Size adjustment for num buckets and num columns
Render vertex density
Horizontal overlap param
Column update divider
Fallback to webgl1
Export/Import profile
Save profiles using custom names
Reset to default profile
DblClk exit fullscreen
Enable menu in fullscreen?
Import audio from youtube/soundcloud/spotify
Publish to web
- Include links to my github / email / advertize LED versions
Different modes
- Flow from top/bottom/left/right (symmetric and non-symmetric), maybe 3D
- Columns originate from circle, either going in or out. Include some 3D depth
Zoom via scroll
Server to save profiles with voting
bug on seed for large N they arent spread out
reset/reseed button or mechanism
maybe add particles via clicking
Save config to localState on every change
Scroll to zoom
Overall scale for to keep param proportions
physics to push around wiht mouse
webrtc to share
connect / expand with local microverses
pause / frame rate control (+ super sampling)
add randomness / entropy
save configs into URL / tokens
gradient palette
- maybe scale it dynamically
can have different rules for each particle and evolve them over time to maximize / minimize some prefered density, or individual particles could live and die based on some criteria
is it possible to train the system to reach some desired behavior??
- can particles making it through a maze?