After selecting your OS, you need to select some type of Disk where it will be installed.
Each VM comes with a single root peristent disk because you are choosing
A base image is loaded onto root disk during first boot
- Bootable: you can attach to a VM
- Durable: can survive VM terminate
Persistent disks are
Attached to the VM through the Network Interface. This is network storage appearing as a block device
Durable: Can survive VM terminate
Bootable: You can attach to a VM
Snapshots: incremental backups
Performance: Scales with size
HDD (cheaper; magnetic;) or SSD (faster; solid-state)
Dynamically resize
Can be attached in read-only mode to multiple VMs (allows you to share static data between instances, which is cheaper than replicating data to unique disks)
Zonal PD or Regional (synchronously replicated; active-active disk replication across 2 zones; high-availability;) - pd-standard (backed by HDD) - pd-balanced (backed by SSD; Balance performance and cost) - pd-ssd (backed by SSD)
All data at rest is encrypted
- Physically attached to the VM
- Ephemeral
- High iops and low latency
- Attach up to 8 Local SSD with 375GB max per disk for a total of 3TB
- Data doesnt survive an instance stop / terminate, but can survive instance reset.
- Cannot be reattached to a different VM
- Highest performance
- Use tmpfs for in memory data storage of small data structures. It's recommended to use high memory VM if you need to take advantage of such features Along with a PD to backup the RAM data
- Volatile/ Ephemeral: erase on stop/restart
- Low latency and Low risk of data loss
- Faster than Local disk; Slower than memory
- Use when your application expects a file system structure and cannot directly store its data in memory
- Fast cache / scratch disk
Shared core: Max 16 disk
Standard, High mem, High CPU, Memory optimized, Compute optimized - 128 disk
Note : All your disk share the same network throughput as the rest of your egress / ingress traffic. If you attach a lot of disks because of higher iops keep this in mind