No new issues.
- Misc commits
- BEN-434: Add second trucate filename test.
- BEN-434: Add filename truncate test.
- BEN-434: Use filename with extesion instead of title.
- LUN-3798
- Implement review findings
- Add unit-tests and bump version
- No 500 error at uploading long filename
No other commits.
- LUN-3517
- Put error messages in a dictionary
- removed commented code
- update unit-tests for clipboardadmin after changes
- do not show popup when same file uploaded
- fix detection of duplicate files
No other commits.
- LUN-3465
- Allow positional parameters.
- LUN-3545
- Add exlude name hashing rules for rootfolders.
No other commits.
- LUN-3289
- Rework permission checking to work with multiple managers.
No other commits.
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Handle unicode in filemodels.
- LUN-3217
- Add option to filter files by type.
- LUN-3221
- Set specific exceptions for sha1 generation.
- Review fixes.
- Add content hash to filenames so CDN urls are automatically invalidated.
No other commits.
- LUN-3211
- add filer popup callback support for iframes
No other commits.
- LUN-2784
- Be graceful about base_fields lookup.
- Remove FolderAdmin related field actions
No other commits.
- LUN-2622
- LUN-2960: Apply styling from LUN-2622 to trash change list view.
- LUN-2960
- Apply styling from LUN-2622 to trash change list view.
No other commits.
- LUN-2961
- js-hint.
- Fix property name.
No other commits.
- LUN-2853
- PEP8
- Remove deprecated request.REQUEST.
- Redirect files/folder '_save' changes to parent directory.
- Always redirect popup POST change requests to parent view.
- LUN-2940
- Add unique constraint for user-clipboard.
- Whitespace.
- Misc commits
- Fix test.
- LUN-2622
- Fix indenting.
- Fix search pop-up header margins.
- Fix filer search pop-up for minimum resolution.
No other commits.
- LUN-2689
- Handle case when request body is missing.
- Misc commits
- master_pbs Pin django-mptt to last working version.
- LUN-2744
- Review: Refactored code that should be dead. Kept because not sure of intention.
- Review: identation & remove global variables.
- Review: Handle invalid urls.
- Add marker css class to show if a image is selected or not.
- Use full image size when widget is customized.
- Fix bug with file link not changing.
- Reworked customizable file widget to have a separate template.
- Refactored templates to separate custom image widget preview.
- custom preview- buttons updated
- Use widget customization for default case.
- Add option in file widget to enlarge preview and customize labels.
- Misc commits
- fixed misspelling from js file
- LUN-2647
- history button made yellow
No other commits.
- LUN-2643
- Prevent access to image/file changelist views.
- Remove useless stuff.
- Revert fix as view will not be accessible.
- . Remove the option to add files/images from their changelist/change admin view.
- Move styling fix so it will be used in both image and file changelists.
- Remove the "Add image" link from the admin/filer/image changelist view.
- Handle case when view is reached without an object.
- Misc commits
- Update Replace deprecated method.
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Add migration 0002.
- Fixed related lookup popup icons
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Django 1.8: fixed popup opening for add folder
- Django 1.8: updated extra context for custom admin view
- Django 1.8 upgrade: removed some django1.9 deprecation warnings
- Django 1.8 upgrade: updated test settings & fixed file/folder model related fields
- LUN-2620
- resize file/folder plugin popup
No other commits.
- LUN-2569
- 6.Revisit the layout of the filer upload pop-up window
- LUN-2580
- fixes on sidebar
- LUN-2596
- left align fieldsets
- LUN-2603
- save button should appear when creating new folders on Filer
No other commits.
- LUN-2309
- collapsible fieldset style fix
- changed restricted link color changed
- add error messages wrapper only if they exist
- remove submit buttons padding around wrapper
- submit buttons updates
- updated and .gitignore
- removed .sass-cache files
- filer updates for small resolutions and bug fixes
- updates after django upgrade
- remove deprecated function get_ordered_objects()
- Filer updates on forms
- Filer forms updates
- re-structure of change forms
- default boostrap updates
- Ace resources added to plugin
- updates on edit, delete pages
- Filer refactoring
- Misc commits
- Add .iml files to gitignore.
- Restore check for permission before rendering save buttons.
- copy-folder form updates
- LUN-1434
- -celery-task Added tests for trash management command.
- -celery-task Added celery task for take_out_filer_trash command.
- LUN-2124
- Small optimization since this error in improbable.
- Added tests for restriction changes.
- Updated tests to expect warning messages instead of permission denied.
- Added warning messages for some possible incorrect usage cases.
- LUN-2156
- Fixed widgets name clash.
- Refactor imports
- Adding new line
- Do not show Clear checkbox on Filer asset details form
- Misc commits
- added filer status command to check all files on storage
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Django 1.7 upgrade: Folder widget should be visible.
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- tox: Don't allow django 1.8 prereleases
- Django 1.7 upgrade: fixed dummy model for admin index page
- django 1.7 upgrade: fixed trash feature & deprecation warnings
- Django 1.7 upgrade; regenerated migrations
- Django 1.6 upgrade; fixed sites allowed on move action
- Django 1.6 upgrade changes
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- django-mptt 0.7.1 was released recently, it doesn't work out of the box
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Fix success message
- LUN-1426
- fixed tests for folder destination filtering
- added destination cacndidates tree view for move action
- LUN-1587
- displayed error mesages for zip extract process
- files with image extension but without valid image data will be ignored upon extraction.
- Misc commits
- deleted pytest leftovers
- added destination field to copy action template
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- convert both str & unicode to unicode
- LUN-1934
- fixed circular import reproducible when DEBUG is False * this happend while running management command from other apps that depend on filer.
No other commits.
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Switch the import order to avoid a circular dependcy in case filer.models is imported before filer.fields.image
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Avoid upgrade to easy-thumbnails 2.x.x versions since would break the tests
- LUN-1762
- append popup params to files thumbnails
No other commits.
No new issues.
- Misc commits
- Set correct destination for test results in tox.ini
Changelog history starts here.