-*- mode: org; -*- AFP lecture 12: Curry-Howard
An introduction to Agda, comparing it to Haskell.
Deeper understanding of Haskell
Agda is both
a functional programming language with dependent types
a proof assistant for developing constructive proofs
based on the idea of the
Curry-Howard correspondence
as embodied in
Per Martin-Löf’s Type Theory.
emacs –geometry 140x47+171+0 –fullheight Prelude.agda \ AgdaTutorial/Basics.agda \ AgdaTutorial/Datatypes.agda \ AgdaTutorial/CurryHoward.agda \ AgdaTutorial/Families.agda \ AgdaTutorial/Filter.agda \ AgdaTutorial/Modules.agda \ AgdaTutorial/Records.agda
ghc -c -fext-core Basics.hs # show that Haskell also passes types around (in the ghc core language)
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