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$ npm install --save-dev browser-sync-angular-template
// gulpfile.js
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
var browserSyncAngularTemplate = require('browser-sync-angular-template');
templates: '/app/**/*.html',
indexJs: 'index.module.js',
moduleName: 'example'
Type: Object
Type: String
Pattern for templates files. They will be injected in runtime.
default: '**/*.html'
Type: String
Plugin injects the starting script in this file in runtime.
default: 'index.js'
Type: String
Module name. Used for get the access to required providers.
default: require(bower.json || package.json).name
- E2e tests.
- Test the proxy.
- Create a smart injector.
- Improve my english.
Apache-2.0 © Pavel Belugin