else\n {\n this._bounds.minX = skeletonBounds.minX;\n this._bounds.minY = skeletonBounds.minY;\n this._bounds.maxX = skeletonBounds.maxX;\n this._bounds.maxY = skeletonBounds.maxY;\n }\n }\n\n /** @internal */\n addBounds(bounds: Bounds)\n {\n bounds.addBounds(this.bounds);\n }\n\n public containsPoint(point: PointData)\n {\n const bounds = this.bounds;\n\n if (point.x >= bounds.minX && point.x <= bounds.maxX)\n {\n if (point.y >= bounds.minY && point.y <= bounds.maxY)\n {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture.\n * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options\n * have been set to that value\n * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well\n * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well\n */\n public override destroy(options: DestroyOptions = false)\n {\n super.destroy(options);\n\n Ticker.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate, this);\n this.state.clearListeners();\n this.debug = undefined;\n this.skeleton = null as any;\n this.state = null as any;\n (this._slotsObject as any) = null;\n this._lastAttachments = null;\n this.attachmentCacheData = null as any;\n }\n\n /** Whether or not to round the x/y position of the sprite. */\n get roundPixels()\n {\n return !!this._roundPixels;\n }\n\n set roundPixels(value: boolean)\n {\n this._roundPixels = value ? 1 : 0;\n }\n\n /** Converts a point from the skeleton coordinate system to the Pixi world coordinate system. */\n public skeletonToPixiWorldCoordinates(point: { x: number; y: number })\n {\n this.worldTransform.apply(point, point);\n }\n\n /** Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the skeleton coordinate system. */\n public pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(point: { x: number; y: number })\n {\n this.worldTransform.applyInverse(point, point);\n }\n\n /** Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the bone's local coordinate system. */\n public pixiWorldCoordinatesToBone(point: { x: number; y: number }, bone: Bone)\n {\n this.pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(point);\n if (bone.parent)\n {\n bone.parent.worldToLocal(point as Vector2);\n }\n else\n {\n bone.worldToLocal(point as Vector2);\n }\n }\n\n static from({ skeleton, atlas, scale = 1 }: SpineFromOptions)\n {\n const cacheKey = `${skeleton}-${atlas}`;\n\n if (Cache.has(cacheKey))\n {\n return new Spine(Cache.get(cacheKey));\n }\n\n const skeletonAsset = Assets.get(skeleton);\n\n const atlasAsset = Assets.get(atlas);\n const attachmentLoader = new AtlasAttachmentLoader(atlasAsset);\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n const parser\n = skeletonAsset instanceof Uint8Array\n ? new SkeletonBinary(attachmentLoader)\n : new SkeletonJson(attachmentLoader);\n\n // TODO scale?\n parser.scale = scale;\n const skeletonData = parser.readSkeletonData(skeletonAsset);\n\n Cache.set(cacheKey, skeletonData);\n\n return new Spine({\n skeletonData,\n });\n }\n}\n","/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport { Container, Graphics, Text } from 'pixi.js';\nimport { Spine } from './Spine';\nimport {\n ClippingAttachment,\n MeshAttachment,\n PathAttachment,\n RegionAttachment,\n SkeletonBounds\n} from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nimport type { AnimationStateListener } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\n/**\n * Make a class that extends from this interface to create your own debug renderer.\n * @public\n */\nexport interface ISpineDebugRenderer\n{\n /**\n * This will be called every frame, after the spine has been updated.\n */\n renderDebug: (spine: Spine) => void;\n\n /**\n * This is called when the `spine.debug` object is set to null or when the spine is destroyed.\n */\n unregisterSpine: (spine: Spine) => void;\n\n /**\n * This is called when the `spine.debug` object is set to a new instance of a debug renderer.\n */\n registerSpine: (spine: Spine) => void;\n}\n\ntype DebugDisplayObjects = {\n bones: Container;\n skeletonXY: Graphics;\n regionAttachmentsShape: Graphics;\n meshTrianglesLine: Graphics;\n meshHullLine: Graphics;\n clippingPolygon: Graphics;\n boundingBoxesRect: Graphics;\n boundingBoxesCircle: Graphics;\n boundingBoxesPolygon: Graphics;\n pathsCurve: Graphics;\n pathsLine: Graphics;\n parentDebugContainer: Container;\n eventText: Container;\n eventCallback: AnimationStateListener;\n};\n\n/**\n * This is a debug renderer that uses PixiJS Graphics under the hood.\n * @public\n */\nexport class SpineDebugRenderer implements ISpineDebugRenderer\n{\n private readonly registeredSpines: Map = new Map();\n\n public drawMeshHull = true;\n public drawMeshTriangles = true;\n public drawBones = true;\n public drawPaths = true;\n public drawBoundingBoxes = true;\n public drawClipping = true;\n public drawRegionAttachments = true;\n public drawEvents = true;\n\n public lineWidth = 1;\n public regionAttachmentsColor = 0x0078ff;\n public meshHullColor = 0x0078ff;\n public meshTrianglesColor = 0xffcc00;\n public clippingPolygonColor = 0xff00ff;\n public boundingBoxesRectColor = 0x00ff00;\n public boundingBoxesPolygonColor = 0x00ff00;\n public boundingBoxesCircleColor = 0x00ff00;\n public pathsCurveColor = 0xff0000;\n public pathsLineColor = 0xff00ff;\n public skeletonXYColor = 0xff0000;\n public bonesColor = 0x00eecc;\n public eventFontSize = 24;\n public eventFontColor = 0x0;\n\n /**\n * The debug is attached by force to each spine object.\n * So we need to create it inside the spine when we get the first update\n */\n public registerSpine(spine: Spine): void\n {\n if (this.registeredSpines.has(spine))\n {\n console.warn('SpineDebugRenderer.registerSpine() - this spine is already registered!', spine);\n\n return;\n }\n const debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects = {\n parentDebugContainer: new Container(),\n bones: new Container(),\n skeletonXY: new Graphics(),\n regionAttachmentsShape: new Graphics(),\n meshTrianglesLine: new Graphics(),\n meshHullLine: new Graphics(),\n clippingPolygon: new Graphics(),\n boundingBoxesRect: new Graphics(),\n boundingBoxesCircle: new Graphics(),\n boundingBoxesPolygon: new Graphics(),\n pathsCurve: new Graphics(),\n pathsLine: new Graphics(),\n eventText: new Container(),\n eventCallback: {\n event: (_, event) =>\n {\n if (this.drawEvents)\n {\n const scale = Math.abs(spine.scale.x || spine.scale.y || 1);\n const text = new Text({\n text: event.data.name,\n style: {\n fontSize: this.eventFontSize / scale,\n fill: this.eventFontColor,\n fontFamily: 'monospace'\n }\n });\n\n text.scale.x = Math.sign(spine.scale.x);\n text.anchor.set(0.5);\n debugDisplayObjects.eventText.addChild(text);\n setTimeout(() =>\n {\n if (!text.destroyed)\n {\n text.destroy();\n }\n }, 250);\n }\n },\n },\n };\n\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.bones);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.eventText);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.zIndex = 9999999;\n\n // Disable screen reader and mouse input on debug objects.\n (debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer as any).accessibleChildren = false;\n (debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer as any).eventMode = 'none';\n (debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer as any).interactiveChildren = false;\n\n spine.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer);\n\n spine.state.addListener(debugDisplayObjects.eventCallback);\n\n this.registeredSpines.set(spine, debugDisplayObjects);\n }\n\n public renderDebug(spine: Spine): void\n {\n if (!this.registeredSpines.has(spine))\n {\n // This should never happen. Spines are registered when you assign spine.debug\n this.registerSpine(spine);\n }\n\n const debugDisplayObjects = this.registeredSpines.get(spine);\n\n if (!debugDisplayObjects)\n {\n return;\n }\n spine.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.clear();\n\n for (let len = debugDisplayObjects.bones.children.length; len > 0; len--)\n {\n debugDisplayObjects.bones.children[len - 1].destroy({ children: true, texture: true, textureSource: true });\n }\n\n const scale = Math.abs(spine.scale.x || spine.scale.y || 1);\n const lineWidth = this.lineWidth / scale;\n\n if (this.drawBones)\n {\n this.drawBonesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth, scale);\n }\n\n if (this.drawPaths)\n {\n this.drawPathsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawBoundingBoxes)\n {\n this.drawBoundingBoxesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawClipping)\n {\n this.drawClippingFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawMeshHull || this.drawMeshTriangles)\n {\n this.drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawRegionAttachments)\n {\n this.drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawEvents)\n {\n for (const child of debugDisplayObjects.eventText.children)\n {\n child.alpha -= 0.05;\n child.y -= 2;\n }\n }\n }\n\n private drawBonesFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number, scale: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const skeletonX = skeleton.x;\n const skeletonY = skeleton.y;\n const bones = skeleton.bones;\n\n debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.strokeStyle = { width: lineWidth, color: this.skeletonXYColor };\n\n for (let i = 0, len = bones.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const bone = bones[i];\n const boneLen = bone.data.length;\n const starX = skeletonX + bone.worldX;\n const starY = skeletonY + bone.worldY;\n const endX = skeletonX + (boneLen * bone.a) + bone.worldX;\n const endY = skeletonY + (boneLen * bone.b) + bone.worldY;\n\n if (bone.data.name === 'root' || bone.data.parent === null)\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const w = Math.abs(starX - endX);\n const h = Math.abs(starY - endY);\n // a = w, // side length a\n const a2 = Math.pow(w, 2); // square root of side length a\n const b = h; // side length b\n const b2 = Math.pow(h, 2); // square root of side length b\n const c = Math.sqrt(a2 + b2); // side length c\n const c2 = Math.pow(c, 2); // square root of side length c\n const rad = Math.PI / 180;\n // A = Math.acos([a2 + c2 - b2] / [2 * a * c]) || 0, // Angle A\n // C = Math.acos([a2 + b2 - c2] / [2 * a * b]) || 0, // C angle\n const B = Math.acos((c2 + b2 - a2) / (2 * b * c)) || 0; // angle of corner B\n\n if (c === 0)\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const gp = new Graphics();\n\n debugDisplayObjects.bones.addChild(gp);\n\n // draw bone\n const refRation = c / 50 / scale;\n\n gp.context\n .poly([0, 0, 0 - refRation, c - (refRation * 3), 0, c - refRation, 0 + refRation, c - (refRation * 3)])\n .fill(this.bonesColor);\n gp.x = starX;\n gp.y = starY;\n gp.pivot.y = c;\n\n // Calculate bone rotation angle\n let rotation = 0;\n\n if (starX < endX && starY < endY)\n {\n // bottom right\n rotation = -B + (180 * rad);\n }\n else if (starX > endX && starY < endY)\n {\n // bottom left\n rotation = 180 * (rad + B);\n }\n else if (starX > endX && starY > endY)\n {\n // top left\n rotation = -B;\n }\n else if (starX < endX && starY > endY)\n {\n // bottom left\n rotation = B;\n }\n else if (starY === endY && starX < endX)\n {\n // To the right\n rotation = 90 * rad;\n }\n else if (starY === endY && starX > endX)\n {\n // go left\n rotation = -90 * rad;\n }\n else if (starX === endX && starY < endY)\n {\n // down\n rotation = 180 * rad;\n }\n else if (starX === endX && starY > endY)\n {\n // up\n rotation = 0;\n }\n gp.rotation = rotation;\n\n // Draw the starting rotation point of the bone\n gp.circle(0, c, refRation * 1.2)\n .fill({ color: 0x000000, alpha: 0.6 })\n .stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.skeletonXYColor });\n }\n\n // Draw the skeleton starting point \"X\" form\n const startDotSize = lineWidth * 3;\n\n debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.context\n .moveTo(skeletonX - startDotSize, skeletonY - startDotSize)\n .lineTo(skeletonX + startDotSize, skeletonY + startDotSize)\n .moveTo(skeletonX + startDotSize, skeletonY - startDotSize)\n .lineTo(skeletonX - startDotSize, skeletonY + startDotSize)\n .stroke();\n }\n\n private drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof RegionAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const regionAttachment = attachment;\n\n const vertices = new Float32Array(8);\n\n regionAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, 2);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.poly(Array.from(vertices.slice(0, 8)));\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.stroke({\n color: this.regionAttachmentsColor,\n width: lineWidth\n });\n }\n\n private drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n\n if (!slot.bone.active)\n {\n continue;\n }\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof MeshAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const meshAttachment = attachment;\n\n const vertices = new Float32Array(meshAttachment.worldVerticesLength);\n const triangles = meshAttachment.triangles;\n let hullLength = meshAttachment.hullLength;\n\n meshAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, meshAttachment.worldVerticesLength, vertices, 0, 2);\n // draw the skinned mesh (triangle)\n if (this.drawMeshTriangles)\n {\n for (let i = 0, len = triangles.length; i < len; i += 3)\n {\n const v1 = triangles[i] * 2;\n const v2 = triangles[i + 1] * 2;\n const v3 = triangles[i + 2] * 2;\n\n debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.context\n .moveTo(vertices[v1], vertices[v1 + 1])\n .lineTo(vertices[v2], vertices[v2 + 1])\n .lineTo(vertices[v3], vertices[v3 + 1]);\n }\n }\n\n // draw skin border\n if (this.drawMeshHull && hullLength > 0)\n {\n hullLength = (hullLength >> 1) * 2;\n let lastX = vertices[hullLength - 2];\n let lastY = vertices[hullLength - 1];\n\n for (let i = 0, len = hullLength; i < len; i += 2)\n {\n const x = vertices[i];\n const y = vertices[i + 1];\n\n debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.context\n .moveTo(x, y)\n .lineTo(lastX, lastY);\n lastX = x;\n lastY = y;\n }\n }\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.meshHullColor });\n debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.meshTrianglesColor });\n }\n\n drawClippingFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n\n if (!slot.bone.active)\n {\n continue;\n }\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const clippingAttachment = attachment;\n\n const nn = clippingAttachment.worldVerticesLength;\n const world = new Float32Array(nn);\n\n clippingAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, nn, world, 0, 2);\n debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.poly(Array.from(world));\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.stroke({\n width: lineWidth, color: this.clippingPolygonColor, alpha: 1\n });\n }\n\n drawBoundingBoxesFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n // draw the total outline of the bounding box\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.lineStyle(lineWidth, this.boundingBoxesRectColor, 5);\n\n const bounds = new SkeletonBounds();\n\n bounds.update(spine.skeleton, true);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect\n .rect(bounds.minX, bounds.minY, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight())\n .stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.boundingBoxesRectColor });\n\n const polygons = bounds.polygons;\n const drawPolygon = (polygonVertices: ArrayLike, _offset: unknown, count: number): void =>\n {\n if (count < 3)\n {\n throw new Error('Polygon must contain at least 3 vertices');\n }\n const paths:number[] = [];\n const dotSize = lineWidth * 2;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = polygonVertices.length; i < len; i += 2)\n {\n const x1 = polygonVertices[i];\n const y1 = polygonVertices[i + 1];\n\n // draw the bounding box node\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.beginFill(this.boundingBoxesCircleColor);\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.drawCircle(x1, y1, dotSize);\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.fill(0);\n\n paths.push(x1, y1);\n }\n\n // draw the bounding box area\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon\n .poly(paths)\n .fill({\n color: this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor,\n alpha: 0.1\n })\n .stroke({\n width: lineWidth,\n color: this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor\n });\n };\n\n for (let i = 0, len = polygons.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const polygon = polygons[i];\n\n drawPolygon(polygon, 0, polygon.length);\n }\n }\n\n private drawPathsFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n\n if (!slot.bone.active)\n {\n continue;\n }\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof PathAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const pathAttachment = attachment;\n let nn = pathAttachment.worldVerticesLength;\n const world = new Float32Array(nn);\n\n pathAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, nn, world, 0, 2);\n let x1 = world[2];\n let y1 = world[3];\n let x2 = 0;\n let y2 = 0;\n\n if (pathAttachment.closed)\n {\n const cx1 = world[0];\n const cy1 = world[1];\n const cx2 = world[nn - 2];\n const cy2 = world[nn - 1];\n\n x2 = world[nn - 4];\n y2 = world[nn - 3];\n\n // curve\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2);\n\n // handle\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx1, cy1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x2, y2);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx2, cy2);\n }\n nn -= 4;\n for (let ii = 4; ii < nn; ii += 6)\n {\n const cx1 = world[ii];\n const cy1 = world[ii + 1];\n const cx2 = world[ii + 2];\n const cy2 = world[ii + 3];\n\n x2 = world[ii + 4];\n y2 = world[ii + 5];\n // curve\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2);\n\n // handle\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx1, cy1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x2, y2);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx2, cy2);\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.pathsCurveColor });\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.pathsLineColor });\n }\n\n public unregisterSpine(spine: Spine): void\n {\n if (!this.registeredSpines.has(spine))\n {\n console.warn('SpineDebugRenderer.unregisterSpine() - spine is not registered, can\\'t unregister!', spine);\n }\n const debugDisplayObjects = this.registeredSpines.get(spine);\n\n if (!debugDisplayObjects)\n {\n return;\n }\n\n spine.state.removeListener(debugDisplayObjects.eventCallback);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.destroy({ textureSource: true, children: true, texture: true });\n this.registeredSpines.delete(spine);\n }\n}\n"],"names":["prevRequire","x","c","a","i","e","o","_SpineTexture","Texture","image","__publicField","PixiTexture","texture","minFilter","magFilter","style","uWrap","vWrap","filter","TextureFilter","wrap","TextureWrap","blend","BlendMode","SpineTexture","R","w","S","u","L","M","t","s","d","spineTextureAtlasLoader","ExtensionType","LoaderParserPriority","url","checkExtension","DOMAdapter","asset","options","isExtensionRight","isString","atlas","loader","metadata","basePath","path","retval","TextureAtlas","TextureSource","pixiTexture","textureLoadingPromises","page","pageName","providedPage","assetsToLoadIn","__spreadProps","__spreadValues","pixiPromise","extensions","isJson","resource","isBuffer","spineLoaderExtension","response","isJsonSpineModel","isBinarySpineModel","E","I","r","BatchableSpineSlot","renderable","data","blendMode","roundPixels","clippedData","indexBuffer","index","indicesOffset","indices","float32View","uint32View","textureId","uvs","vertices","vertexSize","slotColor","parentColor","parentAlpha","abgr","mixedA","parentB","parentG","parentR","mixedR","mixedG","mixedB","matrix","b","tx","ty","textureIdAndRound","y","B","_","h","clipper","SkeletonClipping","spineBlendModeMap","SpinePipe","renderer","spine","instructionSet","_a","_b","_c","_d","_e","gpuSpine","batcher","drawOrder","n","slot","attachment","RegionAttachment","MeshAttachment","cacheData","batchableSpineSlot","containerAttachment","container","collectAllRenderables","vectorAux","Vector2","lightColor","Color","darkColor","Skeleton","Spine","Container","SkeletonData","Bounds","skeletonData","AnimationState","AnimationStateData","slots","slotRef","value","Ticker","dt","_deltaFrame","deltaSeconds","bone","position","boneAux","aux","outPos","time","skeleton","Physics","currentDrawOrder","lastAttachments","spineAttachmentsDirty","skeletonColor","attachmentColor","ClippingAttachment","clippedVertices","clippedTriangles","verticesCount","indicesCount","slotAttachment","DEG_TO_RAD","renderGroup","slotOrContainer","containerToRemove","SkeletonBounds","skeletonBounds","bounds","point","scale","cacheKey","Cache","skeletonAsset","Assets","atlasAsset","attachmentLoader","AtlasAttachmentLoader","parser","SkeletonBinary","SkeletonJson","SpineDebugRenderer","debugDisplayObjects","Graphics","event","text","Text","len","lineWidth","child","skeletonX","skeletonY","bones","boneLen","starX","starY","endX","endY","a2","b2","c2","rad","gp","refRation","rotation","startDotSize","regionAttachment","meshAttachment","triangles","hullLength","v1","v2","v3","lastX","lastY","clippingAttachment","nn","world","polygons","drawPolygon","polygonVertices","_offset","count","paths","dotSize","x1","y1","polygon","PathAttachment","pathAttachment","x2","y2","cx1","cy1","cx2","cy2","ii"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;oxBAuCA,GAAI,OAAO,QAAW,aAAe,OAAO,KAC5C,CACI,MAAMA,EAAc,OAAO,QAG1B,OAAe,QAAWC,GAC3B,CACI,GAAID,EAAa,OAAOA,EAAYC,CAAC,EAChC,GAAIA,EAAE,WAAW,QAAQ,GAAKA,EAAE,WAAW,SAAS,EAAG,OAAO,OAAO,IAC9E,CACJ,CCpBA,IAAAC,GAAA,OAAA,eAAAD,GAAA,CAAAE,EAAAC,EAAAC,IAAAD,KAAAD,EAAAD,GAAAC,EAAAC,EAAA,CAAA,WAAA,GAAA,aAAA,GAAA,SAAA,GAAA,MAAAC,CAAA,CAAA,EAAAF,EAAAC,CAAA,EAAAC,EAAAC,GAAA,CAAAH,EAAAC,EAAAC,KAAAJ,GAAAE,EAAA,OAAAC,GAAA,SAAAA,EAAA,GAAAA,EAAAC,CAAA,EAAAA,GAKO,MAAME,GAAN,MAAMA,UAAqBC,EAClC,CAeY,YAAYC,EACpB,CAEI,MAAMA,EAAM,QAAQ,EALxBC,GAAA,KAAgB,SAAA,EAMZ,KAAK,QAAUC,GAAY,KAAKF,CAAK,CACzC,CAjBA,OAAc,KAAKG,EACnB,CACI,OAAIL,EAAa,WAAW,IAAIK,CAAO,EAE5BL,EAAa,WAAW,IAAIK,CAAO,EAGvC,IAAIL,EAAaK,CAAO,CACnC,CAWO,WAAWC,EAA0BC,EAC5C,CACI,MAAMC,EAAQ,KAAK,QAAQ,OAAO,MAElCA,EAAM,UAAYR,EAAa,oBAAoBM,CAAS,EAC5DE,EAAM,UAAYR,EAAa,oBAAoBO,CAAS,EAC5D,KAAK,QAAQ,OAAO,oBAAsBP,EAAa,aAAaM,CAAS,EAC7E,KAAK,QAAQ,OAAO,cACxB,CAAA,CAEO,SAASG,EAAoBC,EACpC,CACI,MAAMF,EAAQ,KAAK,QAAQ,OAAO,MAElCA,EAAM,aAAeR,EAAa,kBAAkBS,CAAK,EACzDD,EAAM,aAAeR,EAAa,kBAAkBU,CAAK,CAC7D,CAEO,SACP,CAEI,KAAK,QAAQ,QAAQ,CACzB,CAEA,OAAe,aAAaC,EAC5B,CACI,OAAQA,EAAAA,CAEJ,KAAKC,EAAc,QACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,OACf,MAAO,GAEX,KAAKA,EAAc,oBACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,qBACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,mBACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,oBACf,MAAO,GAEX,QACI,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,2BAA2B,OAAOD,CAAM,CAAC,EAAE,CACnE,CACJ,CAEA,OAAe,oBAAoBA,EACnC,CACI,OAAQA,EAEJ,CAAA,KAAKC,EAAc,QACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,oBACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,qBACf,MAAO,UAEX,KAAKA,EAAc,OACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,mBACnB,KAAKA,EAAc,oBACf,MAAO,SAEX,QACI,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,2BAA2B,OAAOD,CAAM,CAAC,EAAE,CACnE,CACJ,CAEA,OAAe,kBAAkBE,EACjC,CACI,OAAQA,EACR,CACI,KAAKC,EAAY,YACb,MAAO,gBAEX,KAAKA,EAAY,eACb,MAAO,gBAEX,KAAKA,EAAY,OACb,MAAO,SAEX,QACI,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,yBAAyB,OAAOD,CAAI,CAAC,EAAE,CAC/D,CACJ,CAEA,OAAc,eAAeE,EAC7B,CACI,OAAQA,EAEJ,CAAA,KAAKC,EAAU,OACX,MAAO,SAEX,KAAKA,EAAU,SACX,MAAO,MAEX,KAAKA,EAAU,SACX,MAAO,WAEX,KAAKA,EAAU,OACX,MAAO,SAEX,QACI,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,sBAAsB,OAAOD,CAAK,CAAC,EAAE,CAC7D,CACJ,CACJ,EAzHIZ,GAFSH,GAEe,aAA+C,IAAI,GAAA,MAFlEiB,EAANjB,GCLP,IAAAkB,GAAA,OAAA,eAAAC,GAAA,OAAA,iBAAAC,GAAA,OAAA,0BAAAC,GAAA,OAAA,sBAAAC,GAAA,OAAA,UAAA,eAAAC,GAAA,OAAA,UAAA,qBAAA7B,GAAA,CAAAI,EAAA0B,EAAAC,IAAAD,KAAA1B,EAAAoB,GAAApB,EAAA0B,EAAA,CAAA,WAAA,GAAA,aAAA,GAAA,SAAA,GAAA,MAAAC,CAAA,CAAA,EAAA3B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AIoN,EAAW,EAEXV,EAAQE,GAAQD,EAAQE,EAGxBO,EAAW,CAAC7G,EAAK,IAAM0G,EAElBP,EAAQE,GAAQD,EAAQE,EAG7BO,EAAW,KAAOH,EAAM1G,GAEnBmG,EAAQE,GAAQD,EAAQE,EAG7BO,EAAW,CAAC7G,EAEPmG,EAAQE,GAAQD,EAAQE,EAG7BO,EAAW7G,EAENoG,IAAUE,GAAQH,EAAQE,EAG/BQ,EAAW,GAAKH,EAEXN,IAAUE,GAAQH,EAAQE,EAG/BQ,EAAW,IAAMH,EAEZP,IAAUE,GAAQD,EAAQE,EAG/BO,EAAW,IAAMH,EAEZP,IAAUE,GAAQD,EAAQE,IAG/BO,EAAW,GAEfF,EAAG,SAAWE,EAGdF,EAAG,OAAO,EAAGlN,EAAGmN,EAAY,GAAG,EAC1B,KAAK,CAAE,MAAO,EAAU,MAAO,EAAI,CAAC,EACpC,OAAO,CAAE,MAAOf,EAAW,MAAO,KAAK,eAAgB,CAAC,CACjE,CAGA,MAAMiB,EAAejB,EAAY,EAEjCN,EAAoB,WAAW,QAC1B,OAAOQ,EAAYe,EAAcd,EAAYc,CAAY,EACzD,OAAOf,EAAYe,EAAcd,EAAYc,CAAY,EACzD,OAAOf,EAAYe,EAAcd,EAAYc,CAAY,EACzD,OAAOf,EAAYe,EAAcd,EAAYc,CAAY,EACzD,OAAA,CACT,CAEQ,0BAA0BtG,EAAc+E,EAA0CM,EAC1F,CAEI,MAAMpD,EADWjC,EAAM,SACA,MAEvB,QAAS7G,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMnD,EAAM,OAAQ9I,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,IAC7C,CACI,MAAMwH,EAAOsB,EAAM9I,CAAC,EACdyH,EAAaD,EAAK,gBAExB,GAAIC,IAAe,MAAQ,EAAEA,aAAsBC,GAE/C,SAGJ,MAAM0F,EAAmB3F,EAEnBvC,EAAW,IAAI,aAAa,CAAC,EAEnCkI,EAAiB,qBAAqB5F,EAAMtC,EAAU,EAAG,CAAC,EAE1D0G,EAAoB,uBAAuB,KAAK,MAAM,KAAK1G,EAAS,MAAM,EAAG,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC,CACpF,CAEA0G,EAAoB,uBAAuB,OAAO,CAC9C,MAAO,KAAK,uBACZ,MAAOM,CACX,CAAC,CACL,CAEQ,6BAA6BrF,EAAc+E,EAA0CM,EAC7F,CAEI,MAAMpD,EADWjC,EAAM,SACA,MAEvB,QAAS7G,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMnD,EAAM,OAAQ9I,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,IAC7C,CACI,MAAMwH,EAAOsB,EAAM9I,CAAC,EAEpB,GAAI,CAACwH,EAAK,KAAK,OAEX,SAEJ,MAAMC,EAAaD,EAAK,cAAA,EAExB,GAAIC,IAAe,MAAQ,EAAEA,aAAsBE,GAE/C,SAGJ,MAAM0F,EAAiB5F,EAEjBvC,EAAW,IAAI,aAAamI,EAAe,mBAAmB,EAC9DC,EAAYD,EAAe,UACjC,IAAIE,EAAaF,EAAe,WAIhC,GAFAA,EAAe,qBAAqB7F,EAAM,EAAG6F,EAAe,oBAAqBnI,EAAU,EAAG,CAAC,EAE3F,KAAK,kBAEL,QAASlF,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMqB,EAAU,OAAQtN,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,GAAK,EACtD,CACI,MAAMwN,EAAKF,EAAUtN,CAAC,EAAI,EACpByN,EAAKH,EAAUtN,EAAI,CAAC,EAAI,EACxB0N,EAAKJ,EAAUtN,EAAI,CAAC,EAAI,EAE9B4L,EAAoB,kBAAkB,QACjC,OAAO1G,EAASsI,CAAE,EAAGtI,EAASsI,EAAK,CAAC,CAAC,EACrC,OAAOtI,EAASuI,CAAE,EAAGvI,EAASuI,EAAK,CAAC,CAAC,EACrC,OAAOvI,EAASwI,CAAE,EAAGxI,EAASwI,EAAK,CAAC,CAAC,CAC9C,CAIJ,GAAI,KAAK,cAAgBH,EAAa,EACtC,CACIA,GAAcA,GAAc,GAAK,EACjC,IAAII,EAAQzI,EAASqI,EAAa,CAAC,EAC/BK,EAAQ1I,EAASqI,EAAa,CAAC,EAEnC,QAASvN,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMsB,EAAYvN,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,GAAK,EAChD,CACI,MAAMH,EAAIqF,EAASlF,CAAC,EACdoG,EAAIlB,EAASlF,EAAI,CAAC,EAExB4L,EAAoB,aAAa,QAC5B,OAAO/L,EAAGuG,CAAC,EACX,OAAOuH,EAAOC,CAAK,EACxBD,EAAQ9N,EACR+N,EAAQxH,CACZ,CACJ,CACJ,CAEAwF,EAAoB,aAAa,OAAO,CAAE,MAAOM,EAAW,MAAO,KAAK,aAAc,CAAC,EACvFN,EAAoB,kBAAkB,OAAO,CAAE,MAAOM,EAAW,MAAO,KAAK,kBAAmB,CAAC,CACrG,CAEA,iBAAiBrF,EAAc+E,EAA0CM,EACzE,CAEI,MAAMpD,EADWjC,EAAM,SACA,MAEvB,QAAS7G,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMnD,EAAM,OAAQ9I,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,IAC7C,CACI,MAAMwH,EAAOsB,EAAM9I,CAAC,EAEpB,GAAI,CAACwH,EAAK,KAAK,OAEX,SAEJ,MAAMC,EAAaD,EAAK,cAAc,EAEtC,GAAIC,IAAe,MAAQ,EAAEA,aAAsByC,IAE/C,SAGJ,MAAM2D,EAAqBpG,EAErBqG,EAAKD,EAAmB,oBACxBE,EAAQ,IAAI,aAAaD,CAAE,EAEjCD,EAAmB,qBAAqBrG,EAAM,EAAGsG,EAAIC,EAAO,EAAG,CAAC,EAChEnC,EAAoB,gBAAgB,KAAK,MAAM,KAAKmC,CAAK,CAAC,CAC9D,CAEAnC,EAAoB,gBAAgB,OAAO,CACvC,MAAOM,EAAW,MAAO,KAAK,qBAAsB,MAAO,CAC/D,CAAC,CACL,CAEA,sBAAsBrF,EAAc+E,EAA0CM,EAC9E,CAEIN,EAAoB,kBAAkB,UAAUM,EAAW,KAAK,uBAAwB,CAAC,EAEzF,MAAMpB,EAAS,IAAIF,GAEnBE,EAAO,OAAOjE,EAAM,SAAU,EAAI,EAElC+E,EAAoB,kBACf,KAAKd,EAAO,KAAMA,EAAO,KAAMA,EAAO,WAAYA,EAAO,UAAU,CAAC,EACpE,OAAO,CAAE,MAAOoB,EAAW,MAAO,KAAK,sBAAuB,CAAC,EAEpE,MAAM8B,EAAWlD,EAAO,SAClBmD,EAAc,CAACC,EAAoCC,EAAkBC,IAC3E,CACI,GAAIA,EAAQ,EAER,MAAM,IAAI,MAAM,0CAA0C,EAE9D,MAAMC,EAAiB,CACjBC,EAAAA,EAAUpC,EAAY,EAE5B,QAASlM,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMiC,EAAgB,OAAQlO,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,GAAK,EAC5D,CACI,MAAMuO,EAAKL,EAAgBlO,CAAC,EACtBwO,EAAKN,EAAgBlO,EAAI,CAAC,EAGhC4L,EAAoB,oBAAoB,UAAU,KAAK,wBAAwB,EAC/EA,EAAoB,oBAAoB,WAAW2C,EAAIC,EAAIF,CAAO,EAClE1C,EAAoB,oBAAoB,KAAK,CAAC,EAE9CyC,EAAM,KAAKE,EAAIC,CAAE,CACrB,CAGA5C,EAAoB,qBACf,KAAKyC,CAAK,EACV,KAAK,CACF,MAAO,KAAK,0BACZ,MAAO,EACX,CAAC,EACA,OAAO,CACJ,MAAOnC,EACP,MAAO,KAAK,yBAChB,CAAC,CACT,EAEA,QAASlM,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAM+B,EAAS,OAAQhO,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,IAChD,CACI,MAAMyO,EAAUT,EAAShO,CAAC,EAE1BiO,EAAYQ,EAAS,EAAGA,EAAQ,MAAM,CAC1C,CACJ,CAEQ,cAAc5H,EAAc+E,EAA0CM,EAC9E,CAEI,MAAMpD,EADWjC,EAAM,SACA,MAEvB,QAAS7G,EAAI,EAAGiM,EAAMnD,EAAM,OAAQ9I,EAAIiM,EAAKjM,IAC7C,CACI,MAAMwH,EAAOsB,EAAM9I,CAAC,EAEpB,GAAI,CAACwH,EAAK,KAAK,OAEX,SAEJ,MAAMC,EAAaD,EAAK,cAAA,EAExB,GAAIC,IAAe,MAAQ,EAAEA,aAAsBiH,IAE/C,SAGJ,MAAMC,EAAiBlH,EACvB,IAAIqG,EAAKa,EAAe,oBACxB,MAAMZ,EAAQ,IAAI,aAAaD,CAAE,EAEjCa,EAAe,qBAAqBnH,EAAM,EAAGsG,EAAIC,EAAO,EAAG,CAAC,EAC5D,IAAIQ,EAAKR,EAAM,CAAC,EACZS,EAAKT,EAAM,CAAC,EACZa,EAAK,EACLC,EAAK,EAET,GAAIF,EAAe,OACnB,CACI,MAAMG,EAAMf,EAAM,CAAC,EACbgB,EAAMhB,EAAM,CAAC,EACbiB,EAAMjB,EAAMD,EAAK,CAAC,EAClBmB,EAAMlB,EAAMD,EAAK,CAAC,EAExBc,EAAKb,EAAMD,EAAK,CAAC,EACjBe,EAAKd,EAAMD,EAAK,CAAC,EAGjBlC,EAAoB,WAAW,OAAO2C,EAAIC,CAAE,EAC5C5C,EAAoB,WAAW,cAAckD,EAAKC,EAAKC,EAAKC,EAAKL,EAAIC,CAAE,EAGvEjD,EAAoB,UAAU,OAAO2C,EAAIC,CAAE,EAC3C5C,EAAoB,UAAU,OAAOkD,EAAKC,CAAG,EAC7CnD,EAAoB,UAAU,OAAOgD,EAAIC,CAAE,EAC3CjD,EAAoB,UAAU,OAAOoD,EAAKC,CAAG,CACjD,CACAnB,GAAM,EACN,QAASoB,EAAK,EAAGA,EAAKpB,EAAIoB,GAAM,EAChC,CACI,MAAMJ,EAAMf,EAAMmB,CAAE,EACdH,EAAMhB,EAAMmB,EAAK,CAAC,EAClBF,EAAMjB,EAAMmB,EAAK,CAAC,EAClBD,EAAMl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\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dist/spine-pixi.js b/dist/spine-pixi.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94f4820 --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/spine-pixi.js @@ -0,0 +1,12882 @@ +"use strict"; +var spine = (() => { + var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; + var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; + var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; + var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + var __require = /* @__PURE__ */ ((x) => typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : typeof Proxy !== "undefined" ? new Proxy(x, { + get: (a, b) => (typeof require !== "undefined" ? require : a)[b] + }) : x)(function(x) { + if (typeof require !== "undefined") + return require.apply(this, arguments); + throw Error('Dynamic require of "' + x + '" is not supported'); + }); + var __export = (target, all) => { + for (var name in all) + __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); + }; + var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { + if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { + for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) + if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) + __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); + } + return to; + }; + var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); + + // src/index.ts + var src_exports = {}; + __export(src_exports, { + AlphaTimeline: () => AlphaTimeline, + Animation: () => Animation, + AnimationState: () => AnimationState, + AnimationStateAdapter: () => AnimationStateAdapter, + AnimationStateData: () => AnimationStateData, + AssetManagerBase: () => AssetManagerBase, + AtlasAttachmentLoader: () => AtlasAttachmentLoader, + Attachment: () => Attachment, + AttachmentTimeline: () => AttachmentTimeline, + BinaryInput: () => BinaryInput, + BlendMode: () => BlendMode, + Bone: () => Bone, + BoneData: () => BoneData, + BoundingBoxAttachment: () => BoundingBoxAttachment, + CURRENT: () => CURRENT, + ClippingAttachment: () => ClippingAttachment, + Color: () => Color, + ConstraintData: () => ConstraintData, + CurveTimeline: () => CurveTimeline, + CurveTimeline1: () => CurveTimeline1, + CurveTimeline2: () => CurveTimeline2, + DebugUtils: () => DebugUtils, + DeformTimeline: () => DeformTimeline, + Downloader: () => Downloader, + DrawOrderTimeline: () => DrawOrderTimeline, + Event: () => Event, + EventData: () => EventData, + EventQueue: () => EventQueue, + EventTimeline: () => EventTimeline, + EventType: () => EventType, + FIRST: () => FIRST, + FakeTexture: () => FakeTexture, + HOLD_FIRST: () => HOLD_FIRST, + HOLD_MIX: () => HOLD_MIX, + HOLD_SUBSEQUENT: () => HOLD_SUBSEQUENT, + IkConstraint: () => IkConstraint, + IkConstraintData: () => IkConstraintData, + IkConstraintTimeline: () => IkConstraintTimeline, + Inherit: () => Inherit, + InheritTimeline: () => InheritTimeline, + IntSet: () => IntSet, + Interpolation: () => Interpolation, + MathUtils: () => MathUtils, + MeshAttachment: () => MeshAttachment, + MixBlend: () => MixBlend, + MixDirection: () => MixDirection, + PathAttachment: () => PathAttachment, + PathConstraint: () => PathConstraint, + PathConstraintData: () => PathConstraintData, + PathConstraintMixTimeline: () => PathConstraintMixTimeline, + PathConstraintPositionTimeline: () => PathConstraintPositionTimeline, + PathConstraintSpacingTimeline: () => PathConstraintSpacingTimeline, + Physics: () => Physics, + PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintTimeline, + PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline: () => PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline, + PointAttachment: () => PointAttachment, + Pool: () => Pool, + PositionMode: () => PositionMode, + Pow: () => Pow, + PowOut: () => PowOut, + RGB2Timeline: () => RGB2Timeline, + RGBA2Timeline: () => RGBA2Timeline, + RGBATimeline: () => RGBATimeline, + RGBTimeline: () => RGBTimeline, + RegionAttachment: () => RegionAttachment, + RotateMode: () => RotateMode, + RotateTimeline: () => RotateTimeline, + SETUP: () => SETUP, + SUBSEQUENT: () => SUBSEQUENT, + ScaleTimeline: () => ScaleTimeline, + ScaleXTimeline: () => ScaleXTimeline, + ScaleYTimeline: () => ScaleYTimeline, + SequenceTimeline: () => SequenceTimeline, + ShearTimeline: () => ShearTimeline, + ShearXTimeline: () => ShearXTimeline, + ShearYTimeline: () => ShearYTimeline, + Skeleton: () => Skeleton, + SkeletonBinary: () => SkeletonBinary, + SkeletonBounds: () => SkeletonBounds, + SkeletonClipping: () => SkeletonClipping, + SkeletonData: () => SkeletonData, + SkeletonJson: () => SkeletonJson, + Skin: () => Skin, + SkinEntry: () => SkinEntry, + Slot: () => Slot, + SlotData: () => SlotData, + SpacingMode: () => SpacingMode, + Spine: () => Spine, + SpineDebugRenderer: () => SpineDebugRenderer, + SpinePipe: () => SpinePipe, + SpineTexture: () => SpineTexture, + StringSet: () => StringSet, + Texture: () => Texture, + TextureAtlas: () => TextureAtlas, + TextureAtlasPage: () => TextureAtlasPage, + TextureAtlasRegion: () => TextureAtlasRegion, + TextureFilter: () => TextureFilter, + TextureRegion: () => TextureRegion, + TextureWrap: () => TextureWrap, + TimeKeeper: () => TimeKeeper, + Timeline: () => Timeline, + TrackEntry: () => TrackEntry, + TransformConstraint: () => TransformConstraint, + TransformConstraintData: () => TransformConstraintData, + TransformConstraintTimeline: () => TransformConstraintTimeline, + TranslateTimeline: () => TranslateTimeline, + TranslateXTimeline: () => TranslateXTimeline, + TranslateYTimeline: () => TranslateYTimeline, + Triangulator: () => Triangulator, + Utils: () => Utils, + Vector2: () => Vector2, + VertexAttachment: () => VertexAttachment, + WindowedMean: () => WindowedMean + }); + + // src/require-shim.ts + if (typeof window !== "undefined" && window.PIXI) { + const prevRequire = window.require; + window.require = (x) => { + if (prevRequire) + return prevRequire(x); + else if (x.startsWith("@pixi/") || x.startsWith("pixi.js")) + return window.PIXI; + }; + } + + // src/assets/atlasLoader.ts + var import_pixi2 = __require("pixi.js"); + + // src/SpineTexture.ts + var import_pixi = __require("pixi.js"); + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Utils.js + var IntSet = class { + array = new Array(); + add(value) { + let contains = this.contains(value); + this.array[value | 0] = value | 0; + return !contains; + } + contains(value) { + return this.array[value | 0] != void 0; + } + remove(value) { + this.array[value | 0] = void 0; + } + clear() { + this.array.length = 0; + } + }; + var StringSet = class { + entries = {}; + size = 0; + add(value) { + let contains = this.entries[value]; + this.entries[value] = true; + if (!contains) { + this.size++; + return true; + } + return false; + } + addAll(values) { + let oldSize = this.size; + for (var i = 0, n = values.length; i < n; i++) + this.add(values[i]); + return oldSize != this.size; + } + contains(value) { + return this.entries[value]; + } + clear() { + this.entries = {}; + this.size = 0; + } + }; + var Color = class _Color { + r; + g; + b; + a; + static WHITE = new _Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + static RED = new _Color(1, 0, 0, 1); + static GREEN = new _Color(0, 1, 0, 1); + static BLUE = new _Color(0, 0, 1, 1); + static MAGENTA = new _Color(1, 0, 1, 1); + constructor(r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0) { + this.r = r; + this.g = g; + this.b = b; + this.a = a; + } + set(r, g, b, a) { + this.r = r; + this.g = g; + this.b = b; + this.a = a; + return this.clamp(); + } + setFromColor(c) { + this.r = c.r; + this.g = c.g; + this.b = c.b; + this.a = c.a; + return this; + } + setFromString(hex) { + hex = hex.charAt(0) == "#" ? hex.substr(1) : hex; + this.r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255; + this.g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16) / 255; + this.b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16) / 255; + this.a = hex.length != 8 ? 1 : parseInt(hex.substr(6, 2), 16) / 255; + return this; + } + add(r, g, b, a) { + this.r += r; + this.g += g; + this.b += b; + this.a += a; + return this.clamp(); + } + clamp() { + if (this.r < 0) + this.r = 0; + else if (this.r > 1) + this.r = 1; + if (this.g < 0) + this.g = 0; + else if (this.g > 1) + this.g = 1; + if (this.b < 0) + this.b = 0; + else if (this.b > 1) + this.b = 1; + if (this.a < 0) + this.a = 0; + else if (this.a > 1) + this.a = 1; + return this; + } + static rgba8888ToColor(color, value) { + color.r = ((value & 4278190080) >>> 24) / 255; + color.g = ((value & 16711680) >>> 16) / 255; + color.b = ((value & 65280) >>> 8) / 255; + color.a = (value & 255) / 255; + } + static rgb888ToColor(color, value) { + color.r = ((value & 16711680) >>> 16) / 255; + color.g = ((value & 65280) >>> 8) / 255; + color.b = (value & 255) / 255; + } + toRgb888() { + const hex = (x) => ("0" + (x * 255).toString(16)).slice(-2); + return Number("0x" + hex(this.r) + hex(this.g) + hex(this.b)); + } + static fromString(hex) { + return new _Color().setFromString(hex); + } + }; + var MathUtils = class _MathUtils { + static PI = 3.1415927; + static PI2 = _MathUtils.PI * 2; + static invPI2 = 1 / _MathUtils.PI2; + static radiansToDegrees = 180 / _MathUtils.PI; + static radDeg = _MathUtils.radiansToDegrees; + static degreesToRadians = _MathUtils.PI / 180; + static degRad = _MathUtils.degreesToRadians; + static clamp(value, min, max) { + if (value < min) + return min; + if (value > max) + return max; + return value; + } + static cosDeg(degrees) { + return Math.cos(degrees * _MathUtils.degRad); + } + static sinDeg(degrees) { + return Math.sin(degrees * _MathUtils.degRad); + } + static atan2Deg(y, x) { + return Math.atan2(y, x) * _MathUtils.degRad; + } + static signum(value) { + return value > 0 ? 1 : value < 0 ? -1 : 0; + } + static toInt(x) { + return x > 0 ? Math.floor(x) : Math.ceil(x); + } + static cbrt(x) { + let y = Math.pow(Math.abs(x), 1 / 3); + return x < 0 ? -y : y; + } + static randomTriangular(min, max) { + return _MathUtils.randomTriangularWith(min, max, (min + max) * 0.5); + } + static randomTriangularWith(min, max, mode) { + let u = Math.random(); + let d = max - min; + if (u <= (mode - min) / d) + return min + Math.sqrt(u * d * (mode - min)); + return max - Math.sqrt((1 - u) * d * (max - mode)); + } + static isPowerOfTwo(value) { + return value && (value & value - 1) === 0; + } + }; + var Interpolation = class { + apply(start, end, a) { + return start + (end - start) * this.applyInternal(a); + } + }; + var Pow = class extends Interpolation { + power = 2; + constructor(power) { + super(); + this.power = power; + } + applyInternal(a) { + if (a <= 0.5) + return Math.pow(a * 2, this.power) / 2; + return Math.pow((a - 1) * 2, this.power) / (this.power % 2 == 0 ? -2 : 2) + 1; + } + }; + var PowOut = class extends Pow { + constructor(power) { + super(power); + } + applyInternal(a) { + return Math.pow(a - 1, this.power) * (this.power % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1) + 1; + } + }; + var Utils = class _Utils { + static SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS = typeof Float32Array !== "undefined"; + static arrayCopy(source, sourceStart, dest, destStart, numElements) { + for (let i = sourceStart, j = destStart; i < sourceStart + numElements; i++, j++) { + dest[j] = source[i]; + } + } + static arrayFill(array, fromIndex, toIndex, value) { + for (let i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) + array[i] = value; + } + static setArraySize(array, size, value = 0) { + let oldSize = array.length; + if (oldSize == size) + return array; + array.length = size; + if (oldSize < size) { + for (let i = oldSize; i < size; i++) + array[i] = value; + } + return array; + } + static ensureArrayCapacity(array, size, value = 0) { + if (array.length >= size) + return array; + return _Utils.setArraySize(array, size, value); + } + static newArray(size, defaultValue) { + let array = new Array(size); + for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) + array[i] = defaultValue; + return array; + } + static newFloatArray(size) { + if (_Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS) + return new Float32Array(size); + else { + let array = new Array(size); + for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) + array[i] = 0; + return array; + } + } + static newShortArray(size) { + if (_Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS) + return new Int16Array(size); + else { + let array = new Array(size); + for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) + array[i] = 0; + return array; + } + } + static toFloatArray(array) { + return _Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS ? new Float32Array(array) : array; + } + static toSinglePrecision(value) { + return _Utils.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS ? Math.fround(value) : value; + } + // This function is used to fix WebKit 602 specific issue described at http://esotericsoftware.com/forum/iOS-10-disappearing-graphics-10109 + static webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend) { + } + static contains(array, element, identity = true) { + for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) + if (array[i] == element) + return true; + return false; + } + static enumValue(type, name) { + return type[name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)]; + } + }; + var DebugUtils = class { + static logBones(skeleton) { + for (let i = 0; i < skeleton.bones.length; i++) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[i]; + console.log(bone.data.name + ", " + bone.a + ", " + bone.b + ", " + bone.c + ", " + bone.d + ", " + bone.worldX + ", " + bone.worldY); + } + } + }; + var Pool = class { + items = new Array(); + instantiator; + constructor(instantiator) { + this.instantiator = instantiator; + } + obtain() { + return this.items.length > 0 ? this.items.pop() : this.instantiator(); + } + free(item) { + if (item.reset) + item.reset(); + this.items.push(item); + } + freeAll(items) { + for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) + this.free(items[i]); + } + clear() { + this.items.length = 0; + } + }; + var Vector2 = class { + x; + y; + constructor(x = 0, y = 0) { + this.x = x; + this.y = y; + } + set(x, y) { + this.x = x; + this.y = y; + return this; + } + length() { + let x = this.x; + let y = this.y; + return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); + } + normalize() { + let len = this.length(); + if (len != 0) { + this.x /= len; + this.y /= len; + } + return this; + } + }; + var TimeKeeper = class { + maxDelta = 0.064; + framesPerSecond = 0; + delta = 0; + totalTime = 0; + lastTime = Date.now() / 1e3; + frameCount = 0; + frameTime = 0; + update() { + let now = Date.now() / 1e3; + this.delta = now - this.lastTime; + this.frameTime += this.delta; + this.totalTime += this.delta; + if (this.delta > this.maxDelta) + this.delta = this.maxDelta; + this.lastTime = now; + this.frameCount++; + if (this.frameTime > 1) { + this.framesPerSecond = this.frameCount / this.frameTime; + this.frameTime = 0; + this.frameCount = 0; + } + } + }; + var WindowedMean = class { + values; + addedValues = 0; + lastValue = 0; + mean = 0; + dirty = true; + constructor(windowSize = 32) { + this.values = new Array(windowSize); + } + hasEnoughData() { + return this.addedValues >= this.values.length; + } + addValue(value) { + if (this.addedValues < this.values.length) + this.addedValues++; + this.values[this.lastValue++] = value; + if (this.lastValue > this.values.length - 1) + this.lastValue = 0; + this.dirty = true; + } + getMean() { + if (this.hasEnoughData()) { + if (this.dirty) { + let mean = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < this.values.length; i++) + mean += this.values[i]; + this.mean = mean / this.values.length; + this.dirty = false; + } + return this.mean; + } + return 0; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/Attachment.js + var Attachment = class { + name; + constructor(name) { + if (!name) + throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + this.name = name; + } + }; + var VertexAttachment = class _VertexAttachment extends Attachment { + static nextID = 0; + /** The unique ID for this attachment. */ + id = _VertexAttachment.nextID++; + /** The bones which affect the {@link #getVertices()}. The array entries are, for each vertex, the number of bones affecting + * the vertex followed by that many bone indices, which is the index of the bone in {@link Skeleton#bones}. Will be null + * if this attachment has no weights. */ + bones = null; + /** The vertex positions in the bone's coordinate system. For a non-weighted attachment, the values are `x,y` + * entries for each vertex. For a weighted attachment, the values are `x,y,weight` entries for each bone affecting + * each vertex. */ + vertices = []; + /** The maximum number of world vertex values that can be output by + * {@link #computeWorldVertices()} using the `count` parameter. */ + worldVerticesLength = 0; + /** Timelines for the timeline attachment are also applied to this attachment. + * May be null if no attachment-specific timelines should be applied. */ + timelineAttachment = this; + constructor(name) { + super(name); + } + /** Transforms the attachment's local {@link #vertices} to world coordinates. If the slot's {@link Slot#deform} is + * not empty, it is used to deform the vertices. + * + * See [World transforms](http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-runtime-skeletons#World-transforms) in the Spine + * Runtimes Guide. + * @param start The index of the first {@link #vertices} value to transform. Each vertex has 2 values, x and y. + * @param count The number of world vertex values to output. Must be <= {@link #worldVerticesLength} - `start`. + * @param worldVertices The output world vertices. Must have a length >= `offset` + `count` * + * `stride` / 2. + * @param offset The `worldVertices` index to begin writing values. + * @param stride The number of `worldVertices` entries between the value pairs written. */ + computeWorldVertices(slot, start, count, worldVertices, offset, stride) { + count = offset + (count >> 1) * stride; + let skeleton = slot.bone.skeleton; + let deformArray = slot.deform; + let vertices = this.vertices; + let bones = this.bones; + if (!bones) { + if (deformArray.length > 0) + vertices = deformArray; + let bone = slot.bone; + let x = bone.worldX; + let y = bone.worldY; + let a = bone.a, b = bone.b, c = bone.c, d = bone.d; + for (let v2 = start, w = offset; w < count; v2 += 2, w += stride) { + let vx = vertices[v2], vy = vertices[v2 + 1]; + worldVertices[w] = vx * a + vy * b + x; + worldVertices[w + 1] = vx * c + vy * d + y; + } + return; + } + let v = 0, skip = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < start; i += 2) { + let n = bones[v]; + v += n + 1; + skip += n; + } + let skeletonBones = skeleton.bones; + if (deformArray.length == 0) { + for (let w = offset, b = skip * 3; w < count; w += stride) { + let wx = 0, wy = 0; + let n = bones[v++]; + n += v; + for (; v < n; v++, b += 3) { + let bone = skeletonBones[bones[v]]; + let vx = vertices[b], vy = vertices[b + 1], weight = vertices[b + 2]; + wx += (vx * bone.a + vy * bone.b + bone.worldX) * weight; + wy += (vx * bone.c + vy * bone.d + bone.worldY) * weight; + } + worldVertices[w] = wx; + worldVertices[w + 1] = wy; + } + } else { + let deform = deformArray; + for (let w = offset, b = skip * 3, f = skip << 1; w < count; w += stride) { + let wx = 0, wy = 0; + let n = bones[v++]; + n += v; + for (; v < n; v++, b += 3, f += 2) { + let bone = skeletonBones[bones[v]]; + let vx = vertices[b] + deform[f], vy = vertices[b + 1] + deform[f + 1], weight = vertices[b + 2]; + wx += (vx * bone.a + vy * bone.b + bone.worldX) * weight; + wy += (vx * bone.c + vy * bone.d + bone.worldY) * weight; + } + worldVertices[w] = wx; + worldVertices[w + 1] = wy; + } + } + } + /** Does not copy id (generated) or name (set on construction). **/ + copyTo(attachment) { + if (this.bones) { + attachment.bones = new Array(this.bones.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.bones, 0, attachment.bones, 0, this.bones.length); + } else + attachment.bones = null; + if (this.vertices) { + attachment.vertices = Utils.newFloatArray(this.vertices.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.vertices, 0, attachment.vertices, 0, this.vertices.length); + } + attachment.worldVerticesLength = this.worldVerticesLength; + attachment.timelineAttachment = this.timelineAttachment; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/Sequence.js + var Sequence = class _Sequence { + static _nextID = 0; + id = _Sequence.nextID(); + regions; + start = 0; + digits = 0; + /** The index of the region to show for the setup pose. */ + setupIndex = 0; + constructor(count) { + this.regions = new Array(count); + } + copy() { + let copy = new _Sequence(this.regions.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.regions, 0, copy.regions, 0, this.regions.length); + copy.start = this.start; + copy.digits = this.digits; + copy.setupIndex = this.setupIndex; + return copy; + } + apply(slot, attachment) { + let index = slot.sequenceIndex; + if (index == -1) + index = this.setupIndex; + if (index >= this.regions.length) + index = this.regions.length - 1; + let region = this.regions[index]; + if (attachment.region != region) { + attachment.region = region; + attachment.updateRegion(); + } + } + getPath(basePath, index) { + let result = basePath; + let frame = (this.start + index).toString(); + for (let i = this.digits - frame.length; i > 0; i--) + result += "0"; + result += frame; + return result; + } + static nextID() { + return _Sequence._nextID++; + } + }; + var SequenceMode; + (function(SequenceMode2) { + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["hold"] = 0] = "hold"; + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["once"] = 1] = "once"; + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["loop"] = 2] = "loop"; + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["pingpong"] = 3] = "pingpong"; + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["onceReverse"] = 4] = "onceReverse"; + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["loopReverse"] = 5] = "loopReverse"; + SequenceMode2[SequenceMode2["pingpongReverse"] = 6] = "pingpongReverse"; + })(SequenceMode || (SequenceMode = {})); + var SequenceModeValues = [ + SequenceMode.hold, + SequenceMode.once, + SequenceMode.loop, + SequenceMode.pingpong, + SequenceMode.onceReverse, + SequenceMode.loopReverse, + SequenceMode.pingpongReverse + ]; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Animation.js + var Animation = class { + /** The animation's name, which is unique across all animations in the skeleton. */ + name; + timelines = []; + timelineIds = new StringSet(); + /** The duration of the animation in seconds, which is the highest time of all keys in the timeline. */ + duration; + constructor(name, timelines, duration) { + if (!name) + throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + this.name = name; + this.setTimelines(timelines); + this.duration = duration; + } + setTimelines(timelines) { + if (!timelines) + throw new Error("timelines cannot be null."); + this.timelines = timelines; + this.timelineIds.clear(); + for (var i = 0; i < timelines.length; i++) + this.timelineIds.addAll(timelines[i].getPropertyIds()); + } + hasTimeline(ids) { + for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) + if (this.timelineIds.contains(ids[i])) + return true; + return false; + } + /** Applies all the animation's timelines to the specified skeleton. + * + * See Timeline {@link Timeline#apply(Skeleton, float, float, Array, float, MixBlend, MixDirection)}. + * @param loop If true, the animation repeats after {@link #getDuration()}. + * @param events May be null to ignore fired events. */ + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, loop, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + if (loop && this.duration != 0) { + time %= this.duration; + if (lastTime > 0) + lastTime %= this.duration; + } + let timelines = this.timelines; + for (let i = 0, n = timelines.length; i < n; i++) + timelines[i].apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction); + } + }; + var MixBlend; + (function(MixBlend2) { + MixBlend2[MixBlend2["setup"] = 0] = "setup"; + MixBlend2[MixBlend2["first"] = 1] = "first"; + MixBlend2[MixBlend2["replace"] = 2] = "replace"; + MixBlend2[MixBlend2["add"] = 3] = "add"; + })(MixBlend || (MixBlend = {})); + var MixDirection; + (function(MixDirection2) { + MixDirection2[MixDirection2["mixIn"] = 0] = "mixIn"; + MixDirection2[MixDirection2["mixOut"] = 1] = "mixOut"; + })(MixDirection || (MixDirection = {})); + var Property = { + rotate: 0, + x: 1, + y: 2, + scaleX: 3, + scaleY: 4, + shearX: 5, + shearY: 6, + inherit: 7, + rgb: 8, + alpha: 9, + rgb2: 10, + attachment: 11, + deform: 12, + event: 13, + drawOrder: 14, + ikConstraint: 15, + transformConstraint: 16, + pathConstraintPosition: 17, + pathConstraintSpacing: 18, + pathConstraintMix: 19, + physicsConstraintInertia: 20, + physicsConstraintStrength: 21, + physicsConstraintDamping: 22, + physicsConstraintMass: 23, + physicsConstraintWind: 24, + physicsConstraintGravity: 25, + physicsConstraintMix: 26, + physicsConstraintReset: 27, + sequence: 28 + }; + var Timeline = class { + propertyIds; + frames; + constructor(frameCount, propertyIds) { + this.propertyIds = propertyIds; + this.frames = Utils.newFloatArray(frameCount * this.getFrameEntries()); + } + getPropertyIds() { + return this.propertyIds; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 1; + } + getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length / this.getFrameEntries(); + } + getDuration() { + return this.frames[this.frames.length - this.getFrameEntries()]; + } + static search1(frames, time) { + let n = frames.length; + for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) + if (frames[i] > time) + return i - 1; + return n - 1; + } + static search(frames, time, step) { + let n = frames.length; + for (let i = step; i < n; i += step) + if (frames[i] > time) + return i - step; + return n - step; + } + }; + var CurveTimeline = class extends Timeline { + curves; + // type, x, y, ... + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, propertyIds) { + super(frameCount, propertyIds); + this.curves = Utils.newFloatArray( + frameCount + bezierCount * 18 + /*BEZIER_SIZE*/ + ); + this.curves[frameCount - 1] = 1; + } + /** Sets the specified key frame to linear interpolation. */ + setLinear(frame) { + this.curves[frame] = 0; + } + /** Sets the specified key frame to stepped interpolation. */ + setStepped(frame) { + this.curves[frame] = 1; + } + /** Shrinks the storage for Bezier curves, for use when bezierCount (specified in the constructor) was larger + * than the actual number of Bezier curves. */ + shrink(bezierCount) { + let size = this.getFrameCount() + bezierCount * 18; + if (this.curves.length > size) { + let newCurves = Utils.newFloatArray(size); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.curves, 0, newCurves, 0, size); + this.curves = newCurves; + } + } + /** Stores the segments for the specified Bezier curve. For timelines that modify multiple values, there may be more than + * one curve per frame. + * @param bezier The ordinal of this Bezier curve for this timeline, between 0 and bezierCount - 1 (specified + * in the constructor), inclusive. + * @param frame Between 0 and frameCount - 1, inclusive. + * @param value The index of the value for this frame that this curve is used for. + * @param time1 The time for the first key. + * @param value1 The value for the first key. + * @param cx1 The time for the first Bezier handle. + * @param cy1 The value for the first Bezier handle. + * @param cx2 The time of the second Bezier handle. + * @param cy2 The value for the second Bezier handle. + * @param time2 The time for the second key. + * @param value2 The value for the second key. */ + setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, time2, value2) { + let curves = this.curves; + let i = this.getFrameCount() + bezier * 18; + if (value == 0) + curves[frame] = 2 + i; + let tmpx = (time1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03, tmpy = (value1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03; + let dddx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - time1 + time2) * 6e-3, dddy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - value1 + value2) * 6e-3; + let ddx = tmpx * 2 + dddx, ddy = tmpy * 2 + dddy; + let dx = (cx1 - time1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddx * 0.16666667, dy = (cy1 - value1) * 0.3 + tmpy + dddy * 0.16666667; + let x = time1 + dx, y = value1 + dy; + for (let n = i + 18; i < n; i += 2) { + curves[i] = x; + curves[i + 1] = y; + dx += ddx; + dy += ddy; + ddx += dddx; + ddy += dddy; + x += dx; + y += dy; + } + } + /** Returns the Bezier interpolated value for the specified time. + * @param frameIndex The index into {@link #getFrames()} for the values of the frame before time. + * @param valueOffset The offset from frameIndex to the value this curve is used for. + * @param i The index of the Bezier segments. See {@link #getCurveType(int)}. */ + getBezierValue(time, frameIndex, valueOffset, i) { + let curves = this.curves; + if (curves[i] > time) { + let x2 = this.frames[frameIndex], y2 = this.frames[frameIndex + valueOffset]; + return y2 + (time - x2) / (curves[i] - x2) * (curves[i + 1] - y2); + } + let n = i + 18; + for (i += 2; i < n; i += 2) { + if (curves[i] >= time) { + let x2 = curves[i - 2], y2 = curves[i - 1]; + return y2 + (time - x2) / (curves[i] - x2) * (curves[i + 1] - y2); + } + } + frameIndex += this.getFrameEntries(); + let x = curves[n - 2], y = curves[n - 1]; + return y + (time - x) / (this.frames[frameIndex] - x) * (this.frames[frameIndex + valueOffset] - y); + } + }; + var CurveTimeline1 = class extends CurveTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, propertyId) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [propertyId]); + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 2; + } + /** Sets the time and value for the specified frame. + * @param frame Between 0 and frameCount, inclusive. + * @param time The frame time in seconds. */ + setFrame(frame, time, value) { + frame <<= 1; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*VALUE*/ + ] = value; + } + /** Returns the interpolated value for the specified time. */ + getCurveValue(time) { + let frames = this.frames; + let i = frames.length - 2; + for (let ii = 2; ii <= i; ii += 2) { + if (frames[ii] > time) { + i = ii - 2; + break; + } + } + let curveType = this.curves[i >> 1]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i], value = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE*/ + ]; + return value + (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 2 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before) * (frames[ + i + 2 + 1 + /*VALUE*/ + ] - value); + case 1: + return frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE*/ + ]; + } + return this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, current, setup) { + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + let value = this.getCurveValue(time); + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup + value * alpha; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + value += setup - current; + } + return current + value * alpha; + } + getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, current, setup) { + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + let value = this.getCurveValue(time); + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) + return setup + (value - setup) * alpha; + return current + (value - current) * alpha; + } + getAbsoluteValue2(time, alpha, blend, current, setup, value) { + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) + return setup + (value - setup) * alpha; + return current + (value - current) * alpha; + } + getScaleValue(time, alpha, blend, direction, current, setup) { + const frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup; + case MixBlend.first: + return current + (setup - current) * alpha; + } + return current; + } + let value = this.getCurveValue(time) * setup; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) + return current + value - setup; + return value; + } + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + return setup + (Math.abs(value) * MathUtils.signum(setup) - setup) * alpha; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + return current + (Math.abs(value) * MathUtils.signum(current) - current) * alpha; + } + } else { + let s = 0; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + s = Math.abs(setup) * MathUtils.signum(value); + return s + (value - s) * alpha; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + s = Math.abs(current) * MathUtils.signum(value); + return s + (value - s) * alpha; + } + } + return current + (value - setup) * alpha; + } + }; + var CurveTimeline2 = class extends CurveTimeline { + /** @param bezierCount The maximum number of Bezier curves. See {@link #shrink(int)}. + * @param propertyIds Unique identifiers for the properties the timeline modifies. */ + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, propertyId1, propertyId2) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [propertyId1, propertyId2]); + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 3; + } + /** Sets the time and values for the specified frame. + * @param frame Between 0 and frameCount, inclusive. + * @param time The frame time in seconds. */ + setFrame(frame, time, value1, value2) { + frame *= 3; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ] = value1; + this.frames[ + frame + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ] = value2; + } + }; + var RotateTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.rotate + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.rotation = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.rotation, bone.data.rotation); + } + }; + var TranslateTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline2 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.x + "|" + boneIndex, Property.y + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (!bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.x = bone.data.x; + bone.y = bone.data.y; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + bone.x += (bone.data.x - bone.x) * alpha; + bone.y += (bone.data.y - bone.y) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let x = 0, y = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + x = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + x += (frames[ + i + 3 + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ] - x) * t; + y += (frames[ + i + 3 + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + x = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ]; + break; + default: + x = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + y = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.x = bone.data.x + x * alpha; + bone.y = bone.data.y + y * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bone.x += (bone.data.x + x - bone.x) * alpha; + bone.y += (bone.data.y + y - bone.y) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.x += x * alpha; + bone.y += y * alpha; + } + } + }; + var TranslateXTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.x + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.x = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.x, bone.data.x); + } + }; + var TranslateYTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.y + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.y = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.y, bone.data.y); + } + }; + var ScaleTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline2 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.scaleX + "|" + boneIndex, Property.scaleY + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (!bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.scaleX = bone.data.scaleX; + bone.scaleY = bone.data.scaleY; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + bone.scaleX += (bone.data.scaleX - bone.scaleX) * alpha; + bone.scaleY += (bone.data.scaleY - bone.scaleY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let x, y; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + x = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + x += (frames[ + i + 3 + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ] - x) * t; + y += (frames[ + i + 3 + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + x = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ]; + break; + default: + x = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + y = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + x *= bone.data.scaleX; + y *= bone.data.scaleY; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + bone.scaleX += x - bone.data.scaleX; + bone.scaleY += y - bone.data.scaleY; + } else { + bone.scaleX = x; + bone.scaleY = y; + } + } else { + let bx = 0, by = 0; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bx = bone.data.scaleX; + by = bone.data.scaleY; + bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.abs(x) * MathUtils.signum(bx) - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (Math.abs(y) * MathUtils.signum(by) - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bx = bone.scaleX; + by = bone.scaleY; + bone.scaleX = bx + (Math.abs(x) * MathUtils.signum(bx) - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (Math.abs(y) * MathUtils.signum(by) - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.scaleX += (x - bone.data.scaleX) * alpha; + bone.scaleY += (y - bone.data.scaleY) * alpha; + } + } else { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bx = Math.abs(bone.data.scaleX) * MathUtils.signum(x); + by = Math.abs(bone.data.scaleY) * MathUtils.signum(y); + bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bx = Math.abs(bone.scaleX) * MathUtils.signum(x); + by = Math.abs(bone.scaleY) * MathUtils.signum(y); + bone.scaleX = bx + (x - bx) * alpha; + bone.scaleY = by + (y - by) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.scaleX += (x - bone.data.scaleX) * alpha; + bone.scaleY += (y - bone.data.scaleY) * alpha; + } + } + } + } + }; + var ScaleXTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.scaleX + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.scaleX = this.getScaleValue(time, alpha, blend, direction, bone.scaleX, bone.data.scaleX); + } + }; + var ScaleYTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.scaleY + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.scaleY = this.getScaleValue(time, alpha, blend, direction, bone.scaleY, bone.data.scaleY); + } + }; + var ShearTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline2 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.shearX + "|" + boneIndex, Property.shearY + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (!bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX; + bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + bone.shearX += (bone.data.shearX - bone.shearX) * alpha; + bone.shearY += (bone.data.shearY - bone.shearY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let x = 0, y = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + x = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 3 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + x += (frames[ + i + 3 + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ] - x) * t; + y += (frames[ + i + 3 + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + x = frames[ + i + 1 + /*VALUE1*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 2 + /*VALUE2*/ + ]; + break; + default: + x = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + y = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.shearX = bone.data.shearX + x * alpha; + bone.shearY = bone.data.shearY + y * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + bone.shearX += (bone.data.shearX + x - bone.shearX) * alpha; + bone.shearY += (bone.data.shearY + y - bone.shearY) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + bone.shearX += x * alpha; + bone.shearY += y * alpha; + } + } + }; + var ShearXTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.shearX + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.shearX = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.shearX, bone.data.shearX); + } + }; + var ShearYTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.shearY + "|" + boneIndex); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (bone.active) + bone.shearY = this.getRelativeValue(time, alpha, blend, bone.shearY, bone.data.shearY); + } + }; + var InheritTimeline = class extends Timeline { + boneIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, boneIndex) { + super(frameCount, [Property.inherit + "|" + boneIndex]); + this.boneIndex = boneIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 2; + } + /** Sets the transform mode for the specified frame. + * @param frame Between 0 and frameCount, inclusive. + * @param time The frame time in seconds. */ + setFrame(frame, time, inherit) { + frame *= 2; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*INHERIT*/ + ] = inherit; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let bone = skeleton.bones[this.boneIndex]; + if (!bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) + bone.inherit = bone.data.inherit; + return; + } + bone.inherit = this.frames[ + Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 2 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ) + 1 + /*INHERIT*/ + ]; + } + }; + var RGBATimeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + slotIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex, + Property.alpha + "|" + slotIndex + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 5; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, a) { + frame *= 5; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*R*/ + ] = r; + this.frames[ + frame + 2 + /*G*/ + ] = g; + this.frames[ + frame + 3 + /*B*/ + ] = b; + this.frames[ + frame + 4 + /*A*/ + ] = a; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + let color = slot.color; + if (time < frames[0]) { + let setup = slot.data.color; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + color.setFromColor(setup); + return; + case MixBlend.first: + color.add((setup.r - color.r) * alpha, (setup.g - color.g) * alpha, (setup.b - color.b) * alpha, (setup.a - color.a) * alpha); + } + return; + } + let r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 5 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 5 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + a = frames[ + i + 4 + /*A*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 5 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + r += (frames[ + i + 5 + 1 + /*R*/ + ] - r) * t; + g += (frames[ + i + 5 + 2 + /*G*/ + ] - g) * t; + b += (frames[ + i + 5 + 3 + /*B*/ + ] - b) * t; + a += (frames[ + i + 5 + 4 + /*A*/ + ] - a) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + a = frames[ + i + 4 + /*A*/ + ]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + g = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + b = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 3, + curveType + 18 * 2 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + a = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 4, + curveType + 18 * 3 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (alpha == 1) + color.set(r, g, b, a); + else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) + color.setFromColor(slot.data.color); + color.add((r - color.r) * alpha, (g - color.g) * alpha, (b - color.b) * alpha, (a - color.a) * alpha); + } + } + }; + var RGBTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + slotIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 4; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds, red, green, blue, and alpha for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b) { + frame <<= 2; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*R*/ + ] = r; + this.frames[ + frame + 2 + /*G*/ + ] = g; + this.frames[ + frame + 3 + /*B*/ + ] = b; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + let color = slot.color; + if (time < frames[0]) { + let setup = slot.data.color; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + color.r = setup.r; + color.g = setup.g; + color.b = setup.b; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + color.r += (setup.r - color.r) * alpha; + color.g += (setup.g - color.g) * alpha; + color.b += (setup.b - color.b) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 4 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[i >> 2]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 4 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + r += (frames[ + i + 4 + 1 + /*R*/ + ] - r) * t; + g += (frames[ + i + 4 + 2 + /*G*/ + ] - g) * t; + b += (frames[ + i + 4 + 3 + /*B*/ + ] - b) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + g = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + b = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 3, + curveType + 18 * 2 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (alpha == 1) { + color.r = r; + color.g = g; + color.b = b; + } else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + let setup = slot.data.color; + color.r = setup.r; + color.g = setup.g; + color.b = setup.b; + } + color.r += (r - color.r) * alpha; + color.g += (g - color.g) * alpha; + color.b += (b - color.b) * alpha; + } + } + }; + var AlphaTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + slotIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.alpha + "|" + slotIndex); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let color = slot.color; + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + let setup = slot.data.color; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + color.a = setup.a; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + color.a += (setup.a - color.a) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let a = this.getCurveValue(time); + if (alpha == 1) + color.a = a; + else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) + color.a = slot.data.color.a; + color.a += (a - color.a) * alpha; + } + } + }; + var RGBA2Timeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + slotIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex, + Property.alpha + "|" + slotIndex, + Property.rgb2 + "|" + slotIndex + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 8; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds, light, and dark colors for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2) { + frame <<= 3; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*R*/ + ] = r; + this.frames[ + frame + 2 + /*G*/ + ] = g; + this.frames[ + frame + 3 + /*B*/ + ] = b; + this.frames[ + frame + 4 + /*A*/ + ] = a; + this.frames[ + frame + 5 + /*R2*/ + ] = r2; + this.frames[ + frame + 6 + /*G2*/ + ] = g2; + this.frames[ + frame + 7 + /*B2*/ + ] = b2; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + let light = slot.color, dark = slot.darkColor; + if (time < frames[0]) { + let setupLight = slot.data.color, setupDark = slot.data.darkColor; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + light.setFromColor(setupLight); + dark.r = setupDark.r; + dark.g = setupDark.g; + dark.b = setupDark.b; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + light.add((setupLight.r - light.r) * alpha, (setupLight.g - light.g) * alpha, (setupLight.b - light.b) * alpha, (setupLight.a - light.a) * alpha); + dark.r += (setupDark.r - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (setupDark.g - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (setupDark.b - dark.b) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0, r2 = 0, g2 = 0, b2 = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 8 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[i >> 3]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + a = frames[ + i + 4 + /*A*/ + ]; + r2 = frames[ + i + 5 + /*R2*/ + ]; + g2 = frames[ + i + 6 + /*G2*/ + ]; + b2 = frames[ + i + 7 + /*B2*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 8 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + r += (frames[ + i + 8 + 1 + /*R*/ + ] - r) * t; + g += (frames[ + i + 8 + 2 + /*G*/ + ] - g) * t; + b += (frames[ + i + 8 + 3 + /*B*/ + ] - b) * t; + a += (frames[ + i + 8 + 4 + /*A*/ + ] - a) * t; + r2 += (frames[ + i + 8 + 5 + /*R2*/ + ] - r2) * t; + g2 += (frames[ + i + 8 + 6 + /*G2*/ + ] - g2) * t; + b2 += (frames[ + i + 8 + 7 + /*B2*/ + ] - b2) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + a = frames[ + i + 4 + /*A*/ + ]; + r2 = frames[ + i + 5 + /*R2*/ + ]; + g2 = frames[ + i + 6 + /*G2*/ + ]; + b2 = frames[ + i + 7 + /*B2*/ + ]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + g = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + b = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 3, + curveType + 18 * 2 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + a = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 4, + curveType + 18 * 3 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + r2 = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 5, + curveType + 18 * 4 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + g2 = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 6, + curveType + 18 * 5 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + b2 = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 7, + curveType + 18 * 6 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (alpha == 1) { + light.set(r, g, b, a); + dark.r = r2; + dark.g = g2; + dark.b = b2; + } else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + light.setFromColor(slot.data.color); + let setupDark = slot.data.darkColor; + dark.r = setupDark.r; + dark.g = setupDark.g; + dark.b = setupDark.b; + } + light.add((r - light.r) * alpha, (g - light.g) * alpha, (b - light.b) * alpha, (a - light.a) * alpha); + dark.r += (r2 - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (g2 - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (b2 - dark.b) * alpha; + } + } + }; + var RGB2Timeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + slotIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.rgb + "|" + slotIndex, + Property.rgb2 + "|" + slotIndex + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 7; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds, light, and dark colors for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2) { + frame *= 7; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*R*/ + ] = r; + this.frames[ + frame + 2 + /*G*/ + ] = g; + this.frames[ + frame + 3 + /*B*/ + ] = b; + this.frames[ + frame + 4 + /*R2*/ + ] = r2; + this.frames[ + frame + 5 + /*G2*/ + ] = g2; + this.frames[ + frame + 6 + /*B2*/ + ] = b2; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + let light = slot.color, dark = slot.darkColor; + if (time < frames[0]) { + let setupLight = slot.data.color, setupDark = slot.data.darkColor; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + light.r = setupLight.r; + light.g = setupLight.g; + light.b = setupLight.b; + dark.r = setupDark.r; + dark.g = setupDark.g; + dark.b = setupDark.b; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + light.r += (setupLight.r - light.r) * alpha; + light.g += (setupLight.g - light.g) * alpha; + light.b += (setupLight.b - light.b) * alpha; + dark.r += (setupDark.r - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (setupDark.g - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (setupDark.b - dark.b) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, a = 0, r2 = 0, g2 = 0, b2 = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 7 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 7 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + r2 = frames[ + i + 4 + /*R2*/ + ]; + g2 = frames[ + i + 5 + /*G2*/ + ]; + b2 = frames[ + i + 6 + /*B2*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 7 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + r += (frames[ + i + 7 + 1 + /*R*/ + ] - r) * t; + g += (frames[ + i + 7 + 2 + /*G*/ + ] - g) * t; + b += (frames[ + i + 7 + 3 + /*B*/ + ] - b) * t; + r2 += (frames[ + i + 7 + 4 + /*R2*/ + ] - r2) * t; + g2 += (frames[ + i + 7 + 5 + /*G2*/ + ] - g2) * t; + b2 += (frames[ + i + 7 + 6 + /*B2*/ + ] - b2) * t; + break; + case 1: + r = frames[ + i + 1 + /*R*/ + ]; + g = frames[ + i + 2 + /*G*/ + ]; + b = frames[ + i + 3 + /*B*/ + ]; + r2 = frames[ + i + 4 + /*R2*/ + ]; + g2 = frames[ + i + 5 + /*G2*/ + ]; + b2 = frames[ + i + 6 + /*B2*/ + ]; + break; + default: + r = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + g = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + b = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 3, + curveType + 18 * 2 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + r2 = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 4, + curveType + 18 * 3 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + g2 = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 5, + curveType + 18 * 4 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + b2 = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 6, + curveType + 18 * 5 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (alpha == 1) { + light.r = r; + light.g = g; + light.b = b; + dark.r = r2; + dark.g = g2; + dark.b = b2; + } else { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + let setupLight = slot.data.color, setupDark = slot.data.darkColor; + light.r = setupLight.r; + light.g = setupLight.g; + light.b = setupLight.b; + dark.r = setupDark.r; + dark.g = setupDark.g; + dark.b = setupDark.b; + } + light.r += (r - light.r) * alpha; + light.g += (g - light.g) * alpha; + light.b += (b - light.b) * alpha; + dark.r += (r2 - dark.r) * alpha; + dark.g += (g2 - dark.g) * alpha; + dark.b += (b2 - dark.b) * alpha; + } + } + }; + var AttachmentTimeline = class extends Timeline { + slotIndex = 0; + /** The attachment name for each key frame. May contain null values to clear the attachment. */ + attachmentNames; + constructor(frameCount, slotIndex) { + super(frameCount, [ + Property.attachment + "|" + slotIndex + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.attachmentNames = new Array(frameCount); + } + getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds and the attachment name for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, attachmentName) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.attachmentNames[frame] = attachmentName; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) + this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName); + return; + } + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) + this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName); + return; + } + this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, this.attachmentNames[Timeline.search1(this.frames, time)]); + } + setAttachment(skeleton, slot, attachmentName) { + slot.setAttachment(!attachmentName ? null : skeleton.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, attachmentName)); + } + }; + var DeformTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + slotIndex = 0; + /** The attachment that will be deformed. */ + attachment; + /** The vertices for each key frame. */ + vertices; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex, attachment) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.deform + "|" + slotIndex + "|" + attachment.id + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.attachment = attachment; + this.vertices = new Array(frameCount); + } + getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds and the vertices for the specified key frame. + * @param vertices Vertex positions for an unweighted VertexAttachment, or deform offsets if it has weights. */ + setFrame(frame, time, vertices) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.vertices[frame] = vertices; + } + /** @param value1 Ignored (0 is used for a deform timeline). + * @param value2 Ignored (1 is used for a deform timeline). */ + setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, time2, value2) { + let curves = this.curves; + let i = this.getFrameCount() + bezier * 18; + if (value == 0) + curves[frame] = 2 + i; + let tmpx = (time1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03, tmpy = cy2 * 0.03 - cy1 * 0.06; + let dddx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - time1 + time2) * 6e-3, dddy = (cy1 - cy2 + 0.33333333) * 0.018; + let ddx = tmpx * 2 + dddx, ddy = tmpy * 2 + dddy; + let dx = (cx1 - time1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddx * 0.16666667, dy = cy1 * 0.3 + tmpy + dddy * 0.16666667; + let x = time1 + dx, y = dy; + for (let n = i + 18; i < n; i += 2) { + curves[i] = x; + curves[i + 1] = y; + dx += ddx; + dy += ddy; + ddx += dddx; + ddy += dddy; + x += dx; + y += dy; + } + } + getCurvePercent(time, frame) { + let curves = this.curves; + let i = curves[frame]; + switch (i) { + case 0: + let x2 = this.frames[frame]; + return (time - x2) / (this.frames[frame + this.getFrameEntries()] - x2); + case 1: + return 0; + } + i -= 2; + if (curves[i] > time) { + let x2 = this.frames[frame]; + return curves[i + 1] * (time - x2) / (curves[i] - x2); + } + let n = i + 18; + for (i += 2; i < n; i += 2) { + if (curves[i] >= time) { + let x2 = curves[i - 2], y2 = curves[i - 1]; + return y2 + (time - x2) / (curves[i] - x2) * (curves[i + 1] - y2); + } + } + let x = curves[n - 2], y = curves[n - 1]; + return y + (1 - y) * (time - x) / (this.frames[frame + this.getFrameEntries()] - x); + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let slotAttachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (!slotAttachment) + return; + if (!(slotAttachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || slotAttachment.timelineAttachment != this.attachment) + return; + let deform = slot.deform; + if (deform.length == 0) + blend = MixBlend.setup; + let vertices = this.vertices; + let vertexCount = vertices[0].length; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + deform.length = 0; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + if (alpha == 1) { + deform.length = 0; + return; + } + deform.length = vertexCount; + let vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) + deform[i] += (setupVertices[i] - deform[i]) * alpha; + } else { + alpha = 1 - alpha; + for (var i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) + deform[i] *= alpha; + } + } + return; + } + deform.length = vertexCount; + if (time >= frames[frames.length - 1]) { + let lastVertices = vertices[frames.length - 1]; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + let vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) + deform[i2] += lastVertices[i2] - setupVertices[i2]; + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) + deform[i2] += lastVertices[i2]; + } + } else + Utils.arrayCopy(lastVertices, 0, deform, 0, vertexCount); + } else { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: { + let vertexAttachment2 = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment2.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment2.vertices; + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let setup = setupVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] = setup + (lastVertices[i2] - setup) * alpha; + } + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) + deform[i2] = lastVertices[i2] * alpha; + } + break; + } + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) + deform[i2] += (lastVertices[i2] - deform[i2]) * alpha; + break; + case MixBlend.add: + let vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) + deform[i2] += (lastVertices[i2] - setupVertices[i2]) * alpha; + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) + deform[i2] += lastVertices[i2] * alpha; + } + } + } + return; + } + let frame = Timeline.search1(frames, time); + let percent = this.getCurvePercent(time, frame); + let prevVertices = vertices[frame]; + let nextVertices = vertices[frame + 1]; + if (alpha == 1) { + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + let vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] += prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent - setupVertices[i2]; + } + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] += prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent; + } + } + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] = prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent; + } + } + } else { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: { + let vertexAttachment2 = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment2.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment2.vertices; + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2], setup = setupVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] = setup + (prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent - setup) * alpha; + } + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] = (prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent) * alpha; + } + } + break; + } + case MixBlend.first: + case MixBlend.replace: + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] += (prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent - deform[i2]) * alpha; + } + break; + case MixBlend.add: + let vertexAttachment = slotAttachment; + if (!vertexAttachment.bones) { + let setupVertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] += (prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent - setupVertices[i2]) * alpha; + } + } else { + for (let i2 = 0; i2 < vertexCount; i2++) { + let prev = prevVertices[i2]; + deform[i2] += (prev + (nextVertices[i2] - prev) * percent) * alpha; + } + } + } + } + } + }; + var EventTimeline = class _EventTimeline extends Timeline { + static propertyIds = ["" + Property.event]; + /** The event for each key frame. */ + events; + constructor(frameCount) { + super(frameCount, _EventTimeline.propertyIds); + this.events = new Array(frameCount); + } + getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds and the event for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, event) { + this.frames[frame] = event.time; + this.events[frame] = event; + } + /** Fires events for frames > `lastTime` and <= `time`. */ + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + if (!firedEvents) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + let frameCount = this.frames.length; + if (lastTime > time) { + this.apply(skeleton, lastTime, Number.MAX_VALUE, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction); + lastTime = -1; + } else if (lastTime >= frames[frameCount - 1]) + return; + if (time < frames[0]) + return; + let i = 0; + if (lastTime < frames[0]) + i = 0; + else { + i = Timeline.search1(frames, lastTime) + 1; + let frameTime = frames[i]; + while (i > 0) { + if (frames[i - 1] != frameTime) + break; + i--; + } + } + for (; i < frameCount && time >= frames[i]; i++) + firedEvents.push(this.events[i]); + } + }; + var DrawOrderTimeline = class _DrawOrderTimeline extends Timeline { + static propertyIds = ["" + Property.drawOrder]; + /** The draw order for each key frame. See {@link #setFrame(int, float, int[])}. */ + drawOrders; + constructor(frameCount) { + super(frameCount, _DrawOrderTimeline.propertyIds); + this.drawOrders = new Array(frameCount); + } + getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds and the draw order for the specified key frame. + * @param drawOrder For each slot in {@link Skeleton#slots}, the index of the new draw order. May be null to use setup pose + * draw order. */ + setFrame(frame, time, drawOrder) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.drawOrders[frame] = drawOrder; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) + Utils.arrayCopy(skeleton.slots, 0, skeleton.drawOrder, 0, skeleton.slots.length); + return; + } + if (time < this.frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) + Utils.arrayCopy(skeleton.slots, 0, skeleton.drawOrder, 0, skeleton.slots.length); + return; + } + let idx = Timeline.search1(this.frames, time); + let drawOrderToSetupIndex = this.drawOrders[idx]; + if (!drawOrderToSetupIndex) + Utils.arrayCopy(skeleton.slots, 0, skeleton.drawOrder, 0, skeleton.slots.length); + else { + let drawOrder = skeleton.drawOrder; + let slots = skeleton.slots; + for (let i = 0, n = drawOrderToSetupIndex.length; i < n; i++) + drawOrder[i] = slots[drawOrderToSetupIndex[i]]; + } + } + }; + var IkConstraintTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + /** The index of the IK constraint in {@link Skeleton#getIkConstraints()} that will be changed when this timeline is applied */ + constraintIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, ikConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.ikConstraint + "|" + ikConstraintIndex + ]); + this.constraintIndex = ikConstraintIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 6; + } + /** Sets the time in seconds, mix, softness, bend direction, compress, and stretch for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, mix, softness, bendDirection, compress, stretch) { + frame *= 6; + this.frames[frame] = time; + this.frames[ + frame + 1 + /*MIX*/ + ] = mix; + this.frames[ + frame + 2 + /*SOFTNESS*/ + ] = softness; + this.frames[ + frame + 3 + /*BEND_DIRECTION*/ + ] = bendDirection; + this.frames[ + frame + 4 + /*COMPRESS*/ + ] = compress ? 1 : 0; + this.frames[ + frame + 5 + /*STRETCH*/ + ] = stretch ? 1 : 0; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint = skeleton.ikConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (!constraint.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix; + constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness; + constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection; + constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress; + constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + constraint.mix += (constraint.data.mix - constraint.mix) * alpha; + constraint.softness += (constraint.data.softness - constraint.softness) * alpha; + constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection; + constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress; + constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch; + } + return; + } + let mix = 0, softness = 0; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 6 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 6 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + mix = frames[ + i + 1 + /*MIX*/ + ]; + softness = frames[ + i + 2 + /*SOFTNESS*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 6 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + mix += (frames[ + i + 6 + 1 + /*MIX*/ + ] - mix) * t; + softness += (frames[ + i + 6 + 2 + /*SOFTNESS*/ + ] - softness) * t; + break; + case 1: + mix = frames[ + i + 1 + /*MIX*/ + ]; + softness = frames[ + i + 2 + /*SOFTNESS*/ + ]; + break; + default: + mix = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + softness = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + constraint.mix = constraint.data.mix + (mix - constraint.data.mix) * alpha; + constraint.softness = constraint.data.softness + (softness - constraint.data.softness) * alpha; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixOut) { + constraint.bendDirection = constraint.data.bendDirection; + constraint.compress = constraint.data.compress; + constraint.stretch = constraint.data.stretch; + } else { + constraint.bendDirection = frames[ + i + 3 + /*BEND_DIRECTION*/ + ]; + constraint.compress = frames[ + i + 4 + /*COMPRESS*/ + ] != 0; + constraint.stretch = frames[ + i + 5 + /*STRETCH*/ + ] != 0; + } + } else { + constraint.mix += (mix - constraint.mix) * alpha; + constraint.softness += (softness - constraint.softness) * alpha; + if (direction == MixDirection.mixIn) { + constraint.bendDirection = frames[ + i + 3 + /*BEND_DIRECTION*/ + ]; + constraint.compress = frames[ + i + 4 + /*COMPRESS*/ + ] != 0; + constraint.stretch = frames[ + i + 5 + /*STRETCH*/ + ] != 0; + } + } + } + }; + var TransformConstraintTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + /** The index of the transform constraint slot in {@link Skeleton#transformConstraints} that will be changed. */ + constraintIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, transformConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.transformConstraint + "|" + transformConstraintIndex + ]); + this.constraintIndex = transformConstraintIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 7; + } + /** The time in seconds, rotate mix, translate mix, scale mix, and shear mix for the specified key frame. */ + setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY, mixScaleX, mixScaleY, mixShearY) { + let frames = this.frames; + frame *= 7; + frames[frame] = time; + frames[ + frame + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ] = mixRotate; + frames[ + frame + 2 + /*X*/ + ] = mixX; + frames[ + frame + 3 + /*Y*/ + ] = mixY; + frames[ + frame + 4 + /*SCALEX*/ + ] = mixScaleX; + frames[ + frame + 5 + /*SCALEY*/ + ] = mixScaleY; + frames[ + frame + 6 + /*SHEARY*/ + ] = mixShearY; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint = skeleton.transformConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (!constraint.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + let data = constraint.data; + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + constraint.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + constraint.mixX = data.mixX; + constraint.mixY = data.mixY; + constraint.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX; + constraint.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY; + constraint.mixShearY = data.mixShearY; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + constraint.mixRotate += (data.mixRotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (data.mixX - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (data.mixY - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleX += (data.mixScaleX - constraint.mixScaleX) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleY += (data.mixScaleY - constraint.mixScaleY) * alpha; + constraint.mixShearY += (data.mixShearY - constraint.mixShearY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let rotate, x, y, scaleX, scaleY, shearY; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 7 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[ + i / 7 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + rotate = frames[ + i + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ]; + x = frames[ + i + 2 + /*X*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 3 + /*Y*/ + ]; + scaleX = frames[ + i + 4 + /*SCALEX*/ + ]; + scaleY = frames[ + i + 5 + /*SCALEY*/ + ]; + shearY = frames[ + i + 6 + /*SHEARY*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 7 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + rotate += (frames[ + i + 7 + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ] - rotate) * t; + x += (frames[ + i + 7 + 2 + /*X*/ + ] - x) * t; + y += (frames[ + i + 7 + 3 + /*Y*/ + ] - y) * t; + scaleX += (frames[ + i + 7 + 4 + /*SCALEX*/ + ] - scaleX) * t; + scaleY += (frames[ + i + 7 + 5 + /*SCALEY*/ + ] - scaleY) * t; + shearY += (frames[ + i + 7 + 6 + /*SHEARY*/ + ] - shearY) * t; + break; + case 1: + rotate = frames[ + i + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ]; + x = frames[ + i + 2 + /*X*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 3 + /*Y*/ + ]; + scaleX = frames[ + i + 4 + /*SCALEX*/ + ]; + scaleY = frames[ + i + 5 + /*SCALEY*/ + ]; + shearY = frames[ + i + 6 + /*SHEARY*/ + ]; + break; + default: + rotate = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + x = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + y = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 3, + curveType + 18 * 2 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + scaleX = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 4, + curveType + 18 * 3 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + scaleY = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 5, + curveType + 18 * 4 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + shearY = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 6, + curveType + 18 * 5 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + let data = constraint.data; + constraint.mixRotate = data.mixRotate + (rotate - data.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX = data.mixX + (x - data.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY = data.mixY + (y - data.mixY) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX + (scaleX - data.mixScaleX) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY + (scaleY - data.mixScaleY) * alpha; + constraint.mixShearY = data.mixShearY + (shearY - data.mixShearY) * alpha; + } else { + constraint.mixRotate += (rotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (x - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (y - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleX += (scaleX - constraint.mixScaleX) * alpha; + constraint.mixScaleY += (scaleY - constraint.mixScaleY) * alpha; + constraint.mixShearY += (shearY - constraint.mixShearY) * alpha; + } + } + }; + var PathConstraintPositionTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + /** The index of the path constraint in {@link Skeleton#getPathConstraints()} that will be changed when this timeline is + * applied. */ + constraintIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, pathConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.pathConstraintPosition + "|" + pathConstraintIndex); + this.constraintIndex = pathConstraintIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (constraint.active) + constraint.position = this.getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, constraint.position, constraint.data.position); + } + }; + var PathConstraintSpacingTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + /** The index of the path constraint in {@link Skeleton#getPathConstraints()} that will be changed when this timeline is + * applied. */ + constraintIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, pathConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, Property.pathConstraintSpacing + "|" + pathConstraintIndex); + this.constraintIndex = pathConstraintIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (constraint.active) + constraint.spacing = this.getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, constraint.spacing, constraint.data.spacing); + } + }; + var PathConstraintMixTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline { + /** The index of the path constraint in {@link Skeleton#getPathConstraints()} that will be changed when this timeline is + * applied. */ + constraintIndex = 0; + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, pathConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, [ + Property.pathConstraintMix + "|" + pathConstraintIndex + ]); + this.constraintIndex = pathConstraintIndex; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return 4; + } + setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY) { + let frames = this.frames; + frame <<= 2; + frames[frame] = time; + frames[ + frame + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ] = mixRotate; + frames[ + frame + 2 + /*X*/ + ] = mixX; + frames[ + frame + 3 + /*Y*/ + ] = mixY; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint = skeleton.pathConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (!constraint.active) + return; + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + constraint.mixRotate = constraint.data.mixRotate; + constraint.mixX = constraint.data.mixX; + constraint.mixY = constraint.data.mixY; + return; + case MixBlend.first: + constraint.mixRotate += (constraint.data.mixRotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (constraint.data.mixX - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (constraint.data.mixY - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + } + return; + } + let rotate, x, y; + let i = Timeline.search( + frames, + time, + 4 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ); + let curveType = this.curves[i >> 2]; + switch (curveType) { + case 0: + let before = frames[i]; + rotate = frames[ + i + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ]; + x = frames[ + i + 2 + /*X*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 3 + /*Y*/ + ]; + let t = (time - before) / (frames[ + i + 4 + /*ENTRIES*/ + ] - before); + rotate += (frames[ + i + 4 + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ] - rotate) * t; + x += (frames[ + i + 4 + 2 + /*X*/ + ] - x) * t; + y += (frames[ + i + 4 + 3 + /*Y*/ + ] - y) * t; + break; + case 1: + rotate = frames[ + i + 1 + /*ROTATE*/ + ]; + x = frames[ + i + 2 + /*X*/ + ]; + y = frames[ + i + 3 + /*Y*/ + ]; + break; + default: + rotate = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 1, + curveType - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + x = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 2, + curveType + 18 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + y = this.getBezierValue( + time, + i, + 3, + curveType + 18 * 2 - 2 + /*BEZIER*/ + ); + } + if (blend == MixBlend.setup) { + let data = constraint.data; + constraint.mixRotate = data.mixRotate + (rotate - data.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX = data.mixX + (x - data.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY = data.mixY + (y - data.mixY) * alpha; + } else { + constraint.mixRotate += (rotate - constraint.mixRotate) * alpha; + constraint.mixX += (x - constraint.mixX) * alpha; + constraint.mixY += (y - constraint.mixY) * alpha; + } + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintTimeline = class extends CurveTimeline1 { + /** The index of the physics constraint in {@link Skeleton#getPhysicsConstraints()} that will be changed when this timeline + * is applied, or -1 if all physics constraints in the skeleton will be changed. */ + constraintIndex = 0; + /** @param physicsConstraintIndex -1 for all physics constraints in the skeleton. */ + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, property) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, property + "|" + physicsConstraintIndex); + this.constraintIndex = physicsConstraintIndex; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint; + if (this.constraintIndex == -1) { + const value = time >= this.frames[0] ? this.getCurveValue(time) : 0; + for (const constraint2 of skeleton.physicsConstraints) { + if (constraint2.active && this.global(constraint2.data)) + this.set(constraint2, this.getAbsoluteValue2(time, alpha, blend, this.get(constraint2), this.setup(constraint2), value)); + } + } else { + constraint = skeleton.physicsConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (constraint.active) + this.set(constraint, this.getAbsoluteValue(time, alpha, blend, this.get(constraint), this.setup(constraint))); + } + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintInertia); + } + setup(constraint) { + return constraint.data.inertia; + } + get(constraint) { + return constraint.inertia; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.inertia = value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.inertiaGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintStrength); + } + setup(constraint) { + return constraint.data.strength; + } + get(constraint) { + return constraint.strength; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.strength = value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.strengthGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintDamping); + } + setup(constraint) { + return constraint.data.damping; + } + get(constraint) { + return constraint.damping; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.damping = value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.dampingGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintMass); + } + setup(constraint) { + return 1 / constraint.data.massInverse; + } + get(constraint) { + return 1 / constraint.massInverse; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.massInverse = 1 / value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.massGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintWind); + } + setup(constraint) { + return constraint.data.wind; + } + get(constraint) { + return constraint.wind; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.wind = value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.windGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintGravity); + } + setup(constraint) { + return constraint.data.gravity; + } + get(constraint) { + return constraint.gravity; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.gravity = value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.gravityGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline = class extends PhysicsConstraintTimeline { + constructor(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, bezierCount, physicsConstraintIndex, Property.physicsConstraintMix); + } + setup(constraint) { + return constraint.data.mix; + } + get(constraint) { + return constraint.mix; + } + set(constraint, value) { + constraint.mix = value; + } + global(constraint) { + return constraint.mixGlobal; + } + }; + var PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline = class _PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline extends Timeline { + static propertyIds = [Property.physicsConstraintReset.toString()]; + /** The index of the physics constraint in {@link Skeleton#getPhysicsConstraints()} that will be reset when this timeline is + * applied, or -1 if all physics constraints in the skeleton will be reset. */ + constraintIndex; + /** @param physicsConstraintIndex -1 for all physics constraints in the skeleton. */ + constructor(frameCount, physicsConstraintIndex) { + super(frameCount, _PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline.propertyIds); + this.constraintIndex = physicsConstraintIndex; + } + getFrameCount() { + return this.frames.length; + } + /** Sets the time for the specified frame. + * @param frame Between 0 and frameCount, inclusive. */ + setFrame(frame, time) { + this.frames[frame] = time; + } + /** Resets the physics constraint when frames > lastTime and <= time. */ + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, firedEvents, alpha, blend, direction) { + let constraint; + if (this.constraintIndex != -1) { + constraint = skeleton.physicsConstraints[this.constraintIndex]; + if (!constraint.active) + return; + } + const frames = this.frames; + if (lastTime > time) { + this.apply(skeleton, lastTime, Number.MAX_VALUE, [], alpha, blend, direction); + lastTime = -1; + } else if (lastTime >= frames[frames.length - 1]) + return; + if (time < frames[0]) + return; + if (lastTime < frames[0] || time >= frames[Timeline.search1(frames, lastTime) + 1]) { + if (constraint != null) + constraint.reset(); + else { + for (const constraint2 of skeleton.physicsConstraints) { + if (constraint2.active) + constraint2.reset(); + } + } + } + } + }; + var SequenceTimeline = class _SequenceTimeline extends Timeline { + static ENTRIES = 3; + static MODE = 1; + static DELAY = 2; + slotIndex; + attachment; + constructor(frameCount, slotIndex, attachment) { + super(frameCount, [ + Property.sequence + "|" + slotIndex + "|" + attachment.sequence.id + ]); + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.attachment = attachment; + } + getFrameEntries() { + return _SequenceTimeline.ENTRIES; + } + getSlotIndex() { + return this.slotIndex; + } + getAttachment() { + return this.attachment; + } + /** Sets the time, mode, index, and frame time for the specified frame. + * @param frame Between 0 and frameCount, inclusive. + * @param time Seconds between frames. */ + setFrame(frame, time, mode, index, delay) { + let frames = this.frames; + frame *= _SequenceTimeline.ENTRIES; + frames[frame] = time; + frames[frame + _SequenceTimeline.MODE] = mode | index << 4; + frames[frame + _SequenceTimeline.DELAY] = delay; + } + apply(skeleton, lastTime, time, events, alpha, blend, direction) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[this.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + let slotAttachment = slot.attachment; + let attachment = this.attachment; + if (slotAttachment != attachment) { + if (!(slotAttachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || slotAttachment.timelineAttachment != attachment) + return; + } + let frames = this.frames; + if (time < frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) + slot.sequenceIndex = -1; + return; + } + let i = Timeline.search(frames, time, _SequenceTimeline.ENTRIES); + let before = frames[i]; + let modeAndIndex = frames[i + _SequenceTimeline.MODE]; + let delay = frames[i + _SequenceTimeline.DELAY]; + if (!this.attachment.sequence) + return; + let index = modeAndIndex >> 4, count = this.attachment.sequence.regions.length; + let mode = SequenceModeValues[modeAndIndex & 15]; + if (mode != SequenceMode.hold) { + index += (time - before) / delay + 1e-5 | 0; + switch (mode) { + case SequenceMode.once: + index = Math.min(count - 1, index); + break; + case SequenceMode.loop: + index %= count; + break; + case SequenceMode.pingpong: { + let n = (count << 1) - 2; + index = n == 0 ? 0 : index % n; + if (index >= count) + index = n - index; + break; + } + case SequenceMode.onceReverse: + index = Math.max(count - 1 - index, 0); + break; + case SequenceMode.loopReverse: + index = count - 1 - index % count; + break; + case SequenceMode.pingpongReverse: { + let n = (count << 1) - 2; + index = n == 0 ? 0 : (index + count - 1) % n; + if (index >= count) + index = n - index; + } + } + } + slot.sequenceIndex = index; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/AnimationState.js + var AnimationState = class _AnimationState { + static _emptyAnimation = new Animation("", [], 0); + static emptyAnimation() { + return _AnimationState._emptyAnimation; + } + /** The AnimationStateData to look up mix durations. */ + data; + /** The list of tracks that currently have animations, which may contain null entries. */ + tracks = new Array(); + /** Multiplier for the delta time when the animation state is updated, causing time for all animations and mixes to play slower + * or faster. Defaults to 1. + * + * See TrackEntry {@link TrackEntry#timeScale} for affecting a single animation. */ + timeScale = 1; + unkeyedState = 0; + events = new Array(); + listeners = new Array(); + queue = new EventQueue(this); + propertyIDs = new StringSet(); + animationsChanged = false; + trackEntryPool = new Pool(() => new TrackEntry()); + constructor(data) { + this.data = data; + } + /** Increments each track entry {@link TrackEntry#trackTime()}, setting queued animations as current if needed. */ + update(delta) { + delta *= this.timeScale; + let tracks = this.tracks; + for (let i = 0, n = tracks.length; i < n; i++) { + let current = tracks[i]; + if (!current) + continue; + current.animationLast = current.nextAnimationLast; + current.trackLast = current.nextTrackLast; + let currentDelta = delta * current.timeScale; + if (current.delay > 0) { + current.delay -= currentDelta; + if (current.delay > 0) + continue; + currentDelta = -current.delay; + current.delay = 0; + } + let next = current.next; + if (next) { + let nextTime = current.trackLast - next.delay; + if (nextTime >= 0) { + next.delay = 0; + next.trackTime += current.timeScale == 0 ? 0 : (nextTime / current.timeScale + delta) * next.timeScale; + current.trackTime += currentDelta; + this.setCurrent(i, next, true); + while (next.mixingFrom) { + next.mixTime += delta; + next = next.mixingFrom; + } + continue; + } + } else if (current.trackLast >= current.trackEnd && !current.mixingFrom) { + tracks[i] = null; + this.queue.end(current); + this.clearNext(current); + continue; + } + if (current.mixingFrom && this.updateMixingFrom(current, delta)) { + let from = current.mixingFrom; + current.mixingFrom = null; + if (from) + from.mixingTo = null; + while (from) { + this.queue.end(from); + from = from.mixingFrom; + } + } + current.trackTime += currentDelta; + } + this.queue.drain(); + } + /** Returns true when all mixing from entries are complete. */ + updateMixingFrom(to, delta) { + let from = to.mixingFrom; + if (!from) + return true; + let finished = this.updateMixingFrom(from, delta); + from.animationLast = from.nextAnimationLast; + from.trackLast = from.nextTrackLast; + if (to.mixTime > 0 && to.mixTime >= to.mixDuration) { + if (from.totalAlpha == 0 || to.mixDuration == 0) { + to.mixingFrom = from.mixingFrom; + if (from.mixingFrom) + from.mixingFrom.mixingTo = to; + to.interruptAlpha = from.interruptAlpha; + this.queue.end(from); + } + return finished; + } + from.trackTime += delta * from.timeScale; + to.mixTime += delta; + return false; + } + /** Poses the skeleton using the track entry animations. There are no side effects other than invoking listeners, so the + * animation state can be applied to multiple skeletons to pose them identically. + * @returns True if any animations were applied. */ + apply(skeleton) { + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + if (this.animationsChanged) + this._animationsChanged(); + let events = this.events; + let tracks = this.tracks; + let applied = false; + for (let i2 = 0, n2 = tracks.length; i2 < n2; i2++) { + let current = tracks[i2]; + if (!current || current.delay > 0) + continue; + applied = true; + let blend = i2 == 0 ? MixBlend.first : current.mixBlend; + let alpha = current.alpha; + if (current.mixingFrom) + alpha *= this.applyMixingFrom(current, skeleton, blend); + else if (current.trackTime >= current.trackEnd && !current.next) + alpha = 0; + let attachments = alpha >= current.alphaAttachmentThreshold; + let animationLast = current.animationLast, animationTime = current.getAnimationTime(), applyTime = animationTime; + let applyEvents = events; + if (current.reverse) { + applyTime = current.animation.duration - applyTime; + applyEvents = null; + } + let timelines = current.animation.timelines; + let timelineCount = timelines.length; + if (i2 == 0 && alpha == 1 || blend == MixBlend.add) { + if (i2 == 0) + attachments = true; + for (let ii = 0; ii < timelineCount; ii++) { + Utils.webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend); + var timeline = timelines[ii]; + if (timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline) + this.applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline, skeleton, applyTime, blend, attachments); + else + timeline.apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, applyEvents, alpha, blend, MixDirection.mixIn); + } + } else { + let timelineMode = current.timelineMode; + let shortestRotation = current.shortestRotation; + let firstFrame = !shortestRotation && current.timelinesRotation.length != timelineCount << 1; + if (firstFrame) + current.timelinesRotation.length = timelineCount << 1; + for (let ii = 0; ii < timelineCount; ii++) { + let timeline2 = timelines[ii]; + let timelineBlend = timelineMode[ii] == SUBSEQUENT ? blend : MixBlend.setup; + if (!shortestRotation && timeline2 instanceof RotateTimeline) { + this.applyRotateTimeline(timeline2, skeleton, applyTime, alpha, timelineBlend, current.timelinesRotation, ii << 1, firstFrame); + } else if (timeline2 instanceof AttachmentTimeline) { + this.applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline2, skeleton, applyTime, blend, attachments); + } else { + Utils.webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend); + timeline2.apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, applyEvents, alpha, timelineBlend, MixDirection.mixIn); + } + } + } + this.queueEvents(current, animationTime); + events.length = 0; + current.nextAnimationLast = animationTime; + current.nextTrackLast = current.trackTime; + } + var setupState = this.unkeyedState + SETUP; + var slots = skeleton.slots; + for (var i = 0, n = skeleton.slots.length; i < n; i++) { + var slot = slots[i]; + if (slot.attachmentState == setupState) { + var attachmentName = slot.data.attachmentName; + slot.setAttachment(!attachmentName ? null : skeleton.getAttachment(slot.data.index, attachmentName)); + } + } + this.unkeyedState += 2; + this.queue.drain(); + return applied; + } + applyMixingFrom(to, skeleton, blend) { + let from = to.mixingFrom; + if (from.mixingFrom) + this.applyMixingFrom(from, skeleton, blend); + let mix = 0; + if (to.mixDuration == 0) { + mix = 1; + if (blend == MixBlend.first) + blend = MixBlend.setup; + } else { + mix = to.mixTime / to.mixDuration; + if (mix > 1) + mix = 1; + if (blend != MixBlend.first) + blend = from.mixBlend; + } + let attachments = mix < from.mixAttachmentThreshold, drawOrder = mix < from.mixDrawOrderThreshold; + let timelines = from.animation.timelines; + let timelineCount = timelines.length; + let alphaHold = from.alpha * to.interruptAlpha, alphaMix = alphaHold * (1 - mix); + let animationLast = from.animationLast, animationTime = from.getAnimationTime(), applyTime = animationTime; + let events = null; + if (from.reverse) + applyTime = from.animation.duration - applyTime; + else if (mix < from.eventThreshold) + events = this.events; + if (blend == MixBlend.add) { + for (let i = 0; i < timelineCount; i++) + timelines[i].apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, events, alphaMix, blend, MixDirection.mixOut); + } else { + let timelineMode = from.timelineMode; + let timelineHoldMix = from.timelineHoldMix; + let shortestRotation = from.shortestRotation; + let firstFrame = !shortestRotation && from.timelinesRotation.length != timelineCount << 1; + if (firstFrame) + from.timelinesRotation.length = timelineCount << 1; + from.totalAlpha = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < timelineCount; i++) { + let timeline = timelines[i]; + let direction = MixDirection.mixOut; + let timelineBlend; + let alpha = 0; + switch (timelineMode[i]) { + case SUBSEQUENT: + if (!drawOrder && timeline instanceof DrawOrderTimeline) + continue; + timelineBlend = blend; + alpha = alphaMix; + break; + case FIRST: + timelineBlend = MixBlend.setup; + alpha = alphaMix; + break; + case HOLD_SUBSEQUENT: + timelineBlend = blend; + alpha = alphaHold; + break; + case HOLD_FIRST: + timelineBlend = MixBlend.setup; + alpha = alphaHold; + break; + default: + timelineBlend = MixBlend.setup; + let holdMix = timelineHoldMix[i]; + alpha = alphaHold * Math.max(0, 1 - holdMix.mixTime / holdMix.mixDuration); + break; + } + from.totalAlpha += alpha; + if (!shortestRotation && timeline instanceof RotateTimeline) + this.applyRotateTimeline(timeline, skeleton, applyTime, alpha, timelineBlend, from.timelinesRotation, i << 1, firstFrame); + else if (timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline) + this.applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline, skeleton, applyTime, timelineBlend, attachments && alpha >= from.alphaAttachmentThreshold); + else { + Utils.webkit602BugfixHelper(alpha, blend); + if (drawOrder && timeline instanceof DrawOrderTimeline && timelineBlend == MixBlend.setup) + direction = MixDirection.mixIn; + timeline.apply(skeleton, animationLast, applyTime, events, alpha, timelineBlend, direction); + } + } + } + if (to.mixDuration > 0) + this.queueEvents(from, animationTime); + this.events.length = 0; + from.nextAnimationLast = animationTime; + from.nextTrackLast = from.trackTime; + return mix; + } + applyAttachmentTimeline(timeline, skeleton, time, blend, attachments) { + var slot = skeleton.slots[timeline.slotIndex]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + return; + if (time < timeline.frames[0]) { + if (blend == MixBlend.setup || blend == MixBlend.first) + this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, slot.data.attachmentName, attachments); + } else + this.setAttachment(skeleton, slot, timeline.attachmentNames[Timeline.search1(timeline.frames, time)], attachments); + if (slot.attachmentState <= this.unkeyedState) + slot.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + SETUP; + } + setAttachment(skeleton, slot, attachmentName, attachments) { + slot.setAttachment(!attachmentName ? null : skeleton.getAttachment(slot.data.index, attachmentName)); + if (attachments) + slot.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + CURRENT; + } + applyRotateTimeline(timeline, skeleton, time, alpha, blend, timelinesRotation, i, firstFrame) { + if (firstFrame) + timelinesRotation[i] = 0; + if (alpha == 1) { + timeline.apply(skeleton, 0, time, null, 1, blend, MixDirection.mixIn); + return; + } + let bone = skeleton.bones[timeline.boneIndex]; + if (!bone.active) + return; + let frames = timeline.frames; + let r1 = 0, r2 = 0; + if (time < frames[0]) { + switch (blend) { + case MixBlend.setup: + bone.rotation = bone.data.rotation; + default: + return; + case MixBlend.first: + r1 = bone.rotation; + r2 = bone.data.rotation; + } + } else { + r1 = blend == MixBlend.setup ? bone.data.rotation : bone.rotation; + r2 = bone.data.rotation + timeline.getCurveValue(time); + } + let total = 0, diff = r2 - r1; + diff -= Math.ceil(diff / 360 - 0.5) * 360; + if (diff == 0) { + total = timelinesRotation[i]; + } else { + let lastTotal = 0, lastDiff = 0; + if (firstFrame) { + lastTotal = 0; + lastDiff = diff; + } else { + lastTotal = timelinesRotation[i]; + lastDiff = timelinesRotation[i + 1]; + } + let loops = lastTotal - lastTotal % 360; + total = diff + loops; + let current = diff >= 0, dir = lastTotal >= 0; + if (Math.abs(lastDiff) <= 90 && MathUtils.signum(lastDiff) != MathUtils.signum(diff)) { + if (Math.abs(lastTotal - loops) > 180) { + total += 360 * MathUtils.signum(lastTotal); + dir = current; + } else if (loops != 0) + total -= 360 * MathUtils.signum(lastTotal); + else + dir = current; + } + if (dir != current) + total += 360 * MathUtils.signum(lastTotal); + timelinesRotation[i] = total; + } + timelinesRotation[i + 1] = diff; + bone.rotation = r1 + total * alpha; + } + queueEvents(entry, animationTime) { + let animationStart = entry.animationStart, animationEnd = entry.animationEnd; + let duration = animationEnd - animationStart; + let trackLastWrapped = entry.trackLast % duration; + let events = this.events; + let i = 0, n = events.length; + for (; i < n; i++) { + let event = events[i]; + if (event.time < trackLastWrapped) + break; + if (event.time > animationEnd) + continue; + this.queue.event(entry, event); + } + let complete = false; + if (entry.loop) { + if (duration == 0) + complete = true; + else { + const cycles = Math.floor(entry.trackTime / duration); + complete = cycles > 0 && cycles > Math.floor(entry.trackLast / duration); + } + } else + complete = animationTime >= animationEnd && entry.animationLast < animationEnd; + if (complete) + this.queue.complete(entry); + for (; i < n; i++) { + let event = events[i]; + if (event.time < animationStart) + continue; + this.queue.event(entry, event); + } + } + /** Removes all animations from all tracks, leaving skeletons in their current pose. + * + * It may be desired to use {@link AnimationState#setEmptyAnimation()} to mix the skeletons back to the setup pose, + * rather than leaving them in their current pose. */ + clearTracks() { + let oldDrainDisabled = this.queue.drainDisabled; + this.queue.drainDisabled = true; + for (let i = 0, n = this.tracks.length; i < n; i++) + this.clearTrack(i); + this.tracks.length = 0; + this.queue.drainDisabled = oldDrainDisabled; + this.queue.drain(); + } + /** Removes all animations from the track, leaving skeletons in their current pose. + * + * It may be desired to use {@link AnimationState#setEmptyAnimation()} to mix the skeletons back to the setup pose, + * rather than leaving them in their current pose. */ + clearTrack(trackIndex) { + if (trackIndex >= this.tracks.length) + return; + let current = this.tracks[trackIndex]; + if (!current) + return; + this.queue.end(current); + this.clearNext(current); + let entry = current; + while (true) { + let from = entry.mixingFrom; + if (!from) + break; + this.queue.end(from); + entry.mixingFrom = null; + entry.mixingTo = null; + entry = from; + } + this.tracks[current.trackIndex] = null; + this.queue.drain(); + } + setCurrent(index, current, interrupt) { + let from = this.expandToIndex(index); + this.tracks[index] = current; + current.previous = null; + if (from) { + if (interrupt) + this.queue.interrupt(from); + current.mixingFrom = from; + from.mixingTo = current; + current.mixTime = 0; + if (from.mixingFrom && from.mixDuration > 0) + current.interruptAlpha *= Math.min(1, from.mixTime / from.mixDuration); + from.timelinesRotation.length = 0; + } + this.queue.start(current); + } + /** Sets an animation by name. + * + * See {@link #setAnimationWith()}. */ + setAnimation(trackIndex, animationName, loop = false) { + let animation = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(animationName); + if (!animation) + throw new Error("Animation not found: " + animationName); + return this.setAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation, loop); + } + /** Sets the current animation for a track, discarding any queued animations. If the formerly current track entry was never + * applied to a skeleton, it is replaced (not mixed from). + * @param loop If true, the animation will repeat. If false it will not, instead its last frame is applied if played beyond its + * duration. In either case {@link TrackEntry#trackEnd} determines when the track is cleared. + * @returns A track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept + * after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ + setAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation, loop = false) { + if (!animation) + throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); + let interrupt = true; + let current = this.expandToIndex(trackIndex); + if (current) { + if (current.nextTrackLast == -1) { + this.tracks[trackIndex] = current.mixingFrom; + this.queue.interrupt(current); + this.queue.end(current); + this.clearNext(current); + current = current.mixingFrom; + interrupt = false; + } else + this.clearNext(current); + } + let entry = this.trackEntry(trackIndex, animation, loop, current); + this.setCurrent(trackIndex, entry, interrupt); + this.queue.drain(); + return entry; + } + /** Queues an animation by name. + * + * See {@link #addAnimationWith()}. */ + addAnimation(trackIndex, animationName, loop = false, delay = 0) { + let animation = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(animationName); + if (!animation) + throw new Error("Animation not found: " + animationName); + return this.addAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation, loop, delay); + } + /** Adds an animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track. If the track is empty, it is + * equivalent to calling {@link #setAnimationWith()}. + * @param delay If > 0, sets {@link TrackEntry#delay}. If <= 0, the delay set is the duration of the previous track entry + * minus any mix duration (from the {@link AnimationStateData}) plus the specified `delay` (ie the mix + * ends at (`delay` = 0) or before (`delay` < 0) the previous track entry duration). If the + * previous entry is looping, its next loop completion is used instead of its duration. + * @returns A track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept + * after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ + addAnimationWith(trackIndex, animation, loop = false, delay = 0) { + if (!animation) + throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); + let last = this.expandToIndex(trackIndex); + if (last) { + while (last.next) + last = last.next; + } + let entry = this.trackEntry(trackIndex, animation, loop, last); + if (!last) { + this.setCurrent(trackIndex, entry, true); + this.queue.drain(); + } else { + last.next = entry; + entry.previous = last; + if (delay <= 0) + delay += last.getTrackComplete() - entry.mixDuration; + } + entry.delay = delay; + return entry; + } + /** Sets an empty animation for a track, discarding any queued animations, and sets the track entry's + * {@link TrackEntry#mixduration}. An empty animation has no timelines and serves as a placeholder for mixing in or out. + * + * Mixing out is done by setting an empty animation with a mix duration using either {@link #setEmptyAnimation()}, + * {@link #setEmptyAnimations()}, or {@link #addEmptyAnimation()}. Mixing to an empty animation causes + * the previous animation to be applied less and less over the mix duration. Properties keyed in the previous animation + * transition to the value from lower tracks or to the setup pose value if no lower tracks key the property. A mix duration of + * 0 still mixes out over one frame. + * + * Mixing in is done by first setting an empty animation, then adding an animation using + * {@link #addAnimation()} and on the returned track entry, set the + * {@link TrackEntry#setMixDuration()}. Mixing from an empty animation causes the new animation to be applied more and + * more over the mix duration. Properties keyed in the new animation transition from the value from lower tracks or from the + * setup pose value if no lower tracks key the property to the value keyed in the new animation. */ + setEmptyAnimation(trackIndex, mixDuration = 0) { + let entry = this.setAnimationWith(trackIndex, _AnimationState.emptyAnimation(), false); + entry.mixDuration = mixDuration; + entry.trackEnd = mixDuration; + return entry; + } + /** Adds an empty animation to be played after the current or last queued animation for a track, and sets the track entry's + * {@link TrackEntry#mixDuration}. If the track is empty, it is equivalent to calling + * {@link #setEmptyAnimation()}. + * + * See {@link #setEmptyAnimation()}. + * @param delay If > 0, sets {@link TrackEntry#delay}. If <= 0, the delay set is the duration of the previous track entry + * minus any mix duration plus the specified `delay` (ie the mix ends at (`delay` = 0) or + * before (`delay` < 0) the previous track entry duration). If the previous entry is looping, its next + * loop completion is used instead of its duration. + * @return A track entry to allow further customization of animation playback. References to the track entry must not be kept + * after the {@link AnimationStateListener#dispose()} event occurs. */ + addEmptyAnimation(trackIndex, mixDuration = 0, delay = 0) { + let entry = this.addAnimationWith(trackIndex, _AnimationState.emptyAnimation(), false, delay); + if (delay <= 0) + entry.delay += entry.mixDuration - mixDuration; + entry.mixDuration = mixDuration; + entry.trackEnd = mixDuration; + return entry; + } + /** Sets an empty animation for every track, discarding any queued animations, and mixes to it over the specified mix + * duration. */ + setEmptyAnimations(mixDuration = 0) { + let oldDrainDisabled = this.queue.drainDisabled; + this.queue.drainDisabled = true; + for (let i = 0, n = this.tracks.length; i < n; i++) { + let current = this.tracks[i]; + if (current) + this.setEmptyAnimation(current.trackIndex, mixDuration); + } + this.queue.drainDisabled = oldDrainDisabled; + this.queue.drain(); + } + expandToIndex(index) { + if (index < this.tracks.length) + return this.tracks[index]; + Utils.ensureArrayCapacity(this.tracks, index + 1, null); + this.tracks.length = index + 1; + return null; + } + /** @param last May be null. */ + trackEntry(trackIndex, animation, loop, last) { + let entry = this.trackEntryPool.obtain(); + entry.reset(); + entry.trackIndex = trackIndex; + entry.animation = animation; + entry.loop = loop; + entry.holdPrevious = false; + entry.reverse = false; + entry.shortestRotation = false; + entry.eventThreshold = 0; + entry.alphaAttachmentThreshold = 0; + entry.mixAttachmentThreshold = 0; + entry.mixDrawOrderThreshold = 0; + entry.animationStart = 0; + entry.animationEnd = animation.duration; + entry.animationLast = -1; + entry.nextAnimationLast = -1; + entry.delay = 0; + entry.trackTime = 0; + entry.trackLast = -1; + entry.nextTrackLast = -1; + entry.trackEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE; + entry.timeScale = 1; + entry.alpha = 1; + entry.mixTime = 0; + entry.mixDuration = !last ? 0 : this.data.getMix(last.animation, animation); + entry.interruptAlpha = 1; + entry.totalAlpha = 0; + entry.mixBlend = MixBlend.replace; + return entry; + } + /** Removes the {@link TrackEntry#getNext() next entry} and all entries after it for the specified entry. */ + clearNext(entry) { + let next = entry.next; + while (next) { + this.queue.dispose(next); + next = next.next; + } + entry.next = null; + } + _animationsChanged() { + this.animationsChanged = false; + this.propertyIDs.clear(); + let tracks = this.tracks; + for (let i = 0, n = tracks.length; i < n; i++) { + let entry = tracks[i]; + if (!entry) + continue; + while (entry.mixingFrom) + entry = entry.mixingFrom; + do { + if (!entry.mixingTo || entry.mixBlend != MixBlend.add) + this.computeHold(entry); + entry = entry.mixingTo; + } while (entry); + } + } + computeHold(entry) { + let to = entry.mixingTo; + let timelines = entry.animation.timelines; + let timelinesCount = entry.animation.timelines.length; + let timelineMode = entry.timelineMode; + timelineMode.length = timelinesCount; + let timelineHoldMix = entry.timelineHoldMix; + timelineHoldMix.length = 0; + let propertyIDs = this.propertyIDs; + if (to && to.holdPrevious) { + for (let i = 0; i < timelinesCount; i++) + timelineMode[i] = propertyIDs.addAll(timelines[i].getPropertyIds()) ? HOLD_FIRST : HOLD_SUBSEQUENT; + return; + } + outer: + for (let i = 0; i < timelinesCount; i++) { + let timeline = timelines[i]; + let ids = timeline.getPropertyIds(); + if (!propertyIDs.addAll(ids)) + timelineMode[i] = SUBSEQUENT; + else if (!to || timeline instanceof AttachmentTimeline || timeline instanceof DrawOrderTimeline || timeline instanceof EventTimeline || !to.animation.hasTimeline(ids)) { + timelineMode[i] = FIRST; + } else { + for (let next = to.mixingTo; next; next = next.mixingTo) { + if (next.animation.hasTimeline(ids)) + continue; + if (entry.mixDuration > 0) { + timelineMode[i] = HOLD_MIX; + timelineHoldMix[i] = next; + continue outer; + } + break; + } + timelineMode[i] = HOLD_FIRST; + } + } + } + /** Returns the track entry for the animation currently playing on the track, or null if no animation is currently playing. */ + getCurrent(trackIndex) { + if (trackIndex >= this.tracks.length) + return null; + return this.tracks[trackIndex]; + } + /** Adds a listener to receive events for all track entries. */ + addListener(listener) { + if (!listener) + throw new Error("listener cannot be null."); + this.listeners.push(listener); + } + /** Removes the listener added with {@link #addListener()}. */ + removeListener(listener) { + let index = this.listeners.indexOf(listener); + if (index >= 0) + this.listeners.splice(index, 1); + } + /** Removes all listeners added with {@link #addListener()}. */ + clearListeners() { + this.listeners.length = 0; + } + /** Discards all listener notifications that have not yet been delivered. This can be useful to call from an + * {@link AnimationStateListener} when it is known that further notifications that may have been already queued for delivery + * are not wanted because new animations are being set. */ + clearListenerNotifications() { + this.queue.clear(); + } + }; + var TrackEntry = class { + /** The animation to apply for this track entry. */ + animation = null; + previous = null; + /** The animation queued to start after this animation, or null. `next` makes up a linked list. */ + next = null; + /** The track entry for the previous animation when mixing from the previous animation to this animation, or null if no + * mixing is currently occuring. When mixing from multiple animations, `mixingFrom` makes up a linked list. */ + mixingFrom = null; + /** The track entry for the next animation when mixing from this animation to the next animation, or null if no mixing is + * currently occuring. When mixing to multiple animations, `mixingTo` makes up a linked list. */ + mixingTo = null; + /** The listener for events generated by this track entry, or null. + * + * A track entry returned from {@link AnimationState#setAnimation()} is already the current animation + * for the track, so the track entry listener {@link AnimationStateListener#start()} will not be called. */ + listener = null; + /** The index of the track where this track entry is either current or queued. + * + * See {@link AnimationState#getCurrent()}. */ + trackIndex = 0; + /** If true, the animation will repeat. If false it will not, instead its last frame is applied if played beyond its + * duration. */ + loop = false; + /** If true, when mixing from the previous animation to this animation, the previous animation is applied as normal instead + * of being mixed out. + * + * When mixing between animations that key the same property, if a lower track also keys that property then the value will + * briefly dip toward the lower track value during the mix. This happens because the first animation mixes from 100% to 0% + * while the second animation mixes from 0% to 100%. Setting `holdPrevious` to true applies the first animation + * at 100% during the mix so the lower track value is overwritten. Such dipping does not occur on the lowest track which + * keys the property, only when a higher track also keys the property. + * + * Snapping will occur if `holdPrevious` is true and this animation does not key all the same properties as the + * previous animation. */ + holdPrevious = false; + reverse = false; + shortestRotation = false; + /** When the mix percentage ({@link #mixTime} / {@link #mixDuration}) is less than the + * `eventThreshold`, event timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to 0, so event + * timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out. */ + eventThreshold = 0; + /** When the mix percentage ({@link #mixtime} / {@link #mixDuration}) is less than the + * `attachmentThreshold`, attachment timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to + * 0, so attachment timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out. */ + mixAttachmentThreshold = 0; + /** When {@link #getAlpha()} is greater than alphaAttachmentThreshold, attachment timelines are applied. + * Defaults to 0, so attachment timelines are always applied. */ + alphaAttachmentThreshold = 0; + /** When the mix percentage ({@link #getMixTime()} / {@link #getMixDuration()}) is less than the + * mixDrawOrderThreshold, draw order timelines are applied while this animation is being mixed out. Defaults to + * 0, so draw order timelines are not applied while this animation is being mixed out. */ + mixDrawOrderThreshold = 0; + /** Seconds when this animation starts, both initially and after looping. Defaults to 0. + * + * When changing the `animationStart` time, it often makes sense to set {@link #animationLast} to the same + * value to prevent timeline keys before the start time from triggering. */ + animationStart = 0; + /** Seconds for the last frame of this animation. Non-looping animations won't play past this time. Looping animations will + * loop back to {@link #animationStart} at this time. Defaults to the animation {@link Animation#duration}. */ + animationEnd = 0; + /** The time in seconds this animation was last applied. Some timelines use this for one-time triggers. Eg, when this + * animation is applied, event timelines will fire all events between the `animationLast` time (exclusive) and + * `animationTime` (inclusive). Defaults to -1 to ensure triggers on frame 0 happen the first time this animation + * is applied. */ + animationLast = 0; + nextAnimationLast = 0; + /** Seconds to postpone playing the animation. When this track entry is the current track entry, `delay` + * postpones incrementing the {@link #trackTime}. When this track entry is queued, `delay` is the time from + * the start of the previous animation to when this track entry will become the current track entry (ie when the previous + * track entry {@link TrackEntry#trackTime} >= this track entry's `delay`). + * + * {@link #timeScale} affects the delay. */ + delay = 0; + /** Current time in seconds this track entry has been the current track entry. The track time determines + * {@link #animationTime}. The track time can be set to start the animation at a time other than 0, without affecting + * looping. */ + trackTime = 0; + trackLast = 0; + nextTrackLast = 0; + /** The track time in seconds when this animation will be removed from the track. Defaults to the highest possible float + * value, meaning the animation will be applied until a new animation is set or the track is cleared. If the track end time + * is reached, no other animations are queued for playback, and mixing from any previous animations is complete, then the + * properties keyed by the animation are set to the setup pose and the track is cleared. + * + * It may be desired to use {@link AnimationState#addEmptyAnimation()} rather than have the animation + * abruptly cease being applied. */ + trackEnd = 0; + /** Multiplier for the delta time when this track entry is updated, causing time for this animation to pass slower or + * faster. Defaults to 1. + * + * {@link #mixTime} is not affected by track entry time scale, so {@link #mixDuration} may need to be adjusted to + * match the animation speed. + * + * When using {@link AnimationState#addAnimation()} with a `delay` <= 0, note the + * {@link #delay} is set using the mix duration from the {@link AnimationStateData}, assuming time scale to be 1. If + * the time scale is not 1, the delay may need to be adjusted. + * + * See AnimationState {@link AnimationState#timeScale} for affecting all animations. */ + timeScale = 0; + /** Values < 1 mix this animation with the skeleton's current pose (usually the pose resulting from lower tracks). Defaults + * to 1, which overwrites the skeleton's current pose with this animation. + * + * Typically track 0 is used to completely pose the skeleton, then alpha is used on higher tracks. It doesn't make sense to + * use alpha on track 0 if the skeleton pose is from the last frame render. */ + alpha = 0; + /** Seconds from 0 to the {@link #getMixDuration()} when mixing from the previous animation to this animation. May be + * slightly more than `mixDuration` when the mix is complete. */ + mixTime = 0; + /** Seconds for mixing from the previous animation to this animation. Defaults to the value provided by AnimationStateData + * {@link AnimationStateData#getMix()} based on the animation before this animation (if any). + * + * A mix duration of 0 still mixes out over one frame to provide the track entry being mixed out a chance to revert the + * properties it was animating. + * + * The `mixDuration` can be set manually rather than use the value from + * {@link AnimationStateData#getMix()}. In that case, the `mixDuration` can be set for a new + * track entry only before {@link AnimationState#update(float)} is first called. + * + * When using {@link AnimationState#addAnimation()} with a `delay` <= 0, note the + * {@link #delay} is set using the mix duration from the {@link AnimationStateData}, not a mix duration set + * afterward. */ + _mixDuration = 0; + interruptAlpha = 0; + totalAlpha = 0; + get mixDuration() { + return this._mixDuration; + } + set mixDuration(mixDuration) { + this._mixDuration = mixDuration; + } + setMixDurationWithDelay(mixDuration, delay) { + this._mixDuration = mixDuration; + if (this.previous != null && delay <= 0) + delay += this.previous.getTrackComplete() - mixDuration; + this.delay = delay; + } + /** Controls how properties keyed in the animation are mixed with lower tracks. Defaults to {@link MixBlend#replace}, which + * replaces the values from the lower tracks with the animation values. {@link MixBlend#add} adds the animation values to + * the values from the lower tracks. + * + * The `mixBlend` can be set for a new track entry only before {@link AnimationState#apply()} is first + * called. */ + mixBlend = MixBlend.replace; + timelineMode = new Array(); + timelineHoldMix = new Array(); + timelinesRotation = new Array(); + reset() { + this.next = null; + this.previous = null; + this.mixingFrom = null; + this.mixingTo = null; + this.animation = null; + this.listener = null; + this.timelineMode.length = 0; + this.timelineHoldMix.length = 0; + this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; + } + /** Uses {@link #trackTime} to compute the `animationTime`, which is between {@link #animationStart} + * and {@link #animationEnd}. When the `trackTime` is 0, the `animationTime` is equal to the + * `animationStart` time. */ + getAnimationTime() { + if (this.loop) { + let duration = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; + if (duration == 0) + return this.animationStart; + return this.trackTime % duration + this.animationStart; + } + return Math.min(this.trackTime + this.animationStart, this.animationEnd); + } + setAnimationLast(animationLast) { + this.animationLast = animationLast; + this.nextAnimationLast = animationLast; + } + /** Returns true if at least one loop has been completed. + * + * See {@link AnimationStateListener#complete()}. */ + isComplete() { + return this.trackTime >= this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; + } + /** Resets the rotation directions for mixing this entry's rotate timelines. This can be useful to avoid bones rotating the + * long way around when using {@link #alpha} and starting animations on other tracks. + * + * Mixing with {@link MixBlend#replace} involves finding a rotation between two others, which has two possible solutions: + * the short way or the long way around. The two rotations likely change over time, so which direction is the short or long + * way also changes. If the short way was always chosen, bones would flip to the other side when that direction became the + * long way. TrackEntry chooses the short way the first time it is applied and remembers that direction. */ + resetRotationDirections() { + this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; + } + getTrackComplete() { + let duration = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; + if (duration != 0) { + if (this.loop) + return duration * (1 + (this.trackTime / duration | 0)); + if (this.trackTime < duration) + return duration; + } + return this.trackTime; + } + /** Returns true if this track entry has been applied at least once. + *

+ * See {@link AnimationState#apply(Skeleton)}. */ + wasApplied() { + return this.nextTrackLast != -1; + } + }; + var EventQueue = class { + objects = []; + drainDisabled = false; + animState; + constructor(animState) { + this.animState = animState; + } + start(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.start); + this.objects.push(entry); + this.animState.animationsChanged = true; + } + interrupt(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.interrupt); + this.objects.push(entry); + } + end(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.end); + this.objects.push(entry); + this.animState.animationsChanged = true; + } + dispose(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.dispose); + this.objects.push(entry); + } + complete(entry) { + this.objects.push(EventType.complete); + this.objects.push(entry); + } + event(entry, event) { + this.objects.push(EventType.event); + this.objects.push(entry); + this.objects.push(event); + } + drain() { + if (this.drainDisabled) + return; + this.drainDisabled = true; + let objects = this.objects; + let listeners = this.animState.listeners; + for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i += 2) { + let type = objects[i]; + let entry = objects[i + 1]; + switch (type) { + case EventType.start: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.start) + entry.listener.start(entry); + for (let ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + let listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.start) + listener.start(entry); + } + break; + case EventType.interrupt: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.interrupt) + entry.listener.interrupt(entry); + for (let ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + let listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.interrupt) + listener.interrupt(entry); + } + break; + case EventType.end: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.end) + entry.listener.end(entry); + for (let ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + let listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.end) + listener.end(entry); + } + case EventType.dispose: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.dispose) + entry.listener.dispose(entry); + for (let ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + let listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.dispose) + listener.dispose(entry); + } + this.animState.trackEntryPool.free(entry); + break; + case EventType.complete: + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.complete) + entry.listener.complete(entry); + for (let ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + let listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.complete) + listener.complete(entry); + } + break; + case EventType.event: + let event = objects[i++ + 2]; + if (entry.listener && entry.listener.event) + entry.listener.event(entry, event); + for (let ii = 0; ii < listeners.length; ii++) { + let listener = listeners[ii]; + if (listener.event) + listener.event(entry, event); + } + break; + } + } + this.clear(); + this.drainDisabled = false; + } + clear() { + this.objects.length = 0; + } + }; + var EventType; + (function(EventType2) { + EventType2[EventType2["start"] = 0] = "start"; + EventType2[EventType2["interrupt"] = 1] = "interrupt"; + EventType2[EventType2["end"] = 2] = "end"; + EventType2[EventType2["dispose"] = 3] = "dispose"; + EventType2[EventType2["complete"] = 4] = "complete"; + EventType2[EventType2["event"] = 5] = "event"; + })(EventType || (EventType = {})); + var AnimationStateAdapter = class { + start(entry) { + } + interrupt(entry) { + } + end(entry) { + } + dispose(entry) { + } + complete(entry) { + } + event(entry, event) { + } + }; + var SUBSEQUENT = 0; + var FIRST = 1; + var HOLD_SUBSEQUENT = 2; + var HOLD_FIRST = 3; + var HOLD_MIX = 4; + var SETUP = 1; + var CURRENT = 2; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/AnimationStateData.js + var AnimationStateData = class { + /** The SkeletonData to look up animations when they are specified by name. */ + skeletonData; + animationToMixTime = {}; + /** The mix duration to use when no mix duration has been defined between two animations. */ + defaultMix = 0; + constructor(skeletonData) { + if (!skeletonData) + throw new Error("skeletonData cannot be null."); + this.skeletonData = skeletonData; + } + /** Sets a mix duration by animation name. + * + * See {@link #setMixWith()}. */ + setMix(fromName, toName, duration) { + let from = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(fromName); + if (!from) + throw new Error("Animation not found: " + fromName); + let to = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(toName); + if (!to) + throw new Error("Animation not found: " + toName); + this.setMixWith(from, to, duration); + } + /** Sets the mix duration when changing from the specified animation to the other. + * + * See {@link TrackEntry#mixDuration}. */ + setMixWith(from, to, duration) { + if (!from) + throw new Error("from cannot be null."); + if (!to) + throw new Error("to cannot be null."); + let key = from.name + "." + to.name; + this.animationToMixTime[key] = duration; + } + /** Returns the mix duration to use when changing from the specified animation to the other, or the {@link #defaultMix} if + * no mix duration has been set. */ + getMix(from, to) { + let key = from.name + "." + to.name; + let value = this.animationToMixTime[key]; + return value === void 0 ? this.defaultMix : value; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/BoundingBoxAttachment.js + var BoundingBoxAttachment = class _BoundingBoxAttachment extends VertexAttachment { + color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + constructor(name) { + super(name); + } + copy() { + let copy = new _BoundingBoxAttachment(this.name); + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/ClippingAttachment.js + var ClippingAttachment = class _ClippingAttachment extends VertexAttachment { + /** Clipping is performed between the clipping polygon's slot and the end slot. Returns null if clipping is done until the end of + * the skeleton's rendering. */ + endSlot = null; + // Nonessential. + /** The color of the clipping polygon as it was in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. Clipping polygons + * are not usually rendered at runtime. */ + color = new Color(0.2275, 0.2275, 0.8078, 1); + // ce3a3aff + constructor(name) { + super(name); + } + copy() { + let copy = new _ClippingAttachment(this.name); + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.endSlot = this.endSlot; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Texture.js + var Texture = class { + _image; + constructor(image) { + this._image = image; + } + getImage() { + return this._image; + } + }; + var TextureFilter; + (function(TextureFilter2) { + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["Nearest"] = 9728] = "Nearest"; + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["Linear"] = 9729] = "Linear"; + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["MipMap"] = 9987] = "MipMap"; + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["MipMapNearestNearest"] = 9984] = "MipMapNearestNearest"; + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["MipMapLinearNearest"] = 9985] = "MipMapLinearNearest"; + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["MipMapNearestLinear"] = 9986] = "MipMapNearestLinear"; + TextureFilter2[TextureFilter2["MipMapLinearLinear"] = 9987] = "MipMapLinearLinear"; + })(TextureFilter || (TextureFilter = {})); + var TextureWrap; + (function(TextureWrap2) { + TextureWrap2[TextureWrap2["MirroredRepeat"] = 33648] = "MirroredRepeat"; + TextureWrap2[TextureWrap2["ClampToEdge"] = 33071] = "ClampToEdge"; + TextureWrap2[TextureWrap2["Repeat"] = 10497] = "Repeat"; + })(TextureWrap || (TextureWrap = {})); + var TextureRegion = class { + texture; + u = 0; + v = 0; + u2 = 0; + v2 = 0; + width = 0; + height = 0; + degrees = 0; + offsetX = 0; + offsetY = 0; + originalWidth = 0; + originalHeight = 0; + }; + var FakeTexture = class extends Texture { + setFilters(minFilter, magFilter) { + } + setWraps(uWrap, vWrap) { + } + dispose() { + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/TextureAtlas.js + var TextureAtlas = class { + pages = new Array(); + regions = new Array(); + constructor(atlasText) { + let reader = new TextureAtlasReader(atlasText); + let entry = new Array(4); + let pageFields = {}; + pageFields["size"] = (page2) => { + page2.width = parseInt(entry[1]); + page2.height = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + pageFields["format"] = () => { + }; + pageFields["filter"] = (page2) => { + page2.minFilter = Utils.enumValue(TextureFilter, entry[1]); + page2.magFilter = Utils.enumValue(TextureFilter, entry[2]); + }; + pageFields["repeat"] = (page2) => { + if (entry[1].indexOf("x") != -1) + page2.uWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; + if (entry[1].indexOf("y") != -1) + page2.vWrap = TextureWrap.Repeat; + }; + pageFields["pma"] = (page2) => { + page2.pma = entry[1] == "true"; + }; + var regionFields = {}; + regionFields["xy"] = (region) => { + region.x = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.y = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["size"] = (region) => { + region.width = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.height = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["bounds"] = (region) => { + region.x = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.y = parseInt(entry[2]); + region.width = parseInt(entry[3]); + region.height = parseInt(entry[4]); + }; + regionFields["offset"] = (region) => { + region.offsetX = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.offsetY = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["orig"] = (region) => { + region.originalWidth = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.originalHeight = parseInt(entry[2]); + }; + regionFields["offsets"] = (region) => { + region.offsetX = parseInt(entry[1]); + region.offsetY = parseInt(entry[2]); + region.originalWidth = parseInt(entry[3]); + region.originalHeight = parseInt(entry[4]); + }; + regionFields["rotate"] = (region) => { + let value = entry[1]; + if (value == "true") + region.degrees = 90; + else if (value != "false") + region.degrees = parseInt(value); + }; + regionFields["index"] = (region) => { + region.index = parseInt(entry[1]); + }; + let line = reader.readLine(); + while (line && line.trim().length == 0) + line = reader.readLine(); + while (true) { + if (!line || line.trim().length == 0) + break; + if (reader.readEntry(entry, line) == 0) + break; + line = reader.readLine(); + } + let page = null; + let names = null; + let values = null; + while (true) { + if (line === null) + break; + if (line.trim().length == 0) { + page = null; + line = reader.readLine(); + } else if (!page) { + page = new TextureAtlasPage(line.trim()); + while (true) { + if (reader.readEntry(entry, line = reader.readLine()) == 0) + break; + let field = pageFields[entry[0]]; + if (field) + field(page); + } + this.pages.push(page); + } else { + let region = new TextureAtlasRegion(page, line); + while (true) { + let count = reader.readEntry(entry, line = reader.readLine()); + if (count == 0) + break; + let field = regionFields[entry[0]]; + if (field) + field(region); + else { + if (!names) + names = []; + if (!values) + values = []; + names.push(entry[0]); + let entryValues = []; + for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) + entryValues.push(parseInt(entry[i + 1])); + values.push(entryValues); + } + } + if (region.originalWidth == 0 && region.originalHeight == 0) { + region.originalWidth = region.width; + region.originalHeight = region.height; + } + if (names && names.length > 0 && values && values.length > 0) { + region.names = names; + region.values = values; + names = null; + values = null; + } + region.u = region.x / page.width; + region.v = region.y / page.height; + if (region.degrees == 90) { + region.u2 = (region.x + region.height) / page.width; + region.v2 = (region.y + region.width) / page.height; + } else { + region.u2 = (region.x + region.width) / page.width; + region.v2 = (region.y + region.height) / page.height; + } + this.regions.push(region); + } + } + } + findRegion(name) { + for (let i = 0; i < this.regions.length; i++) { + if (this.regions[i].name == name) { + return this.regions[i]; + } + } + return null; + } + setTextures(assetManager, pathPrefix = "") { + for (let page of this.pages) + page.setTexture(assetManager.get(pathPrefix + page.name)); + } + dispose() { + for (let i = 0; i < this.pages.length; i++) { + this.pages[i].texture?.dispose(); + } + } + }; + var TextureAtlasReader = class { + lines; + index = 0; + constructor(text) { + this.lines = text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); + } + readLine() { + if (this.index >= this.lines.length) + return null; + return this.lines[this.index++]; + } + readEntry(entry, line) { + if (!line) + return 0; + line = line.trim(); + if (line.length == 0) + return 0; + let colon = line.indexOf(":"); + if (colon == -1) + return 0; + entry[0] = line.substr(0, colon).trim(); + for (let i = 1, lastMatch = colon + 1; ; i++) { + let comma = line.indexOf(",", lastMatch); + if (comma == -1) { + entry[i] = line.substr(lastMatch).trim(); + return i; + } + entry[i] = line.substr(lastMatch, comma - lastMatch).trim(); + lastMatch = comma + 1; + if (i == 4) + return 4; + } + } + }; + var TextureAtlasPage = class { + name; + minFilter = TextureFilter.Nearest; + magFilter = TextureFilter.Nearest; + uWrap = TextureWrap.ClampToEdge; + vWrap = TextureWrap.ClampToEdge; + texture = null; + width = 0; + height = 0; + pma = false; + regions = new Array(); + constructor(name) { + this.name = name; + } + setTexture(texture) { + this.texture = texture; + texture.setFilters(this.minFilter, this.magFilter); + texture.setWraps(this.uWrap, this.vWrap); + for (let region of this.regions) + region.texture = texture; + } + }; + var TextureAtlasRegion = class extends TextureRegion { + page; + name; + x = 0; + y = 0; + offsetX = 0; + offsetY = 0; + originalWidth = 0; + originalHeight = 0; + index = 0; + degrees = 0; + names = null; + values = null; + constructor(page, name) { + super(); + this.page = page; + this.name = name; + page.regions.push(this); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/MeshAttachment.js + var MeshAttachment = class _MeshAttachment extends VertexAttachment { + region = null; + /** The name of the texture region for this attachment. */ + path; + /** The UV pair for each vertex, normalized within the texture region. */ + regionUVs = []; + /** The UV pair for each vertex, normalized within the entire texture. + * + * See {@link #updateUVs}. */ + uvs = []; + /** Triplets of vertex indices which describe the mesh's triangulation. */ + triangles = []; + /** The color to tint the mesh. */ + color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + /** The width of the mesh's image. Available only when nonessential data was exported. */ + width = 0; + /** The height of the mesh's image. Available only when nonessential data was exported. */ + height = 0; + /** The number of entries at the beginning of {@link #vertices} that make up the mesh hull. */ + hullLength = 0; + /** Vertex index pairs describing edges for controling triangulation. Mesh triangles will never cross edges. Only available if + * nonessential data was exported. Triangulation is not performed at runtime. */ + edges = []; + parentMesh = null; + sequence = null; + tempColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); + constructor(name, path2) { + super(name); + this.path = path2; + } + /** Calculates {@link #uvs} using the {@link #regionUVs} and region. Must be called if the region, the region's properties, or + * the {@link #regionUVs} are changed. */ + updateRegion() { + if (!this.region) + throw new Error("Region not set."); + let regionUVs = this.regionUVs; + if (!this.uvs || this.uvs.length != regionUVs.length) + this.uvs = Utils.newFloatArray(regionUVs.length); + let uvs = this.uvs; + let n = this.uvs.length; + let u = this.region.u, v = this.region.v, width = 0, height = 0; + if (this.region instanceof TextureAtlasRegion) { + let region = this.region, page = region.page; + let textureWidth = page.width, textureHeight = page.height; + switch (region.degrees) { + case 90: + u -= (region.originalHeight - region.offsetY - region.height) / textureWidth; + v -= (region.originalWidth - region.offsetX - region.width) / textureHeight; + width = region.originalHeight / textureWidth; + height = region.originalWidth / textureHeight; + for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { + uvs[i] = u + regionUVs[i + 1] * width; + uvs[i + 1] = v + (1 - regionUVs[i]) * height; + } + return; + case 180: + u -= (region.originalWidth - region.offsetX - region.width) / textureWidth; + v -= region.offsetY / textureHeight; + width = region.originalWidth / textureWidth; + height = region.originalHeight / textureHeight; + for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { + uvs[i] = u + (1 - regionUVs[i]) * width; + uvs[i + 1] = v + (1 - regionUVs[i + 1]) * height; + } + return; + case 270: + u -= region.offsetY / textureWidth; + v -= region.offsetX / textureHeight; + width = region.originalHeight / textureWidth; + height = region.originalWidth / textureHeight; + for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { + uvs[i] = u + (1 - regionUVs[i + 1]) * width; + uvs[i + 1] = v + regionUVs[i] * height; + } + return; + } + u -= region.offsetX / textureWidth; + v -= (region.originalHeight - region.offsetY - region.height) / textureHeight; + width = region.originalWidth / textureWidth; + height = region.originalHeight / textureHeight; + } else if (!this.region) { + u = v = 0; + width = height = 1; + } else { + width = this.region.u2 - u; + height = this.region.v2 - v; + } + for (let i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { + uvs[i] = u + regionUVs[i] * width; + uvs[i + 1] = v + regionUVs[i + 1] * height; + } + } + /** The parent mesh if this is a linked mesh, else null. A linked mesh shares the {@link #bones}, {@link #vertices}, + * {@link #regionUVs}, {@link #triangles}, {@link #hullLength}, {@link #edges}, {@link #width}, and {@link #height} with the + * parent mesh, but may have a different {@link #name} or {@link #path} (and therefore a different texture). */ + getParentMesh() { + return this.parentMesh; + } + /** @param parentMesh May be null. */ + setParentMesh(parentMesh) { + this.parentMesh = parentMesh; + if (parentMesh) { + this.bones = parentMesh.bones; + this.vertices = parentMesh.vertices; + this.worldVerticesLength = parentMesh.worldVerticesLength; + this.regionUVs = parentMesh.regionUVs; + this.triangles = parentMesh.triangles; + this.hullLength = parentMesh.hullLength; + this.worldVerticesLength = parentMesh.worldVerticesLength; + } + } + copy() { + if (this.parentMesh) + return this.newLinkedMesh(); + let copy = new _MeshAttachment(this.name, this.path); + copy.region = this.region; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.regionUVs = new Array(this.regionUVs.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.regionUVs, 0, copy.regionUVs, 0, this.regionUVs.length); + copy.uvs = new Array(this.uvs.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.uvs, 0, copy.uvs, 0, this.uvs.length); + copy.triangles = new Array(this.triangles.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.triangles, 0, copy.triangles, 0, this.triangles.length); + copy.hullLength = this.hullLength; + copy.sequence = this.sequence != null ? this.sequence.copy() : null; + if (this.edges) { + copy.edges = new Array(this.edges.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.edges, 0, copy.edges, 0, this.edges.length); + } + copy.width = this.width; + copy.height = this.height; + return copy; + } + computeWorldVertices(slot, start, count, worldVertices, offset, stride) { + if (this.sequence != null) + this.sequence.apply(slot, this); + super.computeWorldVertices(slot, start, count, worldVertices, offset, stride); + } + /** Returns a new mesh with the {@link #parentMesh} set to this mesh's parent mesh, if any, else to this mesh. **/ + newLinkedMesh() { + let copy = new _MeshAttachment(this.name, this.path); + copy.region = this.region; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + copy.timelineAttachment = this.timelineAttachment; + copy.setParentMesh(this.parentMesh ? this.parentMesh : this); + if (copy.region != null) + copy.updateRegion(); + return copy; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/PathAttachment.js + var PathAttachment = class _PathAttachment extends VertexAttachment { + /** The lengths along the path in the setup pose from the start of the path to the end of each Bezier curve. */ + lengths = []; + /** If true, the start and end knots are connected. */ + closed = false; + /** If true, additional calculations are performed to make calculating positions along the path more accurate. If false, fewer + * calculations are performed but calculating positions along the path is less accurate. */ + constantSpeed = false; + /** The color of the path as it was in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. Paths are not usually + * rendered at runtime. */ + color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + constructor(name) { + super(name); + } + copy() { + let copy = new _PathAttachment(this.name); + this.copyTo(copy); + copy.lengths = new Array(this.lengths.length); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.lengths, 0, copy.lengths, 0, this.lengths.length); + copy.closed = closed; + copy.constantSpeed = this.constantSpeed; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/PointAttachment.js + var PointAttachment = class _PointAttachment extends VertexAttachment { + x = 0; + y = 0; + rotation = 0; + /** The color of the point attachment as it was in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. Point attachments + * are not usually rendered at runtime. */ + color = new Color(0.38, 0.94, 0, 1); + constructor(name) { + super(name); + } + computeWorldPosition(bone, point) { + point.x = this.x * bone.a + this.y * bone.b + bone.worldX; + point.y = this.x * bone.c + this.y * bone.d + bone.worldY; + return point; + } + computeWorldRotation(bone) { + const r = this.rotation * MathUtils.degRad, cos = Math.cos(r), sin = Math.sin(r); + const x = cos * bone.a + sin * bone.b; + const y = cos * bone.c + sin * bone.d; + return MathUtils.atan2Deg(y, x); + } + copy() { + let copy = new _PointAttachment(this.name); + copy.x = this.x; + copy.y = this.y; + copy.rotation = this.rotation; + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + return copy; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/attachments/RegionAttachment.js + var RegionAttachment = class _RegionAttachment extends Attachment { + /** The local x translation. */ + x = 0; + /** The local y translation. */ + y = 0; + /** The local scaleX. */ + scaleX = 1; + /** The local scaleY. */ + scaleY = 1; + /** The local rotation. */ + rotation = 0; + /** The width of the region attachment in Spine. */ + width = 0; + /** The height of the region attachment in Spine. */ + height = 0; + /** The color to tint the region attachment. */ + color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + /** The name of the texture region for this attachment. */ + path; + region = null; + sequence = null; + /** For each of the 4 vertices, a pair of x,y values that is the local position of the vertex. + * + * See {@link #updateOffset()}. */ + offset = Utils.newFloatArray(8); + uvs = Utils.newFloatArray(8); + tempColor = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + constructor(name, path2) { + super(name); + this.path = path2; + } + /** Calculates the {@link #offset} using the region settings. Must be called after changing region settings. */ + updateRegion() { + if (!this.region) + throw new Error("Region not set."); + let region = this.region; + let uvs = this.uvs; + if (region == null) { + uvs[0] = 0; + uvs[1] = 0; + uvs[2] = 0; + uvs[3] = 1; + uvs[4] = 1; + uvs[5] = 1; + uvs[6] = 1; + uvs[7] = 0; + return; + } + let regionScaleX = this.width / this.region.originalWidth * this.scaleX; + let regionScaleY = this.height / this.region.originalHeight * this.scaleY; + let localX = -this.width / 2 * this.scaleX + this.region.offsetX * regionScaleX; + let localY = -this.height / 2 * this.scaleY + this.region.offsetY * regionScaleY; + let localX2 = localX + this.region.width * regionScaleX; + let localY2 = localY + this.region.height * regionScaleY; + let radians = this.rotation * MathUtils.degRad; + let cos = Math.cos(radians); + let sin = Math.sin(radians); + let x = this.x, y = this.y; + let localXCos = localX * cos + x; + let localXSin = localX * sin; + let localYCos = localY * cos + y; + let localYSin = localY * sin; + let localX2Cos = localX2 * cos + x; + let localX2Sin = localX2 * sin; + let localY2Cos = localY2 * cos + y; + let localY2Sin = localY2 * sin; + let offset = this.offset; + offset[0] = localXCos - localYSin; + offset[1] = localYCos + localXSin; + offset[2] = localXCos - localY2Sin; + offset[3] = localY2Cos + localXSin; + offset[4] = localX2Cos - localY2Sin; + offset[5] = localY2Cos + localX2Sin; + offset[6] = localX2Cos - localYSin; + offset[7] = localYCos + localX2Sin; + if (region.degrees == 90) { + uvs[0] = region.u2; + uvs[1] = region.v2; + uvs[2] = region.u; + uvs[3] = region.v2; + uvs[4] = region.u; + uvs[5] = region.v; + uvs[6] = region.u2; + uvs[7] = region.v; + } else { + uvs[0] = region.u; + uvs[1] = region.v2; + uvs[2] = region.u; + uvs[3] = region.v; + uvs[4] = region.u2; + uvs[5] = region.v; + uvs[6] = region.u2; + uvs[7] = region.v2; + } + } + /** Transforms the attachment's four vertices to world coordinates. If the attachment has a {@link #sequence}, the region may + * be changed. + *

+ * See World transforms in the Spine + * Runtimes Guide. + * @param worldVertices The output world vertices. Must have a length >= offset + 8. + * @param offset The worldVertices index to begin writing values. + * @param stride The number of worldVertices entries between the value pairs written. */ + computeWorldVertices(slot, worldVertices, offset, stride) { + if (this.sequence != null) + this.sequence.apply(slot, this); + let bone = slot.bone; + let vertexOffset = this.offset; + let x = bone.worldX, y = bone.worldY; + let a = bone.a, b = bone.b, c = bone.c, d = bone.d; + let offsetX = 0, offsetY = 0; + offsetX = vertexOffset[0]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[1]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + offset += stride; + offsetX = vertexOffset[2]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[3]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + offset += stride; + offsetX = vertexOffset[4]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[5]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + offset += stride; + offsetX = vertexOffset[6]; + offsetY = vertexOffset[7]; + worldVertices[offset] = offsetX * a + offsetY * b + x; + worldVertices[offset + 1] = offsetX * c + offsetY * d + y; + } + copy() { + let copy = new _RegionAttachment(this.name, this.path); + copy.region = this.region; + copy.x = this.x; + copy.y = this.y; + copy.scaleX = this.scaleX; + copy.scaleY = this.scaleY; + copy.rotation = this.rotation; + copy.width = this.width; + copy.height = this.height; + Utils.arrayCopy(this.uvs, 0, copy.uvs, 0, 8); + Utils.arrayCopy(this.offset, 0, copy.offset, 0, 8); + copy.color.setFromColor(this.color); + copy.sequence = this.sequence != null ? this.sequence.copy() : null; + return copy; + } + static X1 = 0; + static Y1 = 1; + static C1R = 2; + static C1G = 3; + static C1B = 4; + static C1A = 5; + static U1 = 6; + static V1 = 7; + static X2 = 8; + static Y2 = 9; + static C2R = 10; + static C2G = 11; + static C2B = 12; + static C2A = 13; + static U2 = 14; + static V2 = 15; + static X3 = 16; + static Y3 = 17; + static C3R = 18; + static C3G = 19; + static C3B = 20; + static C3A = 21; + static U3 = 22; + static V3 = 23; + static X4 = 24; + static Y4 = 25; + static C4R = 26; + static C4G = 27; + static C4B = 28; + static C4A = 29; + static U4 = 30; + static V4 = 31; + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/AtlasAttachmentLoader.js + var AtlasAttachmentLoader = class { + atlas; + constructor(atlas) { + this.atlas = atlas; + } + loadSequence(name, basePath, sequence) { + let regions = sequence.regions; + for (let i = 0, n = regions.length; i < n; i++) { + let path2 = sequence.getPath(basePath, i); + let region = this.atlas.findRegion(path2); + if (region == null) + throw new Error("Region not found in atlas: " + path2 + " (sequence: " + name + ")"); + regions[i] = region; + } + } + newRegionAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence) { + let attachment = new RegionAttachment(name, path2); + if (sequence != null) { + this.loadSequence(name, path2, sequence); + } else { + let region = this.atlas.findRegion(path2); + if (!region) + throw new Error("Region not found in atlas: " + path2 + " (region attachment: " + name + ")"); + attachment.region = region; + } + return attachment; + } + newMeshAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence) { + let attachment = new MeshAttachment(name, path2); + if (sequence != null) { + this.loadSequence(name, path2, sequence); + } else { + let region = this.atlas.findRegion(path2); + if (!region) + throw new Error("Region not found in atlas: " + path2 + " (mesh attachment: " + name + ")"); + attachment.region = region; + } + return attachment; + } + newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin, name) { + return new BoundingBoxAttachment(name); + } + newPathAttachment(skin, name) { + return new PathAttachment(name); + } + newPointAttachment(skin, name) { + return new PointAttachment(name); + } + newClippingAttachment(skin, name) { + return new ClippingAttachment(name); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/BoneData.js + var BoneData = class { + /** The index of the bone in {@link Skeleton#getBones()}. */ + index = 0; + /** The name of the bone, which is unique across all bones in the skeleton. */ + name; + /** @returns May be null. */ + parent = null; + /** The bone's length. */ + length = 0; + /** The local x translation. */ + x = 0; + /** The local y translation. */ + y = 0; + /** The local rotation in degrees, counter clockwise. */ + rotation = 0; + /** The local scaleX. */ + scaleX = 1; + /** The local scaleY. */ + scaleY = 1; + /** The local shearX. */ + shearX = 0; + /** The local shearX. */ + shearY = 0; + /** The transform mode for how parent world transforms affect this bone. */ + inherit = Inherit.Normal; + /** When true, {@link Skeleton#updateWorldTransform()} only updates this bone if the {@link Skeleton#skin} contains this + * bone. + * @see Skin#bones */ + skinRequired = false; + /** The color of the bone as it was in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. Bones are not usually + * rendered at runtime. */ + color = new Color(); + /** The bone icon as it was in Spine, or null if nonessential data was not exported. */ + icon; + /** False if the bone was hidden in Spine and nonessential data was exported. Does not affect runtime rendering. */ + visible = false; + constructor(index, name, parent) { + if (index < 0) + throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); + if (!name) + throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + this.index = index; + this.name = name; + this.parent = parent; + } + }; + var Inherit; + (function(Inherit2) { + Inherit2[Inherit2["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal"; + Inherit2[Inherit2["OnlyTranslation"] = 1] = "OnlyTranslation"; + Inherit2[Inherit2["NoRotationOrReflection"] = 2] = "NoRotationOrReflection"; + Inherit2[Inherit2["NoScale"] = 3] = "NoScale"; + Inherit2[Inherit2["NoScaleOrReflection"] = 4] = "NoScaleOrReflection"; + })(Inherit || (Inherit = {})); + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Bone.js + var Bone = class { + /** The bone's setup pose data. */ + data; + /** The skeleton this bone belongs to. */ + skeleton; + /** The parent bone, or null if this is the root bone. */ + parent = null; + /** The immediate children of this bone. */ + children = new Array(); + /** The local x translation. */ + x = 0; + /** The local y translation. */ + y = 0; + /** The local rotation in degrees, counter clockwise. */ + rotation = 0; + /** The local scaleX. */ + scaleX = 0; + /** The local scaleY. */ + scaleY = 0; + /** The local shearX. */ + shearX = 0; + /** The local shearY. */ + shearY = 0; + /** The applied local x translation. */ + ax = 0; + /** The applied local y translation. */ + ay = 0; + /** The applied local rotation in degrees, counter clockwise. */ + arotation = 0; + /** The applied local scaleX. */ + ascaleX = 0; + /** The applied local scaleY. */ + ascaleY = 0; + /** The applied local shearX. */ + ashearX = 0; + /** The applied local shearY. */ + ashearY = 0; + /** Part of the world transform matrix for the X axis. If changed, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called. */ + a = 0; + /** Part of the world transform matrix for the Y axis. If changed, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called. */ + b = 0; + /** Part of the world transform matrix for the X axis. If changed, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called. */ + c = 0; + /** Part of the world transform matrix for the Y axis. If changed, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called. */ + d = 0; + /** The world X position. If changed, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called. */ + worldY = 0; + /** The world Y position. If changed, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called. */ + worldX = 0; + inherit = Inherit.Normal; + sorted = false; + active = false; + /** @param parent May be null. */ + constructor(data, skeleton, parent) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + this.data = data; + this.skeleton = skeleton; + this.parent = parent; + this.setToSetupPose(); + } + /** Returns false when the bone has not been computed because {@link BoneData#skinRequired} is true and the + * {@link Skeleton#skin active skin} does not {@link Skin#bones contain} this bone. */ + isActive() { + return this.active; + } + /** Computes the world transform using the parent bone and this bone's local applied transform. */ + update(physics) { + this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.ax, this.ay, this.arotation, this.ascaleX, this.ascaleY, this.ashearX, this.ashearY); + } + /** Computes the world transform using the parent bone and this bone's local transform. + * + * See {@link #updateWorldTransformWith()}. */ + updateWorldTransform() { + this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); + } + /** Computes the world transform using the parent bone and the specified local transform. The applied transform is set to the + * specified local transform. Child bones are not updated. + * + * See [World transforms](http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-runtime-skeletons#World-transforms) in the Spine + * Runtimes Guide. */ + updateWorldTransformWith(x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, shearX, shearY) { + this.ax = x; + this.ay = y; + this.arotation = rotation; + this.ascaleX = scaleX; + this.ascaleY = scaleY; + this.ashearX = shearX; + this.ashearY = shearY; + let parent = this.parent; + if (!parent) { + let skeleton = this.skeleton; + const sx = skeleton.scaleX, sy = skeleton.scaleY; + const rx = (rotation + shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + const ry = (rotation + 90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + this.a = Math.cos(rx) * scaleX * sx; + this.b = Math.cos(ry) * scaleY * sx; + this.c = Math.sin(rx) * scaleX * sy; + this.d = Math.sin(ry) * scaleY * sy; + this.worldX = x * sx + skeleton.x; + this.worldY = y * sy + skeleton.y; + return; + } + let pa = parent.a, pb = parent.b, pc = parent.c, pd = parent.d; + this.worldX = pa * x + pb * y + parent.worldX; + this.worldY = pc * x + pd * y + parent.worldY; + switch (this.inherit) { + case Inherit.Normal: { + const rx = (rotation + shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + const ry = (rotation + 90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + const la = Math.cos(rx) * scaleX; + const lb = Math.cos(ry) * scaleY; + const lc = Math.sin(rx) * scaleX; + const ld = Math.sin(ry) * scaleY; + this.a = pa * la + pb * lc; + this.b = pa * lb + pb * ld; + this.c = pc * la + pd * lc; + this.d = pc * lb + pd * ld; + return; + } + case Inherit.OnlyTranslation: { + const rx = (rotation + shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + const ry = (rotation + 90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + this.a = Math.cos(rx) * scaleX; + this.b = Math.cos(ry) * scaleY; + this.c = Math.sin(rx) * scaleX; + this.d = Math.sin(ry) * scaleY; + break; + } + case Inherit.NoRotationOrReflection: { + let s = pa * pa + pc * pc; + let prx = 0; + if (s > 1e-4) { + s = Math.abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / s; + pa /= this.skeleton.scaleX; + pc /= this.skeleton.scaleY; + pb = pc * s; + pd = pa * s; + prx = Math.atan2(pc, pa) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } else { + pa = 0; + pc = 0; + prx = 90 - Math.atan2(pd, pb) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + const rx = (rotation + shearX - prx) * MathUtils.degRad; + const ry = (rotation + shearY - prx + 90) * MathUtils.degRad; + const la = Math.cos(rx) * scaleX; + const lb = Math.cos(ry) * scaleY; + const lc = Math.sin(rx) * scaleX; + const ld = Math.sin(ry) * scaleY; + this.a = pa * la - pb * lc; + this.b = pa * lb - pb * ld; + this.c = pc * la + pd * lc; + this.d = pc * lb + pd * ld; + break; + } + case Inherit.NoScale: + case Inherit.NoScaleOrReflection: { + rotation *= MathUtils.degRad; + const cos = Math.cos(rotation), sin = Math.sin(rotation); + let za = (pa * cos + pb * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleX; + let zc = (pc * cos + pd * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleY; + let s = Math.sqrt(za * za + zc * zc); + if (s > 1e-5) + s = 1 / s; + za *= s; + zc *= s; + s = Math.sqrt(za * za + zc * zc); + if (this.inherit == Inherit.NoScale && pa * pd - pb * pc < 0 != (this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY < 0)) + s = -s; + rotation = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(zc, za); + const zb = Math.cos(rotation) * s; + const zd = Math.sin(rotation) * s; + shearX *= MathUtils.degRad; + shearY = (90 + shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + const la = Math.cos(shearX) * scaleX; + const lb = Math.cos(shearY) * scaleY; + const lc = Math.sin(shearX) * scaleX; + const ld = Math.sin(shearY) * scaleY; + this.a = za * la + zb * lc; + this.b = za * lb + zb * ld; + this.c = zc * la + zd * lc; + this.d = zc * lb + zd * ld; + break; + } + } + this.a *= this.skeleton.scaleX; + this.b *= this.skeleton.scaleX; + this.c *= this.skeleton.scaleY; + this.d *= this.skeleton.scaleY; + } + /** Sets this bone's local transform to the setup pose. */ + setToSetupPose() { + let data = this.data; + this.x = data.x; + this.y = data.y; + this.rotation = data.rotation; + this.scaleX = data.scaleX; + this.scaleY = data.scaleY; + this.shearX = data.shearX; + this.shearY = data.shearY; + this.inherit = data.inherit; + } + /** Computes the applied transform values from the world transform. + * + * If the world transform is modified (by a constraint, {@link #rotateWorld(float)}, etc) then this method should be called so + * the applied transform matches the world transform. The applied transform may be needed by other code (eg to apply other + * constraints). + * + * Some information is ambiguous in the world transform, such as -1,-1 scale versus 180 rotation. The applied transform after + * calling this method is equivalent to the local transform used to compute the world transform, but may not be identical. */ + updateAppliedTransform() { + let parent = this.parent; + if (!parent) { + this.ax = this.worldX - this.skeleton.x; + this.ay = this.worldY - this.skeleton.y; + this.arotation = Math.atan2(this.c, this.a) * MathUtils.radDeg; + this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(this.a * this.a + this.c * this.c); + this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(this.b * this.b + this.d * this.d); + this.ashearX = 0; + this.ashearY = Math.atan2(this.a * this.b + this.c * this.d, this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c) * MathUtils.radDeg; + return; + } + let pa = parent.a, pb = parent.b, pc = parent.c, pd = parent.d; + let pid = 1 / (pa * pd - pb * pc); + let ia = pd * pid, ib = pb * pid, ic = pc * pid, id = pa * pid; + let dx = this.worldX - parent.worldX, dy = this.worldY - parent.worldY; + this.ax = dx * ia - dy * ib; + this.ay = dy * id - dx * ic; + let ra, rb, rc, rd; + if (this.inherit == Inherit.OnlyTranslation) { + ra = this.a; + rb = this.b; + rc = this.c; + rd = this.d; + } else { + switch (this.inherit) { + case Inherit.NoRotationOrReflection: { + let s2 = Math.abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / (pa * pa + pc * pc); + let sa = pa / this.skeleton.scaleX; + let sc = pc / this.skeleton.scaleY; + pb = -sc * s2 * this.skeleton.scaleX; + pd = sa * s2 * this.skeleton.scaleY; + pid = 1 / (pa * pd - pb * pc); + ia = pd * pid; + ib = pb * pid; + break; + } + case Inherit.NoScale: + case Inherit.NoScaleOrReflection: + let cos = MathUtils.cosDeg(this.rotation), sin = MathUtils.sinDeg(this.rotation); + pa = (pa * cos + pb * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleX; + pc = (pc * cos + pd * sin) / this.skeleton.scaleY; + let s = Math.sqrt(pa * pa + pc * pc); + if (s > 1e-5) + s = 1 / s; + pa *= s; + pc *= s; + s = Math.sqrt(pa * pa + pc * pc); + if (this.inherit == Inherit.NoScale && pid < 0 != (this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY < 0)) + s = -s; + let r = MathUtils.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(pc, pa); + pb = Math.cos(r) * s; + pd = Math.sin(r) * s; + pid = 1 / (pa * pd - pb * pc); + ia = pd * pid; + ib = pb * pid; + ic = pc * pid; + id = pa * pid; + } + ra = ia * this.a - ib * this.c; + rb = ia * this.b - ib * this.d; + rc = id * this.c - ic * this.a; + rd = id * this.d - ic * this.b; + } + this.ashearX = 0; + this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(ra * ra + rc * rc); + if (this.ascaleX > 1e-4) { + let det = ra * rd - rb * rc; + this.ascaleY = det / this.ascaleX; + this.ashearY = -Math.atan2(ra * rb + rc * rd, det) * MathUtils.radDeg; + this.arotation = Math.atan2(rc, ra) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } else { + this.ascaleX = 0; + this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(rb * rb + rd * rd); + this.ashearY = 0; + this.arotation = 90 - Math.atan2(rd, rb) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + } + /** The world rotation for the X axis, calculated using {@link #a} and {@link #c}. */ + getWorldRotationX() { + return Math.atan2(this.c, this.a) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + /** The world rotation for the Y axis, calculated using {@link #b} and {@link #d}. */ + getWorldRotationY() { + return Math.atan2(this.d, this.b) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + /** The magnitude (always positive) of the world scale X, calculated using {@link #a} and {@link #c}. */ + getWorldScaleX() { + return Math.sqrt(this.a * this.a + this.c * this.c); + } + /** The magnitude (always positive) of the world scale Y, calculated using {@link #b} and {@link #d}. */ + getWorldScaleY() { + return Math.sqrt(this.b * this.b + this.d * this.d); + } + /** Transforms a point from world coordinates to the bone's local coordinates. */ + worldToLocal(world) { + let invDet = 1 / (this.a * this.d - this.b * this.c); + let x = world.x - this.worldX, y = world.y - this.worldY; + world.x = x * this.d * invDet - y * this.b * invDet; + world.y = y * this.a * invDet - x * this.c * invDet; + return world; + } + /** Transforms a point from the bone's local coordinates to world coordinates. */ + localToWorld(local) { + let x = local.x, y = local.y; + local.x = x * this.a + y * this.b + this.worldX; + local.y = x * this.c + y * this.d + this.worldY; + return local; + } + /** Transforms a point from world coordinates to the parent bone's local coordinates. */ + worldToParent(world) { + if (world == null) + throw new Error("world cannot be null."); + return this.parent == null ? world : this.parent.worldToLocal(world); + } + /** Transforms a point from the parent bone's coordinates to world coordinates. */ + parentToWorld(world) { + if (world == null) + throw new Error("world cannot be null."); + return this.parent == null ? world : this.parent.localToWorld(world); + } + /** Transforms a world rotation to a local rotation. */ + worldToLocalRotation(worldRotation) { + let sin = MathUtils.sinDeg(worldRotation), cos = MathUtils.cosDeg(worldRotation); + return Math.atan2(this.a * sin - this.c * cos, this.d * cos - this.b * sin) * MathUtils.radDeg + this.rotation - this.shearX; + } + /** Transforms a local rotation to a world rotation. */ + localToWorldRotation(localRotation) { + localRotation -= this.rotation - this.shearX; + let sin = MathUtils.sinDeg(localRotation), cos = MathUtils.cosDeg(localRotation); + return Math.atan2(cos * this.c + sin * this.d, cos * this.a + sin * this.b) * MathUtils.radDeg; + } + /** Rotates the world transform the specified amount. + *

+ * After changes are made to the world transform, {@link #updateAppliedTransform()} should be called and + * {@link #update(Physics)} will need to be called on any child bones, recursively. */ + rotateWorld(degrees) { + degrees *= MathUtils.degRad; + const sin = Math.sin(degrees), cos = Math.cos(degrees); + const ra = this.a, rb = this.b; + this.a = cos * ra - sin * this.c; + this.b = cos * rb - sin * this.d; + this.c = sin * ra + cos * this.c; + this.d = sin * rb + cos * this.d; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/ConstraintData.js + var ConstraintData = class { + name; + order; + skinRequired; + constructor(name, order, skinRequired) { + this.name = name; + this.order = order; + this.skinRequired = skinRequired; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/AssetManagerBase.js + var AssetManagerBase = class { + pathPrefix = ""; + textureLoader; + downloader; + assets = {}; + errors = {}; + toLoad = 0; + loaded = 0; + constructor(textureLoader, pathPrefix = "", downloader = new Downloader()) { + this.textureLoader = textureLoader; + this.pathPrefix = pathPrefix; + this.downloader = downloader; + } + start(path2) { + this.toLoad++; + return this.pathPrefix + path2; + } + success(callback, path2, asset) { + this.toLoad--; + this.loaded++; + this.assets[path2] = asset; + if (callback) + callback(path2, asset); + } + error(callback, path2, message) { + this.toLoad--; + this.loaded++; + this.errors[path2] = message; + if (callback) + callback(path2, message); + } + loadAll() { + let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + let check = () => { + if (this.isLoadingComplete()) { + if (this.hasErrors()) + reject(this.errors); + else + resolve(this); + return; + } + requestAnimationFrame(check); + }; + requestAnimationFrame(check); + }); + return promise; + } + setRawDataURI(path2, data) { + this.downloader.rawDataUris[this.pathPrefix + path2] = data; + } + loadBinary(path2, success = () => { + }, error = () => { + }) { + path2 = this.start(path2); + this.downloader.downloadBinary(path2, (data) => { + this.success(success, path2, data); + }, (status, responseText) => { + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load binary ${path2}: status ${status}, ${responseText}`); + }); + } + loadText(path2, success = () => { + }, error = () => { + }) { + path2 = this.start(path2); + this.downloader.downloadText(path2, (data) => { + this.success(success, path2, data); + }, (status, responseText) => { + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load text ${path2}: status ${status}, ${responseText}`); + }); + } + loadJson(path2, success = () => { + }, error = () => { + }) { + path2 = this.start(path2); + this.downloader.downloadJson(path2, (data) => { + this.success(success, path2, data); + }, (status, responseText) => { + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load JSON ${path2}: status ${status}, ${responseText}`); + }); + } + loadTexture(path2, success = () => { + }, error = () => { + }) { + path2 = this.start(path2); + let isBrowser = !!(typeof window !== "undefined" && typeof navigator !== "undefined" && window.document); + let isWebWorker = !isBrowser; + if (isWebWorker) { + fetch(path2, { mode: "cors" }).then((response) => { + if (response.ok) + return response.blob(); + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load image: ${path2}`); + return null; + }).then((blob) => { + return blob ? createImageBitmap(blob, { premultiplyAlpha: "none", colorSpaceConversion: "none" }) : null; + }).then((bitmap) => { + if (bitmap) + this.success(success, path2, this.textureLoader(bitmap)); + }); + } else { + let image = new Image(); + image.crossOrigin = "anonymous"; + image.onload = () => { + this.success(success, path2, this.textureLoader(image)); + }; + image.onerror = () => { + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load image: ${path2}`); + }; + if (this.downloader.rawDataUris[path2]) + path2 = this.downloader.rawDataUris[path2]; + image.src = path2; + } + } + loadTextureAtlas(path2, success = () => { + }, error = () => { + }, fileAlias) { + let index = path2.lastIndexOf("/"); + let parent = index >= 0 ? path2.substring(0, index + 1) : ""; + path2 = this.start(path2); + this.downloader.downloadText(path2, (atlasText) => { + try { + let atlas = new TextureAtlas(atlasText); + let toLoad = atlas.pages.length, abort = false; + for (let page of atlas.pages) { + this.loadTexture(!fileAlias ? parent + page.name : fileAlias[page.name], (imagePath, texture) => { + if (!abort) { + page.setTexture(texture); + if (--toLoad == 0) + this.success(success, path2, atlas); + } + }, (imagePath, message) => { + if (!abort) + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load texture atlas ${path2} page image: ${imagePath}`); + abort = true; + }); + } + } catch (e) { + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't parse texture atlas ${path2}: ${e.message}`); + } + }, (status, responseText) => { + this.error(error, path2, `Couldn't load texture atlas ${path2}: status ${status}, ${responseText}`); + }); + } + get(path2) { + return this.assets[this.pathPrefix + path2]; + } + require(path2) { + path2 = this.pathPrefix + path2; + let asset = this.assets[path2]; + if (asset) + return asset; + let error = this.errors[path2]; + throw Error("Asset not found: " + path2 + (error ? "\n" + error : "")); + } + remove(path2) { + path2 = this.pathPrefix + path2; + let asset = this.assets[path2]; + if (asset.dispose) + asset.dispose(); + delete this.assets[path2]; + return asset; + } + removeAll() { + for (let key in this.assets) { + let asset = this.assets[key]; + if (asset.dispose) + asset.dispose(); + } + this.assets = {}; + } + isLoadingComplete() { + return this.toLoad == 0; + } + getToLoad() { + return this.toLoad; + } + getLoaded() { + return this.loaded; + } + dispose() { + this.removeAll(); + } + hasErrors() { + return Object.keys(this.errors).length > 0; + } + getErrors() { + return this.errors; + } + }; + var Downloader = class { + callbacks = {}; + rawDataUris = {}; + dataUriToString(dataUri) { + if (!dataUri.startsWith("data:")) { + throw new Error("Not a data URI."); + } + let base64Idx = dataUri.indexOf("base64,"); + if (base64Idx != -1) { + base64Idx += "base64,".length; + return atob(dataUri.substr(base64Idx)); + } else { + return dataUri.substr(dataUri.indexOf(",") + 1); + } + } + base64ToUint8Array(base64) { + var binary_string = window.atob(base64); + var len = binary_string.length; + var bytes = new Uint8Array(len); + for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { + bytes[i] = binary_string.charCodeAt(i); + } + return bytes; + } + dataUriToUint8Array(dataUri) { + if (!dataUri.startsWith("data:")) { + throw new Error("Not a data URI."); + } + let base64Idx = dataUri.indexOf("base64,"); + if (base64Idx == -1) + throw new Error("Not a binary data URI."); + base64Idx += "base64,".length; + return this.base64ToUint8Array(dataUri.substr(base64Idx)); + } + downloadText(url, success, error) { + if (this.start(url, success, error)) + return; + if (this.rawDataUris[url]) { + try { + let dataUri = this.rawDataUris[url]; + this.finish(url, 200, this.dataUriToString(dataUri)); + } catch (e) { + this.finish(url, 400, JSON.stringify(e)); + } + return; + } + let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); + request.overrideMimeType("text/html"); + request.open("GET", url, true); + let done = () => { + this.finish(url, request.status, request.responseText); + }; + request.onload = done; + request.onerror = done; + request.send(); + } + downloadJson(url, success, error) { + this.downloadText(url, (data) => { + success(JSON.parse(data)); + }, error); + } + downloadBinary(url, success, error) { + if (this.start(url, success, error)) + return; + if (this.rawDataUris[url]) { + try { + let dataUri = this.rawDataUris[url]; + this.finish(url, 200, this.dataUriToUint8Array(dataUri)); + } catch (e) { + this.finish(url, 400, JSON.stringify(e)); + } + return; + } + let request = new XMLHttpRequest(); + request.open("GET", url, true); + request.responseType = "arraybuffer"; + let onerror = () => { + this.finish(url, request.status, request.response); + }; + request.onload = () => { + if (request.status == 200 || request.status == 0) + this.finish(url, 200, new Uint8Array(request.response)); + else + onerror(); + }; + request.onerror = onerror; + request.send(); + } + start(url, success, error) { + let callbacks = this.callbacks[url]; + try { + if (callbacks) + return true; + this.callbacks[url] = callbacks = []; + } finally { + callbacks.push(success, error); + } + } + finish(url, status, data) { + let callbacks = this.callbacks[url]; + delete this.callbacks[url]; + let args = status == 200 || status == 0 ? [data] : [status, data]; + for (let i = args.length - 1, n = callbacks.length; i < n; i += 2) + callbacks[i].apply(null, args); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Event.js + var Event = class { + data; + intValue = 0; + floatValue = 0; + stringValue = null; + time = 0; + volume = 0; + balance = 0; + constructor(time, data) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + this.time = time; + this.data = data; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/EventData.js + var EventData = class { + name; + intValue = 0; + floatValue = 0; + stringValue = null; + audioPath = null; + volume = 0; + balance = 0; + constructor(name) { + this.name = name; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/IkConstraint.js + var IkConstraint = class { + /** The IK constraint's setup pose data. */ + data; + /** The bones that will be modified by this IK constraint. */ + bones; + /** The bone that is the IK target. */ + target; + /** Controls the bend direction of the IK bones, either 1 or -1. */ + bendDirection = 0; + /** When true and only a single bone is being constrained, if the target is too close, the bone is scaled to reach it. */ + compress = false; + /** When true, if the target is out of range, the parent bone is scaled to reach it. If more than one bone is being constrained + * and the parent bone has local nonuniform scale, stretch is not applied. */ + stretch = false; + /** A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained rotations. */ + mix = 1; + /** For two bone IK, the distance from the maximum reach of the bones that rotation will slow. */ + softness = 0; + active = false; + constructor(data, skeleton) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + this.data = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.bones.length; i++) { + let bone = skeleton.findBone(data.bones[i].name); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${data.bones[i].name}`); + this.bones.push(bone); + } + let target = skeleton.findBone(data.target.name); + if (!target) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${data.target.name}`); + this.target = target; + this.mix = data.mix; + this.softness = data.softness; + this.bendDirection = data.bendDirection; + this.compress = data.compress; + this.stretch = data.stretch; + } + isActive() { + return this.active; + } + setToSetupPose() { + const data = this.data; + this.mix = data.mix; + this.softness = data.softness; + this.bendDirection = data.bendDirection; + this.compress = data.compress; + this.stretch = data.stretch; + } + update(physics) { + if (this.mix == 0) + return; + let target = this.target; + let bones = this.bones; + switch (bones.length) { + case 1: + this.apply1(bones[0], target.worldX, target.worldY, this.compress, this.stretch, this.data.uniform, this.mix); + break; + case 2: + this.apply2(bones[0], bones[1], target.worldX, target.worldY, this.bendDirection, this.stretch, this.data.uniform, this.softness, this.mix); + break; + } + } + /** Applies 1 bone IK. The target is specified in the world coordinate system. */ + apply1(bone, targetX, targetY, compress, stretch, uniform, alpha) { + let p = bone.parent; + if (!p) + throw new Error("IK bone must have parent."); + let pa = p.a, pb = p.b, pc = p.c, pd = p.d; + let rotationIK = -bone.ashearX - bone.arotation, tx = 0, ty = 0; + switch (bone.inherit) { + case Inherit.OnlyTranslation: + tx = (targetX - bone.worldX) * MathUtils.signum(bone.skeleton.scaleX); + ty = (targetY - bone.worldY) * MathUtils.signum(bone.skeleton.scaleY); + break; + case Inherit.NoRotationOrReflection: + let s = Math.abs(pa * pd - pb * pc) / Math.max(1e-4, pa * pa + pc * pc); + let sa = pa / bone.skeleton.scaleX; + let sc = pc / bone.skeleton.scaleY; + pb = -sc * s * bone.skeleton.scaleX; + pd = sa * s * bone.skeleton.scaleY; + rotationIK += Math.atan2(sc, sa) * MathUtils.radDeg; + default: + let x = targetX - p.worldX, y = targetY - p.worldY; + let d = pa * pd - pb * pc; + if (Math.abs(d) <= 1e-4) { + tx = 0; + ty = 0; + } else { + tx = (x * pd - y * pb) / d - bone.ax; + ty = (y * pa - x * pc) / d - bone.ay; + } + } + rotationIK += Math.atan2(ty, tx) * MathUtils.radDeg; + if (bone.ascaleX < 0) + rotationIK += 180; + if (rotationIK > 180) + rotationIK -= 360; + else if (rotationIK < -180) + rotationIK += 360; + let sx = bone.ascaleX, sy = bone.ascaleY; + if (compress || stretch) { + switch (bone.inherit) { + case Inherit.NoScale: + case Inherit.NoScaleOrReflection: + tx = targetX - bone.worldX; + ty = targetY - bone.worldY; + } + const b = bone.data.length * sx; + if (b > 1e-4) { + const dd = tx * tx + ty * ty; + if (compress && dd < b * b || stretch && dd > b * b) { + const s = (Math.sqrt(dd) / b - 1) * alpha + 1; + sx *= s; + if (uniform) + sy *= s; + } + } + } + bone.updateWorldTransformWith(bone.ax, bone.ay, bone.arotation + rotationIK * alpha, sx, sy, bone.ashearX, bone.ashearY); + } + /** Applies 2 bone IK. The target is specified in the world coordinate system. + * @param child A direct descendant of the parent bone. */ + apply2(parent, child, targetX, targetY, bendDir, stretch, uniform, softness, alpha) { + if (parent.inherit != Inherit.Normal || child.inherit != Inherit.Normal) + return; + let px = parent.ax, py = parent.ay, psx = parent.ascaleX, psy = parent.ascaleY, sx = psx, sy = psy, csx = child.ascaleX; + let os1 = 0, os2 = 0, s2 = 0; + if (psx < 0) { + psx = -psx; + os1 = 180; + s2 = -1; + } else { + os1 = 0; + s2 = 1; + } + if (psy < 0) { + psy = -psy; + s2 = -s2; + } + if (csx < 0) { + csx = -csx; + os2 = 180; + } else + os2 = 0; + let cx = child.ax, cy = 0, cwx = 0, cwy = 0, a = parent.a, b = parent.b, c = parent.c, d = parent.d; + let u = Math.abs(psx - psy) <= 1e-4; + if (!u || stretch) { + cy = 0; + cwx = a * cx + parent.worldX; + cwy = c * cx + parent.worldY; + } else { + cy = child.ay; + cwx = a * cx + b * cy + parent.worldX; + cwy = c * cx + d * cy + parent.worldY; + } + let pp = parent.parent; + if (!pp) + throw new Error("IK parent must itself have a parent."); + a = pp.a; + b = pp.b; + c = pp.c; + d = pp.d; + let id = a * d - b * c, x = cwx - pp.worldX, y = cwy - pp.worldY; + id = Math.abs(id) <= 1e-4 ? 0 : 1 / id; + let dx = (x * d - y * b) * id - px, dy = (y * a - x * c) * id - py; + let l1 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy), l2 = child.data.length * csx, a1, a2; + if (l1 < 1e-4) { + this.apply1(parent, targetX, targetY, false, stretch, false, alpha); + child.updateWorldTransformWith(cx, cy, 0, child.ascaleX, child.ascaleY, child.ashearX, child.ashearY); + return; + } + x = targetX - pp.worldX; + y = targetY - pp.worldY; + let tx = (x * d - y * b) * id - px, ty = (y * a - x * c) * id - py; + let dd = tx * tx + ty * ty; + if (softness != 0) { + softness *= psx * (csx + 1) * 0.5; + let td = Math.sqrt(dd), sd = td - l1 - l2 * psx + softness; + if (sd > 0) { + let p = Math.min(1, sd / (softness * 2)) - 1; + p = (sd - softness * (1 - p * p)) / td; + tx -= p * tx; + ty -= p * ty; + dd = tx * tx + ty * ty; + } + } + outer: + if (u) { + l2 *= psx; + let cos = (dd - l1 * l1 - l2 * l2) / (2 * l1 * l2); + if (cos < -1) { + cos = -1; + a2 = Math.PI * bendDir; + } else if (cos > 1) { + cos = 1; + a2 = 0; + if (stretch) { + a = (Math.sqrt(dd) / (l1 + l2) - 1) * alpha + 1; + sx *= a; + if (uniform) + sy *= a; + } + } else + a2 = Math.acos(cos) * bendDir; + a = l1 + l2 * cos; + b = l2 * Math.sin(a2); + a1 = Math.atan2(ty * a - tx * b, tx * a + ty * b); + } else { + a = psx * l2; + b = psy * l2; + let aa = a * a, bb = b * b, ta = Math.atan2(ty, tx); + c = bb * l1 * l1 + aa * dd - aa * bb; + let c1 = -2 * bb * l1, c2 = bb - aa; + d = c1 * c1 - 4 * c2 * c; + if (d >= 0) { + let q = Math.sqrt(d); + if (c1 < 0) + q = -q; + q = -(c1 + q) * 0.5; + let r0 = q / c2, r1 = c / q; + let r = Math.abs(r0) < Math.abs(r1) ? r0 : r1; + if (r * r <= dd) { + y = Math.sqrt(dd - r * r) * bendDir; + a1 = ta - Math.atan2(y, r); + a2 = Math.atan2(y / psy, (r - l1) / psx); + break outer; + } + } + let minAngle = MathUtils.PI, minX = l1 - a, minDist = minX * minX, minY = 0; + let maxAngle = 0, maxX = l1 + a, maxDist = maxX * maxX, maxY = 0; + c = -a * l1 / (aa - bb); + if (c >= -1 && c <= 1) { + c = Math.acos(c); + x = a * Math.cos(c) + l1; + y = b * Math.sin(c); + d = x * x + y * y; + if (d < minDist) { + minAngle = c; + minDist = d; + minX = x; + minY = y; + } + if (d > maxDist) { + maxAngle = c; + maxDist = d; + maxX = x; + maxY = y; + } + } + if (dd <= (minDist + maxDist) * 0.5) { + a1 = ta - Math.atan2(minY * bendDir, minX); + a2 = minAngle * bendDir; + } else { + a1 = ta - Math.atan2(maxY * bendDir, maxX); + a2 = maxAngle * bendDir; + } + } + let os = Math.atan2(cy, cx) * s2; + let rotation = parent.arotation; + a1 = (a1 - os) * MathUtils.radDeg + os1 - rotation; + if (a1 > 180) + a1 -= 360; + else if (a1 < -180) + a1 += 360; + parent.updateWorldTransformWith(px, py, rotation + a1 * alpha, sx, sy, 0, 0); + rotation = child.arotation; + a2 = ((a2 + os) * MathUtils.radDeg - child.ashearX) * s2 + os2 - rotation; + if (a2 > 180) + a2 -= 360; + else if (a2 < -180) + a2 += 360; + child.updateWorldTransformWith(cx, cy, rotation + a2 * alpha, child.ascaleX, child.ascaleY, child.ashearX, child.ashearY); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/IkConstraintData.js + var IkConstraintData = class extends ConstraintData { + /** The bones that are constrained by this IK constraint. */ + bones = new Array(); + /** The bone that is the IK target. */ + _target = null; + set target(boneData) { + this._target = boneData; + } + get target() { + if (!this._target) + throw new Error("BoneData not set."); + else + return this._target; + } + /** Controls the bend direction of the IK bones, either 1 or -1. */ + bendDirection = 0; + /** When true and only a single bone is being constrained, if the target is too close, the bone is scaled to reach it. */ + compress = false; + /** When true, if the target is out of range, the parent bone is scaled to reach it. If more than one bone is being constrained + * and the parent bone has local nonuniform scale, stretch is not applied. */ + stretch = false; + /** When true, only a single bone is being constrained, and {@link #getCompress()} or {@link #getStretch()} is used, the bone + * is scaled on both the X and Y axes. */ + uniform = false; + /** A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained rotations. */ + mix = 0; + /** For two bone IK, the distance from the maximum reach of the bones that rotation will slow. */ + softness = 0; + constructor(name) { + super(name, 0, false); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/PathConstraintData.js + var PathConstraintData = class extends ConstraintData { + /** The bones that will be modified by this path constraint. */ + bones = new Array(); + /** The slot whose path attachment will be used to constrained the bones. */ + _target = null; + set target(slotData) { + this._target = slotData; + } + get target() { + if (!this._target) + throw new Error("SlotData not set."); + else + return this._target; + } + /** The mode for positioning the first bone on the path. */ + positionMode = PositionMode.Fixed; + /** The mode for positioning the bones after the first bone on the path. */ + spacingMode = SpacingMode.Fixed; + /** The mode for adjusting the rotation of the bones. */ + rotateMode = RotateMode.Chain; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone rotation. */ + offsetRotation = 0; + /** The position along the path. */ + position = 0; + /** The spacing between bones. */ + spacing = 0; + mixRotate = 0; + mixX = 0; + mixY = 0; + constructor(name) { + super(name, 0, false); + } + }; + var PositionMode; + (function(PositionMode2) { + PositionMode2[PositionMode2["Fixed"] = 0] = "Fixed"; + PositionMode2[PositionMode2["Percent"] = 1] = "Percent"; + })(PositionMode || (PositionMode = {})); + var SpacingMode; + (function(SpacingMode2) { + SpacingMode2[SpacingMode2["Length"] = 0] = "Length"; + SpacingMode2[SpacingMode2["Fixed"] = 1] = "Fixed"; + SpacingMode2[SpacingMode2["Percent"] = 2] = "Percent"; + SpacingMode2[SpacingMode2["Proportional"] = 3] = "Proportional"; + })(SpacingMode || (SpacingMode = {})); + var RotateMode; + (function(RotateMode2) { + RotateMode2[RotateMode2["Tangent"] = 0] = "Tangent"; + RotateMode2[RotateMode2["Chain"] = 1] = "Chain"; + RotateMode2[RotateMode2["ChainScale"] = 2] = "ChainScale"; + })(RotateMode || (RotateMode = {})); + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/PathConstraint.js + var PathConstraint = class _PathConstraint { + static NONE = -1; + static BEFORE = -2; + static AFTER = -3; + static epsilon = 1e-5; + /** The path constraint's setup pose data. */ + data; + /** The bones that will be modified by this path constraint. */ + bones; + /** The slot whose path attachment will be used to constrained the bones. */ + target; + /** The position along the path. */ + position = 0; + /** The spacing between bones. */ + spacing = 0; + mixRotate = 0; + mixX = 0; + mixY = 0; + spaces = new Array(); + positions = new Array(); + world = new Array(); + curves = new Array(); + lengths = new Array(); + segments = new Array(); + active = false; + constructor(data, skeleton) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + this.data = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (let i = 0, n = data.bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = skeleton.findBone(data.bones[i].name); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${data.bones[i].name}.`); + this.bones.push(bone); + } + let target = skeleton.findSlot(data.target.name); + if (!target) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${data.target.name}`); + this.target = target; + this.position = data.position; + this.spacing = data.spacing; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + } + isActive() { + return this.active; + } + setToSetupPose() { + const data = this.data; + this.position = data.position; + this.spacing = data.spacing; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + } + update(physics) { + let attachment = this.target.getAttachment(); + if (!(attachment instanceof PathAttachment)) + return; + let mixRotate = this.mixRotate, mixX = this.mixX, mixY = this.mixY; + if (mixRotate == 0 && mixX == 0 && mixY == 0) + return; + let data = this.data; + let tangents = data.rotateMode == RotateMode.Tangent, scale = data.rotateMode == RotateMode.ChainScale; + let bones = this.bones; + let boneCount = bones.length, spacesCount = tangents ? boneCount : boneCount + 1; + let spaces = Utils.setArraySize(this.spaces, spacesCount), lengths = scale ? this.lengths = Utils.setArraySize(this.lengths, boneCount) : []; + let spacing = this.spacing; + switch (data.spacingMode) { + case SpacingMode.Percent: + if (scale) { + for (let i = 0, n = spacesCount - 1; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + let setupLength = bone.data.length; + let x = setupLength * bone.a, y = setupLength * bone.c; + lengths[i] = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); + } + } + Utils.arrayFill(spaces, 1, spacesCount, spacing); + break; + case SpacingMode.Proportional: + let sum = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = spacesCount - 1; i < n; ) { + let bone = bones[i]; + let setupLength = bone.data.length; + if (setupLength < _PathConstraint.epsilon) { + if (scale) + lengths[i] = 0; + spaces[++i] = spacing; + } else { + let x = setupLength * bone.a, y = setupLength * bone.c; + let length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); + if (scale) + lengths[i] = length; + spaces[++i] = length; + sum += length; + } + } + if (sum > 0) { + sum = spacesCount / sum * spacing; + for (let i = 1; i < spacesCount; i++) + spaces[i] *= sum; + } + break; + default: + let lengthSpacing = data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length; + for (let i = 0, n = spacesCount - 1; i < n; ) { + let bone = bones[i]; + let setupLength = bone.data.length; + if (setupLength < _PathConstraint.epsilon) { + if (scale) + lengths[i] = 0; + spaces[++i] = spacing; + } else { + let x = setupLength * bone.a, y = setupLength * bone.c; + let length = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); + if (scale) + lengths[i] = length; + spaces[++i] = (lengthSpacing ? setupLength + spacing : spacing) * length / setupLength; + } + } + } + let positions = this.computeWorldPositions(attachment, spacesCount, tangents); + let boneX = positions[0], boneY = positions[1], offsetRotation = data.offsetRotation; + let tip = false; + if (offsetRotation == 0) + tip = data.rotateMode == RotateMode.Chain; + else { + tip = false; + let p = this.target.bone; + offsetRotation *= p.a * p.d - p.b * p.c > 0 ? MathUtils.degRad : -MathUtils.degRad; + } + for (let i = 0, p = 3; i < boneCount; i++, p += 3) { + let bone = bones[i]; + bone.worldX += (boneX - bone.worldX) * mixX; + bone.worldY += (boneY - bone.worldY) * mixY; + let x = positions[p], y = positions[p + 1], dx = x - boneX, dy = y - boneY; + if (scale) { + let length = lengths[i]; + if (length != 0) { + let s = (Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / length - 1) * mixRotate + 1; + bone.a *= s; + bone.c *= s; + } + } + boneX = x; + boneY = y; + if (mixRotate > 0) { + let a = bone.a, b = bone.b, c = bone.c, d = bone.d, r = 0, cos = 0, sin = 0; + if (tangents) + r = positions[p - 1]; + else if (spaces[i + 1] == 0) + r = positions[p + 2]; + else + r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); + r -= Math.atan2(c, a); + if (tip) { + cos = Math.cos(r); + sin = Math.sin(r); + let length = bone.data.length; + boneX += (length * (cos * a - sin * c) - dx) * mixRotate; + boneY += (length * (sin * a + cos * c) - dy) * mixRotate; + } else { + r += offsetRotation; + } + if (r > MathUtils.PI) + r -= MathUtils.PI2; + else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) + r += MathUtils.PI2; + r *= mixRotate; + cos = Math.cos(r); + sin = Math.sin(r); + bone.a = cos * a - sin * c; + bone.b = cos * b - sin * d; + bone.c = sin * a + cos * c; + bone.d = sin * b + cos * d; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + } + computeWorldPositions(path2, spacesCount, tangents) { + let target = this.target; + let position = this.position; + let spaces = this.spaces, out = Utils.setArraySize(this.positions, spacesCount * 3 + 2), world = this.world; + let closed2 = path2.closed; + let verticesLength = path2.worldVerticesLength, curveCount = verticesLength / 6, prevCurve = _PathConstraint.NONE; + if (!path2.constantSpeed) { + let lengths = path2.lengths; + curveCount -= closed2 ? 1 : 2; + let pathLength2 = lengths[curveCount]; + if (this.data.positionMode == PositionMode.Percent) + position *= pathLength2; + let multiplier2; + switch (this.data.spacingMode) { + case SpacingMode.Percent: + multiplier2 = pathLength2; + break; + case SpacingMode.Proportional: + multiplier2 = pathLength2 / spacesCount; + break; + default: + multiplier2 = 1; + } + world = Utils.setArraySize(this.world, 8); + for (let i = 0, o = 0, curve = 0; i < spacesCount; i++, o += 3) { + let space = spaces[i] * multiplier2; + position += space; + let p = position; + if (closed2) { + p %= pathLength2; + if (p < 0) + p += pathLength2; + curve = 0; + } else if (p < 0) { + if (prevCurve != _PathConstraint.BEFORE) { + prevCurve = _PathConstraint.BEFORE; + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, 2, 4, world, 0, 2); + } + this.addBeforePosition(p, world, 0, out, o); + continue; + } else if (p > pathLength2) { + if (prevCurve != _PathConstraint.AFTER) { + prevCurve = _PathConstraint.AFTER; + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, verticesLength - 6, 4, world, 0, 2); + } + this.addAfterPosition(p - pathLength2, world, 0, out, o); + continue; + } + for (; ; curve++) { + let length = lengths[curve]; + if (p > length) + continue; + if (curve == 0) + p /= length; + else { + let prev = lengths[curve - 1]; + p = (p - prev) / (length - prev); + } + break; + } + if (curve != prevCurve) { + prevCurve = curve; + if (closed2 && curve == curveCount) { + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, verticesLength - 4, 4, world, 0, 2); + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, 0, 4, world, 4, 2); + } else + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, curve * 6 + 2, 8, world, 0, 2); + } + this.addCurvePosition(p, world[0], world[1], world[2], world[3], world[4], world[5], world[6], world[7], out, o, tangents || i > 0 && space == 0); + } + return out; + } + if (closed2) { + verticesLength += 2; + world = Utils.setArraySize(this.world, verticesLength); + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, 2, verticesLength - 4, world, 0, 2); + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, 0, 2, world, verticesLength - 4, 2); + world[verticesLength - 2] = world[0]; + world[verticesLength - 1] = world[1]; + } else { + curveCount--; + verticesLength -= 4; + world = Utils.setArraySize(this.world, verticesLength); + path2.computeWorldVertices(target, 2, verticesLength, world, 0, 2); + } + let curves = Utils.setArraySize(this.curves, curveCount); + let pathLength = 0; + let x1 = world[0], y1 = world[1], cx1 = 0, cy1 = 0, cx2 = 0, cy2 = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0; + let tmpx = 0, tmpy = 0, dddfx = 0, dddfy = 0, ddfx = 0, ddfy = 0, dfx = 0, dfy = 0; + for (let i = 0, w = 2; i < curveCount; i++, w += 6) { + cx1 = world[w]; + cy1 = world[w + 1]; + cx2 = world[w + 2]; + cy2 = world[w + 3]; + x2 = world[w + 4]; + y2 = world[w + 5]; + tmpx = (x1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.1875; + tmpy = (y1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.1875; + dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - x1 + x2) * 0.09375; + dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - y1 + y2) * 0.09375; + ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx; + ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy; + dfx = (cx1 - x1) * 0.75 + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667; + dfy = (cy1 - y1) * 0.75 + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + ddfx += dddfx; + ddfy += dddfy; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + dfx += ddfx + dddfx; + dfy += ddfy + dddfy; + pathLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + curves[i] = pathLength; + x1 = x2; + y1 = y2; + } + if (this.data.positionMode == PositionMode.Percent) + position *= pathLength; + let multiplier; + switch (this.data.spacingMode) { + case SpacingMode.Percent: + multiplier = pathLength; + break; + case SpacingMode.Proportional: + multiplier = pathLength / spacesCount; + break; + default: + multiplier = 1; + } + let segments = this.segments; + let curveLength = 0; + for (let i = 0, o = 0, curve = 0, segment = 0; i < spacesCount; i++, o += 3) { + let space = spaces[i] * multiplier; + position += space; + let p = position; + if (closed2) { + p %= pathLength; + if (p < 0) + p += pathLength; + curve = 0; + } else if (p < 0) { + this.addBeforePosition(p, world, 0, out, o); + continue; + } else if (p > pathLength) { + this.addAfterPosition(p - pathLength, world, verticesLength - 4, out, o); + continue; + } + for (; ; curve++) { + let length = curves[curve]; + if (p > length) + continue; + if (curve == 0) + p /= length; + else { + let prev = curves[curve - 1]; + p = (p - prev) / (length - prev); + } + break; + } + if (curve != prevCurve) { + prevCurve = curve; + let ii = curve * 6; + x1 = world[ii]; + y1 = world[ii + 1]; + cx1 = world[ii + 2]; + cy1 = world[ii + 3]; + cx2 = world[ii + 4]; + cy2 = world[ii + 5]; + x2 = world[ii + 6]; + y2 = world[ii + 7]; + tmpx = (x1 - cx1 * 2 + cx2) * 0.03; + tmpy = (y1 - cy1 * 2 + cy2) * 0.03; + dddfx = ((cx1 - cx2) * 3 - x1 + x2) * 6e-3; + dddfy = ((cy1 - cy2) * 3 - y1 + y2) * 6e-3; + ddfx = tmpx * 2 + dddfx; + ddfy = tmpy * 2 + dddfy; + dfx = (cx1 - x1) * 0.3 + tmpx + dddfx * 0.16666667; + dfy = (cy1 - y1) * 0.3 + tmpy + dddfy * 0.16666667; + curveLength = Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[0] = curveLength; + for (ii = 1; ii < 8; ii++) { + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + ddfx += dddfx; + ddfy += dddfy; + curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[ii] = curveLength; + } + dfx += ddfx; + dfy += ddfy; + curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[8] = curveLength; + dfx += ddfx + dddfx; + dfy += ddfy + dddfy; + curveLength += Math.sqrt(dfx * dfx + dfy * dfy); + segments[9] = curveLength; + segment = 0; + } + p *= curveLength; + for (; ; segment++) { + let length = segments[segment]; + if (p > length) + continue; + if (segment == 0) + p /= length; + else { + let prev = segments[segment - 1]; + p = segment + (p - prev) / (length - prev); + } + break; + } + this.addCurvePosition(p * 0.1, x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, out, o, tangents || i > 0 && space == 0); + } + return out; + } + addBeforePosition(p, temp, i, out, o) { + let x1 = temp[i], y1 = temp[i + 1], dx = temp[i + 2] - x1, dy = temp[i + 3] - y1, r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); + out[o] = x1 + p * Math.cos(r); + out[o + 1] = y1 + p * Math.sin(r); + out[o + 2] = r; + } + addAfterPosition(p, temp, i, out, o) { + let x1 = temp[i + 2], y1 = temp[i + 3], dx = x1 - temp[i], dy = y1 - temp[i + 1], r = Math.atan2(dy, dx); + out[o] = x1 + p * Math.cos(r); + out[o + 1] = y1 + p * Math.sin(r); + out[o + 2] = r; + } + addCurvePosition(p, x1, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2, out, o, tangents) { + if (p == 0 || isNaN(p)) { + out[o] = x1; + out[o + 1] = y1; + out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(cy1 - y1, cx1 - x1); + return; + } + let tt = p * p, ttt = tt * p, u = 1 - p, uu = u * u, uuu = uu * u; + let ut = u * p, ut3 = ut * 3, uut3 = u * ut3, utt3 = ut3 * p; + let x = x1 * uuu + cx1 * uut3 + cx2 * utt3 + x2 * ttt, y = y1 * uuu + cy1 * uut3 + cy2 * utt3 + y2 * ttt; + out[o] = x; + out[o + 1] = y; + if (tangents) { + if (p < 1e-3) + out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(cy1 - y1, cx1 - x1); + else + out[o + 2] = Math.atan2(y - (y1 * uu + cy1 * ut * 2 + cy2 * tt), x - (x1 * uu + cx1 * ut * 2 + cx2 * tt)); + } + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/PhysicsConstraint.js + var PhysicsConstraint = class { + data; + _bone = null; + /** The bone constrained by this physics constraint. */ + set bone(bone) { + this._bone = bone; + } + get bone() { + if (!this._bone) + throw new Error("Bone not set."); + else + return this._bone; + } + inertia = 0; + strength = 0; + damping = 0; + massInverse = 0; + wind = 0; + gravity = 0; + mix = 0; + _reset = true; + ux = 0; + uy = 0; + cx = 0; + cy = 0; + tx = 0; + ty = 0; + xOffset = 0; + xVelocity = 0; + yOffset = 0; + yVelocity = 0; + rotateOffset = 0; + rotateVelocity = 0; + scaleOffset = 0; + scaleVelocity = 0; + active = false; + skeleton; + remaining = 0; + lastTime = 0; + constructor(data, skeleton) { + this.data = data; + this.skeleton = skeleton; + this.bone = skeleton.bones[data.bone.index]; + this.inertia = data.inertia; + this.strength = data.strength; + this.damping = data.damping; + this.massInverse = data.massInverse; + this.wind = data.wind; + this.gravity = data.gravity; + this.mix = data.mix; + } + reset() { + this.remaining = 0; + this.lastTime = this.skeleton.time; + this._reset = true; + this.xOffset = 0; + this.xVelocity = 0; + this.yOffset = 0; + this.yVelocity = 0; + this.rotateOffset = 0; + this.rotateVelocity = 0; + this.scaleOffset = 0; + this.scaleVelocity = 0; + } + setToSetupPose() { + const data = this.data; + this.inertia = data.inertia; + this.strength = data.strength; + this.damping = data.damping; + this.massInverse = data.massInverse; + this.wind = data.wind; + this.gravity = data.gravity; + this.mix = data.mix; + } + isActive() { + return this.active; + } + /** Applies the constraint to the constrained bones. */ + update(physics) { + const mix = this.mix; + if (mix == 0) + return; + const x = this.data.x > 0, y = this.data.y > 0, rotateOrShearX = this.data.rotate > 0 || this.data.shearX > 0, scaleX = this.data.scaleX > 0; + const bone = this.bone; + const l = bone.data.length; + switch (physics) { + case Physics.none: + return; + case Physics.reset: + this.reset(); + case Physics.update: + const delta = Math.max(this.skeleton.time - this.lastTime, 0); + this.remaining += delta; + this.lastTime = this.skeleton.time; + const bx = bone.worldX, by = bone.worldY; + if (this._reset) { + this._reset = false; + this.ux = bx; + this.uy = by; + } else { + let a = this.remaining, i = this.inertia, q = this.data.limit * delta, t = this.data.step, f = this.skeleton.data.referenceScale, d = -1; + if (x || y) { + if (x) { + const u = (this.ux - bx) * i; + this.xOffset += u > q ? q : u < -q ? -q : u; + this.ux = bx; + } + if (y) { + const u = (this.uy - by) * i; + this.yOffset += u > q ? q : u < -q ? -q : u; + this.uy = by; + } + if (a >= t) { + d = Math.pow(this.damping, 60 * t); + const m = this.massInverse * t, e = this.strength, w = this.wind * f, g = (Skeleton.yDown ? -this.gravity : this.gravity) * f; + do { + if (x) { + this.xVelocity += (w - this.xOffset * e) * m; + this.xOffset += this.xVelocity * t; + this.xVelocity *= d; + } + if (y) { + this.yVelocity -= (g + this.yOffset * e) * m; + this.yOffset += this.yVelocity * t; + this.yVelocity *= d; + } + a -= t; + } while (a >= t); + } + if (x) + bone.worldX += this.xOffset * mix * this.data.x; + if (y) + bone.worldY += this.yOffset * mix * this.data.y; + } + if (rotateOrShearX || scaleX) { + let ca = Math.atan2(bone.c, bone.a), c = 0, s = 0, mr = 0; + let dx = this.cx - bone.worldX, dy = this.cy - bone.worldY; + if (dx > q) + dx = q; + else if (dx < -q) + dx = -q; + if (dy > q) + dy = q; + else if (dy < -q) + dy = -q; + if (rotateOrShearX) { + mr = (this.data.rotate + this.data.shearX) * mix; + let r = Math.atan2(dy + this.ty, dx + this.tx) - ca - this.rotateOffset * mr; + this.rotateOffset += (r - Math.ceil(r * MathUtils.invPI2 - 0.5) * MathUtils.PI2) * i; + r = this.rotateOffset * mr + ca; + c = Math.cos(r); + s = Math.sin(r); + if (scaleX) { + r = l * bone.getWorldScaleX(); + if (r > 0) + this.scaleOffset += (dx * c + dy * s) * i / r; + } + } else { + c = Math.cos(ca); + s = Math.sin(ca); + const r = l * bone.getWorldScaleX(); + if (r > 0) + this.scaleOffset += (dx * c + dy * s) * i / r; + } + a = this.remaining; + if (a >= t) { + if (d == -1) + d = Math.pow(this.damping, 60 * t); + const m = this.massInverse * t, e = this.strength, w = this.wind, g = Skeleton.yDown ? -this.gravity : this.gravity, h = l / f; + while (true) { + a -= t; + if (scaleX) { + this.scaleVelocity += (w * c - g * s - this.scaleOffset * e) * m; + this.scaleOffset += this.scaleVelocity * t; + this.scaleVelocity *= d; + } + if (rotateOrShearX) { + this.rotateVelocity -= ((w * s + g * c) * h + this.rotateOffset * e) * m; + this.rotateOffset += this.rotateVelocity * t; + this.rotateVelocity *= d; + if (a < t) + break; + const r = this.rotateOffset * mr + ca; + c = Math.cos(r); + s = Math.sin(r); + } else if (a < t) + break; + } + } + } + this.remaining = a; + } + this.cx = bone.worldX; + this.cy = bone.worldY; + break; + case Physics.pose: + if (x) + bone.worldX += this.xOffset * mix * this.data.x; + if (y) + bone.worldY += this.yOffset * mix * this.data.y; + } + if (rotateOrShearX) { + let o = this.rotateOffset * mix, s = 0, c = 0, a = 0; + if (this.data.shearX > 0) { + let r = 0; + if (this.data.rotate > 0) { + r = o * this.data.rotate; + s = Math.sin(r); + c = Math.cos(r); + a = bone.b; + bone.b = c * a - s * bone.d; + bone.d = s * a + c * bone.d; + } + r += o * this.data.shearX; + s = Math.sin(r); + c = Math.cos(r); + a = bone.a; + bone.a = c * a - s * bone.c; + bone.c = s * a + c * bone.c; + } else { + o *= this.data.rotate; + s = Math.sin(o); + c = Math.cos(o); + a = bone.a; + bone.a = c * a - s * bone.c; + bone.c = s * a + c * bone.c; + a = bone.b; + bone.b = c * a - s * bone.d; + bone.d = s * a + c * bone.d; + } + } + if (scaleX) { + const s = 1 + this.scaleOffset * mix * this.data.scaleX; + bone.a *= s; + bone.c *= s; + } + if (physics != Physics.pose) { + this.tx = l * bone.a; + this.ty = l * bone.c; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + /** Translates the physics constraint so next {@link #update(Physics)} forces are applied as if the bone moved an additional + * amount in world space. */ + translate(x, y) { + this.ux -= x; + this.uy -= y; + this.cx -= x; + this.cy -= y; + } + /** Rotates the physics constraint so next {@link #update(Physics)} forces are applied as if the bone rotated around the + * specified point in world space. */ + rotate(x, y, degrees) { + const r = degrees * MathUtils.degRad, cos = Math.cos(r), sin = Math.sin(r); + const dx = this.cx - x, dy = this.cy - y; + this.translate(dx * cos - dy * sin - dx, dx * sin + dy * cos - dy); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Slot.js + var Slot = class { + /** The slot's setup pose data. */ + data; + /** The bone this slot belongs to. */ + bone; + /** The color used to tint the slot's attachment. If {@link #getDarkColor()} is set, this is used as the light color for two + * color tinting. */ + color; + /** The dark color used to tint the slot's attachment for two color tinting, or null if two color tinting is not used. The dark + * color's alpha is not used. */ + darkColor = null; + attachment = null; + attachmentState = 0; + /** The index of the texture region to display when the slot's attachment has a {@link Sequence}. -1 represents the + * {@link Sequence#getSetupIndex()}. */ + sequenceIndex = -1; + /** Values to deform the slot's attachment. For an unweighted mesh, the entries are local positions for each vertex. For a + * weighted mesh, the entries are an offset for each vertex which will be added to the mesh's local vertex positions. + * + * See {@link VertexAttachment#computeWorldVertices()} and {@link DeformTimeline}. */ + deform = new Array(); + constructor(data, bone) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!bone) + throw new Error("bone cannot be null."); + this.data = data; + this.bone = bone; + this.color = new Color(); + this.darkColor = !data.darkColor ? null : new Color(); + this.setToSetupPose(); + } + /** The skeleton this slot belongs to. */ + getSkeleton() { + return this.bone.skeleton; + } + /** The current attachment for the slot, or null if the slot has no attachment. */ + getAttachment() { + return this.attachment; + } + /** Sets the slot's attachment and, if the attachment changed, resets {@link #sequenceIndex} and clears the {@link #deform}. + * The deform is not cleared if the old attachment has the same {@link VertexAttachment#getTimelineAttachment()} as the + * specified attachment. */ + setAttachment(attachment) { + if (this.attachment == attachment) + return; + if (!(attachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || !(this.attachment instanceof VertexAttachment) || attachment.timelineAttachment != this.attachment.timelineAttachment) { + this.deform.length = 0; + } + this.attachment = attachment; + this.sequenceIndex = -1; + } + /** Sets this slot to the setup pose. */ + setToSetupPose() { + this.color.setFromColor(this.data.color); + if (this.darkColor) + this.darkColor.setFromColor(this.data.darkColor); + if (!this.data.attachmentName) + this.attachment = null; + else { + this.attachment = null; + this.setAttachment(this.bone.skeleton.getAttachment(this.data.index, this.data.attachmentName)); + } + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/TransformConstraint.js + var TransformConstraint = class { + /** The transform constraint's setup pose data. */ + data; + /** The bones that will be modified by this transform constraint. */ + bones; + /** The target bone whose world transform will be copied to the constrained bones. */ + target; + mixRotate = 0; + mixX = 0; + mixY = 0; + mixScaleX = 0; + mixScaleY = 0; + mixShearY = 0; + temp = new Vector2(); + active = false; + constructor(data, skeleton) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + this.data = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.bones.length; i++) { + let bone = skeleton.findBone(data.bones[i].name); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${data.bones[i].name}.`); + this.bones.push(bone); + } + let target = skeleton.findBone(data.target.name); + if (!target) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${data.target.name}.`); + this.target = target; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + this.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX; + this.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY; + this.mixShearY = data.mixShearY; + } + isActive() { + return this.active; + } + setToSetupPose() { + const data = this.data; + this.mixRotate = data.mixRotate; + this.mixX = data.mixX; + this.mixY = data.mixY; + this.mixScaleX = data.mixScaleX; + this.mixScaleY = data.mixScaleY; + this.mixShearY = data.mixShearY; + } + update(physics) { + if (this.mixRotate == 0 && this.mixX == 0 && this.mixY == 0 && this.mixScaleX == 0 && this.mixScaleY == 0 && this.mixShearY == 0) + return; + if (this.data.local) { + if (this.data.relative) + this.applyRelativeLocal(); + else + this.applyAbsoluteLocal(); + } else { + if (this.data.relative) + this.applyRelativeWorld(); + else + this.applyAbsoluteWorld(); + } + } + applyAbsoluteWorld() { + let mixRotate = this.mixRotate, mixX = this.mixX, mixY = this.mixY, mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + let translate = mixX != 0 || mixY != 0; + let target = this.target; + let ta = target.a, tb = target.b, tc = target.c, td = target.d; + let degRadReflect = ta * td - tb * tc > 0 ? MathUtils.degRad : -MathUtils.degRad; + let offsetRotation = this.data.offsetRotation * degRadReflect; + let offsetShearY = this.data.offsetShearY * degRadReflect; + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + if (mixRotate != 0) { + let a = bone.a, b = bone.b, c = bone.c, d = bone.d; + let r = Math.atan2(tc, ta) - Math.atan2(c, a) + offsetRotation; + if (r > MathUtils.PI) + r -= MathUtils.PI2; + else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) + r += MathUtils.PI2; + r *= mixRotate; + let cos = Math.cos(r), sin = Math.sin(r); + bone.a = cos * a - sin * c; + bone.b = cos * b - sin * d; + bone.c = sin * a + cos * c; + bone.d = sin * b + cos * d; + } + if (translate) { + let temp = this.temp; + target.localToWorld(temp.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)); + bone.worldX += (temp.x - bone.worldX) * mixX; + bone.worldY += (temp.y - bone.worldY) * mixY; + } + if (mixScaleX != 0) { + let s = Math.sqrt(bone.a * bone.a + bone.c * bone.c); + if (s != 0) + s = (s + (Math.sqrt(ta * ta + tc * tc) - s + this.data.offsetScaleX) * mixScaleX) / s; + bone.a *= s; + bone.c *= s; + } + if (mixScaleY != 0) { + let s = Math.sqrt(bone.b * bone.b + bone.d * bone.d); + if (s != 0) + s = (s + (Math.sqrt(tb * tb + td * td) - s + this.data.offsetScaleY) * mixScaleY) / s; + bone.b *= s; + bone.d *= s; + } + if (mixShearY > 0) { + let b = bone.b, d = bone.d; + let by = Math.atan2(d, b); + let r = Math.atan2(td, tb) - Math.atan2(tc, ta) - (by - Math.atan2(bone.c, bone.a)); + if (r > MathUtils.PI) + r -= MathUtils.PI2; + else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) + r += MathUtils.PI2; + r = by + (r + offsetShearY) * mixShearY; + let s = Math.sqrt(b * b + d * d); + bone.b = Math.cos(r) * s; + bone.d = Math.sin(r) * s; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + } + applyRelativeWorld() { + let mixRotate = this.mixRotate, mixX = this.mixX, mixY = this.mixY, mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + let translate = mixX != 0 || mixY != 0; + let target = this.target; + let ta = target.a, tb = target.b, tc = target.c, td = target.d; + let degRadReflect = ta * td - tb * tc > 0 ? MathUtils.degRad : -MathUtils.degRad; + let offsetRotation = this.data.offsetRotation * degRadReflect, offsetShearY = this.data.offsetShearY * degRadReflect; + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + if (mixRotate != 0) { + let a = bone.a, b = bone.b, c = bone.c, d = bone.d; + let r = Math.atan2(tc, ta) + offsetRotation; + if (r > MathUtils.PI) + r -= MathUtils.PI2; + else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) + r += MathUtils.PI2; + r *= mixRotate; + let cos = Math.cos(r), sin = Math.sin(r); + bone.a = cos * a - sin * c; + bone.b = cos * b - sin * d; + bone.c = sin * a + cos * c; + bone.d = sin * b + cos * d; + } + if (translate) { + let temp = this.temp; + target.localToWorld(temp.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)); + bone.worldX += temp.x * mixX; + bone.worldY += temp.y * mixY; + } + if (mixScaleX != 0) { + let s = (Math.sqrt(ta * ta + tc * tc) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * mixScaleX + 1; + bone.a *= s; + bone.c *= s; + } + if (mixScaleY != 0) { + let s = (Math.sqrt(tb * tb + td * td) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * mixScaleY + 1; + bone.b *= s; + bone.d *= s; + } + if (mixShearY > 0) { + let r = Math.atan2(td, tb) - Math.atan2(tc, ta); + if (r > MathUtils.PI) + r -= MathUtils.PI2; + else if (r < -MathUtils.PI) + r += MathUtils.PI2; + let b = bone.b, d = bone.d; + r = Math.atan2(d, b) + (r - MathUtils.PI / 2 + offsetShearY) * mixShearY; + let s = Math.sqrt(b * b + d * d); + bone.b = Math.cos(r) * s; + bone.d = Math.sin(r) * s; + } + bone.updateAppliedTransform(); + } + } + applyAbsoluteLocal() { + let mixRotate = this.mixRotate, mixX = this.mixX, mixY = this.mixY, mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + let target = this.target; + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + let rotation = bone.arotation; + if (mixRotate != 0) + rotation += (target.arotation - rotation + this.data.offsetRotation) * mixRotate; + let x = bone.ax, y = bone.ay; + x += (target.ax - x + this.data.offsetX) * mixX; + y += (target.ay - y + this.data.offsetY) * mixY; + let scaleX = bone.ascaleX, scaleY = bone.ascaleY; + if (mixScaleX != 0 && scaleX != 0) + scaleX = (scaleX + (target.ascaleX - scaleX + this.data.offsetScaleX) * mixScaleX) / scaleX; + if (mixScaleY != 0 && scaleY != 0) + scaleY = (scaleY + (target.ascaleY - scaleY + this.data.offsetScaleY) * mixScaleY) / scaleY; + let shearY = bone.ashearY; + if (mixShearY != 0) + shearY += (target.ashearY - shearY + this.data.offsetShearY) * mixShearY; + bone.updateWorldTransformWith(x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, bone.ashearX, shearY); + } + } + applyRelativeLocal() { + let mixRotate = this.mixRotate, mixX = this.mixX, mixY = this.mixY, mixScaleX = this.mixScaleX, mixScaleY = this.mixScaleY, mixShearY = this.mixShearY; + let target = this.target; + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + let rotation = bone.arotation + (target.arotation + this.data.offsetRotation) * mixRotate; + let x = bone.ax + (target.ax + this.data.offsetX) * mixX; + let y = bone.ay + (target.ay + this.data.offsetY) * mixY; + let scaleX = bone.ascaleX * ((target.ascaleX - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * mixScaleX + 1); + let scaleY = bone.ascaleY * ((target.ascaleY - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * mixScaleY + 1); + let shearY = bone.ashearY + (target.ashearY + this.data.offsetShearY) * mixShearY; + bone.updateWorldTransformWith(x, y, rotation, scaleX, scaleY, bone.ashearX, shearY); + } + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Skeleton.js + var Skeleton = class _Skeleton { + static quadTriangles = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0]; + static yDown = false; + /** The skeleton's setup pose data. */ + data; + /** The skeleton's bones, sorted parent first. The root bone is always the first bone. */ + bones; + /** The skeleton's slots in the setup pose draw order. */ + slots; + /** The skeleton's slots in the order they should be drawn. The returned array may be modified to change the draw order. */ + drawOrder; + /** The skeleton's IK constraints. */ + ikConstraints; + /** The skeleton's transform constraints. */ + transformConstraints; + /** The skeleton's path constraints. */ + pathConstraints; + /** The skeleton's physics constraints. */ + physicsConstraints; + /** The list of bones and constraints, sorted in the order they should be updated, as computed by {@link #updateCache()}. */ + _updateCache = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's current skin. May be null. */ + skin = null; + /** The color to tint all the skeleton's attachments. */ + color; + /** Scales the entire skeleton on the X axis. This affects all bones, even if the bone's transform mode disallows scale + * inheritance. */ + scaleX = 1; + /** Scales the entire skeleton on the Y axis. This affects all bones, even if the bone's transform mode disallows scale + * inheritance. */ + _scaleY = 1; + get scaleY() { + return _Skeleton.yDown ? -this._scaleY : this._scaleY; + } + set scaleY(scaleY) { + this._scaleY = scaleY; + } + /** Sets the skeleton X position, which is added to the root bone worldX position. */ + x = 0; + /** Sets the skeleton Y position, which is added to the root bone worldY position. */ + y = 0; + /** Returns the skeleton's time. This is used for time-based manipulations, such as {@link PhysicsConstraint}. + *

+ * See {@link #update(float)}. */ + time = 0; + constructor(data) { + if (!data) + throw new Error("data cannot be null."); + this.data = data; + this.bones = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.bones.length; i++) { + let boneData = data.bones[i]; + let bone; + if (!boneData.parent) + bone = new Bone(boneData, this, null); + else { + let parent = this.bones[boneData.parent.index]; + bone = new Bone(boneData, this, parent); + parent.children.push(bone); + } + this.bones.push(bone); + } + this.slots = new Array(); + this.drawOrder = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.slots.length; i++) { + let slotData = data.slots[i]; + let bone = this.bones[slotData.boneData.index]; + let slot = new Slot(slotData, bone); + this.slots.push(slot); + this.drawOrder.push(slot); + } + this.ikConstraints = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.ikConstraints.length; i++) { + let ikConstraintData = data.ikConstraints[i]; + this.ikConstraints.push(new IkConstraint(ikConstraintData, this)); + } + this.transformConstraints = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.transformConstraints.length; i++) { + let transformConstraintData = data.transformConstraints[i]; + this.transformConstraints.push(new TransformConstraint(transformConstraintData, this)); + } + this.pathConstraints = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.pathConstraints.length; i++) { + let pathConstraintData = data.pathConstraints[i]; + this.pathConstraints.push(new PathConstraint(pathConstraintData, this)); + } + this.physicsConstraints = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < data.physicsConstraints.length; i++) { + let physicsConstraintData = data.physicsConstraints[i]; + this.physicsConstraints.push(new PhysicsConstraint(physicsConstraintData, this)); + } + this.color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + this.updateCache(); + } + /** Caches information about bones and constraints. Must be called if the {@link #getSkin()} is modified or if bones, + * constraints, or weighted path attachments are added or removed. */ + updateCache() { + let updateCache = this._updateCache; + updateCache.length = 0; + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + bone.sorted = bone.data.skinRequired; + bone.active = !bone.sorted; + } + if (this.skin) { + let skinBones = this.skin.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = this.skin.bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = this.bones[skinBones[i].index]; + do { + bone.sorted = false; + bone.active = true; + bone = bone.parent; + } while (bone); + } + } + let ikConstraints = this.ikConstraints; + let transformConstraints = this.transformConstraints; + let pathConstraints = this.pathConstraints; + let physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + let ikCount = ikConstraints.length, transformCount = transformConstraints.length, pathCount = pathConstraints.length, physicsCount = this.physicsConstraints.length; + let constraintCount = ikCount + transformCount + pathCount + physicsCount; + outer: + for (let i = 0; i < constraintCount; i++) { + for (let ii = 0; ii < ikCount; ii++) { + let constraint = ikConstraints[ii]; + if (constraint.data.order == i) { + this.sortIkConstraint(constraint); + continue outer; + } + } + for (let ii = 0; ii < transformCount; ii++) { + let constraint = transformConstraints[ii]; + if (constraint.data.order == i) { + this.sortTransformConstraint(constraint); + continue outer; + } + } + for (let ii = 0; ii < pathCount; ii++) { + let constraint = pathConstraints[ii]; + if (constraint.data.order == i) { + this.sortPathConstraint(constraint); + continue outer; + } + } + for (let ii = 0; ii < physicsCount; ii++) { + const constraint = physicsConstraints[ii]; + if (constraint.data.order == i) { + this.sortPhysicsConstraint(constraint); + continue outer; + } + } + } + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) + this.sortBone(bones[i]); + } + sortIkConstraint(constraint) { + constraint.active = constraint.target.isActive() && (!constraint.data.skinRequired || this.skin && Utils.contains(this.skin.constraints, constraint.data, true)); + if (!constraint.active) + return; + let target = constraint.target; + this.sortBone(target); + let constrained = constraint.bones; + let parent = constrained[0]; + this.sortBone(parent); + if (constrained.length == 1) { + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + this.sortReset(parent.children); + } else { + let child = constrained[constrained.length - 1]; + this.sortBone(child); + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + this.sortReset(parent.children); + child.sorted = true; + } + } + sortPathConstraint(constraint) { + constraint.active = constraint.target.bone.isActive() && (!constraint.data.skinRequired || this.skin && Utils.contains(this.skin.constraints, constraint.data, true)); + if (!constraint.active) + return; + let slot = constraint.target; + let slotIndex = slot.data.index; + let slotBone = slot.bone; + if (this.skin) + this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.skin, slotIndex, slotBone); + if (this.data.defaultSkin && this.data.defaultSkin != this.skin) + this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.defaultSkin, slotIndex, slotBone); + for (let i = 0, n = this.data.skins.length; i < n; i++) + this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.skins[i], slotIndex, slotBone); + let attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof PathAttachment) + this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachment, slotBone); + let constrained = constraint.bones; + let boneCount = constrained.length; + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) + this.sortBone(constrained[i]); + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) + this.sortReset(constrained[i].children); + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) + constrained[i].sorted = true; + } + sortTransformConstraint(constraint) { + constraint.active = constraint.target.isActive() && (!constraint.data.skinRequired || this.skin && Utils.contains(this.skin.constraints, constraint.data, true)); + if (!constraint.active) + return; + this.sortBone(constraint.target); + let constrained = constraint.bones; + let boneCount = constrained.length; + if (constraint.data.local) { + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) { + let child = constrained[i]; + this.sortBone(child.parent); + this.sortBone(child); + } + } else { + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) { + this.sortBone(constrained[i]); + } + } + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) + this.sortReset(constrained[i].children); + for (let i = 0; i < boneCount; i++) + constrained[i].sorted = true; + } + sortPathConstraintAttachment(skin, slotIndex, slotBone) { + let attachments = skin.attachments[slotIndex]; + if (!attachments) + return; + for (let key in attachments) { + this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachments[key], slotBone); + } + } + sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(attachment, slotBone) { + if (!(attachment instanceof PathAttachment)) + return; + let pathBones = attachment.bones; + if (!pathBones) + this.sortBone(slotBone); + else { + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = pathBones.length; i < n; ) { + let nn = pathBones[i++]; + nn += i; + while (i < nn) + this.sortBone(bones[pathBones[i++]]); + } + } + } + sortPhysicsConstraint(constraint) { + const bone = constraint.bone; + constraint.active = bone.active && (!constraint.data.skinRequired || this.skin != null && Utils.contains(this.skin.constraints, constraint.data, true)); + if (!constraint.active) + return; + this.sortBone(bone); + this._updateCache.push(constraint); + this.sortReset(bone.children); + bone.sorted = true; + } + sortBone(bone) { + if (!bone) + return; + if (bone.sorted) + return; + let parent = bone.parent; + if (parent) + this.sortBone(parent); + bone.sorted = true; + this._updateCache.push(bone); + } + sortReset(bones) { + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + if (!bone.active) + continue; + if (bone.sorted) + this.sortReset(bone.children); + bone.sorted = false; + } + } + /** Updates the world transform for each bone and applies all constraints. + * + * See [World transforms](http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-runtime-skeletons#World-transforms) in the Spine + * Runtimes Guide. */ + updateWorldTransform(physics) { + if (physics === void 0 || physics === null) + throw new Error("physics is undefined"); + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + bone.ax = bone.x; + bone.ay = bone.y; + bone.arotation = bone.rotation; + bone.ascaleX = bone.scaleX; + bone.ascaleY = bone.scaleY; + bone.ashearX = bone.shearX; + bone.ashearY = bone.shearY; + } + let updateCache = this._updateCache; + for (let i = 0, n = updateCache.length; i < n; i++) + updateCache[i].update(physics); + } + updateWorldTransformWith(physics, parent) { + let rootBone = this.getRootBone(); + if (!rootBone) + throw new Error("Root bone must not be null."); + let pa = parent.a, pb = parent.b, pc = parent.c, pd = parent.d; + rootBone.worldX = pa * this.x + pb * this.y + parent.worldX; + rootBone.worldY = pc * this.x + pd * this.y + parent.worldY; + const rx = (rootBone.rotation + rootBone.shearX) * MathUtils.degRad; + const ry = (rootBone.rotation + 90 + rootBone.shearY) * MathUtils.degRad; + const la = Math.cos(rx) * rootBone.scaleX; + const lb = Math.cos(ry) * rootBone.scaleY; + const lc = Math.sin(rx) * rootBone.scaleX; + const ld = Math.sin(ry) * rootBone.scaleY; + rootBone.a = (pa * la + pb * lc) * this.scaleX; + rootBone.b = (pa * lb + pb * ld) * this.scaleX; + rootBone.c = (pc * la + pd * lc) * this.scaleY; + rootBone.d = (pc * lb + pd * ld) * this.scaleY; + let updateCache = this._updateCache; + for (let i = 0, n = updateCache.length; i < n; i++) { + let updatable = updateCache[i]; + if (updatable != rootBone) + updatable.update(physics); + } + } + /** Sets the bones, constraints, and slots to their setup pose values. */ + setToSetupPose() { + this.setBonesToSetupPose(); + this.setSlotsToSetupPose(); + } + /** Sets the bones and constraints to their setup pose values. */ + setBonesToSetupPose() { + for (const bone of this.bones) + bone.setToSetupPose(); + for (const constraint of this.ikConstraints) + constraint.setToSetupPose(); + for (const constraint of this.transformConstraints) + constraint.setToSetupPose(); + for (const constraint of this.pathConstraints) + constraint.setToSetupPose(); + for (const constraint of this.physicsConstraints) + constraint.setToSetupPose(); + } + /** Sets the slots and draw order to their setup pose values. */ + setSlotsToSetupPose() { + let slots = this.slots; + Utils.arrayCopy(slots, 0, this.drawOrder, 0, slots.length); + for (let i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) + slots[i].setToSetupPose(); + } + /** @returns May return null. */ + getRootBone() { + if (this.bones.length == 0) + return null; + return this.bones[0]; + } + /** @returns May be null. */ + findBone(boneName) { + if (!boneName) + throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + if (bone.data.name == boneName) + return bone; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds a slot by comparing each slot's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method than to call it + * repeatedly. + * @returns May be null. */ + findSlot(slotName) { + if (!slotName) + throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); + let slots = this.slots; + for (let i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + let slot = slots[i]; + if (slot.data.name == slotName) + return slot; + } + return null; + } + /** Sets a skin by name. + * + * See {@link #setSkin()}. */ + setSkinByName(skinName) { + let skin = this.data.findSkin(skinName); + if (!skin) + throw new Error("Skin not found: " + skinName); + this.setSkin(skin); + } + /** Sets the skin used to look up attachments before looking in the {@link SkeletonData#defaultSkin default skin}. If the + * skin is changed, {@link #updateCache()} is called. + * + * Attachments from the new skin are attached if the corresponding attachment from the old skin was attached. If there was no + * old skin, each slot's setup mode attachment is attached from the new skin. + * + * After changing the skin, the visible attachments can be reset to those attached in the setup pose by calling + * {@link #setSlotsToSetupPose()}. Also, often {@link AnimationState#apply()} is called before the next time the + * skeleton is rendered to allow any attachment keys in the current animation(s) to hide or show attachments from the new skin. + * @param newSkin May be null. */ + setSkin(newSkin) { + if (newSkin == this.skin) + return; + if (newSkin) { + if (this.skin) + newSkin.attachAll(this, this.skin); + else { + let slots = this.slots; + for (let i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + let slot = slots[i]; + let name = slot.data.attachmentName; + if (name) { + let attachment = newSkin.getAttachment(i, name); + if (attachment) + slot.setAttachment(attachment); + } + } + } + } + this.skin = newSkin; + this.updateCache(); + } + /** Finds an attachment by looking in the {@link #skin} and {@link SkeletonData#defaultSkin} using the slot name and attachment + * name. + * + * See {@link #getAttachment()}. + * @returns May be null. */ + getAttachmentByName(slotName, attachmentName) { + let slot = this.data.findSlot(slotName); + if (!slot) + throw new Error(`Can't find slot with name ${slotName}`); + return this.getAttachment(slot.index, attachmentName); + } + /** Finds an attachment by looking in the {@link #skin} and {@link SkeletonData#defaultSkin} using the slot index and + * attachment name. First the skin is checked and if the attachment was not found, the default skin is checked. + * + * See [Runtime skins](http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-runtime-skins) in the Spine Runtimes Guide. + * @returns May be null. */ + getAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName) { + if (!attachmentName) + throw new Error("attachmentName cannot be null."); + if (this.skin) { + let attachment = this.skin.getAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName); + if (attachment) + return attachment; + } + if (this.data.defaultSkin) + return this.data.defaultSkin.getAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName); + return null; + } + /** A convenience method to set an attachment by finding the slot with {@link #findSlot()}, finding the attachment with + * {@link #getAttachment()}, then setting the slot's {@link Slot#attachment}. + * @param attachmentName May be null to clear the slot's attachment. */ + setAttachment(slotName, attachmentName) { + if (!slotName) + throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); + let slots = this.slots; + for (let i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + let slot = slots[i]; + if (slot.data.name == slotName) { + let attachment = null; + if (attachmentName) { + attachment = this.getAttachment(i, attachmentName); + if (!attachment) + throw new Error("Attachment not found: " + attachmentName + ", for slot: " + slotName); + } + slot.setAttachment(attachment); + return; + } + } + throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slotName); + } + /** Finds an IK constraint by comparing each IK constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method + * than to call it repeatedly. + * @return May be null. */ + findIkConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return this.ikConstraints.find((constraint) => constraint.data.name == constraintName) ?? null; + } + /** Finds a transform constraint by comparing each transform constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of + * this method than to call it repeatedly. + * @return May be null. */ + findTransformConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return this.transformConstraints.find((constraint) => constraint.data.name == constraintName) ?? null; + } + /** Finds a path constraint by comparing each path constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method + * than to call it repeatedly. + * @return May be null. */ + findPathConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return this.pathConstraints.find((constraint) => constraint.data.name == constraintName) ?? null; + } + /** Finds a physics constraint by comparing each physics constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this + * method than to call it repeatedly. */ + findPhysicsConstraint(constraintName) { + if (constraintName == null) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + return this.physicsConstraints.find((constraint) => constraint.data.name == constraintName) ?? null; + } + /** Returns the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) of the region and mesh attachments for the current pose as `{ x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }`. + * Note that this method will create temporary objects which can add to garbage collection pressure. Use `getBounds()` if garbage collection is a concern. */ + getBoundsRect() { + let offset = new Vector2(); + let size = new Vector2(); + this.getBounds(offset, size); + return { x: offset.x, y: offset.y, width: size.x, height: size.y }; + } + /** Returns the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) of the region and mesh attachments for the current pose. + * @param offset An output value, the distance from the skeleton origin to the bottom left corner of the AABB. + * @param size An output value, the width and height of the AABB. + * @param temp Working memory to temporarily store attachments' computed world vertices. + * @param clipper {@link SkeletonClipping} to use. If null, no clipping is applied. */ + getBounds(offset, size, temp = new Array(2), clipper3 = null) { + if (!offset) + throw new Error("offset cannot be null."); + if (!size) + throw new Error("size cannot be null."); + let drawOrder = this.drawOrder; + let minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) { + let slot = drawOrder[i]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + continue; + let verticesLength = 0; + let vertices = null; + let triangles = null; + let attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + verticesLength = 8; + vertices = Utils.setArraySize(temp, verticesLength, 0); + attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, 2); + triangles = _Skeleton.quadTriangles; + } else if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + let mesh = attachment; + verticesLength = mesh.worldVerticesLength; + vertices = Utils.setArraySize(temp, verticesLength, 0); + mesh.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, verticesLength, vertices, 0, 2); + triangles = mesh.triangles; + } else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment && clipper3 != null) { + clipper3.clipStart(slot, attachment); + continue; + } + if (vertices && triangles) { + if (clipper3 != null && clipper3.isClipping()) { + clipper3.clipTriangles(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, triangles.length); + vertices = clipper3.clippedVertices; + verticesLength = clipper3.clippedVertices.length; + } + for (let ii = 0, nn = vertices.length; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + let x = vertices[ii], y = vertices[ii + 1]; + minX = Math.min(minX, x); + minY = Math.min(minY, y); + maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); + maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); + } + } + if (clipper3 != null) + clipper3.clipEndWithSlot(slot); + } + if (clipper3 != null) + clipper3.clipEnd(); + offset.set(minX, minY); + size.set(maxX - minX, maxY - minY); + } + /** Increments the skeleton's {@link #time}. */ + update(delta) { + this.time += delta; + } + physicsTranslate(x, y) { + const physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + for (let i = 0, n = physicsConstraints.length; i < n; i++) + physicsConstraints[i].translate(x, y); + } + /** Calls {@link PhysicsConstraint#rotate(float, float, float)} for each physics constraint. */ + physicsRotate(x, y, degrees) { + const physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + for (let i = 0, n = physicsConstraints.length; i < n; i++) + physicsConstraints[i].rotate(x, y, degrees); + } + }; + var Physics; + (function(Physics2) { + Physics2[Physics2["none"] = 0] = "none"; + Physics2[Physics2["reset"] = 1] = "reset"; + Physics2[Physics2["update"] = 2] = "update"; + Physics2[Physics2["pose"] = 3] = "pose"; + })(Physics || (Physics = {})); + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/PhysicsConstraintData.js + var PhysicsConstraintData = class extends ConstraintData { + _bone = null; + /** The bone constrained by this physics constraint. */ + set bone(boneData) { + this._bone = boneData; + } + get bone() { + if (!this._bone) + throw new Error("BoneData not set."); + else + return this._bone; + } + x = 0; + y = 0; + rotate = 0; + scaleX = 0; + shearX = 0; + limit = 0; + step = 0; + inertia = 0; + strength = 0; + damping = 0; + massInverse = 0; + wind = 0; + gravity = 0; + /** A percentage (0-1) that controls the mix between the constrained and unconstrained poses. */ + mix = 0; + inertiaGlobal = false; + strengthGlobal = false; + dampingGlobal = false; + massGlobal = false; + windGlobal = false; + gravityGlobal = false; + mixGlobal = false; + constructor(name) { + super(name, 0, false); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/SkeletonData.js + var SkeletonData = class { + /** The skeleton's name, which by default is the name of the skeleton data file, if possible. May be null. */ + name = null; + /** The skeleton's bones, sorted parent first. The root bone is always the first bone. */ + bones = new Array(); + // Ordered parents first. + /** The skeleton's slots in the setup pose draw order. */ + slots = new Array(); + // Setup pose draw order. + skins = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's default skin. By default this skin contains all attachments that were not in a skin in Spine. + * + * See {@link Skeleton#getAttachmentByName()}. + * May be null. */ + defaultSkin = null; + /** The skeleton's events. */ + events = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's animations. */ + animations = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's IK constraints. */ + ikConstraints = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's transform constraints. */ + transformConstraints = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's path constraints. */ + pathConstraints = new Array(); + /** The skeleton's physics constraints. */ + physicsConstraints = new Array(); + /** The X coordinate of the skeleton's axis aligned bounding box in the setup pose. */ + x = 0; + /** The Y coordinate of the skeleton's axis aligned bounding box in the setup pose. */ + y = 0; + /** The width of the skeleton's axis aligned bounding box in the setup pose. */ + width = 0; + /** The height of the skeleton's axis aligned bounding box in the setup pose. */ + height = 0; + /** Baseline scale factor for applying distance-dependent effects on non-scalable properties, such as angle or scale. Default + * is 100. */ + referenceScale = 100; + /** The Spine version used to export the skeleton data, or null. */ + version = null; + /** The skeleton data hash. This value will change if any of the skeleton data has changed. May be null. */ + hash = null; + // Nonessential + /** The dopesheet FPS in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. */ + fps = 0; + /** The path to the images directory as defined in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. May be null. */ + imagesPath = null; + /** The path to the audio directory as defined in Spine. Available only when nonessential data was exported. May be null. */ + audioPath = null; + /** Finds a bone by comparing each bone's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method than to call it + * multiple times. + * @returns May be null. */ + findBone(boneName) { + if (!boneName) + throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); + let bones = this.bones; + for (let i = 0, n = bones.length; i < n; i++) { + let bone = bones[i]; + if (bone.name == boneName) + return bone; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds a slot by comparing each slot's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method than to call it + * multiple times. + * @returns May be null. */ + findSlot(slotName) { + if (!slotName) + throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); + let slots = this.slots; + for (let i = 0, n = slots.length; i < n; i++) { + let slot = slots[i]; + if (slot.name == slotName) + return slot; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds a skin by comparing each skin's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method than to call it + * multiple times. + * @returns May be null. */ + findSkin(skinName) { + if (!skinName) + throw new Error("skinName cannot be null."); + let skins = this.skins; + for (let i = 0, n = skins.length; i < n; i++) { + let skin = skins[i]; + if (skin.name == skinName) + return skin; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds an event by comparing each events's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method than to call it + * multiple times. + * @returns May be null. */ + findEvent(eventDataName) { + if (!eventDataName) + throw new Error("eventDataName cannot be null."); + let events = this.events; + for (let i = 0, n = events.length; i < n; i++) { + let event = events[i]; + if (event.name == eventDataName) + return event; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds an animation by comparing each animation's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method than to + * call it multiple times. + * @returns May be null. */ + findAnimation(animationName) { + if (!animationName) + throw new Error("animationName cannot be null."); + let animations = this.animations; + for (let i = 0, n = animations.length; i < n; i++) { + let animation = animations[i]; + if (animation.name == animationName) + return animation; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds an IK constraint by comparing each IK constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method + * than to call it multiple times. + * @return May be null. */ + findIkConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + const ikConstraints = this.ikConstraints; + for (let i = 0, n = ikConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + const constraint = ikConstraints[i]; + if (constraint.name == constraintName) + return constraint; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds a transform constraint by comparing each transform constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of + * this method than to call it multiple times. + * @return May be null. */ + findTransformConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + const transformConstraints = this.transformConstraints; + for (let i = 0, n = transformConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + const constraint = transformConstraints[i]; + if (constraint.name == constraintName) + return constraint; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds a path constraint by comparing each path constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method + * than to call it multiple times. + * @return May be null. */ + findPathConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + const pathConstraints = this.pathConstraints; + for (let i = 0, n = pathConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + const constraint = pathConstraints[i]; + if (constraint.name == constraintName) + return constraint; + } + return null; + } + /** Finds a physics constraint by comparing each physics constraint's name. It is more efficient to cache the results of this method + * than to call it multiple times. + * @return May be null. */ + findPhysicsConstraint(constraintName) { + if (!constraintName) + throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); + const physicsConstraints = this.physicsConstraints; + for (let i = 0, n = physicsConstraints.length; i < n; i++) { + const constraint = physicsConstraints[i]; + if (constraint.name == constraintName) + return constraint; + } + return null; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Skin.js + var SkinEntry = class { + slotIndex; + name; + attachment; + constructor(slotIndex = 0, name, attachment) { + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.name = name; + this.attachment = attachment; + } + }; + var Skin = class { + /** The skin's name, which is unique across all skins in the skeleton. */ + name; + attachments = new Array(); + bones = Array(); + constraints = new Array(); + /** The color of the skin as it was in Spine, or a default color if nonessential data was not exported. */ + color = new Color(0.99607843, 0.61960787, 0.30980393, 1); + // fe9e4fff + constructor(name) { + if (!name) + throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + this.name = name; + } + /** Adds an attachment to the skin for the specified slot index and name. */ + setAttachment(slotIndex, name, attachment) { + if (!attachment) + throw new Error("attachment cannot be null."); + let attachments = this.attachments; + if (slotIndex >= attachments.length) + attachments.length = slotIndex + 1; + if (!attachments[slotIndex]) + attachments[slotIndex] = {}; + attachments[slotIndex][name] = attachment; + } + /** Adds all attachments, bones, and constraints from the specified skin to this skin. */ + addSkin(skin) { + for (let i = 0; i < skin.bones.length; i++) { + let bone = skin.bones[i]; + let contained = false; + for (let ii = 0; ii < this.bones.length; ii++) { + if (this.bones[ii] == bone) { + contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contained) + this.bones.push(bone); + } + for (let i = 0; i < skin.constraints.length; i++) { + let constraint = skin.constraints[i]; + let contained = false; + for (let ii = 0; ii < this.constraints.length; ii++) { + if (this.constraints[ii] == constraint) { + contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contained) + this.constraints.push(constraint); + } + let attachments = skin.getAttachments(); + for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { + var attachment = attachments[i]; + this.setAttachment(attachment.slotIndex, attachment.name, attachment.attachment); + } + } + /** Adds all bones and constraints and copies of all attachments from the specified skin to this skin. Mesh attachments are not + * copied, instead a new linked mesh is created. The attachment copies can be modified without affecting the originals. */ + copySkin(skin) { + for (let i = 0; i < skin.bones.length; i++) { + let bone = skin.bones[i]; + let contained = false; + for (let ii = 0; ii < this.bones.length; ii++) { + if (this.bones[ii] == bone) { + contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contained) + this.bones.push(bone); + } + for (let i = 0; i < skin.constraints.length; i++) { + let constraint = skin.constraints[i]; + let contained = false; + for (let ii = 0; ii < this.constraints.length; ii++) { + if (this.constraints[ii] == constraint) { + contained = true; + break; + } + } + if (!contained) + this.constraints.push(constraint); + } + let attachments = skin.getAttachments(); + for (let i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { + var attachment = attachments[i]; + if (!attachment.attachment) + continue; + if (attachment.attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + attachment.attachment = attachment.attachment.newLinkedMesh(); + this.setAttachment(attachment.slotIndex, attachment.name, attachment.attachment); + } else { + attachment.attachment = attachment.attachment.copy(); + this.setAttachment(attachment.slotIndex, attachment.name, attachment.attachment); + } + } + } + /** Returns the attachment for the specified slot index and name, or null. */ + getAttachment(slotIndex, name) { + let dictionary = this.attachments[slotIndex]; + return dictionary ? dictionary[name] : null; + } + /** Removes the attachment in the skin for the specified slot index and name, if any. */ + removeAttachment(slotIndex, name) { + let dictionary = this.attachments[slotIndex]; + if (dictionary) + delete dictionary[name]; + } + /** Returns all attachments in this skin. */ + getAttachments() { + let entries = new Array(); + for (var i = 0; i < this.attachments.length; i++) { + let slotAttachments = this.attachments[i]; + if (slotAttachments) { + for (let name in slotAttachments) { + let attachment = slotAttachments[name]; + if (attachment) + entries.push(new SkinEntry(i, name, attachment)); + } + } + } + return entries; + } + /** Returns all attachments in this skin for the specified slot index. */ + getAttachmentsForSlot(slotIndex, attachments) { + let slotAttachments = this.attachments[slotIndex]; + if (slotAttachments) { + for (let name in slotAttachments) { + let attachment = slotAttachments[name]; + if (attachment) + attachments.push(new SkinEntry(slotIndex, name, attachment)); + } + } + } + /** Clears all attachments, bones, and constraints. */ + clear() { + this.attachments.length = 0; + this.bones.length = 0; + this.constraints.length = 0; + } + /** Attach each attachment in this skin if the corresponding attachment in the old skin is currently attached. */ + attachAll(skeleton, oldSkin) { + let slotIndex = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < skeleton.slots.length; i++) { + let slot = skeleton.slots[i]; + let slotAttachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (slotAttachment && slotIndex < oldSkin.attachments.length) { + let dictionary = oldSkin.attachments[slotIndex]; + for (let key in dictionary) { + let skinAttachment = dictionary[key]; + if (slotAttachment == skinAttachment) { + let attachment = this.getAttachment(slotIndex, key); + if (attachment) + slot.setAttachment(attachment); + break; + } + } + } + slotIndex++; + } + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/SlotData.js + var SlotData = class { + /** The index of the slot in {@link Skeleton#getSlots()}. */ + index = 0; + /** The name of the slot, which is unique across all slots in the skeleton. */ + name; + /** The bone this slot belongs to. */ + boneData; + /** The color used to tint the slot's attachment. If {@link #getDarkColor()} is set, this is used as the light color for two + * color tinting. */ + color = new Color(1, 1, 1, 1); + /** The dark color used to tint the slot's attachment for two color tinting, or null if two color tinting is not used. The dark + * color's alpha is not used. */ + darkColor = null; + /** The name of the attachment that is visible for this slot in the setup pose, or null if no attachment is visible. */ + attachmentName = null; + /** The blend mode for drawing the slot's attachment. */ + blendMode = BlendMode.Normal; + /** False if the slot was hidden in Spine and nonessential data was exported. Does not affect runtime rendering. */ + visible = true; + constructor(index, name, boneData) { + if (index < 0) + throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); + if (!name) + throw new Error("name cannot be null."); + if (!boneData) + throw new Error("boneData cannot be null."); + this.index = index; + this.name = name; + this.boneData = boneData; + } + }; + var BlendMode; + (function(BlendMode2) { + BlendMode2[BlendMode2["Normal"] = 0] = "Normal"; + BlendMode2[BlendMode2["Additive"] = 1] = "Additive"; + BlendMode2[BlendMode2["Multiply"] = 2] = "Multiply"; + BlendMode2[BlendMode2["Screen"] = 3] = "Screen"; + })(BlendMode || (BlendMode = {})); + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/TransformConstraintData.js + var TransformConstraintData = class extends ConstraintData { + /** The bones that will be modified by this transform constraint. */ + bones = new Array(); + /** The target bone whose world transform will be copied to the constrained bones. */ + _target = null; + set target(boneData) { + this._target = boneData; + } + get target() { + if (!this._target) + throw new Error("BoneData not set."); + else + return this._target; + } + mixRotate = 0; + mixX = 0; + mixY = 0; + mixScaleX = 0; + mixScaleY = 0; + mixShearY = 0; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone rotation. */ + offsetRotation = 0; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone X translation. */ + offsetX = 0; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone Y translation. */ + offsetY = 0; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone scaleX. */ + offsetScaleX = 0; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone scaleY. */ + offsetScaleY = 0; + /** An offset added to the constrained bone shearY. */ + offsetShearY = 0; + relative = false; + local = false; + constructor(name) { + super(name, 0, false); + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/SkeletonBinary.js + var SkeletonBinary = class { + /** Scales bone positions, image sizes, and translations as they are loaded. This allows different size images to be used at + * runtime than were used in Spine. + * + * See [Scaling](http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-loading-skeleton-data#Scaling) in the Spine Runtimes Guide. */ + scale = 1; + attachmentLoader; + linkedMeshes = new Array(); + constructor(attachmentLoader) { + this.attachmentLoader = attachmentLoader; + } + readSkeletonData(binary) { + let scale = this.scale; + let skeletonData = new SkeletonData(); + skeletonData.name = ""; + let input = new BinaryInput(binary); + let lowHash = input.readInt32(); + let highHash = input.readInt32(); + skeletonData.hash = highHash == 0 && lowHash == 0 ? null : highHash.toString(16) + lowHash.toString(16); + skeletonData.version = input.readString(); + skeletonData.x = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.y = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.width = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.height = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.referenceScale = input.readFloat() * scale; + let nonessential = input.readBoolean(); + if (nonessential) { + skeletonData.fps = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.imagesPath = input.readString(); + skeletonData.audioPath = input.readString(); + } + let n = 0; + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + let str = input.readString(); + if (!str) + throw new Error("String in string table must not be null."); + input.strings.push(str); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + let name = input.readString(); + if (!name) + throw new Error("Bone name must not be null."); + let parent = i == 0 ? null : skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + let data = new BoneData(i, name, parent); + data.rotation = input.readFloat(); + data.x = input.readFloat() * scale; + data.y = input.readFloat() * scale; + data.scaleX = input.readFloat(); + data.scaleY = input.readFloat(); + data.shearX = input.readFloat(); + data.shearY = input.readFloat(); + data.length = input.readFloat() * scale; + data.inherit = input.readByte(); + data.skinRequired = input.readBoolean(); + if (nonessential) { + Color.rgba8888ToColor(data.color, input.readInt32()); + data.icon = input.readString() ?? void 0; + data.visible = input.readBoolean(); + } + skeletonData.bones.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + let slotName = input.readString(); + if (!slotName) + throw new Error("Slot name must not be null."); + let boneData = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + let data = new SlotData(i, slotName, boneData); + Color.rgba8888ToColor(data.color, input.readInt32()); + let darkColor2 = input.readInt32(); + if (darkColor2 != -1) + Color.rgb888ToColor(data.darkColor = new Color(), darkColor2); + data.attachmentName = input.readStringRef(); + data.blendMode = input.readInt(true); + if (nonessential) + data.visible = input.readBoolean(); + skeletonData.slots.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0, nn; i < n; i++) { + let name = input.readString(); + if (!name) + throw new Error("IK constraint data name must not be null."); + let data = new IkConstraintData(name); + data.order = input.readInt(true); + nn = input.readInt(true); + for (let ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) + data.bones.push(skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]); + data.target = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + let flags = input.readByte(); + data.skinRequired = (flags & 1) != 0; + data.bendDirection = (flags & 2) != 0 ? 1 : -1; + data.compress = (flags & 4) != 0; + data.stretch = (flags & 8) != 0; + data.uniform = (flags & 16) != 0; + if ((flags & 32) != 0) + data.mix = (flags & 64) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1; + if ((flags & 128) != 0) + data.softness = input.readFloat() * scale; + skeletonData.ikConstraints.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0, nn; i < n; i++) { + let name = input.readString(); + if (!name) + throw new Error("Transform constraint data name must not be null."); + let data = new TransformConstraintData(name); + data.order = input.readInt(true); + nn = input.readInt(true); + for (let ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) + data.bones.push(skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]); + data.target = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + let flags = input.readByte(); + data.skinRequired = (flags & 1) != 0; + data.local = (flags & 2) != 0; + data.relative = (flags & 4) != 0; + if ((flags & 8) != 0) + data.offsetRotation = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 16) != 0) + data.offsetX = input.readFloat() * scale; + if ((flags & 32) != 0) + data.offsetY = input.readFloat() * scale; + if ((flags & 64) != 0) + data.offsetScaleX = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 128) != 0) + data.offsetScaleY = input.readFloat(); + flags = input.readByte(); + if ((flags & 1) != 0) + data.offsetShearY = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 2) != 0) + data.mixRotate = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 4) != 0) + data.mixX = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 8) != 0) + data.mixY = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 16) != 0) + data.mixScaleX = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 32) != 0) + data.mixScaleY = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 64) != 0) + data.mixShearY = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.transformConstraints.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0, nn; i < n; i++) { + let name = input.readString(); + if (!name) + throw new Error("Path constraint data name must not be null."); + let data = new PathConstraintData(name); + data.order = input.readInt(true); + data.skinRequired = input.readBoolean(); + nn = input.readInt(true); + for (let ii = 0; ii < nn; ii++) + data.bones.push(skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]); + data.target = skeletonData.slots[input.readInt(true)]; + const flags = input.readByte(); + data.positionMode = flags & 1; + data.spacingMode = flags >> 1 & 3; + data.rotateMode = flags >> 3 & 3; + if ((flags & 128) != 0) + data.offsetRotation = input.readFloat(); + data.position = input.readFloat(); + if (data.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed) + data.position *= scale; + data.spacing = input.readFloat(); + if (data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed) + data.spacing *= scale; + data.mixRotate = input.readFloat(); + data.mixX = input.readFloat(); + data.mixY = input.readFloat(); + skeletonData.pathConstraints.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0, nn; i < n; i++) { + const name = input.readString(); + if (!name) + throw new Error("Physics constraint data name must not be null."); + const data = new PhysicsConstraintData(name); + data.order = input.readInt(true); + data.bone = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + let flags = input.readByte(); + data.skinRequired = (flags & 1) != 0; + if ((flags & 2) != 0) + data.x = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 4) != 0) + data.y = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 8) != 0) + data.rotate = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 16) != 0) + data.scaleX = input.readFloat(); + if ((flags & 32) != 0) + data.shearX = input.readFloat(); + data.limit = ((flags & 64) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 5e3) * scale; + data.step = 1 / input.readUnsignedByte(); + data.inertia = input.readFloat(); + data.strength = input.readFloat(); + data.damping = input.readFloat(); + data.massInverse = (flags & 128) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1; + data.wind = input.readFloat(); + data.gravity = input.readFloat(); + flags = input.readByte(); + if ((flags & 1) != 0) + data.inertiaGlobal = true; + if ((flags & 2) != 0) + data.strengthGlobal = true; + if ((flags & 4) != 0) + data.dampingGlobal = true; + if ((flags & 8) != 0) + data.massGlobal = true; + if ((flags & 16) != 0) + data.windGlobal = true; + if ((flags & 32) != 0) + data.gravityGlobal = true; + if ((flags & 64) != 0) + data.mixGlobal = true; + data.mix = (flags & 128) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1; + skeletonData.physicsConstraints.push(data); + } + let defaultSkin = this.readSkin(input, skeletonData, true, nonessential); + if (defaultSkin) { + skeletonData.defaultSkin = defaultSkin; + skeletonData.skins.push(defaultSkin); + } + { + let i = skeletonData.skins.length; + Utils.setArraySize(skeletonData.skins, n = i + input.readInt(true)); + for (; i < n; i++) { + let skin = this.readSkin(input, skeletonData, false, nonessential); + if (!skin) + throw new Error("readSkin() should not have returned null."); + skeletonData.skins[i] = skin; + } + } + n = this.linkedMeshes.length; + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + let linkedMesh = this.linkedMeshes[i]; + const skin = skeletonData.skins[linkedMesh.skinIndex]; + if (!linkedMesh.parent) + throw new Error("Linked mesh parent must not be null"); + let parent = skin.getAttachment(linkedMesh.slotIndex, linkedMesh.parent); + if (!parent) + throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${linkedMesh.parent}`); + linkedMesh.mesh.timelineAttachment = linkedMesh.inheritTimeline ? parent : linkedMesh.mesh; + linkedMesh.mesh.setParentMesh(parent); + if (linkedMesh.mesh.region != null) + linkedMesh.mesh.updateRegion(); + } + this.linkedMeshes.length = 0; + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + let eventName = input.readString(); + if (!eventName) + throw new Error("Event data name must not be null"); + let data = new EventData(eventName); + data.intValue = input.readInt(false); + data.floatValue = input.readFloat(); + data.stringValue = input.readString(); + data.audioPath = input.readString(); + if (data.audioPath) { + data.volume = input.readFloat(); + data.balance = input.readFloat(); + } + skeletonData.events.push(data); + } + n = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { + let animationName = input.readString(); + if (!animationName) + throw new Error("Animatio name must not be null."); + skeletonData.animations.push(this.readAnimation(input, animationName, skeletonData)); + } + return skeletonData; + } + readSkin(input, skeletonData, defaultSkin, nonessential) { + let skin = null; + let slotCount = 0; + if (defaultSkin) { + slotCount = input.readInt(true); + if (slotCount == 0) + return null; + skin = new Skin("default"); + } else { + let skinName = input.readString(); + if (!skinName) + throw new Error("Skin name must not be null."); + skin = new Skin(skinName); + if (nonessential) + Color.rgba8888ToColor(skin.color, input.readInt32()); + skin.bones.length = input.readInt(true); + for (let i = 0, n = skin.bones.length; i < n; i++) + skin.bones[i] = skeletonData.bones[input.readInt(true)]; + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) + skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.ikConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) + skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.transformConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) + skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.pathConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) + skin.constraints.push(skeletonData.physicsConstraints[input.readInt(true)]); + slotCount = input.readInt(true); + } + for (let i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { + let slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (let ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + let name = input.readStringRef(); + if (!name) + throw new Error("Attachment name must not be null"); + let attachment = this.readAttachment(input, skeletonData, skin, slotIndex, name, nonessential); + if (attachment) + skin.setAttachment(slotIndex, name, attachment); + } + } + return skin; + } + readAttachment(input, skeletonData, skin, slotIndex, attachmentName, nonessential) { + let scale = this.scale; + let flags = input.readByte(); + const name = (flags & 8) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : attachmentName; + if (!name) + throw new Error("Attachment name must not be null"); + switch (flags & 7) { + case AttachmentType.Region: { + let path2 = (flags & 16) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : null; + const color = (flags & 32) != 0 ? input.readInt32() : 4294967295; + const sequence = (flags & 64) != 0 ? this.readSequence(input) : null; + let rotation = (flags & 128) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 0; + let x = input.readFloat(); + let y = input.readFloat(); + let scaleX = input.readFloat(); + let scaleY = input.readFloat(); + let width = input.readFloat(); + let height = input.readFloat(); + if (!path2) + path2 = name; + let region = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence); + if (!region) + return null; + region.path = path2; + region.x = x * scale; + region.y = y * scale; + region.scaleX = scaleX; + region.scaleY = scaleY; + region.rotation = rotation; + region.width = width * scale; + region.height = height * scale; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(region.color, color); + region.sequence = sequence; + if (sequence == null) + region.updateRegion(); + return region; + } + case AttachmentType.BoundingBox: { + let vertices = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 16) != 0); + let color = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + let box = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin, name); + if (!box) + return null; + box.worldVerticesLength = vertices.length; + box.vertices = vertices.vertices; + box.bones = vertices.bones; + if (nonessential) + Color.rgba8888ToColor(box.color, color); + return box; + } + case AttachmentType.Mesh: { + let path2 = (flags & 16) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : name; + const color = (flags & 32) != 0 ? input.readInt32() : 4294967295; + const sequence = (flags & 64) != 0 ? this.readSequence(input) : null; + const hullLength = input.readInt(true); + const vertices = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 128) != 0); + const uvs = this.readFloatArray(input, vertices.length, 1); + const triangles = this.readShortArray(input, (vertices.length - hullLength - 2) * 3); + let edges = []; + let width = 0, height = 0; + if (nonessential) { + edges = this.readShortArray(input, input.readInt(true)); + width = input.readFloat(); + height = input.readFloat(); + } + if (!path2) + path2 = name; + let mesh = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence); + if (!mesh) + return null; + mesh.path = path2; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(mesh.color, color); + mesh.bones = vertices.bones; + mesh.vertices = vertices.vertices; + mesh.worldVerticesLength = vertices.length; + mesh.triangles = triangles; + mesh.regionUVs = uvs; + if (sequence == null) + mesh.updateRegion(); + mesh.hullLength = hullLength << 1; + mesh.sequence = sequence; + if (nonessential) { + mesh.edges = edges; + mesh.width = width * scale; + mesh.height = height * scale; + } + return mesh; + } + case AttachmentType.LinkedMesh: { + const path2 = (flags & 16) != 0 ? input.readStringRef() : name; + if (path2 == null) + throw new Error("Path of linked mesh must not be null"); + const color = (flags & 32) != 0 ? input.readInt32() : 4294967295; + const sequence = (flags & 64) != 0 ? this.readSequence(input) : null; + const inheritTimelines = (flags & 128) != 0; + const skinIndex = input.readInt(true); + const parent = input.readStringRef(); + let width = 0, height = 0; + if (nonessential) { + width = input.readFloat(); + height = input.readFloat(); + } + let mesh = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence); + if (!mesh) + return null; + mesh.path = path2; + Color.rgba8888ToColor(mesh.color, color); + mesh.sequence = sequence; + if (nonessential) { + mesh.width = width * scale; + mesh.height = height * scale; + } + this.linkedMeshes.push(new LinkedMesh(mesh, skinIndex, slotIndex, parent, inheritTimelines)); + return mesh; + } + case AttachmentType.Path: { + const closed2 = (flags & 16) != 0; + const constantSpeed = (flags & 32) != 0; + const vertices = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 64) != 0); + const lengths = Utils.newArray(vertices.length / 6, 0); + for (let i = 0, n = lengths.length; i < n; i++) + lengths[i] = input.readFloat() * scale; + const color = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + const path2 = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(skin, name); + if (!path2) + return null; + path2.closed = closed2; + path2.constantSpeed = constantSpeed; + path2.worldVerticesLength = vertices.length; + path2.vertices = vertices.vertices; + path2.bones = vertices.bones; + path2.lengths = lengths; + if (nonessential) + Color.rgba8888ToColor(path2.color, color); + return path2; + } + case AttachmentType.Point: { + const rotation = input.readFloat(); + const x = input.readFloat(); + const y = input.readFloat(); + const color = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + const point = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(skin, name); + if (!point) + return null; + point.x = x * scale; + point.y = y * scale; + point.rotation = rotation; + if (nonessential) + Color.rgba8888ToColor(point.color, color); + return point; + } + case AttachmentType.Clipping: { + const endSlotIndex = input.readInt(true); + const vertices = this.readVertices(input, (flags & 16) != 0); + let color = nonessential ? input.readInt32() : 0; + let clip = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(skin, name); + if (!clip) + return null; + clip.endSlot = skeletonData.slots[endSlotIndex]; + clip.worldVerticesLength = vertices.length; + clip.vertices = vertices.vertices; + clip.bones = vertices.bones; + if (nonessential) + Color.rgba8888ToColor(clip.color, color); + return clip; + } + } + return null; + } + readSequence(input) { + let sequence = new Sequence(input.readInt(true)); + sequence.start = input.readInt(true); + sequence.digits = input.readInt(true); + sequence.setupIndex = input.readInt(true); + return sequence; + } + readVertices(input, weighted) { + const scale = this.scale; + const vertexCount = input.readInt(true); + const vertices = new Vertices(); + vertices.length = vertexCount << 1; + if (!weighted) { + vertices.vertices = this.readFloatArray(input, vertices.length, scale); + return vertices; + } + let weights = new Array(); + let bonesArray = new Array(); + for (let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) { + let boneCount = input.readInt(true); + bonesArray.push(boneCount); + for (let ii = 0; ii < boneCount; ii++) { + bonesArray.push(input.readInt(true)); + weights.push(input.readFloat() * scale); + weights.push(input.readFloat() * scale); + weights.push(input.readFloat()); + } + } + vertices.vertices = Utils.toFloatArray(weights); + vertices.bones = bonesArray; + return vertices; + } + readFloatArray(input, n, scale) { + let array = new Array(n); + if (scale == 1) { + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) + array[i] = input.readFloat(); + } else { + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) + array[i] = input.readFloat() * scale; + } + return array; + } + readShortArray(input, n) { + let array = new Array(n); + for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) + array[i] = input.readInt(true); + return array; + } + readAnimation(input, name, skeletonData) { + input.readInt(true); + let timelines = new Array(); + let scale = this.scale; + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + let slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (let ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + let timelineType = input.readByte(); + let frameCount = input.readInt(true); + let frameLast = frameCount - 1; + switch (timelineType) { + case SLOT_ATTACHMENT: { + let timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(frameCount, slotIndex); + for (let frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) + timeline.setFrame(frame, input.readFloat(), input.readStringRef()); + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGBA: { + let bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + let timeline = new RGBATimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex); + let time = input.readFloat(); + let r = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let a = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, a); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(); + let r2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let a2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, r, r2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, g, g2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 2, time, time2, b, b2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 3, time, time2, a, a2, 1); + } + time = time2; + r = r2; + g = g2; + b = b2; + a = a2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGB: { + let bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + let timeline = new RGBTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex); + let time = input.readFloat(); + let r = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(); + let r2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, r, r2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, g, g2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 2, time, time2, b, b2, 1); + } + time = time2; + r = r2; + g = g2; + b = b2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGBA2: { + let bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + let timeline = new RGBA2Timeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex); + let time = input.readFloat(); + let r = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let a = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let r2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, a, r2, g2, b2); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(); + let nr = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let ng = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let nb = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let na = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let nr2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let ng2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let nb2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, r, nr, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, g, ng, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 2, time, time2, b, nb, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 3, time, time2, a, na, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 4, time, time2, r2, nr2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 5, time, time2, g2, ng2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 6, time, time2, b2, nb2, 1); + } + time = time2; + r = nr; + g = ng; + b = nb; + a = na; + r2 = nr2; + g2 = ng2; + b2 = nb2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_RGB2: { + let bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + let timeline = new RGB2Timeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex); + let time = input.readFloat(); + let r = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let r2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let g2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let b2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, r, g, b, r2, g2, b2); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(); + let nr = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let ng = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let nb = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let nr2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let ng2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + let nb2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, r, nr, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, g, ng, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 2, time, time2, b, nb, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 3, time, time2, r2, nr2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 4, time, time2, g2, ng2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 5, time, time2, b2, nb2, 1); + } + time = time2; + r = nr; + g = ng; + b = nb; + r2 = nr2; + g2 = ng2; + b2 = nb2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case SLOT_ALPHA: { + let timeline = new AlphaTimeline(frameCount, input.readInt(true), slotIndex); + let time = input.readFloat(), a = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, a); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(); + let a2 = input.readUnsignedByte() / 255; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, a, a2, 1); + } + time = time2; + a = a2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + } + } + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + let boneIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (let ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + let type = input.readByte(), frameCount = input.readInt(true); + if (type == BONE_INHERIT) { + let timeline = new InheritTimeline(frameCount, boneIndex); + for (let frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, input.readFloat(), input.readByte()); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + continue; + } + let bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + switch (type) { + case BONE_ROTATE: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new RotateTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_TRANSLATE: + timelines.push(readTimeline2(input, new TranslateTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), scale)); + break; + case BONE_TRANSLATEX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new TranslateXTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), scale)); + break; + case BONE_TRANSLATEY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new TranslateYTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), scale)); + break; + case BONE_SCALE: + timelines.push(readTimeline2(input, new ScaleTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SCALEX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new ScaleXTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SCALEY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new ScaleYTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SHEAR: + timelines.push(readTimeline2(input, new ShearTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SHEARX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new ShearXTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + break; + case BONE_SHEARY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new ShearYTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, boneIndex), 1)); + } + } + } + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + let index = input.readInt(true), frameCount = input.readInt(true), frameLast = frameCount - 1; + let timeline = new IkConstraintTimeline(frameCount, input.readInt(true), index); + let flags = input.readByte(); + let time = input.readFloat(), mix = (flags & 1) != 0 ? (flags & 2) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1 : 0; + let softness = (flags & 4) != 0 ? input.readFloat() * scale : 0; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mix, softness, (flags & 8) != 0 ? 1 : -1, (flags & 16) != 0, (flags & 32) != 0); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + flags = input.readByte(); + const time2 = input.readFloat(), mix2 = (flags & 1) != 0 ? (flags & 2) != 0 ? input.readFloat() : 1 : 0; + const softness2 = (flags & 4) != 0 ? input.readFloat() * scale : 0; + if ((flags & 64) != 0) { + timeline.setStepped(frame); + } else if ((flags & 128) != 0) { + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, mix, mix2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, softness, softness2, scale); + } + time = time2; + mix = mix2; + softness = softness2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + let index = input.readInt(true), frameCount = input.readInt(true), frameLast = frameCount - 1; + let timeline = new TransformConstraintTimeline(frameCount, input.readInt(true), index); + let time = input.readFloat(), mixRotate = input.readFloat(), mixX = input.readFloat(), mixY = input.readFloat(), mixScaleX = input.readFloat(), mixScaleY = input.readFloat(), mixShearY = input.readFloat(); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY, mixScaleX, mixScaleY, mixShearY); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(), mixRotate2 = input.readFloat(), mixX2 = input.readFloat(), mixY2 = input.readFloat(), mixScaleX2 = input.readFloat(), mixScaleY2 = input.readFloat(), mixShearY2 = input.readFloat(); + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, mixRotate, mixRotate2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, mixX, mixX2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 2, time, time2, mixY, mixY2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 3, time, time2, mixScaleX, mixScaleX2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 4, time, time2, mixScaleY, mixScaleY2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 5, time, time2, mixShearY, mixShearY2, 1); + } + time = time2; + mixRotate = mixRotate2; + mixX = mixX2; + mixY = mixY2; + mixScaleX = mixScaleX2; + mixScaleY = mixScaleY2; + mixShearY = mixShearY2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + let index = input.readInt(true); + let data = skeletonData.pathConstraints[index]; + for (let ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + const type = input.readByte(), frameCount = input.readInt(true), bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + switch (type) { + case PATH_POSITION: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PathConstraintPositionTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), data.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + break; + case PATH_SPACING: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PathConstraintSpacingTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + break; + case PATH_MIX: + let timeline = new PathConstraintMixTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index); + let time = input.readFloat(), mixRotate = input.readFloat(), mixX = input.readFloat(), mixY = input.readFloat(); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0, frameLast = timeline.getFrameCount() - 1; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(), mixRotate2 = input.readFloat(), mixX2 = input.readFloat(), mixY2 = input.readFloat(); + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, mixRotate, mixRotate2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, mixX, mixX2, 1); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 2, time, time2, mixY, mixY2, 1); + } + time = time2; + mixRotate = mixRotate2; + mixX = mixX2; + mixY = mixY2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + } + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + const index = input.readInt(true) - 1; + for (let ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + const type = input.readByte(), frameCount = input.readInt(true); + if (type == PHYSICS_RESET) { + const timeline = new PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline(frameCount, index); + for (let frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) + timeline.setFrame(frame, input.readFloat()); + timelines.push(timeline); + continue; + } + const bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + switch (type) { + case PHYSICS_INERTIA: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_STRENGTH: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_DAMPING: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_MASS: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_WIND: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_GRAVITY: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + break; + case PHYSICS_MIX: + timelines.push(readTimeline1(input, new PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, index), 1)); + } + } + } + for (let i = 0, n = input.readInt(true); i < n; i++) { + let skin = skeletonData.skins[input.readInt(true)]; + for (let ii = 0, nn = input.readInt(true); ii < nn; ii++) { + let slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + for (let iii = 0, nnn = input.readInt(true); iii < nnn; iii++) { + let attachmentName = input.readStringRef(); + if (!attachmentName) + throw new Error("attachmentName must not be null."); + let attachment = skin.getAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentName); + let timelineType = input.readByte(); + let frameCount = input.readInt(true); + let frameLast = frameCount - 1; + switch (timelineType) { + case ATTACHMENT_DEFORM: { + let vertexAttachment = attachment; + let weighted = vertexAttachment.bones; + let vertices = vertexAttachment.vertices; + let deformLength = weighted ? vertices.length / 3 * 2 : vertices.length; + let bezierCount = input.readInt(true); + let timeline = new DeformTimeline(frameCount, bezierCount, slotIndex, vertexAttachment); + let time = input.readFloat(); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + let deform; + let end = input.readInt(true); + if (end == 0) + deform = weighted ? Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength) : vertices; + else { + deform = Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength); + let start = input.readInt(true); + end += start; + if (scale == 1) { + for (let v = start; v < end; v++) + deform[v] = input.readFloat(); + } else { + for (let v = start; v < end; v++) + deform[v] = input.readFloat() * scale; + } + if (!weighted) { + for (let v = 0, vn = deform.length; v < vn; v++) + deform[v] += vertices[v]; + } + } + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, deform); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(); + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, 0, 1, 1); + } + time = time2; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + case ATTACHMENT_SEQUENCE: { + let timeline = new SequenceTimeline(frameCount, slotIndex, attachment); + for (let frame = 0; frame < frameCount; frame++) { + let time = input.readFloat(); + let modeAndIndex = input.readInt32(); + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, SequenceModeValues[modeAndIndex & 15], modeAndIndex >> 4, input.readFloat()); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + break; + } + } + } + } + } + let drawOrderCount = input.readInt(true); + if (drawOrderCount > 0) { + let timeline = new DrawOrderTimeline(drawOrderCount); + let slotCount = skeletonData.slots.length; + for (let i = 0; i < drawOrderCount; i++) { + let time = input.readFloat(); + let offsetCount = input.readInt(true); + let drawOrder = Utils.newArray(slotCount, 0); + for (let ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) + drawOrder[ii] = -1; + let unchanged = Utils.newArray(slotCount - offsetCount, 0); + let originalIndex = 0, unchangedIndex = 0; + for (let ii = 0; ii < offsetCount; ii++) { + let slotIndex = input.readInt(true); + while (originalIndex != slotIndex) + unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + drawOrder[originalIndex + input.readInt(true)] = originalIndex++; + } + while (originalIndex < slotCount) + unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + for (let ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) + if (drawOrder[ii] == -1) + drawOrder[ii] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex]; + timeline.setFrame(i, time, drawOrder); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + let eventCount = input.readInt(true); + if (eventCount > 0) { + let timeline = new EventTimeline(eventCount); + for (let i = 0; i < eventCount; i++) { + let time = input.readFloat(); + let eventData = skeletonData.events[input.readInt(true)]; + let event = new Event(time, eventData); + event.intValue = input.readInt(false); + event.floatValue = input.readFloat(); + event.stringValue = input.readString(); + if (event.stringValue == null) + event.stringValue = eventData.stringValue; + if (event.data.audioPath) { + event.volume = input.readFloat(); + event.balance = input.readFloat(); + } + timeline.setFrame(i, event); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + let duration = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = timelines.length; i < n; i++) + duration = Math.max(duration, timelines[i].getDuration()); + return new Animation(name, timelines, duration); + } + }; + var BinaryInput = class { + strings; + index; + buffer; + constructor(data, strings = new Array(), index = 0, buffer = new DataView(data.buffer)) { + this.strings = strings; + this.index = index; + this.buffer = buffer; + } + readByte() { + return this.buffer.getInt8(this.index++); + } + readUnsignedByte() { + return this.buffer.getUint8(this.index++); + } + readShort() { + let value = this.buffer.getInt16(this.index); + this.index += 2; + return value; + } + readInt32() { + let value = this.buffer.getInt32(this.index); + this.index += 4; + return value; + } + readInt(optimizePositive) { + let b = this.readByte(); + let result = b & 127; + if ((b & 128) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 127) << 7; + if ((b & 128) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 127) << 14; + if ((b & 128) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 127) << 21; + if ((b & 128) != 0) { + b = this.readByte(); + result |= (b & 127) << 28; + } + } + } + } + return optimizePositive ? result : result >>> 1 ^ -(result & 1); + } + readStringRef() { + let index = this.readInt(true); + return index == 0 ? null : this.strings[index - 1]; + } + readString() { + let byteCount = this.readInt(true); + switch (byteCount) { + case 0: + return null; + case 1: + return ""; + } + byteCount--; + let chars = ""; + let charCount = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < byteCount; ) { + let b = this.readUnsignedByte(); + switch (b >> 4) { + case 12: + case 13: + chars += String.fromCharCode((b & 31) << 6 | this.readByte() & 63); + i += 2; + break; + case 14: + chars += String.fromCharCode((b & 15) << 12 | (this.readByte() & 63) << 6 | this.readByte() & 63); + i += 3; + break; + default: + chars += String.fromCharCode(b); + i++; + } + } + return chars; + } + readFloat() { + let value = this.buffer.getFloat32(this.index); + this.index += 4; + return value; + } + readBoolean() { + return this.readByte() != 0; + } + }; + var LinkedMesh = class { + parent; + skinIndex; + slotIndex; + mesh; + inheritTimeline; + constructor(mesh, skinIndex, slotIndex, parent, inheritDeform) { + this.mesh = mesh; + this.skinIndex = skinIndex; + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.parent = parent; + this.inheritTimeline = inheritDeform; + } + }; + var Vertices = class { + bones; + vertices; + length; + constructor(bones = null, vertices = null, length = 0) { + this.bones = bones; + this.vertices = vertices; + this.length = length; + } + }; + var AttachmentType; + (function(AttachmentType2) { + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["Region"] = 0] = "Region"; + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["BoundingBox"] = 1] = "BoundingBox"; + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["Mesh"] = 2] = "Mesh"; + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["LinkedMesh"] = 3] = "LinkedMesh"; + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["Path"] = 4] = "Path"; + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["Point"] = 5] = "Point"; + AttachmentType2[AttachmentType2["Clipping"] = 6] = "Clipping"; + })(AttachmentType || (AttachmentType = {})); + function readTimeline1(input, timeline, scale) { + let time = input.readFloat(), value = input.readFloat() * scale; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0, frameLast = timeline.getFrameCount() - 1; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(), value2 = input.readFloat() * scale; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, value, value2, scale); + } + time = time2; + value = value2; + } + return timeline; + } + function readTimeline2(input, timeline, scale) { + let time = input.readFloat(), value1 = input.readFloat() * scale, value2 = input.readFloat() * scale; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0, frameLast = timeline.getFrameCount() - 1; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value1, value2); + if (frame == frameLast) + break; + let time2 = input.readFloat(), nvalue1 = input.readFloat() * scale, nvalue2 = input.readFloat() * scale; + switch (input.readByte()) { + case CURVE_STEPPED: + timeline.setStepped(frame); + break; + case CURVE_BEZIER: + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 0, time, time2, value1, nvalue1, scale); + setBezier(input, timeline, bezier++, frame, 1, time, time2, value2, nvalue2, scale); + } + time = time2; + value1 = nvalue1; + value2 = nvalue2; + } + return timeline; + } + function setBezier(input, timeline, bezier, frame, value, time1, time2, value1, value2, scale) { + timeline.setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat() * scale, input.readFloat(), input.readFloat() * scale, time2, value2); + } + var BONE_ROTATE = 0; + var BONE_TRANSLATE = 1; + var BONE_TRANSLATEX = 2; + var BONE_TRANSLATEY = 3; + var BONE_SCALE = 4; + var BONE_SCALEX = 5; + var BONE_SCALEY = 6; + var BONE_SHEAR = 7; + var BONE_SHEARX = 8; + var BONE_SHEARY = 9; + var BONE_INHERIT = 10; + var SLOT_ATTACHMENT = 0; + var SLOT_RGBA = 1; + var SLOT_RGB = 2; + var SLOT_RGBA2 = 3; + var SLOT_RGB2 = 4; + var SLOT_ALPHA = 5; + var ATTACHMENT_DEFORM = 0; + var ATTACHMENT_SEQUENCE = 1; + var PATH_POSITION = 0; + var PATH_SPACING = 1; + var PATH_MIX = 2; + var PHYSICS_INERTIA = 0; + var PHYSICS_STRENGTH = 1; + var PHYSICS_DAMPING = 2; + var PHYSICS_MASS = 4; + var PHYSICS_WIND = 5; + var PHYSICS_GRAVITY = 6; + var PHYSICS_MIX = 7; + var PHYSICS_RESET = 8; + var CURVE_STEPPED = 1; + var CURVE_BEZIER = 2; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/SkeletonBounds.js + var SkeletonBounds = class { + /** The left edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ + minX = 0; + /** The bottom edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ + minY = 0; + /** The right edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ + maxX = 0; + /** The top edge of the axis aligned bounding box. */ + maxY = 0; + /** The visible bounding boxes. */ + boundingBoxes = new Array(); + /** The world vertices for the bounding box polygons. */ + polygons = new Array(); + polygonPool = new Pool(() => { + return Utils.newFloatArray(16); + }); + /** Clears any previous polygons, finds all visible bounding box attachments, and computes the world vertices for each bounding + * box's polygon. + * @param updateAabb If true, the axis aligned bounding box containing all the polygons is computed. If false, the + * SkeletonBounds AABB methods will always return true. */ + update(skeleton, updateAabb) { + if (!skeleton) + throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); + let boundingBoxes = this.boundingBoxes; + let polygons = this.polygons; + let polygonPool = this.polygonPool; + let slots = skeleton.slots; + let slotCount = slots.length; + boundingBoxes.length = 0; + polygonPool.freeAll(polygons); + polygons.length = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { + let slot = slots[i]; + if (!slot.bone.active) + continue; + let attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof BoundingBoxAttachment) { + let boundingBox = attachment; + boundingBoxes.push(boundingBox); + let polygon = polygonPool.obtain(); + if (polygon.length != boundingBox.worldVerticesLength) { + polygon = Utils.newFloatArray(boundingBox.worldVerticesLength); + } + polygons.push(polygon); + boundingBox.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, boundingBox.worldVerticesLength, polygon, 0, 2); + } + } + if (updateAabb) { + this.aabbCompute(); + } else { + this.minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; + this.minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; + this.maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + this.maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + } + } + aabbCompute() { + let minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; + let polygons = this.polygons; + for (let i = 0, n = polygons.length; i < n; i++) { + let polygon = polygons[i]; + let vertices = polygon; + for (let ii = 0, nn = polygon.length; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + let x = vertices[ii]; + let y = vertices[ii + 1]; + minX = Math.min(minX, x); + minY = Math.min(minY, y); + maxX = Math.max(maxX, x); + maxY = Math.max(maxY, y); + } + } + this.minX = minX; + this.minY = minY; + this.maxX = maxX; + this.maxY = maxY; + } + /** Returns true if the axis aligned bounding box contains the point. */ + aabbContainsPoint(x, y) { + return x >= this.minX && x <= this.maxX && y >= this.minY && y <= this.maxY; + } + /** Returns true if the axis aligned bounding box intersects the line segment. */ + aabbIntersectsSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + let minX = this.minX; + let minY = this.minY; + let maxX = this.maxX; + let maxY = this.maxY; + if (x1 <= minX && x2 <= minX || y1 <= minY && y2 <= minY || x1 >= maxX && x2 >= maxX || y1 >= maxY && y2 >= maxY) + return false; + let m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); + let y = m * (minX - x1) + y1; + if (y > minY && y < maxY) + return true; + y = m * (maxX - x1) + y1; + if (y > minY && y < maxY) + return true; + let x = (minY - y1) / m + x1; + if (x > minX && x < maxX) + return true; + x = (maxY - y1) / m + x1; + if (x > minX && x < maxX) + return true; + return false; + } + /** Returns true if the axis aligned bounding box intersects the axis aligned bounding box of the specified bounds. */ + aabbIntersectsSkeleton(bounds) { + return this.minX < bounds.maxX && this.maxX > bounds.minX && this.minY < bounds.maxY && this.maxY > bounds.minY; + } + /** Returns the first bounding box attachment that contains the point, or null. When doing many checks, it is usually more + * efficient to only call this method if {@link #aabbContainsPoint(float, float)} returns true. */ + containsPoint(x, y) { + let polygons = this.polygons; + for (let i = 0, n = polygons.length; i < n; i++) + if (this.containsPointPolygon(polygons[i], x, y)) + return this.boundingBoxes[i]; + return null; + } + /** Returns true if the polygon contains the point. */ + containsPointPolygon(polygon, x, y) { + let vertices = polygon; + let nn = polygon.length; + let prevIndex = nn - 2; + let inside = false; + for (let ii = 0; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + let vertexY = vertices[ii + 1]; + let prevY = vertices[prevIndex + 1]; + if (vertexY < y && prevY >= y || prevY < y && vertexY >= y) { + let vertexX = vertices[ii]; + if (vertexX + (y - vertexY) / (prevY - vertexY) * (vertices[prevIndex] - vertexX) < x) + inside = !inside; + } + prevIndex = ii; + } + return inside; + } + /** Returns the first bounding box attachment that contains any part of the line segment, or null. When doing many checks, it + * is usually more efficient to only call this method if {@link #aabbIntersectsSegment()} returns + * true. */ + intersectsSegment(x1, y1, x2, y2) { + let polygons = this.polygons; + for (let i = 0, n = polygons.length; i < n; i++) + if (this.intersectsSegmentPolygon(polygons[i], x1, y1, x2, y2)) + return this.boundingBoxes[i]; + return null; + } + /** Returns true if the polygon contains any part of the line segment. */ + intersectsSegmentPolygon(polygon, x1, y1, x2, y2) { + let vertices = polygon; + let nn = polygon.length; + let width12 = x1 - x2, height12 = y1 - y2; + let det1 = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2; + let x3 = vertices[nn - 2], y3 = vertices[nn - 1]; + for (let ii = 0; ii < nn; ii += 2) { + let x4 = vertices[ii], y4 = vertices[ii + 1]; + let det2 = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4; + let width34 = x3 - x4, height34 = y3 - y4; + let det3 = width12 * height34 - height12 * width34; + let x = (det1 * width34 - width12 * det2) / det3; + if ((x >= x3 && x <= x4 || x >= x4 && x <= x3) && (x >= x1 && x <= x2 || x >= x2 && x <= x1)) { + let y = (det1 * height34 - height12 * det2) / det3; + if ((y >= y3 && y <= y4 || y >= y4 && y <= y3) && (y >= y1 && y <= y2 || y >= y2 && y <= y1)) + return true; + } + x3 = x4; + y3 = y4; + } + return false; + } + /** Returns the polygon for the specified bounding box, or null. */ + getPolygon(boundingBox) { + if (!boundingBox) + throw new Error("boundingBox cannot be null."); + let index = this.boundingBoxes.indexOf(boundingBox); + return index == -1 ? null : this.polygons[index]; + } + /** The width of the axis aligned bounding box. */ + getWidth() { + return this.maxX - this.minX; + } + /** The height of the axis aligned bounding box. */ + getHeight() { + return this.maxY - this.minY; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/Triangulator.js + var Triangulator = class _Triangulator { + convexPolygons = new Array(); + convexPolygonsIndices = new Array(); + indicesArray = new Array(); + isConcaveArray = new Array(); + triangles = new Array(); + polygonPool = new Pool(() => { + return new Array(); + }); + polygonIndicesPool = new Pool(() => { + return new Array(); + }); + triangulate(verticesArray) { + let vertices = verticesArray; + let vertexCount = verticesArray.length >> 1; + let indices = this.indicesArray; + indices.length = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) + indices[i] = i; + let isConcave = this.isConcaveArray; + isConcave.length = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = vertexCount; i < n; ++i) + isConcave[i] = _Triangulator.isConcave(i, vertexCount, vertices, indices); + let triangles = this.triangles; + triangles.length = 0; + while (vertexCount > 3) { + let previous = vertexCount - 1, i = 0, next = 1; + while (true) { + outer: + if (!isConcave[i]) { + let p1 = indices[previous] << 1, p2 = indices[i] << 1, p3 = indices[next] << 1; + let p1x = vertices[p1], p1y = vertices[p1 + 1]; + let p2x = vertices[p2], p2y = vertices[p2 + 1]; + let p3x = vertices[p3], p3y = vertices[p3 + 1]; + for (let ii = (next + 1) % vertexCount; ii != previous; ii = (ii + 1) % vertexCount) { + if (!isConcave[ii]) + continue; + let v = indices[ii] << 1; + let vx = vertices[v], vy = vertices[v + 1]; + if (_Triangulator.positiveArea(p3x, p3y, p1x, p1y, vx, vy)) { + if (_Triangulator.positiveArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, vx, vy)) { + if (_Triangulator.positiveArea(p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y, vx, vy)) + break outer; + } + } + } + break; + } + if (next == 0) { + do { + if (!isConcave[i]) + break; + i--; + } while (i > 0); + break; + } + previous = i; + i = next; + next = (next + 1) % vertexCount; + } + triangles.push(indices[(vertexCount + i - 1) % vertexCount]); + triangles.push(indices[i]); + triangles.push(indices[(i + 1) % vertexCount]); + indices.splice(i, 1); + isConcave.splice(i, 1); + vertexCount--; + let previousIndex = (vertexCount + i - 1) % vertexCount; + let nextIndex = i == vertexCount ? 0 : i; + isConcave[previousIndex] = _Triangulator.isConcave(previousIndex, vertexCount, vertices, indices); + isConcave[nextIndex] = _Triangulator.isConcave(nextIndex, vertexCount, vertices, indices); + } + if (vertexCount == 3) { + triangles.push(indices[2]); + triangles.push(indices[0]); + triangles.push(indices[1]); + } + return triangles; + } + decompose(verticesArray, triangles) { + let vertices = verticesArray; + let convexPolygons = this.convexPolygons; + this.polygonPool.freeAll(convexPolygons); + convexPolygons.length = 0; + let convexPolygonsIndices = this.convexPolygonsIndices; + this.polygonIndicesPool.freeAll(convexPolygonsIndices); + convexPolygonsIndices.length = 0; + let polygonIndices = this.polygonIndicesPool.obtain(); + polygonIndices.length = 0; + let polygon = this.polygonPool.obtain(); + polygon.length = 0; + let fanBaseIndex = -1, lastWinding = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = triangles.length; i < n; i += 3) { + let t1 = triangles[i] << 1, t2 = triangles[i + 1] << 1, t3 = triangles[i + 2] << 1; + let x1 = vertices[t1], y1 = vertices[t1 + 1]; + let x2 = vertices[t2], y2 = vertices[t2 + 1]; + let x3 = vertices[t3], y3 = vertices[t3 + 1]; + let merged = false; + if (fanBaseIndex == t1) { + let o = polygon.length - 4; + let winding1 = _Triangulator.winding(polygon[o], polygon[o + 1], polygon[o + 2], polygon[o + 3], x3, y3); + let winding2 = _Triangulator.winding(x3, y3, polygon[0], polygon[1], polygon[2], polygon[3]); + if (winding1 == lastWinding && winding2 == lastWinding) { + polygon.push(x3); + polygon.push(y3); + polygonIndices.push(t3); + merged = true; + } + } + if (!merged) { + if (polygon.length > 0) { + convexPolygons.push(polygon); + convexPolygonsIndices.push(polygonIndices); + } else { + this.polygonPool.free(polygon); + this.polygonIndicesPool.free(polygonIndices); + } + polygon = this.polygonPool.obtain(); + polygon.length = 0; + polygon.push(x1); + polygon.push(y1); + polygon.push(x2); + polygon.push(y2); + polygon.push(x3); + polygon.push(y3); + polygonIndices = this.polygonIndicesPool.obtain(); + polygonIndices.length = 0; + polygonIndices.push(t1); + polygonIndices.push(t2); + polygonIndices.push(t3); + lastWinding = _Triangulator.winding(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); + fanBaseIndex = t1; + } + } + if (polygon.length > 0) { + convexPolygons.push(polygon); + convexPolygonsIndices.push(polygonIndices); + } + for (let i = 0, n = convexPolygons.length; i < n; i++) { + polygonIndices = convexPolygonsIndices[i]; + if (polygonIndices.length == 0) + continue; + let firstIndex = polygonIndices[0]; + let lastIndex = polygonIndices[polygonIndices.length - 1]; + polygon = convexPolygons[i]; + let o = polygon.length - 4; + let prevPrevX = polygon[o], prevPrevY = polygon[o + 1]; + let prevX = polygon[o + 2], prevY = polygon[o + 3]; + let firstX = polygon[0], firstY = polygon[1]; + let secondX = polygon[2], secondY = polygon[3]; + let winding = _Triangulator.winding(prevPrevX, prevPrevY, prevX, prevY, firstX, firstY); + for (let ii = 0; ii < n; ii++) { + if (ii == i) + continue; + let otherIndices = convexPolygonsIndices[ii]; + if (otherIndices.length != 3) + continue; + let otherFirstIndex = otherIndices[0]; + let otherSecondIndex = otherIndices[1]; + let otherLastIndex = otherIndices[2]; + let otherPoly = convexPolygons[ii]; + let x3 = otherPoly[otherPoly.length - 2], y3 = otherPoly[otherPoly.length - 1]; + if (otherFirstIndex != firstIndex || otherSecondIndex != lastIndex) + continue; + let winding1 = _Triangulator.winding(prevPrevX, prevPrevY, prevX, prevY, x3, y3); + let winding2 = _Triangulator.winding(x3, y3, firstX, firstY, secondX, secondY); + if (winding1 == winding && winding2 == winding) { + otherPoly.length = 0; + otherIndices.length = 0; + polygon.push(x3); + polygon.push(y3); + polygonIndices.push(otherLastIndex); + prevPrevX = prevX; + prevPrevY = prevY; + prevX = x3; + prevY = y3; + ii = 0; + } + } + } + for (let i = convexPolygons.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { + polygon = convexPolygons[i]; + if (polygon.length == 0) { + convexPolygons.splice(i, 1); + this.polygonPool.free(polygon); + polygonIndices = convexPolygonsIndices[i]; + convexPolygonsIndices.splice(i, 1); + this.polygonIndicesPool.free(polygonIndices); + } + } + return convexPolygons; + } + static isConcave(index, vertexCount, vertices, indices) { + let previous = indices[(vertexCount + index - 1) % vertexCount] << 1; + let current = indices[index] << 1; + let next = indices[(index + 1) % vertexCount] << 1; + return !this.positiveArea(vertices[previous], vertices[previous + 1], vertices[current], vertices[current + 1], vertices[next], vertices[next + 1]); + } + static positiveArea(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { + return p1x * (p3y - p2y) + p2x * (p1y - p3y) + p3x * (p2y - p1y) >= 0; + } + static winding(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, p3x, p3y) { + let px = p2x - p1x, py = p2y - p1y; + return p3x * py - p3y * px + px * p1y - p1x * py >= 0 ? 1 : -1; + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/SkeletonClipping.js + var SkeletonClipping = class _SkeletonClipping { + triangulator = new Triangulator(); + clippingPolygon = new Array(); + clipOutput = new Array(); + clippedVertices = new Array(); + clippedTriangles = new Array(); + scratch = new Array(); + clipAttachment = null; + clippingPolygons = null; + clipStart(slot, clip) { + if (this.clipAttachment) + return 0; + this.clipAttachment = clip; + let n = clip.worldVerticesLength; + let vertices = Utils.setArraySize(this.clippingPolygon, n); + clip.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, n, vertices, 0, 2); + let clippingPolygon = this.clippingPolygon; + _SkeletonClipping.makeClockwise(clippingPolygon); + let clippingPolygons = this.clippingPolygons = this.triangulator.decompose(clippingPolygon, this.triangulator.triangulate(clippingPolygon)); + for (let i = 0, n2 = clippingPolygons.length; i < n2; i++) { + let polygon = clippingPolygons[i]; + _SkeletonClipping.makeClockwise(polygon); + polygon.push(polygon[0]); + polygon.push(polygon[1]); + } + return clippingPolygons.length; + } + clipEndWithSlot(slot) { + if (this.clipAttachment && this.clipAttachment.endSlot == slot.data) + this.clipEnd(); + } + clipEnd() { + if (!this.clipAttachment) + return; + this.clipAttachment = null; + this.clippingPolygons = null; + this.clippedVertices.length = 0; + this.clippedTriangles.length = 0; + this.clippingPolygon.length = 0; + } + isClipping() { + return this.clipAttachment != null; + } + clipTriangles(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, trianglesLength, uvs, light, dark, twoColor) { + if (uvs && light && dark && typeof twoColor === "boolean") + this.clipTrianglesRender(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, trianglesLength, uvs, light, dark, twoColor); + else + this.clipTrianglesNoRender(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, trianglesLength); + } + clipTrianglesNoRender(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, trianglesLength) { + let clipOutput = this.clipOutput, clippedVertices = this.clippedVertices; + let clippedTriangles = this.clippedTriangles; + let polygons = this.clippingPolygons; + let polygonsCount = polygons.length; + let vertexSize = 2; + let index = 0; + clippedVertices.length = 0; + clippedTriangles.length = 0; + outer: + for (let i = 0; i < trianglesLength; i += 3) { + let vertexOffset = triangles[i] << 1; + let x1 = vertices[vertexOffset], y1 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 1] << 1; + let x2 = vertices[vertexOffset], y2 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 2] << 1; + let x3 = vertices[vertexOffset], y3 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + for (let p = 0; p < polygonsCount; p++) { + let s = clippedVertices.length; + if (this.clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, polygons[p], clipOutput)) { + let clipOutputLength = clipOutput.length; + if (clipOutputLength == 0) + continue; + let clipOutputCount = clipOutputLength >> 1; + let clipOutputItems = this.clipOutput; + let clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + clipOutputCount * vertexSize); + for (let ii = 0; ii < clipOutputLength; ii += 2) { + let x = clipOutputItems[ii], y = clipOutputItems[ii + 1]; + clippedVerticesItems[s] = x; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y; + s += 2; + } + s = clippedTriangles.length; + let clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3 * (clipOutputCount - 2)); + clipOutputCount--; + for (let ii = 1; ii < clipOutputCount; ii++) { + clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + ii; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + ii + 1; + s += 3; + } + index += clipOutputCount + 1; + } else { + let clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + 3 * vertexSize); + clippedVerticesItems[s] = x1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 2] = x2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 3] = y2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 4] = x3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 5] = y3; + s = clippedTriangles.length; + let clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3); + clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + 1; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + 2; + index += 3; + continue outer; + } + } + } + } + clipTrianglesRender(vertices, verticesLength, triangles, trianglesLength, uvs, light, dark, twoColor) { + let clipOutput = this.clipOutput, clippedVertices = this.clippedVertices; + let clippedTriangles = this.clippedTriangles; + let polygons = this.clippingPolygons; + let polygonsCount = polygons.length; + let vertexSize = twoColor ? 12 : 8; + let index = 0; + clippedVertices.length = 0; + clippedTriangles.length = 0; + outer: + for (let i = 0; i < trianglesLength; i += 3) { + let vertexOffset = triangles[i] << 1; + let x1 = vertices[vertexOffset], y1 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + let u1 = uvs[vertexOffset], v1 = uvs[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 1] << 1; + let x2 = vertices[vertexOffset], y2 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + let u2 = uvs[vertexOffset], v2 = uvs[vertexOffset + 1]; + vertexOffset = triangles[i + 2] << 1; + let x3 = vertices[vertexOffset], y3 = vertices[vertexOffset + 1]; + let u3 = uvs[vertexOffset], v3 = uvs[vertexOffset + 1]; + for (let p = 0; p < polygonsCount; p++) { + let s = clippedVertices.length; + if (this.clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, polygons[p], clipOutput)) { + let clipOutputLength = clipOutput.length; + if (clipOutputLength == 0) + continue; + let d0 = y2 - y3, d1 = x3 - x2, d2 = x1 - x3, d4 = y3 - y1; + let d = 1 / (d0 * d2 + d1 * (y1 - y3)); + let clipOutputCount = clipOutputLength >> 1; + let clipOutputItems = this.clipOutput; + let clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + clipOutputCount * vertexSize); + for (let ii = 0; ii < clipOutputLength; ii += 2) { + let x = clipOutputItems[ii], y = clipOutputItems[ii + 1]; + clippedVerticesItems[s] = x; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 2] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 3] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 4] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 5] = light.a; + let c0 = x - x3, c1 = y - y3; + let a = (d0 * c0 + d1 * c1) * d; + let b = (d4 * c0 + d2 * c1) * d; + let c = 1 - a - b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 6] = u1 * a + u2 * b + u3 * c; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 7] = v1 * a + v2 * b + v3 * c; + if (twoColor) { + clippedVerticesItems[s + 8] = dark.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 9] = dark.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 10] = dark.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 11] = dark.a; + } + s += vertexSize; + } + s = clippedTriangles.length; + let clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3 * (clipOutputCount - 2)); + clipOutputCount--; + for (let ii = 1; ii < clipOutputCount; ii++) { + clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + ii; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + ii + 1; + s += 3; + } + index += clipOutputCount + 1; + } else { + let clippedVerticesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedVertices, s + 3 * vertexSize); + clippedVerticesItems[s] = x1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 1] = y1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 2] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 3] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 4] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 5] = light.a; + if (!twoColor) { + clippedVerticesItems[s + 6] = u1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 7] = v1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 8] = x2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 9] = y2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 10] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 11] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 12] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 13] = light.a; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 14] = u2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 15] = v2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 16] = x3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 17] = y3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 18] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 19] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 20] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 21] = light.a; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 22] = u3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 23] = v3; + } else { + clippedVerticesItems[s + 6] = u1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 7] = v1; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 8] = dark.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 9] = dark.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 10] = dark.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 11] = dark.a; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 12] = x2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 13] = y2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 14] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 15] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 16] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 17] = light.a; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 18] = u2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 19] = v2; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 20] = dark.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 21] = dark.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 22] = dark.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 23] = dark.a; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 24] = x3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 25] = y3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 26] = light.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 27] = light.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 28] = light.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 29] = light.a; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 30] = u3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 31] = v3; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 32] = dark.r; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 33] = dark.g; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 34] = dark.b; + clippedVerticesItems[s + 35] = dark.a; + } + s = clippedTriangles.length; + let clippedTrianglesItems = Utils.setArraySize(clippedTriangles, s + 3); + clippedTrianglesItems[s] = index; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 1] = index + 1; + clippedTrianglesItems[s + 2] = index + 2; + index += 3; + continue outer; + } + } + } + } + /** Clips the input triangle against the convex, clockwise clipping area. If the triangle lies entirely within the clipping + * area, false is returned. The clipping area must duplicate the first vertex at the end of the vertices list. */ + clip(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, clippingArea, output) { + let originalOutput = output; + let clipped = false; + let input; + if (clippingArea.length % 4 >= 2) { + input = output; + output = this.scratch; + } else + input = this.scratch; + input.length = 0; + input.push(x1); + input.push(y1); + input.push(x2); + input.push(y2); + input.push(x3); + input.push(y3); + input.push(x1); + input.push(y1); + output.length = 0; + let clippingVertices = clippingArea; + let clippingVerticesLast = clippingArea.length - 4; + for (let i = 0; ; i += 2) { + let edgeX = clippingVertices[i], edgeY = clippingVertices[i + 1]; + let edgeX2 = clippingVertices[i + 2], edgeY2 = clippingVertices[i + 3]; + let deltaX = edgeX - edgeX2, deltaY = edgeY - edgeY2; + let inputVertices = input; + let inputVerticesLength = input.length - 2, outputStart = output.length; + for (let ii = 0; ii < inputVerticesLength; ii += 2) { + let inputX = inputVertices[ii], inputY = inputVertices[ii + 1]; + let inputX2 = inputVertices[ii + 2], inputY2 = inputVertices[ii + 3]; + let side2 = deltaX * (inputY2 - edgeY2) - deltaY * (inputX2 - edgeX2) > 0; + if (deltaX * (inputY - edgeY2) - deltaY * (inputX - edgeX2) > 0) { + if (side2) { + output.push(inputX2); + output.push(inputY2); + continue; + } + let c0 = inputY2 - inputY, c2 = inputX2 - inputX; + let s = c0 * (edgeX2 - edgeX) - c2 * (edgeY2 - edgeY); + if (Math.abs(s) > 1e-6) { + let ua = (c2 * (edgeY - inputY) - c0 * (edgeX - inputX)) / s; + output.push(edgeX + (edgeX2 - edgeX) * ua); + output.push(edgeY + (edgeY2 - edgeY) * ua); + } else { + output.push(edgeX); + output.push(edgeY); + } + } else if (side2) { + let c0 = inputY2 - inputY, c2 = inputX2 - inputX; + let s = c0 * (edgeX2 - edgeX) - c2 * (edgeY2 - edgeY); + if (Math.abs(s) > 1e-6) { + let ua = (c2 * (edgeY - inputY) - c0 * (edgeX - inputX)) / s; + output.push(edgeX + (edgeX2 - edgeX) * ua); + output.push(edgeY + (edgeY2 - edgeY) * ua); + } else { + output.push(edgeX); + output.push(edgeY); + } + output.push(inputX2); + output.push(inputY2); + } + clipped = true; + } + if (outputStart == output.length) { + originalOutput.length = 0; + return true; + } + output.push(output[0]); + output.push(output[1]); + if (i == clippingVerticesLast) + break; + let temp = output; + output = input; + output.length = 0; + input = temp; + } + if (originalOutput != output) { + originalOutput.length = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = output.length - 2; i < n; i++) + originalOutput[i] = output[i]; + } else + originalOutput.length = originalOutput.length - 2; + return clipped; + } + static makeClockwise(polygon) { + let vertices = polygon; + let verticeslength = polygon.length; + let area = vertices[verticeslength - 2] * vertices[1] - vertices[0] * vertices[verticeslength - 1], p1x = 0, p1y = 0, p2x = 0, p2y = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = verticeslength - 3; i < n; i += 2) { + p1x = vertices[i]; + p1y = vertices[i + 1]; + p2x = vertices[i + 2]; + p2y = vertices[i + 3]; + area += p1x * p2y - p2x * p1y; + } + if (area < 0) + return; + for (let i = 0, lastX = verticeslength - 2, n = verticeslength >> 1; i < n; i += 2) { + let x = vertices[i], y = vertices[i + 1]; + let other = lastX - i; + vertices[i] = vertices[other]; + vertices[i + 1] = vertices[other + 1]; + vertices[other] = x; + vertices[other + 1] = y; + } + } + }; + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/SkeletonJson.js + var SkeletonJson = class { + attachmentLoader; + /** Scales bone positions, image sizes, and translations as they are loaded. This allows different size images to be used at + * runtime than were used in Spine. + * + * See [Scaling](http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-loading-skeleton-data#Scaling) in the Spine Runtimes Guide. */ + scale = 1; + linkedMeshes = new Array(); + constructor(attachmentLoader) { + this.attachmentLoader = attachmentLoader; + } + readSkeletonData(json) { + let scale = this.scale; + let skeletonData = new SkeletonData(); + let root = typeof json === "string" ? JSON.parse(json) : json; + let skeletonMap = root.skeleton; + if (skeletonMap) { + skeletonData.hash = skeletonMap.hash; + skeletonData.version = skeletonMap.spine; + skeletonData.x = skeletonMap.x; + skeletonData.y = skeletonMap.y; + skeletonData.width = skeletonMap.width; + skeletonData.height = skeletonMap.height; + skeletonData.referenceScale = getValue(skeletonMap, "referenceScale", 100) * scale; + skeletonData.fps = skeletonMap.fps; + skeletonData.imagesPath = skeletonMap.images ?? null; + skeletonData.audioPath = skeletonMap.audio ?? null; + } + if (root.bones) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.bones.length; i++) { + let boneMap = root.bones[i]; + let parent = null; + let parentName = getValue(boneMap, "parent", null); + if (parentName) + parent = skeletonData.findBone(parentName); + let data = new BoneData(skeletonData.bones.length, boneMap.name, parent); + data.length = getValue(boneMap, "length", 0) * scale; + data.x = getValue(boneMap, "x", 0) * scale; + data.y = getValue(boneMap, "y", 0) * scale; + data.rotation = getValue(boneMap, "rotation", 0); + data.scaleX = getValue(boneMap, "scaleX", 1); + data.scaleY = getValue(boneMap, "scaleY", 1); + data.shearX = getValue(boneMap, "shearX", 0); + data.shearY = getValue(boneMap, "shearY", 0); + data.inherit = Utils.enumValue(Inherit, getValue(boneMap, "inherit", "Normal")); + data.skinRequired = getValue(boneMap, "skin", false); + let color = getValue(boneMap, "color", null); + if (color) + data.color.setFromString(color); + skeletonData.bones.push(data); + } + } + if (root.slots) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.slots.length; i++) { + let slotMap = root.slots[i]; + let slotName = slotMap.name; + let boneData = skeletonData.findBone(slotMap.bone); + if (!boneData) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${slotMap.bone} for slot ${slotName}`); + let data = new SlotData(skeletonData.slots.length, slotName, boneData); + let color = getValue(slotMap, "color", null); + if (color) + data.color.setFromString(color); + let dark = getValue(slotMap, "dark", null); + if (dark) + data.darkColor = Color.fromString(dark); + data.attachmentName = getValue(slotMap, "attachment", null); + data.blendMode = Utils.enumValue(BlendMode, getValue(slotMap, "blend", "normal")); + data.visible = getValue(slotMap, "visible", true); + skeletonData.slots.push(data); + } + } + if (root.ik) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.ik.length; i++) { + let constraintMap = root.ik[i]; + let data = new IkConstraintData(constraintMap.name); + data.order = getValue(constraintMap, "order", 0); + data.skinRequired = getValue(constraintMap, "skin", false); + for (let ii = 0; ii < constraintMap.bones.length; ii++) { + let bone = skeletonData.findBone(constraintMap.bones[ii]); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${constraintMap.bones[ii]} for IK constraint ${constraintMap.name}.`); + data.bones.push(bone); + } + let target = skeletonData.findBone(constraintMap.target); + ; + if (!target) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${constraintMap.target} for IK constraint ${constraintMap.name}.`); + data.target = target; + data.mix = getValue(constraintMap, "mix", 1); + data.softness = getValue(constraintMap, "softness", 0) * scale; + data.bendDirection = getValue(constraintMap, "bendPositive", true) ? 1 : -1; + data.compress = getValue(constraintMap, "compress", false); + data.stretch = getValue(constraintMap, "stretch", false); + data.uniform = getValue(constraintMap, "uniform", false); + skeletonData.ikConstraints.push(data); + } + } + if (root.transform) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.transform.length; i++) { + let constraintMap = root.transform[i]; + let data = new TransformConstraintData(constraintMap.name); + data.order = getValue(constraintMap, "order", 0); + data.skinRequired = getValue(constraintMap, "skin", false); + for (let ii = 0; ii < constraintMap.bones.length; ii++) { + let boneName = constraintMap.bones[ii]; + let bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${boneName} for transform constraint ${constraintMap.name}.`); + data.bones.push(bone); + } + let targetName = constraintMap.target; + let target = skeletonData.findBone(targetName); + if (!target) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${targetName} for transform constraint ${constraintMap.name}.`); + data.target = target; + data.local = getValue(constraintMap, "local", false); + data.relative = getValue(constraintMap, "relative", false); + data.offsetRotation = getValue(constraintMap, "rotation", 0); + data.offsetX = getValue(constraintMap, "x", 0) * scale; + data.offsetY = getValue(constraintMap, "y", 0) * scale; + data.offsetScaleX = getValue(constraintMap, "scaleX", 0); + data.offsetScaleY = getValue(constraintMap, "scaleY", 0); + data.offsetShearY = getValue(constraintMap, "shearY", 0); + data.mixRotate = getValue(constraintMap, "mixRotate", 1); + data.mixX = getValue(constraintMap, "mixX", 1); + data.mixY = getValue(constraintMap, "mixY", data.mixX); + data.mixScaleX = getValue(constraintMap, "mixScaleX", 1); + data.mixScaleY = getValue(constraintMap, "mixScaleY", data.mixScaleX); + data.mixShearY = getValue(constraintMap, "mixShearY", 1); + skeletonData.transformConstraints.push(data); + } + } + if (root.path) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.path.length; i++) { + let constraintMap = root.path[i]; + let data = new PathConstraintData(constraintMap.name); + data.order = getValue(constraintMap, "order", 0); + data.skinRequired = getValue(constraintMap, "skin", false); + for (let ii = 0; ii < constraintMap.bones.length; ii++) { + let boneName = constraintMap.bones[ii]; + let bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${boneName} for path constraint ${constraintMap.name}.`); + data.bones.push(bone); + } + let targetName = constraintMap.target; + let target = skeletonData.findSlot(targetName); + if (!target) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find target slot ${targetName} for path constraint ${constraintMap.name}.`); + data.target = target; + data.positionMode = Utils.enumValue(PositionMode, getValue(constraintMap, "positionMode", "Percent")); + data.spacingMode = Utils.enumValue(SpacingMode, getValue(constraintMap, "spacingMode", "Length")); + data.rotateMode = Utils.enumValue(RotateMode, getValue(constraintMap, "rotateMode", "Tangent")); + data.offsetRotation = getValue(constraintMap, "rotation", 0); + data.position = getValue(constraintMap, "position", 0); + if (data.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed) + data.position *= scale; + data.spacing = getValue(constraintMap, "spacing", 0); + if (data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || data.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed) + data.spacing *= scale; + data.mixRotate = getValue(constraintMap, "mixRotate", 1); + data.mixX = getValue(constraintMap, "mixX", 1); + data.mixY = getValue(constraintMap, "mixY", data.mixX); + skeletonData.pathConstraints.push(data); + } + } + if (root.physics) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.physics.length; i++) { + const constraintMap = root.physics[i]; + const data = new PhysicsConstraintData(constraintMap.name); + data.order = getValue(constraintMap, "order", 0); + data.skinRequired = getValue(constraintMap, "skin", false); + const boneName = constraintMap.bone; + const bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (bone == null) + throw new Error("Physics bone not found: " + boneName); + data.bone = bone; + data.x = getValue(constraintMap, "x", 0); + data.y = getValue(constraintMap, "y", 0); + data.rotate = getValue(constraintMap, "rotate", 0); + data.scaleX = getValue(constraintMap, "scaleX", 0); + data.shearX = getValue(constraintMap, "shearX", 0); + data.limit = getValue(constraintMap, "limit", 5e3) * scale; + data.step = 1 / getValue(constraintMap, "fps", 60); + data.inertia = getValue(constraintMap, "inertia", 1); + data.strength = getValue(constraintMap, "strength", 100); + data.damping = getValue(constraintMap, "damping", 1); + data.massInverse = 1 / getValue(constraintMap, "mass", 1); + data.wind = getValue(constraintMap, "wind", 0); + data.gravity = getValue(constraintMap, "gravity", 0); + data.mix = getValue(constraintMap, "mix", 1); + data.inertiaGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "inertiaGlobal", false); + data.strengthGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "strengthGlobal", false); + data.dampingGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "dampingGlobal", false); + data.massGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "massGlobal", false); + data.windGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "windGlobal", false); + data.gravityGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "gravityGlobal", false); + data.mixGlobal = getValue(constraintMap, "mixGlobal", false); + skeletonData.physicsConstraints.push(data); + } + } + if (root.skins) { + for (let i = 0; i < root.skins.length; i++) { + let skinMap = root.skins[i]; + let skin = new Skin(skinMap.name); + if (skinMap.bones) { + for (let ii = 0; ii < skinMap.bones.length; ii++) { + let boneName = skinMap.bones[ii]; + let bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (!bone) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${boneName} for skin ${skinMap.name}.`); + skin.bones.push(bone); + } + } + if (skinMap.ik) { + for (let ii = 0; ii < skinMap.ik.length; ii++) { + let constraintName = skinMap.ik[ii]; + let constraint = skeletonData.findIkConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find IK constraint ${constraintName} for skin ${skinMap.name}.`); + skin.constraints.push(constraint); + } + } + if (skinMap.transform) { + for (let ii = 0; ii < skinMap.transform.length; ii++) { + let constraintName = skinMap.transform[ii]; + let constraint = skeletonData.findTransformConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find transform constraint ${constraintName} for skin ${skinMap.name}.`); + skin.constraints.push(constraint); + } + } + if (skinMap.path) { + for (let ii = 0; ii < skinMap.path.length; ii++) { + let constraintName = skinMap.path[ii]; + let constraint = skeletonData.findPathConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find path constraint ${constraintName} for skin ${skinMap.name}.`); + skin.constraints.push(constraint); + } + } + if (skinMap.physics) { + for (let ii = 0; ii < skinMap.physics.length; ii++) { + let constraintName = skinMap.physics[ii]; + let constraint = skeletonData.findPhysicsConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find physics constraint ${constraintName} for skin ${skinMap.name}.`); + skin.constraints.push(constraint); + } + } + for (let slotName in skinMap.attachments) { + let slot = skeletonData.findSlot(slotName); + if (!slot) + throw new Error(`Couldn't find slot ${slotName} for skin ${skinMap.name}.`); + let slotMap = skinMap.attachments[slotName]; + for (let entryName in slotMap) { + let attachment = this.readAttachment(slotMap[entryName], skin, slot.index, entryName, skeletonData); + if (attachment) + skin.setAttachment(slot.index, entryName, attachment); + } + } + skeletonData.skins.push(skin); + if (skin.name == "default") + skeletonData.defaultSkin = skin; + } + } + for (let i = 0, n = this.linkedMeshes.length; i < n; i++) { + let linkedMesh = this.linkedMeshes[i]; + let skin = !linkedMesh.skin ? skeletonData.defaultSkin : skeletonData.findSkin(linkedMesh.skin); + if (!skin) + throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${linkedMesh.skin}`); + let parent = skin.getAttachment(linkedMesh.slotIndex, linkedMesh.parent); + if (!parent) + throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${linkedMesh.parent}`); + linkedMesh.mesh.timelineAttachment = linkedMesh.inheritTimeline ? parent : linkedMesh.mesh; + linkedMesh.mesh.setParentMesh(parent); + if (linkedMesh.mesh.region != null) + linkedMesh.mesh.updateRegion(); + } + this.linkedMeshes.length = 0; + if (root.events) { + for (let eventName in root.events) { + let eventMap = root.events[eventName]; + let data = new EventData(eventName); + data.intValue = getValue(eventMap, "int", 0); + data.floatValue = getValue(eventMap, "float", 0); + data.stringValue = getValue(eventMap, "string", ""); + data.audioPath = getValue(eventMap, "audio", null); + if (data.audioPath) { + data.volume = getValue(eventMap, "volume", 1); + data.balance = getValue(eventMap, "balance", 0); + } + skeletonData.events.push(data); + } + } + if (root.animations) { + for (let animationName in root.animations) { + let animationMap = root.animations[animationName]; + this.readAnimation(animationMap, animationName, skeletonData); + } + } + return skeletonData; + } + readAttachment(map, skin, slotIndex, name, skeletonData) { + let scale = this.scale; + name = getValue(map, "name", name); + switch (getValue(map, "type", "region")) { + case "region": { + let path2 = getValue(map, "path", name); + let sequence = this.readSequence(getValue(map, "sequence", null)); + let region = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence); + if (!region) + return null; + region.path = path2; + region.x = getValue(map, "x", 0) * scale; + region.y = getValue(map, "y", 0) * scale; + region.scaleX = getValue(map, "scaleX", 1); + region.scaleY = getValue(map, "scaleY", 1); + region.rotation = getValue(map, "rotation", 0); + region.width = map.width * scale; + region.height = map.height * scale; + region.sequence = sequence; + let color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) + region.color.setFromString(color); + if (region.region != null) + region.updateRegion(); + return region; + } + case "boundingbox": { + let box = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(skin, name); + if (!box) + return null; + this.readVertices(map, box, map.vertexCount << 1); + let color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) + box.color.setFromString(color); + return box; + } + case "mesh": + case "linkedmesh": { + let path2 = getValue(map, "path", name); + let sequence = this.readSequence(getValue(map, "sequence", null)); + let mesh = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(skin, name, path2, sequence); + if (!mesh) + return null; + mesh.path = path2; + let color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) + mesh.color.setFromString(color); + mesh.width = getValue(map, "width", 0) * scale; + mesh.height = getValue(map, "height", 0) * scale; + mesh.sequence = sequence; + let parent = getValue(map, "parent", null); + if (parent) { + this.linkedMeshes.push(new LinkedMesh2(mesh, getValue(map, "skin", null), slotIndex, parent, getValue(map, "timelines", true))); + return mesh; + } + let uvs = map.uvs; + this.readVertices(map, mesh, uvs.length); + mesh.triangles = map.triangles; + mesh.regionUVs = uvs; + if (mesh.region != null) + mesh.updateRegion(); + mesh.edges = getValue(map, "edges", null); + mesh.hullLength = getValue(map, "hull", 0) * 2; + return mesh; + } + case "path": { + let path2 = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(skin, name); + if (!path2) + return null; + path2.closed = getValue(map, "closed", false); + path2.constantSpeed = getValue(map, "constantSpeed", true); + let vertexCount = map.vertexCount; + this.readVertices(map, path2, vertexCount << 1); + let lengths = Utils.newArray(vertexCount / 3, 0); + for (let i = 0; i < map.lengths.length; i++) + lengths[i] = map.lengths[i] * scale; + path2.lengths = lengths; + let color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) + path2.color.setFromString(color); + return path2; + } + case "point": { + let point = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(skin, name); + if (!point) + return null; + point.x = getValue(map, "x", 0) * scale; + point.y = getValue(map, "y", 0) * scale; + point.rotation = getValue(map, "rotation", 0); + let color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) + point.color.setFromString(color); + return point; + } + case "clipping": { + let clip = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(skin, name); + if (!clip) + return null; + let end = getValue(map, "end", null); + if (end) + clip.endSlot = skeletonData.findSlot(end); + let vertexCount = map.vertexCount; + this.readVertices(map, clip, vertexCount << 1); + let color = getValue(map, "color", null); + if (color) + clip.color.setFromString(color); + return clip; + } + } + return null; + } + readSequence(map) { + if (map == null) + return null; + let sequence = new Sequence(getValue(map, "count", 0)); + sequence.start = getValue(map, "start", 1); + sequence.digits = getValue(map, "digits", 0); + sequence.setupIndex = getValue(map, "setup", 0); + return sequence; + } + readVertices(map, attachment, verticesLength) { + let scale = this.scale; + attachment.worldVerticesLength = verticesLength; + let vertices = map.vertices; + if (verticesLength == vertices.length) { + let scaledVertices = Utils.toFloatArray(vertices); + if (scale != 1) { + for (let i = 0, n = vertices.length; i < n; i++) + scaledVertices[i] *= scale; + } + attachment.vertices = scaledVertices; + return; + } + let weights = new Array(); + let bones = new Array(); + for (let i = 0, n = vertices.length; i < n; ) { + let boneCount = vertices[i++]; + bones.push(boneCount); + for (let nn = i + boneCount * 4; i < nn; i += 4) { + bones.push(vertices[i]); + weights.push(vertices[i + 1] * scale); + weights.push(vertices[i + 2] * scale); + weights.push(vertices[i + 3]); + } + } + attachment.bones = bones; + attachment.vertices = Utils.toFloatArray(weights); + } + readAnimation(map, name, skeletonData) { + let scale = this.scale; + let timelines = new Array(); + if (map.slots) { + for (let slotName in map.slots) { + let slotMap = map.slots[slotName]; + let slot = skeletonData.findSlot(slotName); + if (!slot) + throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slotName); + let slotIndex = slot.index; + for (let timelineName in slotMap) { + let timelineMap = slotMap[timelineName]; + if (!timelineMap) + continue; + let frames = timelineMap.length; + if (timelineName == "attachment") { + let timeline = new AttachmentTimeline(frames, slotIndex); + for (let frame = 0; frame < frames; frame++) { + let keyMap = timelineMap[frame]; + timeline.setFrame(frame, getValue(keyMap, "time", 0), getValue(keyMap, "name", null)); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } else if (timelineName == "rgba") { + let timeline = new RGBATimeline(frames, frames << 2, slotIndex); + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let color = Color.fromString(keyMap.color); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let newColor = Color.fromString(nextMap.color); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, color.r, newColor.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, color.g, newColor.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 2, time, time2, color.b, newColor.b, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 3, time, time2, color.a, newColor.a, 1); + } + time = time2; + color = newColor; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } else if (timelineName == "rgb") { + let timeline = new RGBTimeline(frames, frames * 3, slotIndex); + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let color = Color.fromString(keyMap.color); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, color.r, color.g, color.b); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let newColor = Color.fromString(nextMap.color); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, color.r, newColor.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, color.g, newColor.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 2, time, time2, color.b, newColor.b, 1); + } + time = time2; + color = newColor; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } else if (timelineName == "alpha") { + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, new AlphaTimeline(frames, frames, slotIndex), 0, 1)); + } else if (timelineName == "rgba2") { + let timeline = new RGBA2Timeline(frames, frames * 7, slotIndex); + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let color = Color.fromString(keyMap.light); + let color2 = Color.fromString(keyMap.dark); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a, color2.r, color2.g, color2.b); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let newColor = Color.fromString(nextMap.light); + let newColor2 = Color.fromString(nextMap.dark); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, color.r, newColor.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, color.g, newColor.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 2, time, time2, color.b, newColor.b, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 3, time, time2, color.a, newColor.a, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 4, time, time2, color2.r, newColor2.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 5, time, time2, color2.g, newColor2.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 6, time, time2, color2.b, newColor2.b, 1); + } + time = time2; + color = newColor; + color2 = newColor2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } else if (timelineName == "rgb2") { + let timeline = new RGB2Timeline(frames, frames * 6, slotIndex); + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let color = Color.fromString(keyMap.light); + let color2 = Color.fromString(keyMap.dark); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, color.r, color.g, color.b, color2.r, color2.g, color2.b); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let newColor = Color.fromString(nextMap.light); + let newColor2 = Color.fromString(nextMap.dark); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, color.r, newColor.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, color.g, newColor.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 2, time, time2, color.b, newColor.b, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 3, time, time2, color2.r, newColor2.r, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 4, time, time2, color2.g, newColor2.g, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 5, time, time2, color2.b, newColor2.b, 1); + } + time = time2; + color = newColor; + color2 = newColor2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + } + } + if (map.bones) { + for (let boneName in map.bones) { + let boneMap = map.bones[boneName]; + let bone = skeletonData.findBone(boneName); + if (!bone) + throw new Error("Bone not found: " + boneName); + let boneIndex = bone.index; + for (let timelineName in boneMap) { + let timelineMap = boneMap[timelineName]; + let frames = timelineMap.length; + if (frames == 0) + continue; + if (timelineName === "rotate") { + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, new RotateTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex), 0, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "translate") { + let timeline = new TranslateTimeline(frames, frames << 1, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline22(timelineMap, timeline, "x", "y", 0, scale)); + } else if (timelineName === "translatex") { + let timeline = new TranslateXTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, scale)); + } else if (timelineName === "translatey") { + let timeline = new TranslateYTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, scale)); + } else if (timelineName === "scale") { + let timeline = new ScaleTimeline(frames, frames << 1, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline22(timelineMap, timeline, "x", "y", 1, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "scalex") { + let timeline = new ScaleXTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 1, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "scaley") { + let timeline = new ScaleYTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 1, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "shear") { + let timeline = new ShearTimeline(frames, frames << 1, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline22(timelineMap, timeline, "x", "y", 0, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "shearx") { + let timeline = new ShearXTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "sheary") { + let timeline = new ShearYTimeline(frames, frames, boneIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "inherit") { + let timeline = new InheritTimeline(frames, bone.index); + for (let frame = 0; frame < timelineMap.length; frame++) { + let aFrame = timelineMap[frame]; + timeline.setFrame(frame, getValue(aFrame, "time", 0), Utils.enumValue(Inherit, getValue(aFrame, "inherit", "Normal"))); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + } + } + if (map.ik) { + for (let constraintName in map.ik) { + let constraintMap = map.ik[constraintName]; + let keyMap = constraintMap[0]; + if (!keyMap) + continue; + let constraint = skeletonData.findIkConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error("IK Constraint not found: " + constraintName); + let constraintIndex = skeletonData.ikConstraints.indexOf(constraint); + let timeline = new IkConstraintTimeline(constraintMap.length, constraintMap.length << 1, constraintIndex); + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let mix = getValue(keyMap, "mix", 1); + let softness = getValue(keyMap, "softness", 0) * scale; + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mix, softness, getValue(keyMap, "bendPositive", true) ? 1 : -1, getValue(keyMap, "compress", false), getValue(keyMap, "stretch", false)); + let nextMap = constraintMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let mix2 = getValue(nextMap, "mix", 1); + let softness2 = getValue(nextMap, "softness", 0) * scale; + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, mix, mix2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, softness, softness2, scale); + } + time = time2; + mix = mix2; + softness = softness2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + if (map.transform) { + for (let constraintName in map.transform) { + let timelineMap = map.transform[constraintName]; + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + if (!keyMap) + continue; + let constraint = skeletonData.findTransformConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error("Transform constraint not found: " + constraintName); + let constraintIndex = skeletonData.transformConstraints.indexOf(constraint); + let timeline = new TransformConstraintTimeline(timelineMap.length, timelineMap.length * 6, constraintIndex); + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let mixRotate = getValue(keyMap, "mixRotate", 1); + let mixX = getValue(keyMap, "mixX", 1); + let mixY = getValue(keyMap, "mixY", mixX); + let mixScaleX = getValue(keyMap, "mixScaleX", 1); + let mixScaleY = getValue(keyMap, "mixScaleY", mixScaleX); + let mixShearY = getValue(keyMap, "mixShearY", 1); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY, mixScaleX, mixScaleY, mixShearY); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let mixRotate2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixRotate", 1); + let mixX2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixX", 1); + let mixY2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixY", mixX2); + let mixScaleX2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixScaleX", 1); + let mixScaleY2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixScaleY", mixScaleX2); + let mixShearY2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixShearY", 1); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, mixRotate, mixRotate2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, mixX, mixX2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 2, time, time2, mixY, mixY2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 3, time, time2, mixScaleX, mixScaleX2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 4, time, time2, mixScaleY, mixScaleY2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 5, time, time2, mixShearY, mixShearY2, 1); + } + time = time2; + mixRotate = mixRotate2; + mixX = mixX2; + mixY = mixY2; + mixScaleX = mixScaleX2; + mixScaleY = mixScaleY2; + mixScaleX = mixScaleX2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + if (map.path) { + for (let constraintName in map.path) { + let constraintMap = map.path[constraintName]; + let constraint = skeletonData.findPathConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error("Path constraint not found: " + constraintName); + let constraintIndex = skeletonData.pathConstraints.indexOf(constraint); + for (let timelineName in constraintMap) { + let timelineMap = constraintMap[timelineName]; + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + if (!keyMap) + continue; + let frames = timelineMap.length; + if (timelineName === "position") { + let timeline = new PathConstraintPositionTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, constraint.positionMode == PositionMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "spacing") { + let timeline = new PathConstraintSpacingTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, constraint.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Length || constraint.spacingMode == SpacingMode.Fixed ? scale : 1)); + } else if (timelineName === "mix") { + let timeline = new PathConstraintMixTimeline(frames, frames * 3, constraintIndex); + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let mixRotate = getValue(keyMap, "mixRotate", 1); + let mixX = getValue(keyMap, "mixX", 1); + let mixY = getValue(keyMap, "mixY", mixX); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mixRotate, mixX, mixY); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let mixRotate2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixRotate", 1); + let mixX2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixX", 1); + let mixY2 = getValue(nextMap, "mixY", mixX2); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, mixRotate, mixRotate2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, mixX, mixX2, 1); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 2, time, time2, mixY, mixY2, 1); + } + time = time2; + mixRotate = mixRotate2; + mixX = mixX2; + mixY = mixY2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + } + } + if (map.physics) { + for (let constraintName in map.physics) { + let constraintMap = map.physics[constraintName]; + let constraintIndex = -1; + if (constraintName.length > 0) { + let constraint = skeletonData.findPhysicsConstraint(constraintName); + if (!constraint) + throw new Error("Physics constraint not found: " + constraintName); + constraintIndex = skeletonData.physicsConstraints.indexOf(constraint); + } + for (let timelineName in constraintMap) { + let timelineMap = constraintMap[timelineName]; + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + if (!keyMap) + continue; + let frames = timelineMap.length; + if (timelineName == "reset") { + const timeline2 = new PhysicsConstraintResetTimeline(frames, constraintIndex); + for (let frame = 0; keyMap != null; keyMap = timelineMap[frame + 1], frame++) + timeline2.setFrame(frame, getValue(keyMap, "time", 0)); + timelines.push(timeline2); + continue; + } + let timeline; + if (timelineName == "inertia") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintInertiaTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else if (timelineName == "strength") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintStrengthTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else if (timelineName == "damping") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintDampingTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else if (timelineName == "mass") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintMassTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else if (timelineName == "wind") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintWindTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else if (timelineName == "gravity") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintGravityTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else if (timelineName == "mix") + timeline = new PhysicsConstraintMixTimeline(frames, frames, constraintIndex); + else + continue; + timelines.push(readTimeline12(timelineMap, timeline, 0, 1)); + } + } + } + if (map.attachments) { + for (let attachmentsName in map.attachments) { + let attachmentsMap = map.attachments[attachmentsName]; + let skin = skeletonData.findSkin(attachmentsName); + if (!skin) + throw new Error("Skin not found: " + attachmentsName); + for (let slotMapName in attachmentsMap) { + let slotMap = attachmentsMap[slotMapName]; + let slot = skeletonData.findSlot(slotMapName); + if (!slot) + throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slotMapName); + let slotIndex = slot.index; + for (let attachmentMapName in slotMap) { + let attachmentMap = slotMap[attachmentMapName]; + let attachment = skin.getAttachment(slotIndex, attachmentMapName); + for (let timelineMapName in attachmentMap) { + let timelineMap = attachmentMap[timelineMapName]; + let keyMap = timelineMap[0]; + if (!keyMap) + continue; + if (timelineMapName == "deform") { + let weighted = attachment.bones; + let vertices = attachment.vertices; + let deformLength = weighted ? vertices.length / 3 * 2 : vertices.length; + let timeline = new DeformTimeline(timelineMap.length, timelineMap.length, slotIndex, attachment); + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + for (let frame = 0, bezier = 0; ; frame++) { + let deform; + let verticesValue = getValue(keyMap, "vertices", null); + if (!verticesValue) + deform = weighted ? Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength) : vertices; + else { + deform = Utils.newFloatArray(deformLength); + let start = getValue(keyMap, "offset", 0); + Utils.arrayCopy(verticesValue, 0, deform, start, verticesValue.length); + if (scale != 1) { + for (let i = start, n = i + verticesValue.length; i < n; i++) + deform[i] *= scale; + } + if (!weighted) { + for (let i = 0; i < deformLength; i++) + deform[i] += vertices[i]; + } + } + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, deform); + let nextMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + break; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, 0, 1, 1); + time = time2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } else if (timelineMapName == "sequence") { + let timeline = new SequenceTimeline(timelineMap.length, slotIndex, attachment); + let lastDelay = 0; + for (let frame = 0; frame < timelineMap.length; frame++) { + let delay = getValue(keyMap, "delay", lastDelay); + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let mode = SequenceMode[getValue(keyMap, "mode", "hold")]; + let index = getValue(keyMap, "index", 0); + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, mode, index, delay); + lastDelay = delay; + keyMap = timelineMap[frame + 1]; + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + } + } + } + } + } + if (map.drawOrder) { + let timeline = new DrawOrderTimeline(map.drawOrder.length); + let slotCount = skeletonData.slots.length; + let frame = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < map.drawOrder.length; i++, frame++) { + let drawOrderMap = map.drawOrder[i]; + let drawOrder = null; + let offsets = getValue(drawOrderMap, "offsets", null); + if (offsets) { + drawOrder = Utils.newArray(slotCount, -1); + let unchanged = Utils.newArray(slotCount - offsets.length, 0); + let originalIndex = 0, unchangedIndex = 0; + for (let ii = 0; ii < offsets.length; ii++) { + let offsetMap = offsets[ii]; + let slot = skeletonData.findSlot(offsetMap.slot); + if (!slot) + throw new Error("Slot not found: " + slot); + let slotIndex = slot.index; + while (originalIndex != slotIndex) + unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + drawOrder[originalIndex + offsetMap.offset] = originalIndex++; + } + while (originalIndex < slotCount) + unchanged[unchangedIndex++] = originalIndex++; + for (let ii = slotCount - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) + if (drawOrder[ii] == -1) + drawOrder[ii] = unchanged[--unchangedIndex]; + } + timeline.setFrame(frame, getValue(drawOrderMap, "time", 0), drawOrder); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + if (map.events) { + let timeline = new EventTimeline(map.events.length); + let frame = 0; + for (let i = 0; i < map.events.length; i++, frame++) { + let eventMap = map.events[i]; + let eventData = skeletonData.findEvent(eventMap.name); + if (!eventData) + throw new Error("Event not found: " + eventMap.name); + let event = new Event(Utils.toSinglePrecision(getValue(eventMap, "time", 0)), eventData); + event.intValue = getValue(eventMap, "int", eventData.intValue); + event.floatValue = getValue(eventMap, "float", eventData.floatValue); + event.stringValue = getValue(eventMap, "string", eventData.stringValue); + if (event.data.audioPath) { + event.volume = getValue(eventMap, "volume", 1); + event.balance = getValue(eventMap, "balance", 0); + } + timeline.setFrame(frame, event); + } + timelines.push(timeline); + } + let duration = 0; + for (let i = 0, n = timelines.length; i < n; i++) + duration = Math.max(duration, timelines[i].getDuration()); + skeletonData.animations.push(new Animation(name, timelines, duration)); + } + }; + var LinkedMesh2 = class { + parent; + skin; + slotIndex; + mesh; + inheritTimeline; + constructor(mesh, skin, slotIndex, parent, inheritDeform) { + this.mesh = mesh; + this.skin = skin; + this.slotIndex = slotIndex; + this.parent = parent; + this.inheritTimeline = inheritDeform; + } + }; + function readTimeline12(keys, timeline, defaultValue, scale) { + let keyMap = keys[0]; + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let value = getValue(keyMap, "value", defaultValue) * scale; + let bezier = 0; + for (let frame = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value); + let nextMap = keys[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + return timeline; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let value2 = getValue(nextMap, "value", defaultValue) * scale; + if (keyMap.curve) + bezier = readCurve(keyMap.curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, value, value2, scale); + time = time2; + value = value2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + } + function readTimeline22(keys, timeline, name1, name2, defaultValue, scale) { + let keyMap = keys[0]; + let time = getValue(keyMap, "time", 0); + let value1 = getValue(keyMap, name1, defaultValue) * scale; + let value2 = getValue(keyMap, name2, defaultValue) * scale; + let bezier = 0; + for (let frame = 0; ; frame++) { + timeline.setFrame(frame, time, value1, value2); + let nextMap = keys[frame + 1]; + if (!nextMap) { + timeline.shrink(bezier); + return timeline; + } + let time2 = getValue(nextMap, "time", 0); + let nvalue1 = getValue(nextMap, name1, defaultValue) * scale; + let nvalue2 = getValue(nextMap, name2, defaultValue) * scale; + let curve = keyMap.curve; + if (curve) { + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 0, time, time2, value1, nvalue1, scale); + bezier = readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, 1, time, time2, value2, nvalue2, scale); + } + time = time2; + value1 = nvalue1; + value2 = nvalue2; + keyMap = nextMap; + } + } + function readCurve(curve, timeline, bezier, frame, value, time1, time2, value1, value2, scale) { + if (curve == "stepped") { + timeline.setStepped(frame); + return bezier; + } + let i = value << 2; + let cx1 = curve[i]; + let cy1 = curve[i + 1] * scale; + let cx2 = curve[i + 2]; + let cy2 = curve[i + 3] * scale; + timeline.setBezier(bezier, frame, value, time1, value1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, time2, value2); + return bezier + 1; + } + function getValue(map, property, defaultValue) { + return map[property] !== void 0 ? map[property] : defaultValue; + } + + // node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/dist/polyfills.js + (() => { + if (typeof Math.fround === "undefined") { + Math.fround = /* @__PURE__ */ function(array) { + return function(x) { + return array[0] = x, array[0]; + }; + }(new Float32Array(1)); + } + })(); + + // src/SpineTexture.ts + var SpineTexture = class _SpineTexture extends Texture { + static textureMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + static from(texture) { + if (_SpineTexture.textureMap.has(texture)) { + return _SpineTexture.textureMap.get(texture); + } + return new _SpineTexture(texture); + } + texture; + constructor(image) { + super(image.resource); + this.texture = import_pixi.Texture.from(image); + } + setFilters(minFilter, magFilter) { + const style = this.texture.source.style; + style.minFilter = _SpineTexture.toPixiTextureFilter(minFilter); + style.magFilter = _SpineTexture.toPixiTextureFilter(magFilter); + this.texture.source.autoGenerateMipmaps = _SpineTexture.toPixiMipMap(minFilter); + this.texture.source.updateMipmaps(); + } + setWraps(uWrap, vWrap) { + const style = this.texture.source.style; + style.addressModeU = _SpineTexture.toPixiTextureWrap(uWrap); + style.addressModeV = _SpineTexture.toPixiTextureWrap(vWrap); + } + dispose() { + this.texture.destroy(); + } + static toPixiMipMap(filter) { + switch (filter) { + case TextureFilter.Nearest: + case TextureFilter.Linear: + return false; + case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestLinear: + case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestNearest: + case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear: + case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest: + return true; + default: + throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(filter)}`); + } + } + static toPixiTextureFilter(filter) { + switch (filter) { + case TextureFilter.Nearest: + case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestLinear: + case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestNearest: + return "nearest"; + case TextureFilter.Linear: + case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear: + case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest: + return "linear"; + default: + throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(filter)}`); + } + } + static toPixiTextureWrap(wrap) { + switch (wrap) { + case TextureWrap.ClampToEdge: + return "clamp-to-edge"; + case TextureWrap.MirroredRepeat: + return "mirror-repeat"; + case TextureWrap.Repeat: + return "repeat"; + default: + throw new Error(`Unknown texture wrap: ${String(wrap)}`); + } + } + static toPixiBlending(blend) { + switch (blend) { + case BlendMode.Normal: + return "normal"; + case BlendMode.Additive: + return "add"; + case BlendMode.Multiply: + return "multiply"; + case BlendMode.Screen: + return "screen"; + default: + throw new Error(`Unknown blendMode: ${String(blend)}`); + } + } + }; + + // src/assets/atlasLoader.ts + var spineTextureAtlasLoader = { + extension: import_pixi2.ExtensionType.Asset, + loader: { + extension: { + type: import_pixi2.ExtensionType.LoadParser, + priority: import_pixi2.LoaderParserPriority.Normal, + name: "spineTextureAtlasLoader" + }, + test(url) { + return (0, import_pixi2.checkExtension)(url, ".atlas"); + }, + async load(url) { + const response = await import_pixi2.DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); + const txt = await response.text(); + return txt; + }, + testParse(asset, options) { + const isExtensionRight = (0, import_pixi2.checkExtension)(options.src, ".atlas"); + const isString = typeof asset === "string"; + return Promise.resolve(isExtensionRight && isString); + }, + unload(atlas) { + atlas.dispose(); + }, + async parse(asset, options, loader) { + const metadata = options.data || {}; + let basePath = import_pixi2.path.dirname(options.src); + if (basePath && basePath.lastIndexOf("/") !== basePath.length - 1) { + basePath += "/"; + } + const retval = new TextureAtlas(asset); + if (metadata.images instanceof import_pixi2.TextureSource || typeof metadata.images === "string") { + const pixiTexture = metadata.images; + metadata.images = {}; + metadata.images[retval.pages[0].name] = pixiTexture; + } + const textureLoadingPromises = []; + for (const page of retval.pages) { + const pageName = page.name; + const providedPage = metadata?.images ? metadata.images[pageName] : void 0; + if (providedPage instanceof import_pixi2.TextureSource) { + page.setTexture(SpineTexture.from(providedPage)); + } else { + const url = providedPage ?? import_pixi2.path.normalize([...basePath.split(import_pixi2.path.sep), pageName].join(import_pixi2.path.sep)); + const assetsToLoadIn = { + src: url, + data: { + ...metadata.imageMetadata, + alphaMode: page.pma ? "premultiplied-alpha" : "premultiply-alpha-on-upload" + } + }; + const pixiPromise = loader.load(assetsToLoadIn).then((texture) => { + page.setTexture(SpineTexture.from(texture.source)); + }); + textureLoadingPromises.push(pixiPromise); + } + } + await Promise.all(textureLoadingPromises); + return retval; + } + } + }; + import_pixi2.extensions.add(spineTextureAtlasLoader); + + // src/assets/skeletonLoader.ts + var import_pixi3 = __require("pixi.js"); + function isJson(resource) { + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(resource, "bones"); + } + function isBuffer(resource) { + return resource instanceof Uint8Array; + } + var spineLoaderExtension = { + extension: import_pixi3.ExtensionType.Asset, + loader: { + extension: { + type: import_pixi3.ExtensionType.LoadParser, + priority: import_pixi3.LoaderParserPriority.Normal, + name: "spineSkeletonLoader" + }, + test(url) { + return (0, import_pixi3.checkExtension)(url, ".skel"); + }, + async load(url) { + const response = await import_pixi3.DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url); + const buffer = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer()); + return buffer; + }, + testParse(asset, options) { + const isJsonSpineModel = (0, import_pixi3.checkExtension)(options.src, ".json") && isJson(asset); + const isBinarySpineModel = (0, import_pixi3.checkExtension)(options.src, ".skel") && isBuffer(asset); + return Promise.resolve(isJsonSpineModel || isBinarySpineModel); + } + } + }; + import_pixi3.extensions.add(spineLoaderExtension); + + // src/SpinePipe.ts + var import_pixi4 = __require("pixi.js"); + + // src/BatchableSpineSlot.ts + var BatchableSpineSlot = class { + indexStart; + textureId; + texture; + location; + batcher; + batch; + renderable; + vertices; + indices; + uvs; + indexSize; + vertexSize; + roundPixels; + data; + blendMode; + setData(renderable, data, texture, blendMode, roundPixels) { + this.renderable = renderable; + this.data = data; + if (data.clipped) { + const clippedData = data.clippedData; + this.indexSize = clippedData.indicesCount; + this.vertexSize = clippedData.vertexCount; + this.vertices = clippedData.vertices; + this.indices = clippedData.indices; + this.uvs = clippedData.uvs; + } else { + this.indexSize = data.indices.length; + this.vertexSize = data.vertices.length / 2; + this.vertices = data.vertices; + this.indices = data.indices; + this.uvs = data.uvs; + } + this.texture = texture; + this.roundPixels = roundPixels; + this.blendMode = blendMode; + } + packIndex(indexBuffer, index, indicesOffset) { + const indices = this.indices; + for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { + indexBuffer[index++] = indices[i] + indicesOffset; + } + } + packAttributes(float32View, uint32View, index, textureId) { + const { uvs, vertices, vertexSize } = this; + const slotColor = this.data.color; + const parentColor = this.renderable.groupColor; + const parentAlpha = this.renderable.groupAlpha; + let abgr; + const mixedA = slotColor.a * parentAlpha * 255; + if (parentColor !== 16777215) { + const parentB = parentColor >> 16 & 255; + const parentG = parentColor >> 8 & 255; + const parentR = parentColor & 255; + const mixedR = slotColor.r * parentR; + const mixedG = slotColor.g * parentG; + const mixedB = slotColor.b * parentB; + abgr = mixedA << 24 | mixedB << 16 | mixedG << 8 | mixedR; + } else { + abgr = mixedA << 24 | slotColor.b * 255 << 16 | slotColor.g * 255 << 8 | slotColor.r * 255; + } + const matrix = this.renderable.groupTransform; + const a = matrix.a; + const b = matrix.b; + const c = matrix.c; + const d = matrix.d; + const tx = matrix.tx; + const ty = matrix.ty; + const textureIdAndRound = textureId << 16 | this.roundPixels & 65535; + for (let i = 0; i < vertexSize; i++) { + const x = vertices[i * 2]; + const y = vertices[i * 2 + 1]; + float32View[index++] = a * x + c * y + tx; + float32View[index++] = b * x + d * y + ty; + float32View[index++] = uvs[i * 2]; + float32View[index++] = uvs[i * 2 + 1]; + uint32View[index++] = abgr; + uint32View[index++] = textureIdAndRound; + } + } + }; + + // src/SpinePipe.ts + var clipper = new SkeletonClipping(); + var spineBlendModeMap = { + 0: "normal", + 1: "add", + 2: "multiply", + 3: "screen" + }; + var SpinePipe = class { + /** @ignore */ + static extension = { + type: [ + import_pixi4.ExtensionType.WebGLPipes, + import_pixi4.ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes, + import_pixi4.ExtensionType.CanvasPipes + ], + name: "spine" + }; + renderer; + gpuSpineData = {}; + constructor(renderer) { + this.renderer = renderer; + } + validateRenderable(spine) { + spine._applyState(); + return spine.spineAttachmentsDirty; + } + addRenderable(spine, instructionSet) { + const gpuSpine = this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid] ||= { slotBatches: {} }; + const batcher = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch; + const drawOrder = spine.skeleton.drawOrder; + const roundPixels = this.renderer._roundPixels | spine._roundPixels; + spine._applyState(); + for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) { + const slot = drawOrder[i]; + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + const blendMode = spineBlendModeMap[slot.data.blendMode]; + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + const cacheData = spine._getCachedData(slot, attachment); + const batchableSpineSlot = gpuSpine.slotBatches[cacheData.id] ||= new BatchableSpineSlot(); + if (!cacheData.clipped || cacheData.clipped && cacheData.clippedData.vertices.length > 0) { + batchableSpineSlot.setData( + spine, + cacheData, + attachment.region?.texture.texture || import_pixi4.Texture.EMPTY, + blendMode, + roundPixels + ); + batcher.addToBatch(batchableSpineSlot); + } + } + const containerAttachment = spine._slotsObject[slot.data.name]; + if (containerAttachment) { + const container = containerAttachment.container; + container.includeInBuild = true; + (0, import_pixi4.collectAllRenderables)(container, instructionSet, this.renderer.renderPipes); + container.includeInBuild = false; + } + } + clipper.clipEnd(); + } + updateRenderable(spine) { + const gpuSpine = this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid]; + spine._applyState(); + const drawOrder = spine.skeleton.drawOrder; + for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) { + const slot = drawOrder[i]; + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment) { + const batchableSpineSlot = gpuSpine.slotBatches[spine._getCachedData(slot, attachment).id]; + batchableSpineSlot.batcher?.updateElement(batchableSpineSlot); + } + } + } + destroyRenderable(spine) { + this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid] = null; + } + destroy() { + this.gpuSpineData = null; + this.renderer = null; + } + }; + import_pixi4.extensions.add(SpinePipe); + + // src/Spine.ts + var import_pixi5 = __require("pixi.js"); + var vectorAux = new Vector2(); + var lightColor = new Color(); + var darkColor = new Color(); + Skeleton.yDown = true; + var clipper2 = new SkeletonClipping(); + var Spine = class _Spine extends import_pixi5.Container { + // Pixi properties + batched = true; + buildId = 0; + renderPipeId = "spine"; + _didSpineUpdate = false; + _boundsDirty = true; + _roundPixels; + _bounds = new import_pixi5.Bounds(); + beforeUpdateWorldTransforms = () => { + }; + afterUpdateWorldTransforms = () => { + }; + // Spine properties + skeleton; + state; + skeletonBounds; + _debug = void 0; + _slotsObject = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + getSlotFromRef(slotRef) { + let slot; + if (typeof slotRef === "number") + slot = this.skeleton.slots[slotRef]; + else if (typeof slotRef === "string") + slot = this.skeleton.findSlot(slotRef); + else + slot = slotRef; + if (!slot) + throw new Error(`No slot found with the given slot reference: ${slotRef}`); + return slot; + } + spineAttachmentsDirty; + _lastAttachments; + _stateChanged; + attachmentCacheData = []; + get debug() { + return this._debug; + } + set debug(value) { + if (this._debug) { + this._debug.unregisterSpine(this); + } + if (value) { + value.registerSpine(this); + } + this._debug = value; + } + autoUpdateWarned = false; + _autoUpdate = true; + get autoUpdate() { + return this._autoUpdate; + } + set autoUpdate(value) { + if (value) { + import_pixi5.Ticker.shared.add(this.internalUpdate, this); + this.autoUpdateWarned = false; + } else { + import_pixi5.Ticker.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate, this); + } + this._autoUpdate = value; + } + constructor(options) { + if (options instanceof SkeletonData) { + options = { + skeletonData: options + }; + } + super(); + const skeletonData = options instanceof SkeletonData ? options : options.skeletonData; + this.skeleton = new Skeleton(skeletonData); + this.state = new AnimationState(new AnimationStateData(skeletonData)); + this.autoUpdate = options?.autoUpdate ?? true; + const slots = this.skeleton.slots; + for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) { + this.attachmentCacheData[i] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + } + this._updateState(0); + } + update(dt) { + if (this.autoUpdate && !this.autoUpdateWarned) { + console.warn( + // eslint-disable-next-line max-len + "You are calling update on a Spine instance that has autoUpdate set to true. This is probably not what you want." + ); + this.autoUpdateWarned = true; + } + this.internalUpdate(0, dt); + } + internalUpdate(_deltaFrame, deltaSeconds) { + this._updateState(deltaSeconds ?? import_pixi5.Ticker.shared.deltaMS / 1e3); + } + get bounds() { + if (this._boundsDirty) { + this.updateBounds(); + } + return this._bounds; + } + setBonePosition(bone, position) { + const boneAux = bone; + if (typeof bone === "string") { + bone = this.skeleton.findBone(bone); + } + if (!bone) + throw Error(`Cant set bone position, bone ${String(boneAux)} not found`); + vectorAux.set(position.x, position.y); + if (bone.parent) { + const aux = bone.parent.worldToLocal(vectorAux); + bone.x = aux.x; + bone.y = -aux.y; + } else { + bone.x = vectorAux.x; + bone.y = vectorAux.y; + } + } + getBonePosition(bone, outPos) { + const boneAux = bone; + if (typeof bone === "string") { + bone = this.skeleton.findBone(bone); + } + if (!bone) { + console.error(`Cant set bone position! Bone ${String(boneAux)} not found`); + return outPos; + } + if (!outPos) { + outPos = { x: 0, y: 0 }; + } + outPos.x = bone.worldX; + outPos.y = bone.worldY; + return outPos; + } + /** + * Will update the state based on the specified time, this will not apply the state to the skeleton + * as this is differed until the `applyState` method is called. + * + * @param time the time at which to set the state + * @internal + */ + _updateState(time) { + this.state.update(time); + this.skeleton.update(time); + this._stateChanged = true; + this._boundsDirty = true; + this.onViewUpdate(); + } + /** + * Applies the state to this spine instance. + * - updates the state to the skeleton + * - updates its world transform (spine world transform) + * - validates the attachments - to flag if the attachments have changed this state + * - transforms the attachments - to update the vertices of the attachments based on the new positions + * - update the slot attachments - to update the position, rotation, scale, and visibility of the attached containers + * @internal + */ + _applyState() { + if (!this._stateChanged) + return; + this._stateChanged = false; + const { skeleton } = this; + this.state.apply(skeleton); + this.beforeUpdateWorldTransforms(this); + skeleton.updateWorldTransform(Physics.update); + this.afterUpdateWorldTransforms(this); + this.validateAttachments(); + this.transformAttachments(); + this.updateSlotObjects(); + } + validateAttachments() { + const currentDrawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder; + const lastAttachments = this._lastAttachments ||= []; + let index = 0; + let spineAttachmentsDirty = false; + for (let i = 0; i < currentDrawOrder.length; i++) { + const slot = currentDrawOrder[i]; + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment) { + if (attachment !== lastAttachments[index]) { + spineAttachmentsDirty = true; + lastAttachments[index] = attachment; + } + index++; + } + } + if (index !== lastAttachments.length) { + spineAttachmentsDirty = true; + lastAttachments.length = index; + } + this.spineAttachmentsDirty = spineAttachmentsDirty; + } + transformAttachments() { + const currentDrawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder; + for (let i = 0; i < currentDrawOrder.length; i++) { + const slot = currentDrawOrder[i]; + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment) { + if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment || attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + const cacheData = this._getCachedData(slot, attachment); + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, cacheData.vertices, 0, 2); + } else { + attachment.computeWorldVertices( + slot, + 0, + attachment.worldVerticesLength, + cacheData.vertices, + 0, + 2 + ); + } + const skeleton = slot.bone.skeleton; + const skeletonColor = skeleton.color; + const slotColor = slot.color; + const attachmentColor = attachment.color; + cacheData.color.set( + skeletonColor.r * slotColor.r * attachmentColor.r, + skeletonColor.g * slotColor.g * attachmentColor.g, + skeletonColor.b * slotColor.b * attachmentColor.b, + skeletonColor.a * slotColor.a * attachmentColor.a + ); + cacheData.clipped = false; + if (clipper2.isClipping()) { + this.updateClippingData(cacheData); + } + } else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment) { + clipper2.clipStart(slot, attachment); + } else { + clipper2.clipEndWithSlot(slot); + } + } + } + clipper2.clipEnd(); + } + updateClippingData(cacheData) { + cacheData.clipped = true; + clipper2.clipTriangles( + cacheData.vertices, + cacheData.vertices.length, + cacheData.indices, + cacheData.indices.length, + cacheData.uvs, + lightColor, + darkColor, + false + ); + const { clippedVertices, clippedTriangles } = clipper2; + const verticesCount = clippedVertices.length / 8; + const indicesCount = clippedTriangles.length; + if (!cacheData.clippedData) { + cacheData.clippedData = { + vertices: new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2), + uvs: new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2), + vertexCount: verticesCount, + indices: new Uint16Array(indicesCount), + indicesCount + }; + this.spineAttachmentsDirty = true; + } + const clippedData = cacheData.clippedData; + const sizeChange = clippedData.vertexCount !== verticesCount || indicesCount !== clippedData.indicesCount; + if (sizeChange) { + this.spineAttachmentsDirty = true; + if (clippedData.vertexCount < verticesCount) { + clippedData.vertices = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2); + clippedData.uvs = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2); + } + if (clippedData.indices.length < indicesCount) { + clippedData.indices = new Uint16Array(indicesCount); + } + } + const { vertices, uvs, indices } = clippedData; + for (let i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++) { + vertices[i * 2] = clippedVertices[i * 8]; + vertices[i * 2 + 1] = clippedVertices[i * 8 + 1]; + uvs[i * 2] = clippedVertices[i * 8 + 6]; + uvs[i * 2 + 1] = clippedVertices[i * 8 + 7]; + } + clippedData.vertexCount = verticesCount; + for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { + indices[i] = clippedTriangles[i]; + } + clippedData.indicesCount = indicesCount; + } + /** + * ensure that attached containers map correctly to their slots + * along with their position, rotation, scale, and visibility. + */ + updateSlotObjects() { + for (const i in this._slotsObject) { + const slotAttachment = this._slotsObject[i]; + if (!slotAttachment) + continue; + this.updateSlotObject(slotAttachment); + } + } + updateSlotObject(slotAttachment) { + const { slot, container } = slotAttachment; + container.visible = this.skeleton.drawOrder.includes(slot); + if (container.visible) { + const bone = slot.bone; + container.position.set(bone.worldX, bone.worldY); + container.scale.x = bone.getWorldScaleX(); + container.scale.y = bone.getWorldScaleY(); + container.rotation = bone.getWorldRotationX() * import_pixi5.DEG_TO_RAD; + } + } + /** @internal */ + _getCachedData(slot, attachment) { + return this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] || this.initCachedData(slot, attachment); + } + initCachedData(slot, attachment) { + let vertices; + if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment) { + vertices = new Float32Array(8); + this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] = { + id: `${slot.data.index}-${attachment.name}`, + vertices, + clipped: false, + indices: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3], + uvs: attachment.uvs, + color: new Color(1, 1, 1, 1) + }; + } else { + vertices = new Float32Array(attachment.worldVerticesLength); + this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] = { + id: `${slot.data.index}-${attachment.name}`, + vertices, + clipped: false, + indices: attachment.triangles, + uvs: attachment.uvs, + color: new Color(1, 1, 1, 1) + }; + } + return this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name]; + } + onViewUpdate() { + this._didChangeId += 1 << 12; + this._boundsDirty = true; + if (this.didViewUpdate) + return; + this.didViewUpdate = true; + const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup; + if (renderGroup) { + renderGroup.onChildViewUpdate(this); + } + this.debug?.renderDebug(this); + } + /** + * Attaches a PixiJS container to a specified slot. This will map the world transform of the slots bone + * to the attached container. A container can only be attached to one slot at a time. + * + * @param container - The container to attach to the slot + * @param slotRef - The slot id or slot to attach to + */ + addSlotObject(slot, container) { + slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slot); + for (const i in this._slotsObject) { + if (this._slotsObject[i]?.container === container) { + this.removeSlotObject(this._slotsObject[i].slot); + } + } + this.removeSlotObject(slot); + container.includeInBuild = false; + this.addChild(container); + this._slotsObject[slot.data.name] = { + container, + slot + }; + this.updateSlotObject(this._slotsObject[slot.data.name]); + } + /** + * Removes a PixiJS container from the slot it is attached to. + * + * @param container - The container to detach from the slot + * @param slotOrContainer - The container, slot id or slot to detach from + */ + removeSlotObject(slotOrContainer) { + let containerToRemove; + if (slotOrContainer instanceof import_pixi5.Container) { + for (const i in this._slotsObject) { + if (this._slotsObject[i]?.container === slotOrContainer) { + this._slotsObject[i] = null; + containerToRemove = slotOrContainer; + break; + } + } + } else { + const slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slotOrContainer); + containerToRemove = this._slotsObject[slot.data.name]?.container; + this._slotsObject[slot.data.name] = null; + } + if (containerToRemove) { + this.removeChild(containerToRemove); + containerToRemove.includeInBuild = true; + } + } + /** + * Returns a container attached to a slot, or undefined if no container is attached. + * + * @param slotRef - The slot id or slot to get the attachment from + * @returns - The container attached to the slot + */ + getSlotObject(slot) { + slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slot); + return this._slotsObject[slot.data.name].container; + } + updateBounds() { + this._boundsDirty = false; + this.skeletonBounds ||= new SkeletonBounds(); + const skeletonBounds = this.skeletonBounds; + skeletonBounds.update(this.skeleton, true); + if (skeletonBounds.minX === Infinity) { + this._applyState(); + const drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder; + const bounds = this._bounds; + bounds.clear(); + for (let i = 0; i < drawOrder.length; i++) { + const slot = drawOrder[i]; + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment && (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)) { + const cacheData = this._getCachedData(slot, attachment); + bounds.addVertexData(cacheData.vertices, 0, cacheData.vertices.length); + } + } + } else { + this._bounds.minX = skeletonBounds.minX; + this._bounds.minY = skeletonBounds.minY; + this._bounds.maxX = skeletonBounds.maxX; + this._bounds.maxY = skeletonBounds.maxY; + } + } + /** @internal */ + addBounds(bounds) { + bounds.addBounds(this.bounds); + } + containsPoint(point) { + const bounds = this.bounds; + if (point.x >= bounds.minX && point.x <= bounds.maxX) { + if (point.y >= bounds.minY && point.y <= bounds.maxY) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + /** + * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture. + * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options + * have been set to that value + * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well + * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well + */ + destroy(options = false) { + super.destroy(options); + import_pixi5.Ticker.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate, this); + this.state.clearListeners(); + this.debug = void 0; + this.skeleton = null; + this.state = null; + this._slotsObject = null; + this._lastAttachments = null; + this.attachmentCacheData = null; + } + /** Whether or not to round the x/y position of the sprite. */ + get roundPixels() { + return !!this._roundPixels; + } + set roundPixels(value) { + this._roundPixels = value ? 1 : 0; + } + /** Converts a point from the skeleton coordinate system to the Pixi world coordinate system. */ + skeletonToPixiWorldCoordinates(point) { + this.worldTransform.apply(point, point); + } + /** Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the skeleton coordinate system. */ + pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(point) { + this.worldTransform.applyInverse(point, point); + } + /** Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the bone's local coordinate system. */ + pixiWorldCoordinatesToBone(point, bone) { + this.pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(point); + if (bone.parent) { + bone.parent.worldToLocal(point); + } else { + bone.worldToLocal(point); + } + } + static from({ skeleton, atlas, scale = 1 }) { + const cacheKey = `${skeleton}-${atlas}`; + if (import_pixi5.Cache.has(cacheKey)) { + return new _Spine(import_pixi5.Cache.get(cacheKey)); + } + const skeletonAsset = import_pixi5.Assets.get(skeleton); + const atlasAsset = import_pixi5.Assets.get(atlas); + const attachmentLoader = new AtlasAttachmentLoader(atlasAsset); + const parser = skeletonAsset instanceof Uint8Array ? new SkeletonBinary(attachmentLoader) : new SkeletonJson(attachmentLoader); + parser.scale = scale; + const skeletonData = parser.readSkeletonData(skeletonAsset); + import_pixi5.Cache.set(cacheKey, skeletonData); + return new _Spine({ + skeletonData + }); + } + }; + + // src/SpineDebugRenderer.ts + var import_pixi6 = __require("pixi.js"); + var SpineDebugRenderer = class { + registeredSpines = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + drawMeshHull = true; + drawMeshTriangles = true; + drawBones = true; + drawPaths = true; + drawBoundingBoxes = true; + drawClipping = true; + drawRegionAttachments = true; + drawEvents = true; + lineWidth = 1; + regionAttachmentsColor = 30975; + meshHullColor = 30975; + meshTrianglesColor = 16763904; + clippingPolygonColor = 16711935; + boundingBoxesRectColor = 65280; + boundingBoxesPolygonColor = 65280; + boundingBoxesCircleColor = 65280; + pathsCurveColor = 16711680; + pathsLineColor = 16711935; + skeletonXYColor = 16711680; + bonesColor = 61132; + eventFontSize = 24; + eventFontColor = 0; + /** + * The debug is attached by force to each spine object. + * So we need to create it inside the spine when we get the first update + */ + registerSpine(spine) { + if (this.registeredSpines.has(spine)) { + console.warn("SpineDebugRenderer.registerSpine() - this spine is already registered!", spine); + return; + } + const debugDisplayObjects = { + parentDebugContainer: new import_pixi6.Container(), + bones: new import_pixi6.Container(), + skeletonXY: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + regionAttachmentsShape: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + meshTrianglesLine: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + meshHullLine: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + clippingPolygon: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + boundingBoxesRect: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + boundingBoxesCircle: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + boundingBoxesPolygon: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + pathsCurve: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + pathsLine: new import_pixi6.Graphics(), + eventText: new import_pixi6.Container(), + eventCallback: { + event: (_, event) => { + if (this.drawEvents) { + const scale = Math.abs(spine.scale.x || spine.scale.y || 1); + const text = new import_pixi6.Text({ + text: event.data.name, + style: { + fontSize: this.eventFontSize / scale, + fill: this.eventFontColor, + fontFamily: "monospace" + } + }); + text.scale.x = Math.sign(spine.scale.x); + text.anchor.set(0.5); + debugDisplayObjects.eventText.addChild(text); + setTimeout(() => { + if (!text.destroyed) { + text.destroy(); + } + }, 250); + } + } + } + }; + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.bones); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.eventText); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.zIndex = 9999999; + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.accessibleChildren = false; + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.eventMode = "none"; + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.interactiveChildren = false; + spine.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer); + spine.state.addListener(debugDisplayObjects.eventCallback); + this.registeredSpines.set(spine, debugDisplayObjects); + } + renderDebug(spine) { + if (!this.registeredSpines.has(spine)) { + this.registerSpine(spine); + } + const debugDisplayObjects = this.registeredSpines.get(spine); + if (!debugDisplayObjects) { + return; + } + spine.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer); + debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.clear(); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.clear(); + for (let len = debugDisplayObjects.bones.children.length; len > 0; len--) { + debugDisplayObjects.bones.children[len - 1].destroy({ children: true, texture: true, textureSource: true }); + } + const scale = Math.abs(spine.scale.x || spine.scale.y || 1); + const lineWidth = this.lineWidth / scale; + if (this.drawBones) { + this.drawBonesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth, scale); + } + if (this.drawPaths) { + this.drawPathsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth); + } + if (this.drawBoundingBoxes) { + this.drawBoundingBoxesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth); + } + if (this.drawClipping) { + this.drawClippingFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth); + } + if (this.drawMeshHull || this.drawMeshTriangles) { + this.drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth); + } + if (this.drawRegionAttachments) { + this.drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth); + } + if (this.drawEvents) { + for (const child of debugDisplayObjects.eventText.children) { + child.alpha -= 0.05; + child.y -= 2; + } + } + } + drawBonesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth, scale) { + const skeleton = spine.skeleton; + const skeletonX = skeleton.x; + const skeletonY = skeleton.y; + const bones = skeleton.bones; + debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.strokeStyle = { width: lineWidth, color: this.skeletonXYColor }; + for (let i = 0, len = bones.length; i < len; i++) { + const bone = bones[i]; + const boneLen = bone.data.length; + const starX = skeletonX + bone.worldX; + const starY = skeletonY + bone.worldY; + const endX = skeletonX + boneLen * bone.a + bone.worldX; + const endY = skeletonY + boneLen * bone.b + bone.worldY; + if (bone.data.name === "root" || bone.data.parent === null) { + continue; + } + const w = Math.abs(starX - endX); + const h = Math.abs(starY - endY); + const a2 = Math.pow(w, 2); + const b = h; + const b2 = Math.pow(h, 2); + const c = Math.sqrt(a2 + b2); + const c2 = Math.pow(c, 2); + const rad = Math.PI / 180; + const B = Math.acos((c2 + b2 - a2) / (2 * b * c)) || 0; + if (c === 0) { + continue; + } + const gp = new import_pixi6.Graphics(); + debugDisplayObjects.bones.addChild(gp); + const refRation = c / 50 / scale; + gp.context.poly([0, 0, 0 - refRation, c - refRation * 3, 0, c - refRation, 0 + refRation, c - refRation * 3]).fill(this.bonesColor); + gp.x = starX; + gp.y = starY; + gp.pivot.y = c; + let rotation = 0; + if (starX < endX && starY < endY) { + rotation = -B + 180 * rad; + } else if (starX > endX && starY < endY) { + rotation = 180 * (rad + B); + } else if (starX > endX && starY > endY) { + rotation = -B; + } else if (starX < endX && starY > endY) { + rotation = B; + } else if (starY === endY && starX < endX) { + rotation = 90 * rad; + } else if (starY === endY && starX > endX) { + rotation = -90 * rad; + } else if (starX === endX && starY < endY) { + rotation = 180 * rad; + } else if (starX === endX && starY > endY) { + rotation = 0; + } + gp.rotation = rotation; + gp.circle(0, c, refRation * 1.2).fill({ color: 0, alpha: 0.6 }).stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.skeletonXYColor }); + } + const startDotSize = lineWidth * 3; + debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.context.moveTo(skeletonX - startDotSize, skeletonY - startDotSize).lineTo(skeletonX + startDotSize, skeletonY + startDotSize).moveTo(skeletonX + startDotSize, skeletonY - startDotSize).lineTo(skeletonX - startDotSize, skeletonY + startDotSize).stroke(); + } + drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth) { + const skeleton = spine.skeleton; + const slots = skeleton.slots; + for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++) { + const slot = slots[i]; + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)) { + continue; + } + const regionAttachment = attachment; + const vertices = new Float32Array(8); + regionAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, 2); + debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.poly(Array.from(vertices.slice(0, 8))); + } + debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.stroke({ + color: this.regionAttachmentsColor, + width: lineWidth + }); + } + drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth) { + const skeleton = spine.skeleton; + const slots = skeleton.slots; + for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++) { + const slot = slots[i]; + if (!slot.bone.active) { + continue; + } + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)) { + continue; + } + const meshAttachment = attachment; + const vertices = new Float32Array(meshAttachment.worldVerticesLength); + const triangles = meshAttachment.triangles; + let hullLength = meshAttachment.hullLength; + meshAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, meshAttachment.worldVerticesLength, vertices, 0, 2); + if (this.drawMeshTriangles) { + for (let i2 = 0, len2 = triangles.length; i2 < len2; i2 += 3) { + const v1 = triangles[i2] * 2; + const v2 = triangles[i2 + 1] * 2; + const v3 = triangles[i2 + 2] * 2; + debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.context.moveTo(vertices[v1], vertices[v1 + 1]).lineTo(vertices[v2], vertices[v2 + 1]).lineTo(vertices[v3], vertices[v3 + 1]); + } + } + if (this.drawMeshHull && hullLength > 0) { + hullLength = (hullLength >> 1) * 2; + let lastX = vertices[hullLength - 2]; + let lastY = vertices[hullLength - 1]; + for (let i2 = 0, len2 = hullLength; i2 < len2; i2 += 2) { + const x = vertices[i2]; + const y = vertices[i2 + 1]; + debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.context.moveTo(x, y).lineTo(lastX, lastY); + lastX = x; + lastY = y; + } + } + } + debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.meshHullColor }); + debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.meshTrianglesColor }); + } + drawClippingFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth) { + const skeleton = spine.skeleton; + const slots = skeleton.slots; + for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++) { + const slot = slots[i]; + if (!slot.bone.active) { + continue; + } + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment)) { + continue; + } + const clippingAttachment = attachment; + const nn = clippingAttachment.worldVerticesLength; + const world = new Float32Array(nn); + clippingAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, nn, world, 0, 2); + debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.poly(Array.from(world)); + } + debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.stroke({ + width: lineWidth, + color: this.clippingPolygonColor, + alpha: 1 + }); + } + drawBoundingBoxesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth) { + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.lineStyle(lineWidth, this.boundingBoxesRectColor, 5); + const bounds = new SkeletonBounds(); + bounds.update(spine.skeleton, true); + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.rect(bounds.minX, bounds.minY, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight()).stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.boundingBoxesRectColor }); + const polygons = bounds.polygons; + const drawPolygon = (polygonVertices, _offset, count) => { + if (count < 3) { + throw new Error("Polygon must contain at least 3 vertices"); + } + const paths = []; + const dotSize = lineWidth * 2; + for (let i = 0, len = polygonVertices.length; i < len; i += 2) { + const x1 = polygonVertices[i]; + const y1 = polygonVertices[i + 1]; + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.beginFill(this.boundingBoxesCircleColor); + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.drawCircle(x1, y1, dotSize); + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.fill(0); + paths.push(x1, y1); + } + debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon.poly(paths).fill({ + color: this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor, + alpha: 0.1 + }).stroke({ + width: lineWidth, + color: this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor + }); + }; + for (let i = 0, len = polygons.length; i < len; i++) { + const polygon = polygons[i]; + drawPolygon(polygon, 0, polygon.length); + } + } + drawPathsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth) { + const skeleton = spine.skeleton; + const slots = skeleton.slots; + for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++) { + const slot = slots[i]; + if (!slot.bone.active) { + continue; + } + const attachment = slot.getAttachment(); + if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof PathAttachment)) { + continue; + } + const pathAttachment = attachment; + let nn = pathAttachment.worldVerticesLength; + const world = new Float32Array(nn); + pathAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, nn, world, 0, 2); + let x1 = world[2]; + let y1 = world[3]; + let x2 = 0; + let y2 = 0; + if (pathAttachment.closed) { + const cx1 = world[0]; + const cy1 = world[1]; + const cx2 = world[nn - 2]; + const cy2 = world[nn - 1]; + x2 = world[nn - 4]; + y2 = world[nn - 3]; + debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.moveTo(x1, y1); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x1, y1); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx1, cy1); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x2, y2); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx2, cy2); + } + nn -= 4; + for (let ii = 4; ii < nn; ii += 6) { + const cx1 = world[ii]; + const cy1 = world[ii + 1]; + const cx2 = world[ii + 2]; + const cy2 = world[ii + 3]; + x2 = world[ii + 4]; + y2 = world[ii + 5]; + debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.moveTo(x1, y1); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x1, y1); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx1, cy1); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x2, y2); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx2, cy2); + x1 = x2; + y1 = y2; + } + } + debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.pathsCurveColor }); + debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.pathsLineColor }); + } + unregisterSpine(spine) { + if (!this.registeredSpines.has(spine)) { + console.warn("SpineDebugRenderer.unregisterSpine() - spine is not registered, can't unregister!", spine); + } + const debugDisplayObjects = this.registeredSpines.get(spine); + if (!debugDisplayObjects) { + return; + } + spine.state.removeListener(debugDisplayObjects.eventCallback); + debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.destroy({ textureSource: true, children: true, texture: true }); + this.registeredSpines.delete(spine); + } + }; + return __toCommonJS(src_exports); +})(); +//# sourceMappingURL=spine-pixi.js.map diff --git a/dist/spine-pixi.js.map b/dist/spine-pixi.js.map new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8f660ab --- /dev/null +++ b/dist/spine-pixi.js.map @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "version": 3, + "sources": ["../src/index.ts", "../src/require-shim.ts", "../src/assets/atlasLoader.ts", "../src/SpineTexture.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Utils.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/Attachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/Sequence.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Animation.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/AnimationState.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/AnimationStateData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/BoundingBoxAttachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/ClippingAttachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Texture.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/TextureAtlas.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/MeshAttachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/PathAttachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/PointAttachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/attachments/RegionAttachment.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/AtlasAttachmentLoader.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/BoneData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Bone.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/ConstraintData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/AssetManagerBase.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Event.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/EventData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/IkConstraint.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/IkConstraintData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/PathConstraintData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/PathConstraint.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/PhysicsConstraint.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Slot.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/TransformConstraint.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Skeleton.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/PhysicsConstraintData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/SkeletonData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Skin.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/SlotData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/TransformConstraintData.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/SkeletonBinary.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/SkeletonBounds.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/Triangulator.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/SkeletonClipping.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/SkeletonJson.ts", "../node_modules/@esotericsoftware/spine-core/src/polyfills.ts", "../src/assets/skeletonLoader.ts", "../src/SpinePipe.ts", "../src/BatchableSpineSlot.ts", "../src/Spine.ts", "../src/SpineDebugRenderer.ts"], + "sourcesContent": ["/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated September 24, 2021. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2021, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software\n * or otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport './require-shim.js'; // Side effects add require pixi.js to global scope\nimport './assets/atlasLoader.js'; // Side effects install the loaders into pixi\nimport './assets/skeletonLoader.js'; // Side effects install the loaders into pixi\nimport './SpinePipe.js';\n\nexport * from './assets/atlasLoader.js';\nexport * from './assets/skeletonLoader.js';\nexport * from './require-shim.js';\nexport * from './Spine.js';\nexport * from './SpineDebugRenderer.js';\nexport * from './SpinePipe.js';\nexport * from './SpineTexture.js';\nexport * from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\ndeclare global\n{\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment\n // @ts-ignore\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-var\n var require: any;\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-var\n var PIXI: any;\n}\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.PIXI)\n{\n const prevRequire = window.require;\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return\n (window as any).require = (x: string) =>\n {\n if (prevRequire) return prevRequire(x);\n else if (x.startsWith('@pixi/') || x.startsWith('pixi.js')) return window.PIXI;\n };\n}\n\nexport { };\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n checkExtension,\n DOMAdapter,\n extensions,\n ExtensionType,\n LoaderParserPriority,\n path,\n TextureSource\n} from 'pixi.js';\nimport { SpineTexture } from '../SpineTexture';\nimport { TextureAtlas } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nimport type { AssetExtension, Loader, ResolvedAsset, Texture } from 'pixi.js';\n\ntype RawAtlas = string;\n\nconst spineTextureAtlasLoader: AssetExtension = {\n extension: ExtensionType.Asset,\n\n loader: {\n extension: {\n type: ExtensionType.LoadParser,\n priority: LoaderParserPriority.Normal,\n name: 'spineTextureAtlasLoader',\n },\n\n test(url: string): boolean\n {\n return checkExtension(url, '.atlas');\n },\n\n async load(url: string): Promise\n {\n const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url);\n\n const txt = await response.text();\n\n return txt;\n },\n\n testParse(asset: unknown, options: ResolvedAsset): Promise\n {\n const isExtensionRight = checkExtension(options.src as string, '.atlas');\n const isString = typeof asset === 'string';\n\n return Promise.resolve(isExtensionRight && isString);\n },\n\n unload(atlas: TextureAtlas)\n {\n atlas.dispose();\n },\n\n async parse(asset: RawAtlas, options: ResolvedAsset, loader: Loader): Promise\n {\n const metadata: ISpineAtlasMetadata = options.data || {};\n let basePath = path.dirname(options.src as string);\n\n if (basePath && basePath.lastIndexOf('/') !== basePath.length - 1)\n {\n basePath += '/';\n }\n\n // Retval is going to be a texture atlas. However we need to wait for it's callback to resolve this promise.\n const retval = new TextureAtlas(asset);\n\n // If the user gave me only one texture, that one is assumed to be the \"first\" texture in the atlas\n if (metadata.images instanceof TextureSource || typeof metadata.images === 'string')\n {\n const pixiTexture = metadata.images;\n\n metadata.images = {} as Record;\n metadata.images[retval.pages[0].name] = pixiTexture;\n }\n\n // we will wait for all promises for the textures at the same time at the end.\n const textureLoadingPromises:Promise[] = [];\n\n // fill the pages\n for (const page of retval.pages)\n {\n const pageName = page.name;\n const providedPage = metadata?.images ? metadata.images[pageName] : undefined;\n\n if (providedPage instanceof TextureSource)\n {\n page.setTexture(SpineTexture.from(providedPage));\n }\n else\n {\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n const url: string = providedPage ?? path.normalize([...basePath.split(path.sep), pageName].join(path.sep));\n\n const assetsToLoadIn = {\n src: url,\n data: {\n ...metadata.imageMetadata,\n alphaMode: page.pma ? 'premultiplied-alpha' : 'premultiply-alpha-on-upload'\n }\n };\n\n const pixiPromise = loader.load(assetsToLoadIn).then((texture) =>\n {\n page.setTexture(SpineTexture.from(texture.source));\n });\n\n textureLoadingPromises.push(pixiPromise);\n }\n }\n\n await Promise.all(textureLoadingPromises);\n\n return retval;\n },\n },\n} as AssetExtension;\n\nextensions.add(spineTextureAtlasLoader);\n\nexport interface ISpineAtlasMetadata\n{\n // If you are downloading an .atlas file, this metadata will go to the Texture loader\n imageMetadata?: any;\n // If you already have atlas pages loaded as pixi textures\n // and want to use that to create the atlas, you can pass them here\n images?: TextureSource | string | Record;\n}\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport { Texture as PixiTexture } from 'pixi.js';\nimport { BlendMode, Texture, TextureFilter, TextureWrap } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nimport type { BLEND_MODES, SCALE_MODE, TextureSource, WRAP_MODE } from 'pixi.js';\n\nexport class SpineTexture extends Texture\n{\n private static readonly textureMap: Map = new Map();\n\n public static from(texture: TextureSource): SpineTexture\n {\n if (SpineTexture.textureMap.has(texture))\n {\n return SpineTexture.textureMap.get(texture) as SpineTexture;\n }\n\n return new SpineTexture(texture);\n }\n\n public readonly texture: PixiTexture;\n\n private constructor(image: TextureSource)\n {\n // Todo: maybe add error handling if you feed a video texture to spine?\n super(image.resource);\n this.texture = PixiTexture.from(image);\n }\n\n public setFilters(minFilter: TextureFilter, magFilter: TextureFilter): void\n {\n const style = this.texture.source.style;\n\n style.minFilter = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureFilter(minFilter);\n style.magFilter = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureFilter(magFilter);\n this.texture.source.autoGenerateMipmaps = SpineTexture.toPixiMipMap(minFilter);\n this.texture.source.updateMipmaps();\n }\n\n public setWraps(uWrap: TextureWrap, vWrap: TextureWrap): void\n {\n const style = this.texture.source.style;\n\n style.addressModeU = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureWrap(uWrap);\n style.addressModeV = SpineTexture.toPixiTextureWrap(vWrap);\n }\n\n public dispose(): void\n {\n // I am not entirely sure about this...\n this.texture.destroy();\n }\n\n private static toPixiMipMap(filter: TextureFilter): boolean\n {\n switch (filter)\n {\n case TextureFilter.Nearest:\n case TextureFilter.Linear:\n return false;\n\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestLinear:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestNearest:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear: // TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear == TextureFilter.MipMap\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest:\n return true;\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(filter)}`);\n }\n }\n\n private static toPixiTextureFilter(filter: TextureFilter): SCALE_MODE\n {\n switch (filter)\n {\n case TextureFilter.Nearest:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestLinear:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapNearestNearest:\n return 'nearest';\n\n case TextureFilter.Linear:\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear: // TextureFilter.MipMapLinearLinear == TextureFilter.MipMap\n case TextureFilter.MipMapLinearNearest:\n return 'linear';\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter: ${String(filter)}`);\n }\n }\n\n private static toPixiTextureWrap(wrap: TextureWrap): WRAP_MODE\n {\n switch (wrap)\n {\n case TextureWrap.ClampToEdge:\n return 'clamp-to-edge';\n\n case TextureWrap.MirroredRepeat:\n return 'mirror-repeat';\n\n case TextureWrap.Repeat:\n return 'repeat';\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown texture wrap: ${String(wrap)}`);\n }\n }\n\n public static toPixiBlending(blend: BlendMode): BLEND_MODES\n {\n switch (blend)\n {\n case BlendMode.Normal:\n return 'normal';\n\n case BlendMode.Additive:\n return 'add';\n\n case BlendMode.Multiply:\n return 'multiply';\n\n case BlendMode.Screen:\n return 'screen';\n\n default:\n throw new Error(`Unknown blendMode: ${String(blend)}`);\n }\n }\n}\n", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n type AssetExtension,\n checkExtension,\n DOMAdapter,\n extensions,\n ExtensionType,\n LoaderParserPriority,\n ResolvedAsset\n} from 'pixi.js';\n\ntype SkeletonJsonAsset = any;\ntype SkeletonBinaryAsset = Uint8Array;\n\nfunction isJson(resource: any): resource is SkeletonJsonAsset\n{\n return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(resource, 'bones');\n}\n\nfunction isBuffer(resource: any): resource is SkeletonBinaryAsset\n{\n return resource instanceof Uint8Array;\n}\n\nconst spineLoaderExtension: AssetExtension = {\n extension: ExtensionType.Asset,\n\n loader: {\n extension: {\n type: ExtensionType.LoadParser,\n priority: LoaderParserPriority.Normal,\n name: 'spineSkeletonLoader',\n },\n\n test(url)\n {\n return checkExtension(url, '.skel');\n },\n\n async load(url: string): Promise\n {\n const response = await DOMAdapter.get().fetch(url);\n\n const buffer = new Uint8Array(await response.arrayBuffer());\n\n return buffer;\n },\n testParse(asset: unknown, options: ResolvedAsset): Promise\n {\n const isJsonSpineModel = checkExtension(options.src, '.json') && isJson(asset);\n const isBinarySpineModel = checkExtension(options.src, '.skel') && isBuffer(asset);\n\n return Promise.resolve(isJsonSpineModel || isBinarySpineModel);\n },\n },\n} as AssetExtension;\n\nextensions.add(spineLoaderExtension);\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n collectAllRenderables,\n extensions, ExtensionType,\n InstructionSet,\n type Renderer,\n type RenderPipe,\n Texture\n} from 'pixi.js';\nimport { BatchableSpineSlot } from './BatchableSpineSlot';\nimport { Spine } from './Spine';\nimport { MeshAttachment, RegionAttachment, SkeletonClipping } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nconst clipper = new SkeletonClipping();\n\nconst spineBlendModeMap = {\n 0: 'normal',\n 1: 'add',\n 2: 'multiply',\n 3: 'screen'\n};\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line max-len\nexport class SpinePipe implements RenderPipe\n{\n /** @ignore */\n static extension = {\n type: [\n ExtensionType.WebGLPipes,\n ExtensionType.WebGPUPipes,\n ExtensionType.CanvasPipes,\n ],\n name: 'spine',\n } as const;\n\n renderer: Renderer;\n\n private gpuSpineData:Record = {};\n\n constructor(renderer: Renderer)\n {\n this.renderer = renderer;\n }\n\n validateRenderable(spine: Spine): boolean\n {\n spine._applyState();\n // loop through and see if the mesh lengths have changed..\n\n return spine.spineAttachmentsDirty;\n }\n\n addRenderable(spine: Spine, instructionSet:InstructionSet)\n {\n const gpuSpine = this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid] ||= { slotBatches: {} };\n\n const batcher = this.renderer.renderPipes.batch;\n\n const drawOrder = spine.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n const roundPixels = (this.renderer._roundPixels | spine._roundPixels) as 0 | 1;\n\n spine._applyState();\n\n for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++)\n {\n const slot = drawOrder[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n const blendMode = spineBlendModeMap[slot.data.blendMode];\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)\n {\n const cacheData = spine._getCachedData(slot, attachment);\n const batchableSpineSlot = gpuSpine.slotBatches[cacheData.id] ||= new BatchableSpineSlot();\n\n if (!cacheData.clipped || (cacheData.clipped && cacheData.clippedData.vertices.length > 0))\n {\n batchableSpineSlot.setData(\n spine,\n cacheData,\n (attachment.region?.texture.texture) || Texture.EMPTY,\n blendMode,\n roundPixels\n );\n\n batcher.addToBatch(batchableSpineSlot);\n }\n }\n\n const containerAttachment = spine._slotsObject[slot.data.name];\n\n if (containerAttachment)\n {\n const container = containerAttachment.container;\n\n container.includeInBuild = true;\n collectAllRenderables(container, instructionSet, this.renderer.renderPipes);\n container.includeInBuild = false;\n }\n }\n\n clipper.clipEnd();\n }\n\n updateRenderable(spine: Spine)\n {\n // we assume that spine will always change its verts size..\n const gpuSpine = this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid];\n\n spine._applyState();\n\n const drawOrder = spine.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n for (let i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++)\n {\n const slot = drawOrder[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment)\n {\n const batchableSpineSlot = gpuSpine.slotBatches[spine._getCachedData(slot, attachment).id];\n\n batchableSpineSlot.batcher?.updateElement(batchableSpineSlot);\n }\n }\n }\n\n destroyRenderable(spine: Spine)\n {\n // TODO remove the renderable from the batcher\n this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid] = null as any;\n }\n\n destroy()\n {\n this.gpuSpineData = null as any;\n this.renderer = null as any;\n }\n}\n\nextensions.add(SpinePipe);\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport { AttachmentCacheData, Spine } from './Spine';\n\nimport type { Batch, BatchableObject, Batcher, BLEND_MODES, IndexBufferArray, Texture } from 'pixi.js';\n\nexport class BatchableSpineSlot implements BatchableObject\n{\n indexStart: number;\n textureId: number;\n texture: Texture;\n location: number;\n batcher: Batcher;\n batch: Batch;\n renderable: Spine;\n\n vertices: Float32Array;\n indices: number[] | Uint16Array;\n uvs: Float32Array;\n\n indexSize: number;\n vertexSize: number;\n\n roundPixels: 0 | 1;\n data: AttachmentCacheData;\n blendMode: BLEND_MODES;\n\n setData(\n renderable:Spine,\n data:AttachmentCacheData,\n texture:Texture,\n blendMode:BLEND_MODES,\n roundPixels: 0 | 1)\n {\n this.renderable = renderable;\n this.data = data;\n\n if (data.clipped)\n {\n const clippedData = data.clippedData;\n\n this.indexSize = clippedData.indicesCount;\n this.vertexSize = clippedData.vertexCount;\n this.vertices = clippedData.vertices;\n this.indices = clippedData.indices;\n this.uvs = clippedData.uvs;\n }\n else\n {\n this.indexSize = data.indices.length;\n this.vertexSize = data.vertices.length / 2;\n this.vertices = data.vertices;\n this.indices = data.indices;\n this.uvs = data.uvs;\n }\n\n this.texture = texture;\n this.roundPixels = roundPixels;\n\n this.blendMode = blendMode;\n }\n\n packIndex(indexBuffer: IndexBufferArray, index: number, indicesOffset: number)\n {\n const indices = this.indices;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)\n {\n indexBuffer[index++] = indices[i] + indicesOffset;\n }\n }\n\n packAttributes(\n float32View: Float32Array,\n uint32View: Uint32Array,\n index: number,\n textureId: number\n )\n {\n const { uvs, vertices, vertexSize } = this;\n\n const slotColor = this.data.color;\n\n const parentColor:number = this.renderable.groupColor;\n const parentAlpha:number = this.renderable.groupAlpha;\n let abgr:number;\n\n const mixedA = (slotColor.a * parentAlpha) * 255;\n\n if (parentColor !== 0xFFFFFF)\n {\n const parentB = (parentColor >> 16) & 0xFF;\n const parentG = (parentColor >> 8) & 0xFF;\n const parentR = parentColor & 0xFF;\n\n const mixedR = (slotColor.r * parentR);\n const mixedG = (slotColor.g * parentG);\n const mixedB = (slotColor.b * parentB);\n\n abgr = ((mixedA) << 24) | (mixedB << 16) | (mixedG << 8) | mixedR;\n }\n else\n {\n abgr = ((mixedA) << 24) | ((slotColor.b * 255) << 16) | ((slotColor.g * 255) << 8) | (slotColor.r * 255);\n }\n\n const matrix = this.renderable.groupTransform;\n\n const a = matrix.a;\n const b = matrix.b;\n const c = matrix.c;\n const d = matrix.d;\n const tx = matrix.tx;\n const ty = matrix.ty;\n\n const textureIdAndRound = (textureId << 16) | (this.roundPixels & 0xFFFF);\n\n for (let i = 0; i < vertexSize; i++)\n {\n const x = vertices[i * 2];\n const y = vertices[(i * 2) + 1];\n\n float32View[index++] = (a * x) + (c * y) + tx;\n float32View[index++] = (b * x) + (d * y) + ty;\n\n // uv\n float32View[index++] = uvs[i * 2];\n float32View[index++] = uvs[(i * 2) + 1];\n\n // color\n uint32View[index++] = abgr;\n\n // texture id\n uint32View[index++] = textureIdAndRound;\n }\n }\n}\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport {\n Assets,\n Bounds,\n Cache,\n Container,\n ContainerOptions,\n DEG_TO_RAD,\n DestroyOptions,\n PointData,\n Ticker,\n View,\n} from 'pixi.js';\nimport { ISpineDebugRenderer } from './SpineDebugRenderer';\nimport {\n AnimationState,\n AnimationStateData,\n AtlasAttachmentLoader,\n Attachment,\n Bone,\n ClippingAttachment,\n Color,\n MeshAttachment,\n Physics,\n RegionAttachment,\n Skeleton,\n SkeletonBinary,\n SkeletonBounds,\n SkeletonClipping,\n SkeletonData,\n SkeletonJson,\n Slot,\n type TextureAtlas,\n TrackEntry,\n Vector2,\n} from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nexport type SpineFromOptions = {\n skeleton: string;\n atlas: string;\n scale?: number;\n};\n\nconst vectorAux = new Vector2();\nconst lightColor = new Color();\nconst darkColor = new Color();\n\nSkeleton.yDown = true;\n\nconst clipper = new SkeletonClipping();\n\nexport interface SpineOptions extends ContainerOptions\n{\n skeletonData: SkeletonData;\n autoUpdate?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface SpineEvents\n{\n complete: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n dispose: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n end: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n event: [trackEntry: TrackEntry, event: Event];\n interrupt: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n start: [trackEntry: TrackEntry];\n}\n\nexport interface AttachmentCacheData\n{\n id: string;\n clipped: boolean;\n vertices: Float32Array;\n uvs: Float32Array;\n indices: number[];\n color: Color;\n clippedData?: {\n vertices: Float32Array;\n uvs: Float32Array;\n indices: Uint16Array;\n vertexCount: number;\n indicesCount: number;\n };\n}\n\nexport class Spine extends Container implements View\n{\n // Pixi properties\n public batched = true;\n public buildId = 0;\n public override readonly renderPipeId = 'spine';\n public _didSpineUpdate = false;\n public _boundsDirty = true;\n public _roundPixels: 0 | 1;\n private _bounds: Bounds = new Bounds();\n\n public beforeUpdateWorldTransforms: (object: Spine) => void = () => { /** */ };\n public afterUpdateWorldTransforms: (object: Spine) => void = () => { /** */ };\n\n // Spine properties\n public skeleton: Skeleton;\n public state: AnimationState;\n public skeletonBounds: SkeletonBounds;\n private _debug?: ISpineDebugRenderer | undefined = undefined;\n\n readonly _slotsObject: Record = Object.create(null);\n\n private getSlotFromRef(slotRef: number | string | Slot): Slot\n {\n let slot: Slot | null;\n\n if (typeof slotRef === 'number') slot = this.skeleton.slots[slotRef];\n else if (typeof slotRef === 'string') slot = this.skeleton.findSlot(slotRef);\n else slot = slotRef;\n\n if (!slot) throw new Error(`No slot found with the given slot reference: ${slotRef}`);\n\n return slot;\n }\n\n public spineAttachmentsDirty: boolean;\n private _lastAttachments: Attachment[];\n\n private _stateChanged: boolean;\n private attachmentCacheData: Record[] = [];\n\n public get debug(): ISpineDebugRenderer | undefined\n {\n return this._debug;\n }\n\n public set debug(value: ISpineDebugRenderer | undefined)\n {\n if (this._debug)\n {\n this._debug.unregisterSpine(this);\n }\n if (value)\n {\n value.registerSpine(this);\n }\n this._debug = value;\n }\n\n private autoUpdateWarned = false;\n private _autoUpdate = true;\n\n public get autoUpdate(): boolean\n {\n return this._autoUpdate;\n }\n\n public set autoUpdate(value: boolean)\n {\n if (value)\n {\n Ticker.shared.add(this.internalUpdate, this);\n this.autoUpdateWarned = false;\n }\n else\n {\n Ticker.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate, this);\n }\n\n this._autoUpdate = value;\n }\n\n constructor(options: SpineOptions | SkeletonData)\n {\n if (options instanceof SkeletonData)\n {\n options = {\n skeletonData: options,\n };\n }\n\n super();\n\n const skeletonData = options instanceof SkeletonData ? options : options.skeletonData;\n\n this.skeleton = new Skeleton(skeletonData);\n this.state = new AnimationState(new AnimationStateData(skeletonData));\n this.autoUpdate = options?.autoUpdate ?? true;\n\n const slots = this.skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < slots.length; i++)\n {\n this.attachmentCacheData[i] = Object.create(null);\n }\n\n this._updateState(0);\n }\n\n public update(dt: number): void\n {\n if (this.autoUpdate && !this.autoUpdateWarned)\n {\n console.warn(\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n 'You are calling update on a Spine instance that has autoUpdate set to true. This is probably not what you want.',\n );\n this.autoUpdateWarned = true;\n }\n\n this.internalUpdate(0, dt);\n }\n\n protected internalUpdate(_deltaFrame: any, deltaSeconds?: number): void\n {\n // Because reasons, pixi uses deltaFrames at 60fps.\n // We ignore the default deltaFrames and use the deltaSeconds from pixi ticker.\n this._updateState(deltaSeconds ?? Ticker.shared.deltaMS / 1000);\n }\n\n get bounds()\n {\n if (this._boundsDirty)\n {\n this.updateBounds();\n }\n\n return this._bounds;\n }\n\n public setBonePosition(bone: string | Bone, position: PointData): void\n {\n const boneAux = bone;\n\n if (typeof bone === 'string')\n {\n bone = this.skeleton.findBone(bone) as Bone;\n }\n\n if (!bone) throw Error(`Cant set bone position, bone ${String(boneAux)} not found`);\n vectorAux.set(position.x, position.y);\n\n if (bone.parent)\n {\n const aux = bone.parent.worldToLocal(vectorAux);\n\n bone.x = aux.x;\n bone.y = -aux.y;\n }\n else\n {\n bone.x = vectorAux.x;\n bone.y = vectorAux.y;\n }\n }\n\n public getBonePosition(bone: string | Bone, outPos?: PointData): PointData | undefined\n {\n const boneAux = bone;\n\n if (typeof bone === 'string')\n {\n bone = this.skeleton.findBone(bone) as Bone;\n }\n\n if (!bone)\n {\n console.error(`Cant set bone position! Bone ${String(boneAux)} not found`);\n\n return outPos;\n }\n\n if (!outPos)\n {\n outPos = { x: 0, y: 0 };\n }\n\n outPos.x = bone.worldX;\n outPos.y = bone.worldY;\n\n return outPos;\n }\n\n /**\n * Will update the state based on the specified time, this will not apply the state to the skeleton\n * as this is differed until the `applyState` method is called.\n *\n * @param time the time at which to set the state\n * @internal\n */\n _updateState(time: number)\n {\n this.state.update(time);\n this.skeleton.update(time);\n\n this._stateChanged = true;\n\n this._boundsDirty = true;\n\n this.onViewUpdate();\n }\n\n /**\n * Applies the state to this spine instance.\n * - updates the state to the skeleton\n * - updates its world transform (spine world transform)\n * - validates the attachments - to flag if the attachments have changed this state\n * - transforms the attachments - to update the vertices of the attachments based on the new positions\n * - update the slot attachments - to update the position, rotation, scale, and visibility of the attached containers\n * @internal\n */\n _applyState()\n {\n if (!this._stateChanged) return;\n this._stateChanged = false;\n\n const { skeleton } = this;\n\n this.state.apply(skeleton);\n\n this.beforeUpdateWorldTransforms(this);\n skeleton.updateWorldTransform(Physics.update);\n this.afterUpdateWorldTransforms(this);\n\n this.validateAttachments();\n\n this.transformAttachments();\n\n this.updateSlotObjects();\n }\n\n private validateAttachments()\n {\n const currentDrawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n const lastAttachments = (this._lastAttachments ||= []);\n\n let index = 0;\n\n let spineAttachmentsDirty = false;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < currentDrawOrder.length; i++)\n {\n const slot = currentDrawOrder[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment)\n {\n if (attachment !== lastAttachments[index])\n {\n spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n lastAttachments[index] = attachment;\n }\n\n index++;\n }\n }\n\n if (index !== lastAttachments.length)\n {\n spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n lastAttachments.length = index;\n }\n\n this.spineAttachmentsDirty = spineAttachmentsDirty;\n }\n\n private transformAttachments()\n {\n const currentDrawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < currentDrawOrder.length; i++)\n {\n const slot = currentDrawOrder[i];\n\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment)\n {\n if (attachment instanceof MeshAttachment || attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)\n {\n const cacheData = this._getCachedData(slot, attachment);\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)\n {\n attachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, cacheData.vertices, 0, 2);\n }\n else\n {\n attachment.computeWorldVertices(\n slot,\n 0,\n attachment.worldVerticesLength,\n cacheData.vertices,\n 0,\n 2,\n );\n }\n\n const skeleton = slot.bone.skeleton;\n const skeletonColor = skeleton.color;\n const slotColor = slot.color;\n const attachmentColor = attachment.color;\n\n cacheData.color.set(\n skeletonColor.r * slotColor.r * attachmentColor.r,\n skeletonColor.g * slotColor.g * attachmentColor.g,\n skeletonColor.b * slotColor.b * attachmentColor.b,\n skeletonColor.a * slotColor.a * attachmentColor.a,\n );\n\n cacheData.clipped = false;\n\n if (clipper.isClipping())\n {\n this.updateClippingData(cacheData);\n }\n }\n else if (attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment)\n {\n clipper.clipStart(slot, attachment);\n }\n else\n {\n clipper.clipEndWithSlot(slot);\n }\n }\n }\n\n clipper.clipEnd();\n }\n\n private updateClippingData(cacheData: AttachmentCacheData)\n {\n cacheData.clipped = true;\n\n clipper.clipTriangles(\n cacheData.vertices,\n cacheData.vertices.length,\n cacheData.indices,\n cacheData.indices.length,\n cacheData.uvs,\n lightColor,\n darkColor,\n false,\n );\n\n const { clippedVertices, clippedTriangles } = clipper;\n\n const verticesCount = clippedVertices.length / 8;\n const indicesCount = clippedTriangles.length;\n\n if (!cacheData.clippedData)\n {\n cacheData.clippedData = {\n vertices: new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2),\n uvs: new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2),\n vertexCount: verticesCount,\n indices: new Uint16Array(indicesCount),\n indicesCount,\n };\n\n this.spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n }\n\n const clippedData = cacheData.clippedData;\n\n const sizeChange = clippedData.vertexCount !== verticesCount || indicesCount !== clippedData.indicesCount;\n\n if (sizeChange)\n {\n this.spineAttachmentsDirty = true;\n\n if (clippedData.vertexCount < verticesCount)\n {\n // buffer reuse!\n clippedData.vertices = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2);\n clippedData.uvs = new Float32Array(verticesCount * 2);\n }\n\n if (clippedData.indices.length < indicesCount)\n {\n clippedData.indices = new Uint16Array(indicesCount);\n }\n }\n\n const { vertices, uvs, indices } = clippedData;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < verticesCount; i++)\n {\n vertices[i * 2] = clippedVertices[i * 8];\n vertices[(i * 2) + 1] = clippedVertices[(i * 8) + 1];\n\n uvs[i * 2] = clippedVertices[(i * 8) + 6];\n uvs[(i * 2) + 1] = clippedVertices[(i * 8) + 7];\n }\n\n clippedData.vertexCount = verticesCount;\n\n for (let i = 0; i < indices.length; i++)\n {\n indices[i] = clippedTriangles[i];\n }\n\n clippedData.indicesCount = indicesCount;\n }\n\n /**\n * ensure that attached containers map correctly to their slots\n * along with their position, rotation, scale, and visibility.\n */\n private updateSlotObjects()\n {\n for (const i in this._slotsObject)\n {\n const slotAttachment = this._slotsObject[i];\n\n if (!slotAttachment) continue;\n\n this.updateSlotObject(slotAttachment);\n }\n }\n\n private updateSlotObject(slotAttachment: {slot:Slot, container:Container})\n {\n const { slot, container } = slotAttachment;\n\n container.visible = this.skeleton.drawOrder.includes(slot);\n\n if (container.visible)\n {\n const bone = slot.bone;\n\n container.position.set(bone.worldX, bone.worldY);\n\n container.scale.x = bone.getWorldScaleX();\n container.scale.y = bone.getWorldScaleY();\n\n container.rotation = bone.getWorldRotationX() * DEG_TO_RAD;\n }\n }\n\n /** @internal */\n _getCachedData(slot: Slot, attachment: RegionAttachment | MeshAttachment): AttachmentCacheData\n {\n return this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] || this.initCachedData(slot, attachment);\n }\n\n private initCachedData(slot: Slot, attachment: RegionAttachment | MeshAttachment): AttachmentCacheData\n {\n let vertices: Float32Array;\n\n if (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment)\n {\n vertices = new Float32Array(8);\n\n this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] = {\n id: `${slot.data.index}-${attachment.name}`,\n vertices,\n clipped: false,\n indices: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3],\n uvs: attachment.uvs as Float32Array,\n color: new Color(1, 1, 1, 1),\n };\n }\n else\n {\n vertices = new Float32Array(attachment.worldVerticesLength);\n\n this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name] = {\n id: `${slot.data.index}-${attachment.name}`,\n vertices,\n clipped: false,\n indices: attachment.triangles,\n uvs: attachment.uvs as Float32Array,\n color: new Color(1, 1, 1, 1),\n };\n }\n\n return this.attachmentCacheData[slot.data.index][attachment.name];\n }\n\n protected onViewUpdate()\n {\n // increment from the 12th bit!\n this._didChangeId += 1 << 12;\n\n this._boundsDirty = true;\n\n if (this.didViewUpdate) return;\n this.didViewUpdate = true;\n\n const renderGroup = this.renderGroup || this.parentRenderGroup;\n\n if (renderGroup)\n {\n renderGroup.onChildViewUpdate(this);\n }\n\n this.debug?.renderDebug(this);\n }\n\n /**\n * Attaches a PixiJS container to a specified slot. This will map the world transform of the slots bone\n * to the attached container. A container can only be attached to one slot at a time.\n *\n * @param container - The container to attach to the slot\n * @param slotRef - The slot id or slot to attach to\n */\n public addSlotObject(slot: number | string | Slot, container: Container)\n {\n slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slot);\n\n // need to check in on the container too...\n for (const i in this._slotsObject)\n {\n if (this._slotsObject[i]?.container === container)\n {\n this.removeSlotObject(this._slotsObject[i].slot);\n }\n }\n\n this.removeSlotObject(slot);\n\n container.includeInBuild = false;\n\n // TODO only add once??\n this.addChild(container);\n\n this._slotsObject[slot.data.name] = {\n container,\n slot\n };\n\n this.updateSlotObject(this._slotsObject[slot.data.name]);\n }\n\n /**\n * Removes a PixiJS container from the slot it is attached to.\n *\n * @param container - The container to detach from the slot\n * @param slotOrContainer - The container, slot id or slot to detach from\n */\n public removeSlotObject(slotOrContainer: number | string | Slot | Container)\n {\n let containerToRemove: Container | undefined;\n\n if (slotOrContainer instanceof Container)\n {\n for (const i in this._slotsObject)\n {\n if (this._slotsObject[i]?.container === slotOrContainer)\n {\n this._slotsObject[i] = null;\n\n containerToRemove = slotOrContainer;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n else\n {\n const slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slotOrContainer);\n\n containerToRemove = this._slotsObject[slot.data.name]?.container;\n this._slotsObject[slot.data.name] = null;\n }\n\n if (containerToRemove)\n {\n this.removeChild(containerToRemove);\n\n containerToRemove.includeInBuild = true;\n }\n }\n\n /**\n * Returns a container attached to a slot, or undefined if no container is attached.\n *\n * @param slotRef - The slot id or slot to get the attachment from\n * @returns - The container attached to the slot\n */\n public getSlotObject(slot: number | string | Slot)\n {\n slot = this.getSlotFromRef(slot);\n\n return this._slotsObject[slot.data.name].container;\n }\n\n private updateBounds()\n {\n this._boundsDirty = false;\n\n this.skeletonBounds ||= new SkeletonBounds();\n\n const skeletonBounds = this.skeletonBounds;\n\n skeletonBounds.update(this.skeleton, true);\n\n if (skeletonBounds.minX === Infinity)\n {\n this._applyState();\n\n const drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder;\n const bounds = this._bounds;\n\n bounds.clear();\n\n for (let i = 0; i < drawOrder.length; i++)\n {\n const slot = drawOrder[i];\n\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment && (attachment instanceof RegionAttachment || attachment instanceof MeshAttachment))\n {\n const cacheData = this._getCachedData(slot, attachment);\n\n bounds.addVertexData(cacheData.vertices, 0, cacheData.vertices.length);\n }\n }\n }\n else\n {\n this._bounds.minX = skeletonBounds.minX;\n this._bounds.minY = skeletonBounds.minY;\n this._bounds.maxX = skeletonBounds.maxX;\n this._bounds.maxY = skeletonBounds.maxY;\n }\n }\n\n /** @internal */\n addBounds(bounds: Bounds)\n {\n bounds.addBounds(this.bounds);\n }\n\n public containsPoint(point: PointData)\n {\n const bounds = this.bounds;\n\n if (point.x >= bounds.minX && point.x <= bounds.maxX)\n {\n if (point.y >= bounds.minY && point.y <= bounds.maxY)\n {\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture.\n * @param options - Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options\n * have been set to that value\n * @param {boolean} [options.texture=false] - Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well\n * @param {boolean} [options.textureSource=false] - Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well\n */\n public override destroy(options: DestroyOptions = false)\n {\n super.destroy(options);\n\n Ticker.shared.remove(this.internalUpdate, this);\n this.state.clearListeners();\n this.debug = undefined;\n this.skeleton = null as any;\n this.state = null as any;\n (this._slotsObject as any) = null;\n this._lastAttachments = null;\n this.attachmentCacheData = null as any;\n }\n\n /** Whether or not to round the x/y position of the sprite. */\n get roundPixels()\n {\n return !!this._roundPixels;\n }\n\n set roundPixels(value: boolean)\n {\n this._roundPixels = value ? 1 : 0;\n }\n\n /** Converts a point from the skeleton coordinate system to the Pixi world coordinate system. */\n public skeletonToPixiWorldCoordinates(point: { x: number; y: number })\n {\n this.worldTransform.apply(point, point);\n }\n\n /** Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the skeleton coordinate system. */\n public pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(point: { x: number; y: number })\n {\n this.worldTransform.applyInverse(point, point);\n }\n\n /** Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the bone's local coordinate system. */\n public pixiWorldCoordinatesToBone(point: { x: number; y: number }, bone: Bone)\n {\n this.pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton(point);\n if (bone.parent)\n {\n bone.parent.worldToLocal(point as Vector2);\n }\n else\n {\n bone.worldToLocal(point as Vector2);\n }\n }\n\n static from({ skeleton, atlas, scale = 1 }: SpineFromOptions)\n {\n const cacheKey = `${skeleton}-${atlas}`;\n\n if (Cache.has(cacheKey))\n {\n return new Spine(Cache.get(cacheKey));\n }\n\n const skeletonAsset = Assets.get(skeleton);\n\n const atlasAsset = Assets.get(atlas);\n const attachmentLoader = new AtlasAttachmentLoader(atlasAsset);\n // eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n const parser\n = skeletonAsset instanceof Uint8Array\n ? new SkeletonBinary(attachmentLoader)\n : new SkeletonJson(attachmentLoader);\n\n // TODO scale?\n parser.scale = scale;\n const skeletonData = parser.readSkeletonData(skeletonAsset);\n\n Cache.set(cacheKey, skeletonData);\n\n return new Spine({\n skeletonData,\n });\n }\n}\n", "/** ****************************************************************************\n * Spine Runtimes License Agreement\n * Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2013-2023, Esoteric Software LLC\n *\n * Integration of the Spine Runtimes into software or otherwise creating\n * derivative works of the Spine Runtimes is permitted under the terms and\n * conditions of Section 2 of the Spine Editor License Agreement:\n * http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-editor-license\n *\n * Otherwise, it is permitted to integrate the Spine Runtimes into software or\n * otherwise create derivative works of the Spine Runtimes (collectively,\n * \"Products\"), provided that each user of the Products must obtain their own\n * Spine Editor license and redistribution of the Products in any form must\n * include this license and copyright notice.\n *\n * THE SPINE RUNTIMES ARE PROVIDED BY ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC \"AS IS\" AND ANY\n * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED\n * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\n * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL ESOTERIC SOFTWARE LLC BE LIABLE FOR ANY\n * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES\n * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES,\n * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS) HOWEVER CAUSED AND\n * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT\n * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THE\n * SPINE RUNTIMES, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n *****************************************************************************/\n\nimport { Container, Graphics, Text } from 'pixi.js';\nimport { Spine } from './Spine';\nimport {\n ClippingAttachment,\n MeshAttachment,\n PathAttachment,\n RegionAttachment,\n SkeletonBounds\n} from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\nimport type { AnimationStateListener } from '@esotericsoftware/spine-core';\n\n/**\n * Make a class that extends from this interface to create your own debug renderer.\n * @public\n */\nexport interface ISpineDebugRenderer\n{\n /**\n * This will be called every frame, after the spine has been updated.\n */\n renderDebug: (spine: Spine) => void;\n\n /**\n * This is called when the `spine.debug` object is set to null or when the spine is destroyed.\n */\n unregisterSpine: (spine: Spine) => void;\n\n /**\n * This is called when the `spine.debug` object is set to a new instance of a debug renderer.\n */\n registerSpine: (spine: Spine) => void;\n}\n\ntype DebugDisplayObjects = {\n bones: Container;\n skeletonXY: Graphics;\n regionAttachmentsShape: Graphics;\n meshTrianglesLine: Graphics;\n meshHullLine: Graphics;\n clippingPolygon: Graphics;\n boundingBoxesRect: Graphics;\n boundingBoxesCircle: Graphics;\n boundingBoxesPolygon: Graphics;\n pathsCurve: Graphics;\n pathsLine: Graphics;\n parentDebugContainer: Container;\n eventText: Container;\n eventCallback: AnimationStateListener;\n};\n\n/**\n * This is a debug renderer that uses PixiJS Graphics under the hood.\n * @public\n */\nexport class SpineDebugRenderer implements ISpineDebugRenderer\n{\n private readonly registeredSpines: Map = new Map();\n\n public drawMeshHull = true;\n public drawMeshTriangles = true;\n public drawBones = true;\n public drawPaths = true;\n public drawBoundingBoxes = true;\n public drawClipping = true;\n public drawRegionAttachments = true;\n public drawEvents = true;\n\n public lineWidth = 1;\n public regionAttachmentsColor = 0x0078ff;\n public meshHullColor = 0x0078ff;\n public meshTrianglesColor = 0xffcc00;\n public clippingPolygonColor = 0xff00ff;\n public boundingBoxesRectColor = 0x00ff00;\n public boundingBoxesPolygonColor = 0x00ff00;\n public boundingBoxesCircleColor = 0x00ff00;\n public pathsCurveColor = 0xff0000;\n public pathsLineColor = 0xff00ff;\n public skeletonXYColor = 0xff0000;\n public bonesColor = 0x00eecc;\n public eventFontSize = 24;\n public eventFontColor = 0x0;\n\n /**\n * The debug is attached by force to each spine object.\n * So we need to create it inside the spine when we get the first update\n */\n public registerSpine(spine: Spine): void\n {\n if (this.registeredSpines.has(spine))\n {\n console.warn('SpineDebugRenderer.registerSpine() - this spine is already registered!', spine);\n\n return;\n }\n const debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects = {\n parentDebugContainer: new Container(),\n bones: new Container(),\n skeletonXY: new Graphics(),\n regionAttachmentsShape: new Graphics(),\n meshTrianglesLine: new Graphics(),\n meshHullLine: new Graphics(),\n clippingPolygon: new Graphics(),\n boundingBoxesRect: new Graphics(),\n boundingBoxesCircle: new Graphics(),\n boundingBoxesPolygon: new Graphics(),\n pathsCurve: new Graphics(),\n pathsLine: new Graphics(),\n eventText: new Container(),\n eventCallback: {\n event: (_, event) =>\n {\n if (this.drawEvents)\n {\n const scale = Math.abs(spine.scale.x || spine.scale.y || 1);\n const text = new Text({\n text: event.data.name,\n style: {\n fontSize: this.eventFontSize / scale,\n fill: this.eventFontColor,\n fontFamily: 'monospace'\n }\n });\n\n text.scale.x = Math.sign(spine.scale.x);\n text.anchor.set(0.5);\n debugDisplayObjects.eventText.addChild(text);\n setTimeout(() =>\n {\n if (!text.destroyed)\n {\n text.destroy();\n }\n }, 250);\n }\n },\n },\n };\n\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.bones);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine);\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.eventText);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.zIndex = 9999999;\n\n // Disable screen reader and mouse input on debug objects.\n (debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer as any).accessibleChildren = false;\n (debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer as any).eventMode = 'none';\n (debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer as any).interactiveChildren = false;\n\n spine.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer);\n\n spine.state.addListener(debugDisplayObjects.eventCallback);\n\n this.registeredSpines.set(spine, debugDisplayObjects);\n }\n\n public renderDebug(spine: Spine): void\n {\n if (!this.registeredSpines.has(spine))\n {\n // This should never happen. Spines are registered when you assign spine.debug\n this.registerSpine(spine);\n }\n\n const debugDisplayObjects = this.registeredSpines.get(spine);\n\n if (!debugDisplayObjects)\n {\n return;\n }\n spine.addChild(debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.clear();\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.clear();\n\n for (let len = debugDisplayObjects.bones.children.length; len > 0; len--)\n {\n debugDisplayObjects.bones.children[len - 1].destroy({ children: true, texture: true, textureSource: true });\n }\n\n const scale = Math.abs(spine.scale.x || spine.scale.y || 1);\n const lineWidth = this.lineWidth / scale;\n\n if (this.drawBones)\n {\n this.drawBonesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth, scale);\n }\n\n if (this.drawPaths)\n {\n this.drawPathsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawBoundingBoxes)\n {\n this.drawBoundingBoxesFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawClipping)\n {\n this.drawClippingFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawMeshHull || this.drawMeshTriangles)\n {\n this.drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawRegionAttachments)\n {\n this.drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(spine, debugDisplayObjects, lineWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.drawEvents)\n {\n for (const child of debugDisplayObjects.eventText.children)\n {\n child.alpha -= 0.05;\n child.y -= 2;\n }\n }\n }\n\n private drawBonesFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number, scale: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const skeletonX = skeleton.x;\n const skeletonY = skeleton.y;\n const bones = skeleton.bones;\n\n debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.strokeStyle = { width: lineWidth, color: this.skeletonXYColor };\n\n for (let i = 0, len = bones.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const bone = bones[i];\n const boneLen = bone.data.length;\n const starX = skeletonX + bone.worldX;\n const starY = skeletonY + bone.worldY;\n const endX = skeletonX + (boneLen * bone.a) + bone.worldX;\n const endY = skeletonY + (boneLen * bone.b) + bone.worldY;\n\n if (bone.data.name === 'root' || bone.data.parent === null)\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const w = Math.abs(starX - endX);\n const h = Math.abs(starY - endY);\n // a = w, // side length a\n const a2 = Math.pow(w, 2); // square root of side length a\n const b = h; // side length b\n const b2 = Math.pow(h, 2); // square root of side length b\n const c = Math.sqrt(a2 + b2); // side length c\n const c2 = Math.pow(c, 2); // square root of side length c\n const rad = Math.PI / 180;\n // A = Math.acos([a2 + c2 - b2] / [2 * a * c]) || 0, // Angle A\n // C = Math.acos([a2 + b2 - c2] / [2 * a * b]) || 0, // C angle\n const B = Math.acos((c2 + b2 - a2) / (2 * b * c)) || 0; // angle of corner B\n\n if (c === 0)\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const gp = new Graphics();\n\n debugDisplayObjects.bones.addChild(gp);\n\n // draw bone\n const refRation = c / 50 / scale;\n\n gp.context\n .poly([0, 0, 0 - refRation, c - (refRation * 3), 0, c - refRation, 0 + refRation, c - (refRation * 3)])\n .fill(this.bonesColor);\n gp.x = starX;\n gp.y = starY;\n gp.pivot.y = c;\n\n // Calculate bone rotation angle\n let rotation = 0;\n\n if (starX < endX && starY < endY)\n {\n // bottom right\n rotation = -B + (180 * rad);\n }\n else if (starX > endX && starY < endY)\n {\n // bottom left\n rotation = 180 * (rad + B);\n }\n else if (starX > endX && starY > endY)\n {\n // top left\n rotation = -B;\n }\n else if (starX < endX && starY > endY)\n {\n // bottom left\n rotation = B;\n }\n else if (starY === endY && starX < endX)\n {\n // To the right\n rotation = 90 * rad;\n }\n else if (starY === endY && starX > endX)\n {\n // go left\n rotation = -90 * rad;\n }\n else if (starX === endX && starY < endY)\n {\n // down\n rotation = 180 * rad;\n }\n else if (starX === endX && starY > endY)\n {\n // up\n rotation = 0;\n }\n gp.rotation = rotation;\n\n // Draw the starting rotation point of the bone\n gp.circle(0, c, refRation * 1.2)\n .fill({ color: 0x000000, alpha: 0.6 })\n .stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.skeletonXYColor });\n }\n\n // Draw the skeleton starting point \"X\" form\n const startDotSize = lineWidth * 3;\n\n debugDisplayObjects.skeletonXY.context\n .moveTo(skeletonX - startDotSize, skeletonY - startDotSize)\n .lineTo(skeletonX + startDotSize, skeletonY + startDotSize)\n .moveTo(skeletonX + startDotSize, skeletonY - startDotSize)\n .lineTo(skeletonX - startDotSize, skeletonY + startDotSize)\n .stroke();\n }\n\n private drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof RegionAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const regionAttachment = attachment;\n\n const vertices = new Float32Array(8);\n\n regionAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, vertices, 0, 2);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.poly(Array.from(vertices.slice(0, 8)));\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.regionAttachmentsShape.stroke({\n color: this.regionAttachmentsColor,\n width: lineWidth\n });\n }\n\n private drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n\n if (!slot.bone.active)\n {\n continue;\n }\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof MeshAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const meshAttachment = attachment;\n\n const vertices = new Float32Array(meshAttachment.worldVerticesLength);\n const triangles = meshAttachment.triangles;\n let hullLength = meshAttachment.hullLength;\n\n meshAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, meshAttachment.worldVerticesLength, vertices, 0, 2);\n // draw the skinned mesh (triangle)\n if (this.drawMeshTriangles)\n {\n for (let i = 0, len = triangles.length; i < len; i += 3)\n {\n const v1 = triangles[i] * 2;\n const v2 = triangles[i + 1] * 2;\n const v3 = triangles[i + 2] * 2;\n\n debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.context\n .moveTo(vertices[v1], vertices[v1 + 1])\n .lineTo(vertices[v2], vertices[v2 + 1])\n .lineTo(vertices[v3], vertices[v3 + 1]);\n }\n }\n\n // draw skin border\n if (this.drawMeshHull && hullLength > 0)\n {\n hullLength = (hullLength >> 1) * 2;\n let lastX = vertices[hullLength - 2];\n let lastY = vertices[hullLength - 1];\n\n for (let i = 0, len = hullLength; i < len; i += 2)\n {\n const x = vertices[i];\n const y = vertices[i + 1];\n\n debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.context\n .moveTo(x, y)\n .lineTo(lastX, lastY);\n lastX = x;\n lastY = y;\n }\n }\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.meshHullLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.meshHullColor });\n debugDisplayObjects.meshTrianglesLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.meshTrianglesColor });\n }\n\n drawClippingFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n\n if (!slot.bone.active)\n {\n continue;\n }\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof ClippingAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const clippingAttachment = attachment;\n\n const nn = clippingAttachment.worldVerticesLength;\n const world = new Float32Array(nn);\n\n clippingAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, nn, world, 0, 2);\n debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.poly(Array.from(world));\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.clippingPolygon.stroke({\n width: lineWidth, color: this.clippingPolygonColor, alpha: 1\n });\n }\n\n drawBoundingBoxesFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n // draw the total outline of the bounding box\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect.lineStyle(lineWidth, this.boundingBoxesRectColor, 5);\n\n const bounds = new SkeletonBounds();\n\n bounds.update(spine.skeleton, true);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesRect\n .rect(bounds.minX, bounds.minY, bounds.getWidth(), bounds.getHeight())\n .stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.boundingBoxesRectColor });\n\n const polygons = bounds.polygons;\n const drawPolygon = (polygonVertices: ArrayLike, _offset: unknown, count: number): void =>\n {\n if (count < 3)\n {\n throw new Error('Polygon must contain at least 3 vertices');\n }\n const paths:number[] = [];\n const dotSize = lineWidth * 2;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = polygonVertices.length; i < len; i += 2)\n {\n const x1 = polygonVertices[i];\n const y1 = polygonVertices[i + 1];\n\n // draw the bounding box node\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.beginFill(this.boundingBoxesCircleColor);\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.drawCircle(x1, y1, dotSize);\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesCircle.fill(0);\n\n paths.push(x1, y1);\n }\n\n // draw the bounding box area\n debugDisplayObjects.boundingBoxesPolygon\n .poly(paths)\n .fill({\n color: this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor,\n alpha: 0.1\n })\n .stroke({\n width: lineWidth,\n color: this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor\n });\n };\n\n for (let i = 0, len = polygons.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const polygon = polygons[i];\n\n drawPolygon(polygon, 0, polygon.length);\n }\n }\n\n private drawPathsFunc(spine: Spine, debugDisplayObjects: DebugDisplayObjects, lineWidth: number): void\n {\n const skeleton = spine.skeleton;\n const slots = skeleton.slots;\n\n for (let i = 0, len = slots.length; i < len; i++)\n {\n const slot = slots[i];\n\n if (!slot.bone.active)\n {\n continue;\n }\n const attachment = slot.getAttachment();\n\n if (attachment === null || !(attachment instanceof PathAttachment))\n {\n continue;\n }\n\n const pathAttachment = attachment;\n let nn = pathAttachment.worldVerticesLength;\n const world = new Float32Array(nn);\n\n pathAttachment.computeWorldVertices(slot, 0, nn, world, 0, 2);\n let x1 = world[2];\n let y1 = world[3];\n let x2 = 0;\n let y2 = 0;\n\n if (pathAttachment.closed)\n {\n const cx1 = world[0];\n const cy1 = world[1];\n const cx2 = world[nn - 2];\n const cy2 = world[nn - 1];\n\n x2 = world[nn - 4];\n y2 = world[nn - 3];\n\n // curve\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2);\n\n // handle\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx1, cy1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x2, y2);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx2, cy2);\n }\n nn -= 4;\n for (let ii = 4; ii < nn; ii += 6)\n {\n const cx1 = world[ii];\n const cy1 = world[ii + 1];\n const cx2 = world[ii + 2];\n const cy2 = world[ii + 3];\n\n x2 = world[ii + 4];\n y2 = world[ii + 5];\n // curve\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2);\n\n // handle\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x1, y1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx1, cy1);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.moveTo(x2, y2);\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.lineTo(cx2, cy2);\n x1 = x2;\n y1 = y2;\n }\n }\n\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsCurve.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.pathsCurveColor });\n debugDisplayObjects.pathsLine.stroke({ width: lineWidth, color: this.pathsLineColor });\n }\n\n public unregisterSpine(spine: Spine): void\n {\n if (!this.registeredSpines.has(spine))\n {\n console.warn('SpineDebugRenderer.unregisterSpine() - spine is not registered, can\\'t unregister!', spine);\n }\n const debugDisplayObjects = this.registeredSpines.get(spine);\n\n if (!debugDisplayObjects)\n {\n return;\n }\n\n spine.state.removeListener(debugDisplayObjects.eventCallback);\n\n debugDisplayObjects.parentDebugContainer.destroy({ textureSource: true, children: true, texture: true });\n this.registeredSpines.delete(spine);\n }\n}\n"], + "mappings": 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Class: BatchableSpineSlot

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  • BatchableObject
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+ + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/ISpineDebugRenderer.html b/docs/ISpineDebugRenderer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8793490 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/ISpineDebugRenderer.html @@ -0,0 +1,566 @@ + + + + + PixiJS Spine + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

Interface: ISpineDebugRenderer

+ + + +
+ +

+ ISpineDebugRenderer + + +

+ + + +

Make a class that extends from this interface to create your own debug renderer.

+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
registerSpine + + (spine: Spine) => void + + +

This is called when the spine.debug object is set to a new instance of a debug renderer.

+ + +
renderDebug + + (spine: Spine) => void + + +

This will be called every frame, after the spine has been updated.

+ + +
unregisterSpine + + (spine: Spine) => void + + +

This is called when the spine.debug object is set to null or when the spine is destroyed.

+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + +

+ + registerSpine + (spine: Spine) => void + + + + +

+ +

This is called when the spine.debug object is set to a new instance of a debug renderer.

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +

+ + renderDebug + (spine: Spine) => void + + + + +

+ +

This will be called every frame, after the spine has been updated.

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +

+ + unregisterSpine + (spine: Spine) => void + + + + +

+ +

This is called when the spine.debug object is set to null or when the spine is destroyed.

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/Spine.html b/docs/Spine.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d7c9801 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/Spine.html @@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@ + + + + + PixiJS Spine + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

Class: Spine

+ + + +
+ +

+ Spine + + +

+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + +


+ +
    + + +
  • Container
  • + +
+ + + +


+ +
    + + +
  • View
  • + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + +

+ + roundPixels + + + + + +

+ +

Whether or not to round the x/y position of the sprite.

+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + + + + + + +


+ + + +

+ + + + _applyState + + + () + + + + +

+ + +
+ + +

Applies the state to this spine instance.

  • updates the state to the skeleton
  • +
  • updates its world transform (spine world transform)
  • +
  • validates the attachments - to flag if the attachments have changed this state
  • +
  • transforms the attachments - to update the vertices of the attachments based on the new positions
  • +
  • update the slot attachments - to update the position, rotation, scale, and visibility of the attached containers
  • +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + _getCachedData + + + (slot, attachment) AttachmentCacheData + + + + +

+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
slot + + Slot + + + + +
attachment + + RegionAttachment | MeshAttachment + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + AttachmentCacheData + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + _updateState + + + (time) + + + + +

+ + +
+ + +

Will update the state based on the specified time, this will not apply the state to the skeleton +as this is differed until the applyState method is called.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
time + + number + + +

the time at which to set the state

+ +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + addBounds + + + (bounds) + + + + +

+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
bounds + + Bounds + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + addSlotObject + + + (container, slotRef) + + + + +

+ + +
+ + +

Attaches a PixiJS container to a specified slot. This will map the world transform of the slots bone +to the attached container. A container can only be attached to one slot at a time.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
container + + number | string | Slot + + +

The container to attach to the slot

+ +
slotRef + + Container + + +

The slot id or slot to attach to

+ +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + destroy + + + (options) + + + + +

+ + +
+ + +

Destroys this sprite renderable and optionally its texture.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
options + + DestroyOptions + + + + + + + + + + false + + +

Options parameter. A boolean will act as if all options +have been set to that value

+ +
options.texture + + boolean + + + + <optional>
+ + + + + +
+ + false + + +

Should it destroy the current texture of the renderable as well

+ +
options.textureSource + + boolean + + + + <optional>
+ + + + + +
+ + false + + +

Should it destroy the textureSource of the renderable as well

+ +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + getSlotObject + + + (slotRef) + + + + +

+ + +
+ +

Returns a container attached to a slot, or undefined if no container is attached.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
slotRef + + number | string | Slot + + +

The slot id or slot to get the attachment from

+ +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
  • The container attached to the slot
  • +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + pixiWorldCoordinatesToBone + + + (point, bone) + + + + +

+ + +
+ +

Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the bone's local coordinate system.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
point + + { x : number, y : number } + + + + +
bone + + Bone + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + pixiWorldCoordinatesToSkeleton + + + (point) + + + + +

+ + +
+ +

Converts a point from the Pixi world coordinate system to the skeleton coordinate system.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
point + + { x : number, y : number } + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + removeSlotObject + + + (container, slotOrContainer) + + + + +

+ + +
+ +

Removes a PixiJS container from the slot it is attached to.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
container + + number | string | Slot | Container + + +

The container to detach from the slot

+ +
slotOrContainer + + +

The container, slot id or slot to detach from

+ +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

+ + + + skeletonToPixiWorldCoordinates + + + (point) + + + + +

+ + +
+ +

Converts a point from the skeleton coordinate system to the Pixi world coordinate system.

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
point + + { x : number, y : number } + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/SpineDebugRenderer.html b/docs/SpineDebugRenderer.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d67ed22 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/SpineDebugRenderer.html @@ -0,0 +1,507 @@ + + + + + PixiJS Spine + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +

Class: SpineDebugRenderer

+ + + +
+ +

+ SpineDebugRenderer + + +

+ + + +

This is a debug renderer that uses PixiJS Graphics under the hood.

+ +
+ +
+ + +

+ + + + new SpineDebugRenderer + + + () + + + + +

+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ + + + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


+ + + +

+ + + + registerSpine + + + (spine) void + + + + +

+ + +
+ + +

The debug is attached by force to each spine object. +So we need to create it inside the spine when we get the first update

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
spine + + Spine + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.svg b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..464e984 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.svg @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ + + + + +This is a custom SVG webfont generated by Font Squirrel. +Copyright : Digitized data copyright 20102011 Google Corporation +Foundry : Ascender Corporation +Foundry URL : httpwwwascendercorpcom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cf53e6e Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.ttf differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c668e45 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2 b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c80b2d2 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Bold.woff2 differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.svg b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cc73325 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ + + + + +This is a custom SVG webfont generated by Font Squirrel. +Copyright : Digitized data copyright 20102011 Google Corporation +Foundry : Ascender Corporation +Foundry URL : httpwwwascendercorpcom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11d107b Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.ttf differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ced8f69 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff2 b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..60d8de4 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-BoldItalic.woff2 differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.svg b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f773016 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.svg @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ + + + + +This is a custom SVG webfont generated by Font Squirrel. +Copyright : Digitized data copyright 20102011 Google Corporation +Foundry : Ascender Corporation +Foundry URL : httpwwwascendercorpcom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a309327 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.ttf differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ed8ab9 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2 b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..440b74c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Italic.woff2 differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Light.svg b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Light.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e481f2c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Light.svg @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ + + + + +This is a custom SVG webfont generated by Font Squirrel. +Copyright : Digitized data copyright 20102011 Google Corporation +Foundry : Ascender Corporation +Foundry URL : httpwwwascendercorpcom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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httpwwwascendercorpcom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9338bd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.ttf differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.woff b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc83d1d Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.woff differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.woff2 b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..21a92a7 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-LightItalic.woff2 differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.svg b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..067c09c --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.svg @@ -0,0 +1,958 @@ + + + + +This is a custom SVG webfont generated by Font Squirrel. +Copyright : Digitized data copyright 20102011 Google Corporation +Foundry : Ascender Corporation +Foundry URL : httpwwwascendercorpcom + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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0000000..a135120 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.ttf differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd0f824 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff2 b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f778f9c Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/OpenSans-Regular.woff2 differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot b/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b93a495 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot differ diff --git a/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg b/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94fb549 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg @@ -0,0 +1,288 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 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--git a/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 b/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 0000000..64539b5 Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 differ diff --git a/docs/icons/chevron-down.svg b/docs/icons/chevron-down.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ba78a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/icons/chevron-down.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/index.html b/docs/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b7e8ae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ + + + + + PixiJS Spine + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +


+ + + + + + + +



This repo is a port of the @esotericsoftware/spine-pixi runtime to PixiJS v8.


Once all features are ported we will look to add this into the esotericsoftware repo.


🚨 WARNING: Missing Features 🚨

  • Ability to set dark tint
  • +
  • Debug renderer has not been fully tested so YMMV
  • +
  • iife bundle not tested
  • +
+ + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + diff --git a/docs/scripts/Apache-License-2.0.txt b/docs/scripts/Apache-License-2.0.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d645695 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/scripts/Apache-License-2.0.txt @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + Apache License + Version 2.0, January 2004 + http://www.apache.org/licenses/ + + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + + 1. Definitions. + + "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, + and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + + "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by + the copyright owner that is granting the License. + + "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all + other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common + control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition, + "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the + direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or + otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the + outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + + "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity + exercising permissions granted by this License. + + "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, + including but not limited to software source code, documentation + source, and configuration files. + + "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical + transformation or translation of a Source form, including but + not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation, + and conversions to other media types. + + "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or + Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a + copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work + (an example is provided in the Appendix below). + + "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object + form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the + editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications + represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes + of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain + separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of, + the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + + "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including + the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions + to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally + submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner + or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of + the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted" + means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent + to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to + communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems, + and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the + Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but + excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise + designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + + "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity + on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and + subsequently incorporated within the Work. + + 2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, + publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the + Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + + 3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of + this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual, + worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable + (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, + use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, + where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable + by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their + Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s) + with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You + institute patent litigation against any entity (including a + cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work + or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct + or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses + granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate + as of the date such litigation is filed. + + 4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the + Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without + modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You + meet the following conditions: + + (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or + Derivative Works a copy of this License; and + + (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that You changed the files; and + + (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works + that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and + attribution notices from the Source form of the Work, + excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of + the Derivative Works; and + + (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its + distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must + include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained + within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not + pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one + of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed + as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or + documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or, + within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and + wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents + of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and + do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution + notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside + or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided + that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed + as modifying the License. + + You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and + may provide additional or different license terms and conditions + for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or + for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use, + reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with + the conditions stated in this License. + + 5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise, + any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work + by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of + this License, without any additional terms or conditions. + Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify + the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed + with Licensor regarding such Contributions. + + 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade + names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor, + except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the + origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + + 7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or + agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each + Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or + implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions + of TITLE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A + PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the + appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any + risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License. + + 8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory, + whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise, + unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly + negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be + liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, + incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a + result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the + Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill, + work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all + other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor + has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + + 9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing + the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer, + and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, + or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this + License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only + on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf + of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify, + defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability + incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason + of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work. + + To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following + boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" + replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include + the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate + comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a + file or class name and description of purpose be included on the + same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] + + Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + You may obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + limitations under the License. diff --git a/docs/scripts/bootstrap.min.js b/docs/scripts/bootstrap.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a6258e --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/scripts/bootstrap.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +/*! + * Bootstrap v3.0.3 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