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GitHub Workflow for Open Source Projects

(c) 2017 Stefan Hundhammer

License: GNU Free Documentation License

This is the workflow used for Open Source projects like QDirStat and YaST.

Some of this is mandated by the tools used (git, GitHub), some of it is just best practices.


Even though GitHub hosts the original source code repositories for those projects, you don't work directly in them. Rather, you create your own forked repository (your fork), work in that one, and when you finished something you want to contribute to the original repository (called upstream), you create a pull request.

That pull request is reviewed by the owner of the original project or by or senior team members. They might ask you for changes if anything in your pull request does not meet the project's quality criteria or violates the coding style. In that case, you add more commits to the pull request, and it is reviewed again etc. until everybody is satisfied and it is either merged (which is the normal case) or it is finally rejected (which is a very rare thing).

When your changes are merged, you pull or rebase your fork against upstream again so it is up to date, and then you can freely work on new things.

One holy rule is that upstream master always has to work, even between official releases. This is much easier to achieve when everybody works in their own fork, preferably in their own branch of their own fork.

Initial Setup

  • If you don't have one yet, create a user account at GitHub.

  • Make sure to upload your ssh key to your GitHub account. More info...

  • Log in at GitHub.

  • Fork the original (upstream) repository to your GitHub account. You now have your own repo with that name.

    But it does not automatically sync itself with the upstream repo as others commit changes there after you forked; you have to do that manually (see below).

  • In a shell on your working machine (preferably Linux), clone your forked repo to that machine:

    cd ~/src
    git clone -o mine [email protected]:kilroy/qdirstat.git

    Where kilroy is your GitHub user name which is part of the URL of that fork. Make sure to use the "git@github" URL, not the "https://" URL: The https URL is only useful for pulling (i.e. for read-only access), not for pushing (i.e. for read-write access). Since you also want to commit changes to that repo, you need read-write access.

    mine is the name of that remote. The default would be origin, but that might lead to confusion because we'll add upstream in a moment, so there will be two remotes. If you have the same distinct name for all your forks, your life will be considerably easier. You might also call it the same as your user name (kilroy) here. Just make sure you use the same one for all your repos.

    You now have an entry like this in your .git/config file in that newly cloned repo:

    [remote "mine"]
            url = [email protected]:kilroy/qdirstat.git
            fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/kilroy/*
  • Add the original repo (upstream) as another remote so you can pull / fetch from there to keep your fork up to date:

    git remote add upstream [email protected]:shundhammer/qdirstat.git

    You now have two remote entries in your .git/config:

    [remote "mine"]
            url = [email protected]:kilroy/qdirstat.git
            fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/kilroy/*
    [remote "upstream"]
            url = [email protected]:shundhammer/qdirstat.git
            fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/huha/*

    You can also check this with this command:

    git remote -v
    mine      [email protected]:kilroy/qdirstat.git (fetch)
    mine      [email protected]:kilroy/qdirstat.git (push)
    upstream  [email protected]:shundhammer/qdirstat.git (fetch)
    upstream  [email protected]:shundhammer/qdirstat.git (push)

    Notice there is no origin as would be the default if we hadn't used -o mine during git clone. If you forgot that, you can always rename a remote later (this affects only your working copy, not the repo on the GitHub server):

    git remote rename origin mine
  • Make sure your user name and e-mail address are up to date and valid in your $HOME/.gitconfig:

        name = Kilroy Taylor
        email = [email protected]

    You can also use separate user names and e-mail addresses for different projects; simply edit .git/config in that project and add a [user] section there.

    That name and that e-mail address will be recorded for each commit you make, so this is where your karma points go and how you will be known to the community. So choose that name wisely. Real names are preferred, albeit not enforced.

Common Tasks

Working in Your Fork

Your fork is yours. You can do there whatever you like. But if you want to contribute to the upstream project, you should follow some simple rules:

  • Keep your fork in sync with upstream as good as possible (see next section about rebasing).

  • Work in a feature branch for everything you do. This makes your life much easier when a pull request takes some time to get accepted: You can quickly switch between the pull request and add some more changes there to satisfy the reviewers and the next feature you might already be working on.

  • Prefix your branches with your user name so you can easily tell them apart form any upstream branches.


You plan to work on a transmogrify feature. So you start from master, create a branch for that and check it out:

git checkout master
git branch kilroy-transmogrify
git checkout kilroy-transmogrify

Now work in that branch and commit your changes there. Don't forget to push it to your GitHub fork every once in a while:

git push mine kilroy-transmogrify

At some point, prepare a pull request to get your changes upstream. But before you do that, you should rebase your branch so it is in sync with upstream (except for your changes, of course).

Rebasing (Updating Your Fork)

As mentioned before, when you fork a repo at GitHub, this will not automatically update itself. As new commits are added to the upstream repo, your fork will increasingly get out of date, so you have to update it on a regular basis.

There are two methods: pull and fetch / rebase. As long as you don't do any changes in your fork, there is no noticable difference; but when you work in your fork, i.e. when you commit changes there, fetch / rebase is highly recommended to keep the "railway yard" of parallel branches with merge and fork points in the gitk display to a minimum.

First, get the data from the remote server (GitHub):

git fetch --all

Make sure to use --all, not -a which is something different (yes, this is a common, stupid, unnecessary pitfall of that git command).

If that command remains silent, there was no change, so everything was still up to date. If it reports something like

remote: Counting objects: 21, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (21/21), done.

it did fetch some changes. Notice that the changes are only in the .git/ subdirectory so far; they are not applied to your source tree yet.

Now make sure you don't have any pending changes anymore. Check with

git status

If it reports any pending changes, you can choose to commit them or to stash them, i.e. put them into temporary storage:

git stash

you can later retrieve them with

git stash pop

Now rebase. Typically, you want to do that based on the master branch of upstream:

git rebase upstream/master

This basically checks where you branched off your working copy, then temporarily takes away your commits from that point on, then applies the commits from upstream that have accumulated in the meantime. As a last step, it tries to apply your commits on top of all that.

Since git commits are basically little more than patches (diffs) on top of patches, this may or may not work flawlessly. If you are lucky, your commits still apply cleanly, and you are set: You successfully rebased your repo.

If any of your commits does not apply cleanly, you will have to resolve merge conflicts and afterwards call

git rebase --continue

to get to the next commit.

When all is done, you can push the result to your fork. Since the rebase caused the parent SHAs of your commits to change, you will need to force-push; this is normal and expected.

git push -f mine master


git push -f mine branch-name

if you were working in a branch.

Preparing a Pull Request for Upstream

When you have some changes you would like to get upstream (to contribute to the upstream project), you create a Pull Request.

To do that, make sure those changes are in a separate branch. If you worked on a separate feature branch like recommended earlier in this document, you can simply use that one as the branch for the pull request.

But remember to stop working on new features in that branch. As soon as you use a branch for a pull request, you only commit changes there that were requested by the reviewers.

Before creating a pull request, rebase your branch against upstream/master once more and make sure to push your changes (even the latest ones) to your fork:

git fetch --all
git rebase upstream/master
git push mine kilroy-transmogrify

After that, go to your fork in the GitHub web UI, select your branch and click "New Pull Request". Fill the form with a meaningful description of your changes and send it off. Now you will have to wait for feedback from the upstream project owner.

In the meantime, you will probably want to continue working on more things. Remember to leave the pull request branch alone during that time; create a new one for your next changes. It is perfectly okay to base that new branch on the last one that has now become a pull request:

git branch kilroy-hyperforble
git checkout kilroy-hyperforble
...(work in that branch...)

When you get feedback about your pull request from your reviewers, you might have to add some more changes to the pull request branch. So switch to that branch (stash or commit any pending changes to your new working branch during that time):

git checkout kilroy-transmogrify
...(add requested fixes)...
git commit -am "Added code review changes"
git push mine kilroy-transmogrify

Remember that despite the fact that your branch has become a pull request, it is still hosted in your fork (mine) rather than upstream, so you still have to push to your fork, not to upstream (which you probably can't anyway because of insufficient permissions).

After that, switch back to your working branch and continue working there:

git checkout kilroy-hyperforble
git stash pop      # if you stashed any changes

Updating Your Fork After Your PR is Merged

Remember that after your pull request has been merged, upstream/master has changed, so make sure to fetch and rebase:

git fetch --all
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master

There should be no conflicts (provided you are only working in branches - which you should).

Don't forget to push the new master to your fork, too:

git push mine master

No -f or --force needed here either if you only work in branches.

Further Reading