A simple G-code feeder for the Arduino UNO CNC shield that is accessed wirelessly. Commands can be sent manually by the http:// api or automatically from G-code file (idea shamelessly stolen here: thingiverse.com/thing:3960533).
The G-code feeder (Wemos D1 mini) communicates by serial connection with the CNC controller (Arduino UNO + GRBL firmware). The communication stream consits of standard G-codes (from feeder to CNC controller) and GRBL responses (from CNC controller to feeder). The feeder provides a simplistic user interface by http://. G-code commands can be sent either by http:// API calls or from G-code file. In case of file, it is read line by line from the controller's file system and sent to the CNC controller.
- Wemos D1 mini
- Wemos Oled display
- Arduino UNO
- Arduino UNO CNC shield
- stepper drivers (for example A4988)
- stepper motors
- servo
- some resistors
Note: the transmission from Arduino is 5V compatible whereas the Wemos D1 mini reception is 3.3V compatible. Here the level shift is done by 1k/2.2k voltage divider.