The focus is on traditional VMs (IaaS) because it provides the utmost flexibility
Language Support : Any
Usage Model : IaaS
Scaling : Server Autoscaling
Primary use case : General workloads - Especially enterprise infrastructure designed to run on servers. This makes those workloads portable and easy to run in the cloud
Physical servers running in GCP with a variety of configurations.
Important topics covered along with Compute Engine include
- Machine rightsizing
- Recommendation engine for optimum machine size
- Stackdriver statistics
- New recommendation 24hrs after VM create or resize
- Global Load balancing
- Multiple regions for availability
- Availability policies
- Live migrate
- Auto restart
- Instance metadata and startup scripts
- Pricing
- Per second billing
- Sustained use discounts
- Committed use discounts
- Preemptible VMs
Compute Engine provides a variety of machine types; You may also create custom machine types that are tailored to fit you specific use case
Predefined or custom machine types allow you to choose
- vCPUs (cores) and Memory (RAM)
- Persistent disks: HDD, SSD, and Local SSD
- Configure Networking interface
- Linux or Windows machines
Your choice of CPU will affect your network throughput.
- Network throughput scales 2Gbps per vCPU core; Except for instances with 2 and 4 vCPUs which receive up to 10Gbps bandwidth.
- Theoretical max of 32 Gbps with 16vCPUs or 100Gbps with T4 or V100 GPUs
- 1 vCPU = 1 Hardware hyper-thread
All Disk types provide the same size options when choosing a persistent disk. So what makes them different?
Performance vs Cost
Standard (HDD) persistent disk
- Sized up to 64TB/instance. - Performance of disk scales with each GB of space allocated
SSD persistent disk
- Provide Higher iops/dollar spent - Sized up to 64TB/instance - Performance of disk scales with each GB of space allocated
Local SSD (temporary)
- Provide even higher throughput and lower latecny because they are attached to the physical hardware. - Persist data until you stop/delete the instance. Typically these disks are used as a swap disk - You can create instances with up to 8 separate 375GB local SSD partitions for a total of 3TB local SSD space for each instance
- Default, AM, Custom networks
- Inbound/Outbound firewall rules - IP based - Instance/group tags
- Regional HTTPS load balancing
- Network load balancing - Does not require pre-warming because a load balancer is not a hardware device that needs to analyze your traffic but rather a set of traffic engineering rules that are coming into the Google network and VPC is applying rules destined for your IP address subnet range
- Global and multi regional subnetworks