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A library of functions to simulate and test for both structured and unstructured variance inflation due to genetics or other heritable factors.

For users

Installation and an example dataset

The pre-release version of the package can be pulled from GitHub using the BiocManager package:

    # install.packages("remotes")
    # install.packages("BiocManager")
    BiocManager::install("VanAndelInstitute/bifurcatoR", dependencies=c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests"))

An example dataset (with, if you've installed the packages listed in Suggests, an interactive iSEE browser):

    help(dxsmall) # try firing up iSEE per the example!

More information can be found in the package wiki and in the (evolving) package documentation (which needs more working examples like dxsmall):

help(package="bifurcatoR") # it's a work in progress, outside of ?dxsmall

For developers

The repository includes a Makefile for common tasks. The Makefile will need to be deleted for R CMD check --as-cran . to succeed.

Updating documentation

$ make doc. Requires the roxygen2 package.

Running tests

$ make test. Requires the testthat package. You can also specify a specific test file or files to run by adding a "file=" argument, like $ make test file=logging. test_package will do a regular-expression pattern match within the file names. See its documentation in the testthat package.


You can go to Travis and turn on continuous integration for your new package. You may need to click the "Sync account" button to get your new package to show up in the list.