BrowserStack tasks for grunt
Install this grunt plugin next to your project's grunt.js gruntfile with: npm install grunt-browserstack
Then add this line to your project's grunt.js
Exposes 3 tasks:
Lists the available browsers to the console
browserstack_list: {
dev: {
username: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD'
Starts the requested workers with BrowserStack. Optionally starts a BrowserStack tunnel to expose a local server to the workers.
This task does not exit untli the user presses a key at which time the workers are stopped again. Errors may occur when stopping the workers if they have timed out in the intervening period.
browserstack: {
dev: {
credentials: {
username: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD'
// optional tunnel configuration - if omitted a tunnel is not started
tunnel: {
// your BrowserStack API key
key: 'KEY',
// a list of hostnames and ports to expose
hosts: [{
name: 'HOSTNAME',
port: PORT,
sslFlag: 0
// required worker start configuration
start: {
// time to wait for workers to start running
queueTimeout: QUEUE_TIMEOUT,
// default URL for started workers
url: 'URL',
// default timeout for started workers
timeout: TIMEOUT,
// list of browser types to start, as returned from the list function
browsers: [{
os: 'OS',
browser: 'BROWSER',
version: 'VERSION',
// override the default URL
url: 'URL',
// override the default worker timeout
timeout: TIMEOUT
}, {
os: 'OS',
browser: 'BROWSER',
version: 'VERSION',
// override the default URL
url: 'URL',
// override the default worker timeout
timeout: TIMEOUT
Stops all currently running workers for the given account. For the purposes of cleaning up orphaned workers when needed
browserstack_clean: {
dev: {
username: 'USERNAME',
password: 'PASSWORD'
Major refactor is probably due
- tunnel tasks
- start browserstack tunnel
- stop browserstack tunnel
- test tasks
- start karma
- start workers
- run tests
- stop workers
- stop karma
- screenshot tasks
- start response listener
- submit screen shot requests
- listen for responses
- download and store images with timestamps, etc
- stop listener
In the below examples it is assumed that the following other tasks will be used to intialise the state of a local server to prepare for the screenshots and then cleanup afterward
These will obviously be application specific and are not provided by the grunt-browserstack
Also the examples use the grunt-continue
plugin to ensure that cleanup is performed after failing tests, etc without having to use the --force
option at the command line
$ npm install grunt-continue
// Load the continueOn and continueOff tasks
In development you would likely want to start all the services first and then run tests or take screen shots repeatedly
grunt.registerTask('start', [
grunt.registerTask('default', ['browserstackTest']);
// For the screenshots you may want to start and stop the application each time
// to ensure it is serving the latest version of everything
grunt.registerTask('screenshot', [
grunt.registerTask('stop', [
# Start the tunnnel and workers and leave then running while tests
# are run and screen shots taken repeatedly
$ grunt start
# Run tests
$ grunt
# Take screen shots
$ grunt screenshot
# Stop the tunnel and workers when they are not going to be needed again for a while
$ grunt stop
On an integration server you would likely want to start all the services run the tests, take screen shots and then clean up all in one go
grunt.registerTask('integration', [
// Stop grunt aborting if the tests fail
// so that cleanup still happens
// grunt can abort again now
To run the task
$ grunt integration
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.
Copyright (c) 2012 Peter Halliday
Licensed under the MIT license.