From 0daa736cbf3bf084588b259ae590724f37e2a6cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Patrick Veilleux <>
Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2021 01:09:40 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Improve Astroneer implementation

 functions/ini/Invoke-WindowsApi.psm1 |  2 +-
 templates/astroneer.psm1             | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/functions/ini/Invoke-WindowsApi.psm1 b/functions/ini/Invoke-WindowsApi.psm1
index 2ed0573..bc850da 100644
--- a/functions/ini/Invoke-WindowsApi.psm1
+++ b/functions/ini/Invoke-WindowsApi.psm1
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ function Invoke-WindowsApi {
     ## Define the actual P/Invoke method, adding the [Out]
-    ## attribute for any parameters that were originally [Ref] 
+    ## attribute for any parameters that were originally [Ref]
     ## parameters.
     $method = $type.DefineMethod($methodName, 'Public,HideBySig,Static,PinvokeImpl', $returnType, $parameterTypes)
     foreach($refParameter in $refParameters){
diff --git a/templates/astroneer.psm1 b/templates/astroneer.psm1
index a419224..59e735f 100644
--- a/templates/astroneer.psm1
+++ b/templates/astroneer.psm1
@@ -19,14 +19,41 @@ $ServerDetails = @{
     #Login username used by SteamCMD
     Login = "anonymous"
+    #Server Name
+    SessionName = "My Astroneer Server"
+    #Server Owner Username
+    OwnerName = "user"
+    #Server Password
+    Password = "CHANGEME"
+    #Game Port
+    Port = 7777
+    #Auto Save Interval in Seconds
+    AutoSaveGameInterval = 300
+    #Save Backups Interval in Seconds
+    BackupSaveGamesInterval = 7200
+    #Server Max Framerate
+    MaxServerFramerate = 120
+    #Server Max Framerate when empty
+    MaxServerIdleFramerate = 3
+    #Inactive Player Timeout
+    PlayerActivityTimeout = 0
     #Rcon IP (not supported by astroneer yet.)
     ManagementIP = ""
     #Rcon Port
-    ManagementPort = ""
+    ManagementPort = 7778
     #Rcon Password
-    ManagementPassword = ""
+    ManagementPassword = "CHANGEMETOO"
 # Server Installation Details
@@ -126,6 +153,7 @@ $Backups = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $BackupsDetails
 $WarningsDetails = @{
+    #I can't get that to work correctly...
     #Use Rcon to restart server softly.
     Use = $false
@@ -133,25 +161,25 @@ $WarningsDetails = @{
     Protocol = "Rcon"
     #Times at which the servers will warn the players that it is about to restart. (in seconds between each timers)
-    Timers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(240,50,10) #Total wait time is 240+50+10 = 300 seconds or 5 minutes
+    Timers = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@(15) #Total wait time is 240+50+10 = 300 seconds or 5 minutes
     #message that will be sent. % is a wildcard for the timer.
-    MessageMin = "The server will restart in % minutes !"
+    MessageMin = " "
     #message that will be sent. % is a wildcard for the timer.
-    MessageSec = "The server will restart in % seconds !"
+    MessageSec = " "
     #command to send a message.
-    CmdMessage = "say"
+    CmdMessage = "DSListPlayers"
     #command to save the server
-    CmdSave = "saveworld"
+    CmdSave = "DSSaveGame"
     #How long to wait in seconds after the save command is sent.
     SaveDelay = 15
     #command to stop the server
-    CmdStop = "shutdown"
+    CmdStop = "DSServerShutdown"
 #Create the object
 $Warnings = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property $WarningsDetails
@@ -172,17 +200,21 @@ Add-Member -InputObject $Server -Name "WorkingDirectory" -Type NoteProperty -Val
 function Start-ServerPrep {
-    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "[/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings]" -key "PublicIP" -value $Global.ExternalIP
-    Write-ScriptMsg "`nPort Forward : 8777 in TCP and UDP to $($Global.InternalIP)"
-    Write-ScriptMsg "`nAdd the following lines to engine.ini `n`n[URL]`nPort=8777"
-    Write-ScriptMsg "`nIn AstroServerSettings.ini change the following lines`n`
-    `nPublicIP=$($Global.ExternalIP)`
-    `nServerName=Your server Name`
-    `nOwnerName=Your Steam Username`
-    `nOwnerGuid=Your SteamID 64`
-    `nServerPassword=CHANGEME`
-    `nConsolePassword=CHANGEMETOO`n"
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\Engine.ini" -category "URL" -key "Port" -value $Server.Port
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "PublicIP" -value $Global.ExternalIP
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "ServerName" -value $Server.SessionName
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "OwnerName" -value $Server.OwnerName
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "ServerPassword" -value $Server.Password
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "AutoSaveGameInterval" -value $Server.AutoSaveGameInterval
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "BackupSaveGamesInterval" -value $Server.BackupSaveGamesInterval
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "MaxServerFramerate" -value $Server.MaxServerFramerate
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "MaxServerIdleFramerate" -value $Server.MaxServerIdleFramerate
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "PlayerActivityTimeout" -value $Server.PlayerActivityTimeout
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "ConsolePort" -value $Server.ManagementPort
+    Set-IniValue -file "$($Server.ConfigFolder)\AstroServerSettings.ini" -category "/Script/Astro.AstroServerSettings" -key "ConsolePassword" -value $Server.ManagementPassword
+    Write-ScriptMsg "Port Forward : $($Server.Port) in TCP and UDP to $($Global.InternalIP)"
 Export-ModuleMember -Function Start-ServerPrep -Variable @("Server","Backups","Warnings")