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-*- Org -*-

This lecture (& week): programming with strong invariants

Generalized Algebraic DataTypes (GADTs)

type inference

(dependent types, families of types)

Learning outcomes

Types: read, understand and extend Haskell programs which use advanced type system features

Types.GADT: (generalised) algebraic datatypes & type families

Expr: An embedded DSL with two types


Define the type |Value| and |eval :: Expr -> Value|

Middle: The same embedded DSL with types checked

file:src/Middle.hs (file:before/src/Middle.hs)

Discuss design choices and how to build “well-typed” values.

Write a few cases of the type inference (type labelling) function.


A brief reminder of hpc (Haskell program coverage)


Typed: The same embedded DSL with GADTs


Define a GADT for typed |Expr| and a new |eval|.

Type inference.

Notation and scope:

The type variable(s) in the |data Expr a where| header of a GADT have no scope. Think of it as |data Expr
* -> * where|.
  • Each contructor has its own set of independent type variables.
  • This is in contrast to “normal” data declaration where the type variables in the header scope over the full definition.

Overloading and dictionary passing

This may seem off-topic, but the discussion in the lecture came from the use of the existential type

Eq a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool

and the corresponding case of eval using (==) between values of unknown type.

To explain what is happening let’s start with a normal overloaded function like

elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

You can think of this as a function of one more argument:

elemBy :: EqD a -> a -> [a] -> Bool

The extra argument is a dictionary where you can think of

type EqD a = (a -> a -> Bool)

This extra argument is inserted automatically by the compiler based on the local type information.

Coming back to the existential type, the constructor (:==) is actually storing not only the two subtrees of type Expr a but also the dictionary of type EqD a.


Expr - “untyped” embedded language + tagged evaluator Middle - using two datatypes (ExprB and ExprI) + two untagged evaluators Typed - using a GADT + one untagged evaluator

Also introducing

  • implementing type infererence
  • dictionary translation (sketch)
  • families of datatypes