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How to install GrabKit

pierrotsmnrd edited this page Jul 31, 2012 · 10 revisions

This document explains how to use GrabKit in your own project.

Drag'n'drop GrabKit's xcodeproj in your own project


In your target settings, go to Build Phase -> Target Dependencies -> click on +


Under the "GrabKit" sub project, select "GrabKitLib" and "GrabKitBundle". /grabKit/doc/installation/03.png

In your target settings, go to Build Phase -> link binary with libraries -> click on + /grabKit/doc/installation/04.png

Under the workspace section, select "GrabKitLib.a". Also add the following frameworks :

  • AssetsLibrary.framework (for the Device Grabber)
  • CFNetwork.framework (for the FlickR Lib)
  • Security.framework (for the Picasa Lib)
  • SystemConfiguration.framework (for the Picasa Lib)


In your project explorer, find "grabKitBundle.bundle" and drag it to your Target settings -> Build Phase -> Copy Bundle Resources /grabKit/doc/installation/06.png

In your Target settings -> Build Settings, search for "Other linker flags", and add the following values : -all_load -ObjC -lxml2 -lsqlite3.0


_ Still in "Build Settings", search for "header search path" and add the following values : $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/include/GrabKitLib /usr/include/libxml2


Import the FB SDK in your project You can either download it and follow the included informations : Or you can copy the version already included in the project.


In your own appDelegate, add this import :

#import "GrabKit.h"

Try to build. If you have some errors, check this procedure again. If you don't have errors : Congratulations ! Only a few steps left before you can configure your project :)

First, copy the class myGrabKitConfigurator from the demo application to your own project. ( The configuration process will guide you through the customization of this file )

In your AppDelegate, in the AppDelegate:didFinishLaunching: method, add the following :

[GRKConfiguration initializeWithConfiguratorClassName:@"myGrabKitConfigurator"];
// You can also initialize GRKConfiguration with an instance of your configurator :
// [GRKConfiguration initializeWithConfigurator:[[GRKDemoConfigurator alloc] init]];

Still in your AppDelegate, add the following method :

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url {
    BOOL urlHasBeenHandledByDispatcher = [[GRKConnectorsDispatcher sharedInstance] dispatchURLToConnectingServiceConnector:url];
    if ( urlHasBeenHandledByDispatcher  ) return YES;
    // If you have specific URL schemes to handle for you application, 
    //  the GRKConnectorDispatcher won't handle the URL. 
    // Then, you can handle here your own URL schemes.
    return NO;

You're done ! :) your project is now ready to be configured !

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