This repository contains third-party packages required to build Pioneer. Not all environments/systems provide all the necessary packages, and some do but have made modifications that render them unsuitable for use in Pioneer. This will give you everything you need in a form that is tested and supported by the Pioneer devs.
Read COMPILING.txt in the main Pioneer repository to see how to use this.
Required development environment:
- Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition:
- C++ CMake tools for Windows
- Open VS 2019
- On the main menu, goto Tools->Get Tools and Features
- Indivudal Components
- "C++ CMake tools for Windows"
- DirectX 9 SDK:
libassimp must be built in both debug and release mode!
- Build and install the library
From the command line
- Open an appropriate Visual Studio command prompt (ie. 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019')
- Navigate to the pioneer-thirdparty/source/assimp directory
- Create a build folder and enter it
- Configure cmake:
- Run the build:
- Install:
ninja install
- Copy the files from build/install to the appropriate folders:
- install/bin/x64/vs2019/assimp-vc142-mt*.dll -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/bin/x64/vs2019
- install/lib/x64/vs2019/assimo-vc142-mt*.lib -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/lib/x64/vs2019
From within Visual Studio
- Open the pioneer-thirdparty/source/assimp directory as a folder
- Build the x64-debug configuration
- Install the x64-debug configuration (right click on the assimp CMake project and select install)
- Repeat build and install for the x64-release configuration
- Copy the files from out/install to the appropriate folders:
- out/install/bin/assimp-vc142-mt*.dll -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/bin/x64/vs2019
- out/install/lib/assimp-vc142-mt*.lib -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/lib/x64/vs2019
- Download compiled binaries from and place into pioneer-thirdparty/win32/
- Open an appropriate Visual Studio command prompt (ie. 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019')
- Navigate to the pioneer-thirdparty/source/sdl2 directory
- Create a build folder and enter it
- Configure cmake:
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install -DEXTRA_LIBS=vcruntime
- Run the build:
- Install:
ninja install
- Copy the files from build/install to the appropriate folders:
- install/bin/*.dll -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/bin/x64/vs2019
- install/lib/*.lib -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/lib/x64/vs2019
The solution in sdl2_image has been reconfigured for VS2019 and to find the appropriate SDL headers and libraries. SDL must be built first.
- Open pioneer-thirdparty/source/sdl2_image/VisualC/sdl_image.sln in Visual Studio 2019
- Build the appropriate release builds
- Copy files from sd2_image/VisualC/*/Release to the appropriate pioneer-thirdparty/win32 folders
Follow the instructions for SDL2 above in the pioneer-thirdparty/source/sdl2_net
- Open an appropriate Visual Studio command prompt (ie. 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019')
- Navigate to the pioneer-thirdparty/source/libogg-1.3.4 directory
- Create a build folder and enter it
- Configure cmake:
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install
- Run the build:
- Install:
ninja install
- Copy the files from build/install to the appropriate folders:
- install/lib/*.lib -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/lib/x64/vs2019
- Build libogg first and copy the lib files to pioneer/thirdparty/win32/lib/*
- Open an appropriate Visual Studio command prompt (ie. 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019')
- Navigate to the pioneer-thirdparty/source/libvorbis-1.3.7 directory
- Create a build folder and enter it
- Configure cmake:
cmake .. -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install -DOGG_INCLUDE_DIR=..\..\libogg-1.3.4\include -DOGG_LIBRARY=..\..\..\win32\lib\x64\vs2019\ogg.lib
- replace lib\x64\ with the appropriate lib directory (ie. x86)
- Run the build:
- Install:
ninja install
- Copy the files from build/install to the appropriate folders:
- install/lib/*.lib -> pioneer-thirdparty/win32/lib/x64/vs2019
libsigc++ must be built in both debug and release mode!
- Open an appropriate Visual Studio command prompt (ie. 'x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019')
- Navigate to the pioneer-thirdparty/source/libsigc++-2.10.4/MSVC_NMake directory
- Run nmake:
nmake /f CFG=Release PREFIX=install install
- Copy the dll and lib files from install/bin and install/lib to pioneer-thirdparty/win32/*
For new versions of libsigc++, copy the install/include/sigc++-2.0 directory to pioneer-thirdparty/win32/include and (sigc++ source dir)/untracked/MSVC_NMake/sigc++config.h to pioneer-thirdparty/win32/include/sigc++config.h