- Numero Uno => Transcribe the API server from vanilla JS to TS
- Push code onto non-local machine...
- This means setting up the server, securing the server, and a whole host of shit
- DB expansion
- per guildId
- player names => id's
- Players per server? Not sure if add any value, but maybe
- More responses
- Game specific?
- game type specific (br, TDM, RPG?)
- Responses
- They’re on me, they’re on me, omg they killed me, I’m getting thirsted. I told you they were on me
- Where the fuck are you guys. Fucking push. Great I’m dead, they’re looting my body.
- silence ... Guys I’m dead where were you??!!!!
- I was shooting from the back with my two snipers
- You cry and say why you all didn’t push when I ping , i don’t need to talk I’m mute.
- He’s one shot , 3 shots laters
- The salt bible