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154 lines (128 loc) · 8.13 KB

File metadata and controls

154 lines (128 loc) · 8.13 KB


The benchmark runner is able to evaluate several types of filters thereby varying

  • the individual filter parameters,
  • the filter sizes,
  • the problem sizes (number of elements to insert), and the
  • parallelization level (multi-threading).

By design, the runner explores the entire space spanned by the different settings, unless the user manually narrows one or more parameters. For that the runner offers several options that are passed as environment variables (a detailed list can be found below).

The following example shows how the parameter k is limited to 4 <= k <=8.

K_LO=4 K_HI=8 ./benchmark_skx 2> results.errout | tee results.out

The result is written as CSV to stdout and additional information is written to stderr, such as the estimated time until completion.

Output Format

The CSV output consists of 12 columns:

Column Type Description
filter JSON filter type (see below)
m integer filter size in bits
b float bits per key
n integer number of inserted keys
sel float probability of a true hit
insert_time_nanos - deprecated
false_positives integer number of false positives
FPR float false positive rate
lookups_per_sec float number of lookups per seconds
cycles_per_lookup float avg. number of CPU cycles per lookup
thread_cnt integer number of threads
scalar_code - deprecated

The filter attribute contains all relevant information regarding the filter under test. The following two examples explain the structure of the JSON object:

   "name":"blocked_bloom_multiword", // filter implementation
   "size":4096, // filter size in bytes
   "word_size":4, // word size in bytes
   "k":8, // number of hash functions
   "w":8, // number of words per block
   "s":8, // number of sectors per block
   "z":4, // number of sector groups (zones)
   "u":0, // SIMD unrolling factor
   "e":0, // deprecated
   "addr":"pow2" // addressing mode
   "name":"cuckoo", // filter implementation
   "size":4112, // filter size in bytes
   "tag_bits":8, // signature size in bits (aka tag size)
   "associativity":1, // number of signatures per bucket
   "delete_support":false, // deprecated
   "u":4, // SIMD unrolling factor
   "addr":"magic" // addressing mode

The JSON keys name and size apply for all implemenations, addr and u apply only for our SIMD optimized implementations.


The FILTERS option allows for specifying the filter types under test as a comma separated list:

Filters Description
all benchmark all filters (default)
std Standard Bloom filter
columbia Vectorized Bloom filter
cuckoo Cuckoo filter
impala Impala blocked Bloom filter
multiregblocked32 SIMD blocked Bloom filter (32-bit SIMD lanes)
multiregblocked64 SIMD blocked Bloom filter (64-bit SIMD lanes)

The following options give control over the filter and problem sizes and thus apply for (almost) all filter types:

Option Description
M_LO the minimum filter size in bits (default: 65536 = 8 KiB)
M_HI the maximum filter size in bits (default: 2147483648 = 256 MiB)
POW2_ADDR use power of two filter sizes: 0 = no, 1 = yes (default)
MAGIC_ADDR use arbitrary filter sizes: 0 = no, 1 = yes (default)
BITS_PER_ELEMENT_LO the minimum number of bits per element (default: 4)
BITS_PER_ELEMENT_HI the maximum number of bits per element (default: 32)
N_LO the minimum number of elements to insert (default: 2^10)
N_HI the maximum number of elements to insert (default: 2^28)

Note that columbia and impala only support filter sizes that are powers of two. Thus the option MAGIC_ADDR does not apply for these filter types.

Bloom filter

Option Description
K_LO the minimum number of hash functions to use (default: 1)
K_HI the maximum number of hash functions to use (default: 16)
MULTI_WORD_CNT_LO the minimum number of words per block (default: 1)
MULTI_WORD_CNT_HI the maximum number of words per block (default: 8)
MULTI_SECTOR_CNT_LO the minimum number of sectors per block (default: 1)
MULTI_SECTOR_CNT_HI the maximum number of sectors per block (default: 32)
Z_LO the minimum number of zones per block (default: 1)
Z_HI the maximum number of zones per block (default: 8)

Cuckoo filter

Option Description
CUCKOO_TAG_SIZE_BITS_LO the minimum signature size [bits] (default: 4)
CUCKOO_TAG_SIZE_BITS_HI the maximum signature size [bits] (default: 32)
CUCKOO_ASSOCIATIVITY_LO the minimum number of slots per bucket (default: 1)
CUCKOO_ASSOCIATIVITY_HI the maximum number of slots per bucket (default: 4)


Option Description
THREAD_CNT_LO the minimum number of threads to use (default: 1)
THREAD_CNT_HI the maximum number of threads to use (default: hardware concurrency)
THREAD_STEP the number of additional threads per run (default: 1)
THREAD_STEP_MODE defines how the number of threads increases. 1 = linear, 2 = exponential (default)

Other Options

Option Description
BENCH_PRECISION 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
BENCH_PERFORMANCE 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
VALIDATION 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled
FAST uses the FPR formulas rather than measurements
FILTERS specifies the filter under test (see list above)
SEL the filter selectivity (default: 0.0 = only negative queries)
RUNS the number of repetitions
SIMD_UNROLL_FACTOR manually set the SIMD unroll factor, 0 = scalar, 1 = SIMD, x>1 = SIMD unrolled by x
SIMD_CALIBRATION automatically determine the unroll factor; 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled (default)