In order to run this locally, you will need k3d installed, as well as kubectl and Helm.
You can replace k3d with something else and things will probably just work. Just sub out the k3d
commands for whatever you want to use.
Due to the redacted nature of the supplied values.yaml, I've had to make a few changes to get it to work:
- crds.install set to 'true' otherwise workflows won't work.
- sso block commented out as we don't have access to your SSO provider.
- Workflows ingress disabled
- artifactrepository block pointing at the internally-deployed minio instance.
- postgres pointing at the internally-deployed postgres instance.
set to argo- serviceMonitor.enabled set to false (to save us installing prometheus)
- add
workflow.rbac.create: true
otherwise nothing would deploy. - set server to secure.true
I have kept your provided values at argo-workflows/orig-values.yaml
so that you can diff between what you supplied and what I've changed.
k3d cluster create --config k3d.conf
kubectl create namespace minio && kubectl -n minio apply -f minio
kubectl create namespace postgres && kubectl -n postgres apply -f postgres
These are configured to automatically create appropriate buckets and databases.
kubectl create namespace argo
kubectl apply -n argo -f workflows-additions
cd argo-workflows
helm dependency update
helm template -n argo argo-workflows -f values.yaml . > todeploy.yaml
kubectl apply -n argo -f todeploy.yaml
can be viewed to see what is being deployed in the cluster.
kubectl -n postgres rollout status deployment/postgres
kubectl -n argo rollout status deployment/argo-workflows-workflow-controller
kubectl -n argo rollout status deployment/argo-workflows-server
kubectl -n minio rollout status deployment/minio
kubectl -n argo create -f hello-world/hello-world.yaml
You will probably want to wait a minute or so before running it. If it returns no values, the workflow hasn't completed yet.
kubectl get workflow -n argo -l -o name
kubectl get workflow -n argo -l -o name | xargs kubectl delete -n argo
Open the workflows UI in your browser (see below for port-forwarding instructions) and check the archived workflows tab.
You can connect to the database to see the archiving. Minio is also available if you want to confirm log archiving.
k3d cluster delete workflow-archiving
Name | Command | username | password |
Argo Workflows | kubectl -n argo port-forward --address svc/argo-workflows-server 2746:2746 |
- | - |
Minio UI | kubectl -n minio port-forward --address svc/minio 9000:9000 |
pipekit |
sup3rs3cr3tp4ssw0rd1 |
Name | Command | username | password |
Postgres | kubectl -n postgres port-forward --address svc/postgres 5432:5432 |
postgres |
sup3rs3cr3tp4ssw0rd1 |