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Programmer Reference Guide

Introducting Eris

<Insert interesting justification for the existence of Eris here>

BASIC Language Vocabulary


BASIC, which is an acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, was first created in 1964 as a simple language for students to learn to use computers. By the late 70s it became the de-facto standard for most home computers. As system memory and capailities expanded, BASIC evolved from a simple functional language to a more complex structured language offering commands for graphics and sound. Many platforms based their varient of BASIC around Microsoft BASIC, one of the earliest dialects of BASIC. Since the purpose of Eris is to represent a modern retro computer, it is also based around a BASIC interpreter.

Eris BASIC is an amalgomation of the best dialects of BASIC at the time. It adopts the string handling of Microsoft BASIC with the structured programming of BBC BASIC. It takes colour commands from the ZX Spectrum.

BASIC Operators

Operator Description Example
! Indirection operator !a=42
print !a
% Binary constant %101010
& Hexadecimal constant &2A
' Same as REM 'My program
* Multiplication X*Y
+ Addition
String concatination
- Subtraction Y-X
. Set address label .myLabel
/ Division X/Y
< = > Relational operators X>42
@ Returns i-expr PRINT @fred
? Same as PRINT ? "Hello"
AND Binary AND operator count AND &7
NOT Unary logical NOT operator IF NOT A THEN ?"A is not zero"
OR Binary OR operator X = X OR &0F
TRUE Constant -1 A = TRUE
XOR Binary XOR operator X = X XOR &0E
MOD Binary modulus operator X = X MOD 4
FALSE Constant 0 A = FALSE

BASIC Keywords

Command Short Description Function Type
abs() Numeric
alloc() Address
asc() String
chr$() String
cls Clear screen
cursor Move text cursor
delete Delete a file
dim Dimension a variable
dir Display directory of files
draw Draw a sprite

Description of BASIC Keywords

Programming Graphics on the Eris

Graphics Overview

Programmable Characters

Bitmapped Graphics


Programming Sound and Music on the Eris