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Releases: pasqal-io/Pulser

Pulser v0.1.2

02 Apr 08:05
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Bug fixes:

  • Increasing robustness of Register initialization
  • Allowing Blackman waveforms with negative area
  • Allowing simulation of a single atom system
  • Drawing a register's connectivity when given a blockade radius, by default


  • Method for Blackman waveform creation from a maximum allowed value
  • Method to get a simulation results' final state

Pulser v0.1.1

26 Feb 13:39
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  • Fixed incompatibility issue with latest version of QuTiP


  • Added option to draw half the blockade radius around the atoms in Register and the corresponding connectivity graph
  • Added method to Device to get the Rabi frequency corresponding to a blockade radius

First stable release

10 Feb 16:24
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The first relevant release of Pulser, it introduces all the core elements of Pulser. These are:

  • The Waveform classes in pulser.waveforms
  • The Pulse class, made up of Waveforms for the detuning and amplitude
  • The Device classes, in pulser.devices which contain device-specific information that conditions the creation of a sequence
  • The Channel class, which describes each hardware channel in a Device
  • The Register class, which stores the configuration of the atoms in the array
  • The Sequence class, the core object in Pulser, which uses all the classes above to create a sequence of pulses, allocated to different channels of a specific device.
  • The Simulation and SimulationResults classes, for emulating the output of a Sequence using QuTiP libraries.


A huge thank you to all the contributors to this release:

  • Constantin Dalyac
  • Seb Grijalva
  • Loïc Henriet
  • Peter Karalekas
  • Lucas Leclerc
  • Nathan Shammah
  • Henrique Silvério

PyPI nameholder

03 Dec 14:21
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PyPI nameholder Pre-release

This is a barebones release which serves only to register the pulser name in PyPI.