Notes are single markdown files linked to the today's journal entry. journal:note
(in the command palette using the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+P
) opens a dialog to enter the title of a new page for notes. The title is also the filename (stored typically as subfolder in the journal structure, e.g. folder ´25´ in folder ´10´ if today is 10/25). Local links are automatically added to the current day's journal entry.
(soon) You can also use the journal's smart input to create a note. Press Ctrl+Shift+J
and prefix your text with the flag note
. It will then create a new page using the remaining text in the input as title.
Notes are automatically linked in the according journal entry (of the same day, when the note has been created).
You can add free tags the beginning the
If you enter something like "#projectA Workshop Minutes" as title, the new document will be stored not within in the base directory configured for this scope.